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PvP Healing is Imbalanced


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Healing is very overpowered in PVP.

I have to strongly agree.


Can a good focus fire kill almost all classes even with healing ? Yes.

No way you can heal through a good focus.



Its like so stupid to see a guy that from 3% he goes 70%. And my eyes are O.O


This is certainly a healing skill + medpack, heal for 3-4k crit and medpack pour 5.5k.



And interupting locks one skill, so healer can cast another skill, its not a silence, that sucks so much.


How to lock a healer ? Mezz, stun,bump AND off-gcd kick.


How to lock a melee ? Mezz, stun, bump.



And FYI, a commando medic has only 3 healing skills, thus 2 have a CD. If you kick MP when Bacta & AMP are in CD, he can heal for at least 4sec.

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If it was a commando healer its really understandable. Specced correctly when he activates his shield he gets + 20% heals on himself and -20% damage plus pop a 15% adrenal and use a 33% healing pot he can survive most focus fire...well I can on my commando at least. But thats popping every single cd available to you. Otherwise focus fire will kill me most of the time. Sure most classes wont kill me in 1v1 and if iam guarded i can keep healing while a dps hits me but thats just teamwork.
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LOL you say this but you cant expect to drop a tank while the healer is still up so wheres the balance?


Oh, sure you can. Not honestly difficult to push past the healer's resources, and you should be reducing their effectiveness anyways - CC, interrupts, and so on.

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Oh, sure you can. Not honestly difficult to push past the healer's resources, and you should be reducing their effectiveness anyways - CC, interrupts, and so on.


If your lucky you might be able to kill a tank that has a healer healing him before you get kicked in the teeth. Lets face it tanks do decent damage and have increadable resiliance to incomming dmg.Especially with guard splitting the dmg they both take make any burst on either one cut in half. So tell me how thats "Not difficult"?


Oh yeah and your forgetting the massive ammount of CC and Mezz that the healer alone has. Cupled with the decent dps from both of them. Even 2v2 thats a tough match up.


If only there were arenas to prove these things to people.

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Sage/Sorc healers, and operative healers are much easier to kill then commando/merc healers. It's horribly imbalanced; not that commando healers themselves are imba; rather, having 1 healer type significantly more durable is imba.


Commandos are rediculously OP, but honestly I think if you nerf that stupid sheild they have they would come down to par at least a little bit.

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If your lucky you might be able to kill a tank that has a healer healing him before you get kicked in the teeth. Lets face it tanks do decent damage and have increadable resiliance to incomming dmg.Especially with guard splitting the dmg they both take make any burst on either one cut in half. So tell me how thats "Not difficult"?


Oh yeah and your forgetting the massive ammount of CC and Mezz that the healer alone has. Cupled with the decent dps from both of them. Even 2v2 thats a tough match up.


If only there were arenas to prove these things to people.


First off, Guard only takes the damage off the Guard target - it's designed to make it more efficient to attack the tank. Secondly, your team should be isolating them - Guard has a 15m range.


Secondly, BURST ISN'T GOD HERE. That's just not how the game is designed.


End of the day, you have to use team play to counter team play. Pure and simple. Get even the tiniest amount of cooperation past focus-fire (which doesn't really count) and it's not difficult. You just can't be worse than they are and still pull it off.

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I wished healing got nerfed just a little bit, but that's only because my teammates keep ignoring the sages and the commandos standing off to the sides freecasting while they beat on the warriors and die in two shots.


If people are smart enough, healers are a slight bump in the road and can be easily taken out of the equation as quickly as anyone else. If you are failing at killing a healer 1v1 you need to start looking at your arsenal of interrupts, knockbacks, stuns, mezzes, etc. and use the best combo that doesn't whitebar them. Also, don't get stunned. That helps too.

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I can only assume people that think healing is OP are on bad teams. I have PvP'd exclusively as a healer up to Battlemaster. Yes, I am awesome against average/mediocre teams.


Against decent Battlemaster DPS that know how to play, I will be absolutely rolled to focus fire, and we're talking 1-2 seconds, this is with over 600 expertise. Hell, even against a single sorc (I am a sage), I got rolled in about 15 seconds. I used my interrupts on them, my stun on them, my cc breaker, my warzone medpacks, my force armor, my HoT, my laughable casting time heals while I was completely overwhelmed by the Sorc's damage. Of course all the while he's burning the crap out of me, I'm barely able to scratch him because I am constantly on the defensive (which is still a rapidly losing battle).


It's basically to the point where I won't even bother PvP'ing anymore. Beating bads is not satisfying, and getting rolled by mouthbreather DPS (because Bioware operates under the horrible notion that healers need a 30% nerf to their class out of the box) is simply not fun. Having 2-3 healers attempt to spam heal an individual only to watch them still flop over in seconds because of overpowered DPS is just not fun.


What you have is a horrible balance. Healers CAN be OP against bads/low geared players, but are garbage against quality DPS. Decent DPS/focus fire is good 100% of the time, against bads and against quality healing. There is absolutely no point to playing a healer in competitive PvP.

Edited by pyradius
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Interrupt and roots are not on resolve. You do not have to have "extremely well placed CC" it just has to be used at an appropriate time. Healers are doing no damage or healing on others while they focus healing themselves, so sending one strong DPS at them pretty much puts them out of the fight if it doesn't kill them (unless they get peeled off). Many people don't consider CCing the healer with long "mez" type spells and focus firing others one at a time.


I'm not going to be so condescending as to say L2P, but I just simply disagree. Healers aren't really too strong, people just aren't using their tools properly and they're losing. The same thing happens when you come up against another player of your role and you make poor decisions - it leads to a loss. If your complaint is that healers work really well with people keeping them alive and helping them (especially a clever tank) well, that's how the game should work. The different roles are supposed to work well with each other and strengthen them. A team with 5 DPS, 2 healers and a tank will almost always have a leg up on a team with 8 DPS if they know what they're doing.


If you find yourself coming up against a more diverse team with all DPS all the time, maybe you should make some friends with healers/tanks and queue up with them. I bet you'll see more success.



To your CC the healer.......yeah that happens a lot....then a *********** dps goes in and breaks the cc or aoe sets it off and your cc is gone, the dps need to L2P and look out for cced people.

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I am Trooper, I am heal, I can survive a little time when 2 damage dealers hang on me. But see it like this, if one of my spells got kicked that it became a cooldown, i cant heal me anymore for seconds. Cause my instant heal has ±15 sec cd, my area heal (kolto bomb) 6sec, my initial heal ±6 sec, and my fourth heal intentionaly no cd -- you see kick this spell and that was it. When i pop my bubble switch target come back after 15 seconds kill me.


Ok then there come the point, is there a guard on me? If yes it becomes harder but possible. 2 Player should eleminate each healer in their cc´s. It isn´t possible to do it not.


btw, the highest 6k crit normaly comes from starting game nacked and jump after reclothing into the warzone - so also a tank can get a 5k heal and gat the bonus for "chirurg - 5k single heal" - nerf this bw !


you see, normaly there shouldn´t be a problem to kill a healer.


On the other hand, a grp with melee heal and 2 dd´s in voice will guard their healer well, cause a wz can stand or win with that one healer.

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Interrupt and roots are not on resolve. You do not have to have "extremely well placed CC" it just has to be used at an appropriate time. Healers are doing no damage or healing on others while they focus healing themselves, so sending one strong DPS at them pretty much puts them out of the fight if it doesn't kill them (unless they get peeled off). Many people don't consider CCing the healer with long "mez" type spells and focus firing others one at a time.


I'm not going to be so condescending as to say L2P, but I just simply disagree. Healers aren't really too strong, people just aren't using their tools properly and they're losing. The same thing happens when you come up against another player of your role and you make poor decisions - it leads to a loss. If your complaint is that healers work really well with people keeping them alive and helping them (especially a clever tank) well, that's how the game should work. The different roles are supposed to work well with each other and strengthen them. A team with 5 DPS, 2 healers and a tank will almost always have a leg up on a team with 8 DPS if they know what they're doing.


If you find yourself coming up against a more diverse team with all DPS all the time, maybe you should make some friends with healers/tanks and queue up with them. I bet you'll see more success.


Sorry... but this entire response of yours is total BS. This is the same kind of "defense argument" that Scoundrels/Ops used when we said we weren't OP. No one listened to us then, and we aren't going to listen to you now.


The fact of the matter is this - Surge/Crit: It applies to both heals and DPS. BW should have nerfed Surge from the very beginning. Nothing was wrong with any of the DPS AC's and nothing is wrong with Healing AC's. The problem is the Critical Mass of product based off of ridiculous measures of Surge.


I wrote about it. No one listened. Now in 1.1.3 - they're doing what they should have done from day 1 - Nerf Surge.


As far as I'm concerned, they need to reevalute every single nerf they've put on each class, and go back to pre-1.1.1 with Surge Nerf intact. This is going to solve a lot of problems that nerfing and buffing individual abilities in various AC's couldn't fix.


Healing IS Op, currently - because of Surge. "Extremely well placed CC" and "appropriate timing" mean the same thing. You can hardly tell when someone is using a Heal - half the time they're doing it while they move. Scoundrel/Ops heals happen instantly, and it's spammable - for example. Interrupts only last for roughly 4 seconds and are on at least three times as long CD, in which case every Healing Class has more than one ability to hold them for those 4 seconds.


1. Nerf Surge

2. Reverse all nerfs and buffs in 1.1.1 and 1.1.2

3. Reapply new buffs and nerfs to individual AC's as needed while taking Surge nerf into account.

4. Run a balance pass on PvE mobs to account for Burst/Sustained damage and Healing decrease.

5. PvP will take care of itself.

6. People will start to love this game like they did at launch and during Beta.

7. Profit.


After this... move on to more important issues like WZ exploits and fine tuning Crew Skills.

Edited by Raice
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Wow, I'm sick of all the L2P posts I see on these boards. This isn't a L2P issue. Healing really is overpowered right now because of game mechanics. Let's compare to other group based PvP MMOs for a second like DAOC. As a DPS class you don't need to use a special ability like jolt to interrupt them. If you are hitting them they can't cast. This is most of what makes all casters slightly overpowered in SWTOR PvP. The cool downs on the interrupt abilities for some classes is to high. If you interrupt the little heal to bad here comes the big one. If you get the big one they use the little ones or pop a shield to absorb damage till the heal is available again. Personally, it takes me as an assassin literally minutes of beating on healers to kill them. Matter of fact just tonight (jolt is part of my rotation so the healer got hit with it everytime it was up) I beat on a healer till my 75k medal popped up. Now, I doubt all the damage was to that one healer but the majority of it was. Bottom line IMHO is not to nerf healing classes but to look at interrupt mechanics. It should be easier to interrupt classes. A lightsaber jabbing you should do something to your concentration. Either that or interrupt abilities like Jolt need thier cool downs reduced drastically. Doing this would fix the sorc problem and the general healer complaints while still forcing people to use skill to succeed. It shouldn't take more than one person focusing a healer to take them out if the right abilities are being used.
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Commandos are rediculously OP, but honestly I think if you nerf that stupid sheild they have they would come down to par at least a little bit.


If you cant lock down one healer I think this might be an issue of that healer simply being a better pvper than you, yes they do exist. Majority of ppl complaining about nerfs in pvp is simply because the other player was a much better player and when they couldnt kill him in 1 vs 1 or even 1 vs 2 they jump straight to the fact that their class is way way more powerful then their own, despite them not doing the wrong thing, but during that time that you were attacking him did you notice him giving out heals to someone else? If not then you are supporting your team more then you know.


I myself play a BH healer and on my server there are not a lot of lvl 50, each time I play against republic I get tackled by the same vanguard who sticks on me through the whole match interrupting me and causing me to heal myself rather than my teammates and guess what it works.

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Healing is outrageous right now in PvP. Now I know I'm going to get a lot of L2P comments here and a lot of people saying dont nerf my class. This isnt what my goal is.


For example:


I play a Marauder and I am in full champion gear(not yet lvl60 valor) and in a recent wz me an another person sat on this Commando healer. Using my 20% healing debuff and interupting every 8 seconds causing a 4 second lockout of the spell and hitting consistantly for 2-4k "ROUGHLY" every second or two, the Commando was able to stay around full hp for a good 15-20 seconds before we got killed by other players.


Stuns & interrupts are your friends.

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Stopped reading at "i play a marauder". If you can't single handedly kill a healer, or put so much pressure on him that he can't deal with anything else and his whole team dies and then he dies too, then you're just terrible.


Sage/sorc are the only healers that should give you any trouble since they can dispell your dots, but honestly, that's a minor issue, you should be WASTING them.


Edit, ok i couldn't resist and i read the rest of this joke of a thread. marauders and assassins **** healers on their own without any help, you are doing something extremely wrong if you're having troubles. Other classes may not do as much damage or can be losed or countered in some way, but mara/sins are a joke against healer, they just sit your dick until you die, and don't even mention knockbacks cause they have ways to get back right there over and over again.


The comment about "pvp healing = interrupt a heal, cast another" also made me laugh, you do realize that operatives and mercs have a retarded mechanic when it comes to heals and 9 out of 10 times if you interrupt the right one, the other has a cd or some other sillyness and they can't do anything right? (unless they have their instant/potions ready which are on long cds)


Really, sounds to me you have no idea how healing classes work and how to fight them. Because decent dps who do can shut them down single handedly.

Edited by AzKnc
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id say dmg is overpowered since a healer cannot heal himself up against an operative/scoundrel or a merc/commando. a healer without guard becomes instantly toast when being assisted by 2 dds (of everage skill and equal equip).


strong singeltarget heal forces u to chose your targets carefully, watch out for guard and switch your target while trying to cc and interrupt a healer.


so far in most cases its the easiest way to kill a dd while interrupting the guarded healer. a melee is a good choice for first target as u can pull him away so that the tank cant effectively switch guard between the healer and the dd.


the owrst thing u can do to a healer is aoe dmg as there are few aoe heals which are positional and rather weak.


for a healer to work the sustained hps need to be higher than sustained dps of any class in the game which is not the case in swtor due to the 30% defbuff.

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Here's what to do.


Sage/Sorc healer? Focus him.

Trooper/BH healer? Focus his allies.

Scoundrel/Op? Focus him and his allies at the same time.


Dropping CC helps a lot.


Here's an explanation...

Sage/Sorc = squishy, heal a lot

Trooper/BH = not squishy, lack in heal.

Scoundrel/Op = heal on HoT and cannot keep them on everyone without being out of energy.


Trust me. I love to use my green beam on my trooper. Even if everyone complain about it being a "Kill me" sign. For me, it's just like taunting people into shooting rocks at a wall.

It keeps my sage friend safe while he heals me.

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These people complaining about healers really need to try and play one for themselves before speaking. Healing in this game is one of the most frustrating experiences out of all the MMOs I've played.


Trauma shouldn't have even made it past the drawing board. 1 "good" DPS player can counter a healer's output, and with the ratio of DPS to Healers in any game, that should never be the case. Trauma if anything should have been a stacking debuff that increases in effect if a player remains engaged in PvP combat for a long period of time.


OP - if you can't kill a healer (any healer) as a Marauder, I suggest you return to Hello Kitty Online.

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These people complaining about healers really need to try and play one for themselves before speaking. Healing in this game is one of the most frustrating experiences out of all the MMOs I've played.


Trauma shouldn't have even made it past the drawing board. 1 "good" DPS player can counter a healer's output, and with the ratio of DPS to Healers in any game, that should never be the case. Trauma if anything should have been a stacking debuff that increases in effect if a player remains engaged in PvP combat for a long period of time.


OP - if you can't kill a healer (any healer) as a Marauder, I suggest you return to Hello Kitty Online.


healers alone are not huge problem 2-3 players can beat one healer if played correctly

Guarded healers are the problem they are nearly immortal (tested works im tank)

interrupts are not good enough but they are still usefull

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