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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.1.2 PvP bag changes.


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There is a post in dev tracker saying they are adding champ tokens to the bags, please read up on a topic before you comment, and add more confusion.


15 Cent comms, 7 Champ comms, and a low chance at a random item token, Thats what champ bags are being changed too, End of story.


No need for the condescension, I even said I hadn't read it all and was simply refering to the 1.1.2 patch notes (OP)


Either I've missed some notes posted


So arguably it would have been easier for you to mention the dev tracker notes without the need for a backhanded comment on the end of it :rolleyes:


Its strange they've developed a totally different system from the BM one when the new version of that seems to work fine, but if it helps people gear up and reduces the complaining on the PvP forums im all for it.

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Nice news, this will make it more easy for fresh lv 50 for get decent gear


And dunno why you all complaining about battlemaster gear, i hope u dont expect to get best things/armors in game after just one/two months of playing, where the fun in that :p

Maybe u just mad cos there will be less fresh noobs u can instantkill, and call noobs in no armor


cant wait to see about Ranked Warzones, nice idea


Nice work, keep it up

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Nice changes. However, for BMs, there is still no incentive to PVP past dailys/weeklys. Why can't we buy Battlemaster bags...?


We no longer have a use for Warzone Commendations.


I'm fine with the RNG for Battlemaster Bags, but we're limited to a set amount of bags we can get. That doesn't reward effort at all.


Since my friends are starting to leave, then I might as well too. Horrible reward/gear system. Should be improved/fixed, or else I'll just not waste time on a stagnant game.

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The PvP Dev team is going about it all wrong.


It's a easy fix.


1.Lose all 3 Commendations and just make one type of Commendation for PvP.


2.Put blue level 50 PvP gear back in.


3. Put Valor Ranks on PvP gear.


4.Add more PvP daily missions,2 a day just isn't cutting it.


5.Let crafters make PvP mods.


That's just an unfun grind.


At least with the RNG, you'll get a "lucky drop" every now and then. With static progression, there are no nice surprises at all... just endless currency grind.

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The solution to this comes in two parts: now and next tier.


Now: Remove Valor requirement for battle master gear. Make it as easily obtainable.


Next tier: Come up with a not random, not a completely non-skill related grind in order to distribute PvP gear.


Right now, this is the only way to "balance" pvp in anyway. Give it up, and spend your resources on ensuring this problem never happens again. We will forgive you if you just admit your mistake.


Wait I dont get it...So they increase Comms so it is a more steady grind to get loot with a chance to get a extra drop, and you all are unhappy??? Did you not really understand what he was saying???


More comms in each bag makes it a non-chance grind....Unless Im missing something...Please enlighten me if thats the case

Edited by fallenvirtues
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As a valor level 59, ide like to say this is a step in the right direction! Very good improvement. But ide like to suggest having neither centurion or champion commendation become obsolete at any point, and have a trade in system for higher commendations, credits, or sellable gear, so that a reward from grinding warzones (besides the tons of fun it is ;):) ) for battlemasters as well! :)


example -> youve gotten 5 champion bags per day in 1 week. Youre super unlucky so youve gotten no BM commendations and still have lots of champ pieces but like 3 centurion pieces still. And u got looooaaads of centurion commendations.


make the ratio something like 20 to 10 or 30 - 10 like for example trading in 30 centruion commendations for 10 champs, and perhaps 100 champion commendations for 1 battlemaster commendation (just a suggestion) OR a sellable bracer, expertise augment, pvp consumables whatever.


Just thinking outside the box here :)

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It's obvious from comments here that the patch note is not specific enough, so we'll get it updated before the patch goes to the live servers. Here are some specifics:


Champion Bags now always contain 15 Centurion Commendations AND 7 Champion Commendations. Battlemaster Bags now always contain 15 Champion Commendations. So Centurion gearing up progression for new level 50s is increased significantly and Champion gearing up progression will be steady.


We do still intend on adding more intro level 50 PvP items as well as change how Battlemaster Commendations operate toward the same 'steady' goal. It's just the scope of that change was more than could be done in a weekly patch as it included vendor changes, conversions to existing commendations on players already, etc.


That being said, the current interim 'gearing up' system will change significantly when we introduce Ranked Warzones (aiming for Game Update 1.2). Stay tuned for more details on that.


- Gabe



Just curious if this "conversions to existing commendations on players already" will be back-dated, or is it just going to take away from people? For example, if a person has gotten say 50 bags, but still isn't in full Champion gear (my Op has probably gotten more than that and is still missing 4 pieces of CG), will said person get Champion Commendations equal to 7 Comms X 50 bags? Or are you just going to convert some commendations into others, leaving people short changed?

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It's obvious from comments here that the patch note is not specific enough, so we'll get it updated before the patch goes to the live servers. Here are some specifics:


Champion Bags now always contain 15 Centurion Commendations AND 7 Champion Commendations. Battlemaster Bags now always contain 15 Champion Commendations. So Centurion gearing up progression for new level 50s is increased significantly and Champion gearing up progression will be steady.


We do still intend on adding more intro level 50 PvP items as well as change how Battlemaster Commendations operate toward the same 'steady' goal. It's just the scope of that change was more than could be done in a weekly patch as it included vendor changes, conversions to existing commendations on players already, etc.


That being said, the current interim 'gearing up' system will change significantly when we introduce Ranked Warzones (aiming for Game Update 1.2). Stay tuned for more details on that.


- Gabe


Gabe, I don't know how you do it man... but I do not envy your job xD


anyways thanks for the update, and despite all the QQ it looks like definite improvements for the long term.

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Oke so the centurion gear is a good step in the right direction in gearing up people.


However its not really a "step in" pvp armor now is it. People need to get to 50 before they can even start collecting it so by the time they hit 50 they are going to be faced against a painful truth and that is that quite a large portion is running around in battlemaster or champion gear....


Its not going to be a easy job to get all you things done especially not on your ilum daily.

So what about having a new armor set for pvp that people can start saving for before they hit 50. Just make it so that they can only wear it on 50 but atleast give the people that are 48 and 49 the ability to start saving for that armor set.


Give it i dont know 6% expertise when all the pieces are put on and people will atleast have some form of fighting chance.. The currency to buy them... warzone commendations perhaps like the other items.

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Oke so the centurion gear is a good step in the right direction in gearing up people.


However its not really a "step in" pvp armor now is it. People need to get to 50 before they can even start collecting it so by the time they hit 50 they are going to be faced against a painful truth and that is that quite a large portion is running around in battlemaster or champion gear....


Its not going to be a easy job to get all you things done especially not on your ilum daily.

So what about having a new armor set for pvp that people can start saving for before they hit 50. Just make it so that they can only wear it on 50 but atleast give the people that are 48 and 49 the ability to start saving for that armor set.


Give it i dont know 6% expertise when all the pieces are put on and people will atleast have some form of fighting chance.. The currency to buy them... warzone commendations perhaps like the other items.


Pre level 50 you can save enough coms to buy 6 champ bags (by 1 bag Pre 50, it's unique so can only get 1) then save 1000/1000 warzone & merc, if the bags drop 15 centurion & 7 champion coms you will be able to get 4-5 bits of gear straight away (3-4 cent pieces & 1 champ) opening these bags! So should be fine starting ;)

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Pre level 50 you can save enough coms to buy 6 champ bags (by 1 bag Pre 50, it's unique so can only get 1) then save 1000/1000 warzone & merc, if the bags drop 15 centurion & 7 champion coms you will be able to get 4-5 bits of gear straight away (3-4 cent pieces & 1 champ) opening these bags! So should be fine starting ;)


Thats quite true forgot about the bags you could buy there.


In that case there should be a small popup telling people to start saving wz and merc comms :D

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I haven't been able to find the answer to this, if i missed it, I apologise in advance:


I understand that BM bags will now drop 15 champ commendations. However, will they continue to drop BM commendations at the current rate, so that you can continue to get roughly 1 BM piece every 4-5 BM bags, or has this been changed? This is coming from a valor 57 on a low pop server, so valor gains are slow. I have been looking forward to valor 60 and getting my BM set at a steady pace, rather than depend on RNG (yeah, still no champion chest/head), so am hoping that BM bags are keeping their current droprate and just adding the champ commendations to them. Thanks

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I haven't been able to find the answer to this, if i missed it, I apologise in advance:


I understand that BM bags will now drop 15 champ commendations. However, will they continue to drop BM commendations at the current rate, so that you can continue to get roughly 1 BM piece every 4-5 BM bags, or has this been changed? This is coming from a valor 57 on a low pop server, so valor gains are slow. I have been looking forward to valor 60 and getting my BM set at a steady pace, rather than depend on RNG (yeah, still no champion chest/head), so am hoping that BM bags are keeping their current droprate and just adding the champ commendations to them. Thanks

The BM bags have not changed their drop rate for BM pieces and they will have 15 Champ Comm's per bag. So you should get enough comms for both your missing pieces in ~9 BM bags.



Originally Posted by GabeAmatangelo

It's obvious from comments here that the patch note is not specific enough, so we'll get it updated before the patch goes to the live servers. Here are some specifics:


Champion Bags now always contain 15 Centurion Commendations AND 7 Champion Commendations. Battlemaster Bags now always contain 15 Champion Commendations. So Centurion gearing up progression for new level 50s is increased significantly and Champion gearing up progression will be steady.


We do still intend on adding more intro level 50 PvP items as well as change how Battlemaster Commendations operate toward the same 'steady' goal. It's just the scope of that change was more than could be done in a weekly patch as it included vendor changes, conversions to existing commendations on players already, etc.


That being said, the current interim 'gearing up' system will change significantly when we introduce Ranked Warzones (aiming for Game Update 1.2). Stay tuned for more details on that.


- Gabe

I've said it above, but will repeat it here. Overall a good step in the right direction to fixing the system. The BM piece acquisition does need to be addressed still.

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Champion Bags now always contain 15 Centurion Commendations AND 7 Champion Commendations. Battlemaster Bags now always contain 15 Champion Commendations. So Centurion gearing up progression for new level 50s is increased significantly and Champion gearing up progression will be steady.


- Gabe


Who the hell buys centurion ?

It is so bad that people prefer to PvP in PvE gear they end leveling with.

You may as well compleatly remove it from the game, no body wants it.

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I don't think its true.


The whole idea of Centurion gear is for PVP use. Since you can't get expertise from anywhere else, you need to gear up with Centurion gear.


New 50s don't have decent moded gear.


As an Elitest, I agree with you, skip Centurion ... stick it out and get Champion gear... that what i did PVPing for 200+ hours.


But normal casual players will require Centurion gear to keep up. We can't all play 10+ hours a day.



Who the hell buys centurion ?

It is so bad that people prefer to PvP in PvE gear they end leveling with.

You may as well compleatly remove it from the game, no body wants it.

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What are u all whining about... I for one am saving my bags for 1.1.2 They are guaranteeing you 7 champ comms per bag. That is easily 1-2 champ items per week without having dupes. You can open 20 bags with piss to show for it currently. 20 bags will now = 140 champ tokens. Thats several pieces of gear of your choice... plus u may get a token. I think ya'll don't understand basic math.



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I don't care if if takes 1k of each commendation or more. Just give me a way to actually control my pvp loot progression. Whoever decided RNG loot was a good idea needs to find another game genre to work in, that is not what PvPers want.


I totally agree. The system would be fine if they could control repeat items being given in bags. I have gotten 4 relics. It is a very easy fix.

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Please dont make things "faster" or "easier" ... people dont mind making an effort to get gear/items.

The harder it is to get, the more fullfilling it is to finally get it.

Easy epics like WoW are killing for the fun factor.


I'd rather spend hours on end in WZ's and FP's to get that highly sought after epic, then to just get it in between quests etc..

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This game doesn't have a long run. Most people are already 50 and replay-ability is trash. Coupled with bad design decisions.. this game has maybe 3 months left.


I hit BM last week. So far out of all my bags.. I have gotten 3 tokens. I do my dailies and my weeklies. If you are counting that is 1 item for 1 weeks worth of work. They nerf it more.. I don't see a point in playing. I am not going to tra-la-la my way to hoping for some 5% drop. I rather just not invest the time on some hope that maybe one day.. I can get something besides worthless champion commendations.


Guild Wars 2 is out in 8 months from now. The game is better than this one in its ALPHA STAGE. Yes I am in Alpha. They better get their crapola together because with the zero replay-ability from voice acting, all it has is end game. The end game PVE style is so easy it hurts so all that is left is PVP. ith the direction PvP is going.. this game doesn't have much left.


ArenaNET's NDA is pretty air tight. Pretty sure you can't say this. Oh and also, if you were actually in Alpha (You're not) you wouldn't say this because it's in fact terrible and not even close to a finished product.

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What are u all whining about... I for one am saving my bags for 1.1.2 They are guaranteeing you 7 champ comms per bag. That is easily 1-2 champ items per week without having dupes. You can open 20 bags with piss to show for it currently. 20 bags will now = 140 champ tokens. Thats several pieces of gear of your choice... plus u may get a token. I think ya'll don't understand basic math.




Could be weeks before its live.. im gonna hit 50u tonight and pop my bags tokens.. I can get back to 1k/1k fast.. plus this way I can say I experienced rng in all it'd glory

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