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Crafting Profession Changes in patch 1.1.2


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Hi Georg,


I look forward to seeing these changes and new features being implemented.

My one great wish is to see a major overhaul of the GTN interface.

Keywords should be: simple, elegant, efficient. Let the interface get out of the way, and let the players search, trade, craft.


1)Greatly increase the current limit for items listed from 50. (consider 1000)

2)Make searching easier. Let us search instantly, provide a text box at the first GTN screen that can search everything by keywords, without having to filter first. THEN, if the player so chooses, let them refine the results.

3)Improve the layout of the interface.


Thank you.

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That would definitively help!



*hovering over lvl 47 chest*


Chance of Reverse engineering success: 9%


Then I will know that after reversing 11 there's a 99% chance my next one will be a purple. If I don't get it on my 12th then the 13th must statistically give me a new schematic.



And for the love of the Republic, fix so that you cannot get the "You already know this schematic"-message.


No, you're 12th and 1200th would still only have a 9% change of REing

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Sorry Georg, I just can't agree or embrace it. While orange custom gear does give you some room for customization the majority of the gear in the game is still stats or looks for most people.


Take most of the pvp/rakata/columbi gear for example, love the stats, despise the looks (for the most).


The current system simply does not go far enough. Please consider appearance slots as such a system is simpler and more powerful than the current implimentation. As an added bonus this would also make lower stat gear with different looks less redundant if people could still utilize them.


As a side note if appearance slots were introduced I would like to see the different quality gear (premium/prototype/artifact) have different textures with artifact tending to look more vibrant or deeper colours, more expensive looking textures. Again this would improve the utility of gear across the board.


This is exactly why the changes are coming. Transferable set bonuses, purple gear being fully moddable, removable mods from Operation and PvP gear, etc. all will make the appearance system in this game just as flexible as the "clunky" UI slot tabs.


Please, PLEASE do not go back to that, BioWare. Appearance "tabs" or slots that magically override what you're actually wearing was just a step in this direction, imho. It's way past time to make that next step, as you've now done.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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This is exactly why the changes are coming. Transferable set bonuses, purple gear being fully moddable, removable mods from Operation and PvP gear, etc. all will make the appearance system in this game just as flexible as the "clunky" UI slot tabs.


Please, PLEASE do not go back to that, BioWare. Appearance "tabs" or slots that magically override what you're actually wearing was just a step in this direction, imho. It's way past time to make that next step, as you've now done.


As opposed to a shirt that 'magically' makes you stronger.. Wearing clothes for appearance, not much of an abstraction is it. I do admit that getting the benefits of one type while looking like the other is an abstraction but certainly no more so than the stats you get from custom and non custom gear alike.


So only orange and purple gear will somehow 'magically' be as flexible as being able to use any item, white, green, blue, orange, purple that you can normally use to simply overwrite the appearance of any stat gear you have.


There are 5 item types. You want to explain to me how only being able to use 2 of those 5 item types offers the same flexibility of being able to use all 5 essentially in the same way?


How is one tab for stats and one for appearance clunky? It's intuitive and simple. Certainly more so than modifying an item with up to 4 different components, not that that is especially esoteric.


There seems to be a disconnect in what you are saying and what I know. Some things are subjective and I can understand if you just plain prefer the current system but how is something that is more complex and less flexible a step foward? Again I emphasize even if you like it as is, I can't see how those points are in contention. If the current system is enough for you, yeh that is subjective. That appearance slots are more flexible and simpler to understand, that is just a fact as far as I can see (not trying to be as condescending as that sounds sorry).


For the record, I actually like being able to build up my stats and I hope they keep that. Basically an appearance tab would simply open up ALL items to essentially be custom gear. Whatever item is in your appearance slot would be the base item for looks, and whatever is in your stat slot can be built up with mods or it can be an unmodifiable item that has the stats you want. No compromise on looks or stats whatsoever. The two can be as linked or as seperate as suits your tastes.

Edited by Aram_Darksun
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As opposed to a shirt that 'magically' makes you stronger.. Wearing clothes for appearance, not much of an abstraction is it. I do admit that getting the benefits of one type while looking like the other is an abstraction but certainly no more so than the stats you get from custom and non custom gear alike.


So only orange and purple gear will somehow 'magically' be as flexible as being able to use any item, white, green, blue, orange, purple that you can normally use to simply overwrite the appearance of any stat gear you have.


*ALL* green gear has an orange version. So, you like that green gear? There's an orange one! Get it! Same for blues, and purples are soon to be fully moddable. What does that mean? That means that *ANY* look you like in game you *CAN* achieve.


All the flexibility is there. What this system provides, all in one, is both *FULL* appearance customization and *FULL* stat customization. In one!


It is, therefore, superior to a simple a-tab.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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I hope they plan on making some changes in the 1-50 also.More selection and fill in some of the gaps.


Time. We're only 6 weeks out from launch or so, and the schematics for orange gear is still trickling in via Underworld Trading crits.


In time, there will be plenty of 1-50 orange gear. Also, once they make purple gear fully moddable, then REing to purples will be much more desirable for Synthweaver/Armormech/Armstech.


Personally, I'm REing chest and leggings to purple as much as possible now in anticipation for that change. I sell hardly any right now due to orange gear.


What I'm interested in is what changes are they planning for Synthweaver/Armormech/Armstech for once most people have their moddable gear? What will we sell then? What's going to be marketable, especially for 1-50?

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Time. We're only 6 weeks out from launch or so, and the schematics for orange gear is still trickling in via Underworld Trading crits.


In time, there will be plenty of 1-50 orange gear. Also, once they make purple gear fully moddable, then REing to purples will be much more desirable for Synthweaver/Armormech/Armstech.


Personally, I'm REing chest and leggings to purple as much as possible now in anticipation for that change. I sell hardly any right now due to orange gear.


What I'm interested in is what changes are they planning for Synthweaver/Armormech/Armstech for once most people have their moddable gear? What will we sell then? What's going to be marketable, especially for 1-50?

Critted moddable gear, can you say implants?

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I read a while back that there was a small chance players could unlock their own missions. I don't think I've ever seen this happen. As it is, lvl 340 missions for the in-demand mission professions are 25k+. Add this to the cost of the mission itself, and there is absolutely no room to profit. Base materials sell for far more than finished items, and the just selling the base materials wouldn't cover the cost of buying the missions from the GTN. Something has to give here.


Also, it's not entirely clear what Slicing (165) or Treasure Hunting (250) refer to. Obviously, it's the level of the mission, but it should read Slicing (Grade 2) or Treasure Hunting (Grade 3), like the crafting materials these missions generate.

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Time. We're only 6 weeks out from launch or so, and the schematics for orange gear is still trickling in via Underworld Trading crits.


In time, there will be plenty of 1-50 orange gear. Also, once they make purple gear fully moddable, then REing to purples will be much more desirable for Synthweaver/Armormech/Armstech.


Personally, I'm REing chest and leggings to purple as much as possible now in anticipation for that change. I sell hardly any right now due to orange gear.


What I'm interested in is what changes are they planning for Synthweaver/Armormech/Armstech for once most people have their moddable gear? What will we sell then? What's going to be marketable, especially for 1-50?


Good point.

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Sorry if what I am going to post is mentioned before but I cant read all posts above due to lack of time. I love the idea of fully modable gear so you can adjust your appearance to be unique and according to your personal tastes. I also love the idea of improving some crafting skills as well since they are underpowered like armstech. My only concern is that thing about critical procs on modable-orange items. I am not sure I understand completely how it will be improved or changed but I hope it will be in a way that allows every single gear piece be viable for an end game player. I will give you an example of what I am thining. Lets say I want to use an orange helmet I like alot and I already have and that helmet doesnt have an augment because Its a bag drop. If an armormech can make an other fully modable-orange helmet that is bind on equip and it has an augment slot because it was "criticaly" crafted that crafted helmet will be better than the one I want to use so I should use this one instead. Also the gear that drops in flashpoints and operations will be needed for its mods/enhancements/armoring ect. One way I can think to fix that is to be able to apply an augment slot to those modable items you want to use because you like their appearance! :)

The item used to put an augment could be consumable and you can aquire it when an craftable item criticaly procs for example!

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GZ, I know you cannot talk about specific fixes/changes because what you are doing is constantly changing, but you have to have goals in mind that you want to accomplish. Can you share what you and your team's goals are for the crafting changes?


Do you want crafting professions to be a viable way to make credits (or the best way)?


Do you want crafted goods to be the best, equal to the best, more versatile, etc.?


Is your goal to make the crafting process more streamlined? More in-depth? More involved?

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I just dont get it....I know Bioware stated many time before the release of SWTOR that crafting would be epic and that people on the server would know you....I havent seen any of that. I am not really into crafting but I know its an important part to many MMO gamers. Bioware pretty much dropped the ball on this one. I myself know about 4-8 people who have left the game due to this.



If Bioware/EA can't get their crap together in time (before the release of GW2/D3) Bioware will be known as another sellout like mythic. The Warhammer name couldnt save mythic MMO and Bioware cant be carried for to much longer with the Star Wars name.

Edited by JoaoRaven
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Fair concerns... but nobody said anything about nerfs for PvP gear just yet.


There are many ways of achieving our intended goal, from stabilizing early gear acquisition through diminishing/removal of the random factor to the introduction of new gear over time... and a dozen other methods in-between.


To spell it out: We currently have no intention to modify the stats on existing PvP gear downwards (which I assume you mean by 'nerf'). Nobody has talked about eliminating the gap between old level 50s and new level 50s either.


-- Georg


What about nerfing the Surge stat, eh? And the classes that depend on it?

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I just dont get it....I know Bioware stated many time before the release of SWTOR that crafting would be epic and that people on the server would know you....I havent seen any of that. I am not really into crafting but I know its an important part to many MMO gamers. Bioware pretty much dropped the ball on this one. I myself know about 4-8 people who have left the game due to this.



If Bioware/EA can't get their crap together in time (before the release of GW2/D3) Bioware will be known as another sellout like mythic. The Warhammer name couldnt save mythic MMO and Bioware cant be carried for to much longer with the Star Wars name.



then perhaps you are doing it wrong? im fairly well known on my server and have an avg of 2-3 mails a day about specific recipes. craft and they will come.


@auxili well done taking a quote out of context. in all honesty im kinda curious how your particular ac "depended" on surge and not others. especially when all acs were effected by it the same. dont get me wrong, i think the surge nerf was handled very poorly and in general it was a poor move, but if you are going to bump this with a random whine and calling out a dev you should do it correctly.

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I just dont get it....I know Bioware stated many time before the release of SWTOR that crafting would be epic and that people on the server would know you....I havent seen any of that. I am not really into crafting but I know its an important part to many MMO gamers. Bioware pretty much dropped the ball on this one. I myself know about 4-8 people who have left the game due to this.



If Bioware/EA can't get their crap together in time (before the release of GW2/D3) Bioware will be known as another sellout like mythic. The Warhammer name couldnt save mythic MMO and Bioware cant be carried for to much longer with the Star Wars name.


It is epic.Over 20 attempts REing a green hat to get a blue schematic.Now thats Epic.Epic Fail.I do believe I created some new swear words.

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I have a complain to express and I feel like this is the thread I need to express it.

I don't know if someone else already mention something similar to this, but I really could't search 100 pages to find out..


I find really UNACCEPTABLE that there's a CHANCE for a player to get his desired artifact implant recipe(Mastercraft version) by reverse engineering only two items, one green and one blue item, while I have REd almost 300 critical nano-optic might package implants and still didn't even at least get a second artifact recipe! I've only learned one recipe till now which is "Leadership critical nano-optic might package [superior]". There are five different critical nano-optic might package recipes versions in artifact, and the one I want is the "Fervor". There's a good chance that I might learn all the other first before I mange to get this one...


I mean... COME ON..


Opinions ?


don't feel bad it took me 118(I kept a log) untill I ws able to get 2, dunno if thats above/below avg don't care just glad it's over.

Edited by BMBender
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