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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

TALLON ZEK - Shout Out


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I was Grubken on Sullen Zek, first in Malignant then joined Vindictive when we merged with them.


I recall a massive pvp battle outside of ToV against the "newts" with dragons and wyrms and players running all over the place. Chaos.


Exp loss from pvp deaths, plus zone/corpse camping and gear being left on your corpse when you died made for some long/late nights.


1hr + boss fights and day long raids, when your enemies could train you at any time kept everything interesting.


Good times.

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**** TZ/VZ invulnerable healer exploiters, Sullon Zek for life! ;)





No doubt, that guy was insanely dedicated to not letting Newts/Goodies get any raid progress at all.


Why would he have left up? They were our enemies, I don't remember them cutting us any slack, ever.


Remember, what is best in life? To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.



Stidjron <Hate>

Edited by Nicain
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Ahh the old EQ days. I was on RZ (played a rogue named Urocyon) for quite awhile though left pretty much around the moon expansion (Luclin?). Nothing more nervewracking than limping to the Jboots quest guy with 1000 gp weighing you down and hoping you don't get jumped by a PK.
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Rallos Zek was the best of the PvP Servers. I'm not a fan of factions and forced teams, and being able to loot an item when you killed somebody - Especially in an Item-Centric game just made PvP much more worthwhile.


Lucid Vision was formed on the Rallos Zek server as a PK guild, and we left roughly when Luclin/PoP was released to go into Shadowbane. Been going strong ever since. We are on the Bondar Crystal server Sith side atm.....

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Narenek was in Disco on TZ until raid times drifted too late for my EU based ***. Those were good days. The 3 way battles for zone control when killing bosses were great fun. The game itself had many problems or what would be called problems now but back then there was nothing else so we didn't know they were bad design :)


Have more fond memories of EQ days than i do WoW. Somehow WoW just doesn't have those great moments like waking the sleeper that EQ had :cool:

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One of my first memories on Sullon Zek was a huge battle in Sol A/Sol B over a cleric epic quest NPC. Could you even imagine that happening in an MMO today? A guild battling another guild over a quest NPC? Or stealing a raid boss? There'd be a torrent of tears large enough to wipe Australia off the map if things like that happened today.


That is the reason PVP was so fun on SZ with 3 factions.


Instances is why open world PVP sucks so bad now.

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Most renown name of Sullon Zek would be Fansy the bard I guess.


The only character on the no-rule server to be told by a GM to stop abusing the game.


Didn't fancy have a sleep problem and he got corpse camped after falling asleep, and they took him down like 30 levels?


For those that don't know you lost exp dying, one of the primary reasons death hurt so bad, because it took hours to make that experience back up, and you could lose levels, so they corpse camped the narcoleptic for hours taking him down from level 50 to 30 or something crazy like that.

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That is the reason PVP was so fun on SZ with 3 factions.


Instances is why open world PVP sucks so bad now.


Agree I massively miss this type of thing. EQ Pvp worked because it wasn't based on two factions, all quests and bosses were world based so if you didn't get them you had to wait for respawn (certainly in the case of bosses).



EQ has been improved on mechanics wise but I'm not sure it's gameplay has been matched.

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Vallon Zek here, 6-7 years of it, cant remember.


Ramza i had a short visit in The Twelve Prophets whas a darky =)


I play w Mathlas if you remember him?


we play at Basilisk Droid. EU pvp server.


Nothing can compere to EQ, this is just easy entertainment!

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I quit playing EQ shortly after RoK was released.


I was a first day RZ player. Rolled my Human Monk in Freeport about 30 minutes after the server went live. I don't know what happened after I left, but I can tell you there was no agreements between guilds to have the planes no pvp zones.


I was a non guilded member of a coalition of players that did farm the planes for no-drop gear named Caterva. We had a running fight against other guilds that would try to interrupt us in the planes.


Some of the more colorful people I remember from EQ.









And a ton more that I can't remember off of the top of my head.



Rallos Zek

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I played Xaline from Human Retribution (and later Scorched Norath) on Tallon Zek. We were almost exclusively PvP as HR, though as SN we did do some dragon kills etc. I mostly remember us being hated before Pandamonium showed up since we killed any non-humans and people complained we went "against the light team". When PDM showed up, then people had bigger things to complain about than us :)
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Agree I massively miss this type of thing. EQ Pvp worked because it wasn't based on two factions, all quests and bosses were world based so if you didn't get them you had to wait for respawn (certainly in the case of bosses).



EQ has been improved on mechanics wise but I'm not sure it's gameplay has been matched.



Agreed. EQ was a battle for resources. If you wanted to hunt in a certain dungeon, you went in, killed whoever was there, and took their spawn away by force. If you wanted certain bosses like the dragons, you had to mobilize before your competition did. Since everything was world PvP, there was none of the instances you have now, which basically just guarantee that everyone has access to the same content. This is great for PvE servers, but for PvP it really causes a game where the PvP is meaningless.


Warzones are fun. Objective bases mini-games are great in that I can just que up, and in minutes I'm teamed with like-minded people who want to play the same games. But there's no REAL value to them. 15 minutes later we can just do the same mini-game again. If we won, great. If we lost, oh well, better luck next time. There's no actual consequences. I think of all my favorite PvP stories, and 95% of them were from my time playing EQ. The other 5% are WoW, WH and SWTOR combined.

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Played on TZ and Zek: Beefusmaximus. Was in various guilds on TZ (blood runners, lex, incursion) but mainly Ascending Dawn on Zek. Now I'm just Beef on Vulkars Highway~


BTW, a new EQ (called Next) is in the works. More like EQ1 than 2/wow

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