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Enough is enough


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Alright, fair enough. How do you explain WoW's popularity then? It was just as much of a cluster**** as ToR...actually it was worse at first. Somehow it survived and then suceeded massively...doesn't anyone remember this?


There wasnt any real other mega MMOs coming out at the time that was made, no choices, there has been in past years.


It was about THE ONLY MAJOR one around in 2004 thats why players stuck it out, i bet if there had been plenty of choices it may have been different.

Edited by Urko
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People were ALWAYS whining about how they were going back to EverQuest in WoW's early server crippling bug days.


If you've decided that TOR simply isn't good enough to pay for now, the best thing you can do is quit and move on. Maybe give it a few months to mature a bit and try it again later.


Maybe people whined about doing it, but noone that I know actually did go back to EQ from WoW. I started in EQ, migrated to DAOC upon release and migrated to WoW on release and I did so with the same guild I currently am in. Unfortunately the same can't be said about SWTOR, I know many who have tried and are now gone.


With respect to your later statement, I wholeheartedly agree. I can "vote" with my dollars as a consumer. However, as a business owner I also know that I would much rather have a customer express their disappointment to me directly than just have them walk-away for life. My initial post is as constructive as I can make it right now by drawing attention to their deficiencies and the underlying message is one that is intended to be helpful, not harmful -> try harder.

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Sad thing is, even if Bioware were patching every other day, people would still whine about the constant downtime. Hell, we get enough whining about the CURRENT amount of downtime.


Seems like no matter what they do, they can't win. I feel sorry for them, in a way. It's gotta be hell dealing with all these self-entitled little brats.


Exactly this. If BW devs are sensible they will avoid the forums entirely.

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The issues arent nothing to do with finished or polished ....


The issues have EVERYTHING to do with that. What do you think bug fixes are? Additional content? Improved graphics and optimizations?




The FACTS are that there is standard stuff NOT in SWTOR that are in MOST MMOs at launch in some way or another.


Such as?


And remember...YOU included the qualifier "AT LAUNCH".


Its taken me a month to take off my rose tinted glasses, and im glad i have.


And AGAIN, if you'd REALLY been playing MMO's for the last 10 years, you would have known better than to put them on for a game AT LAUNCH.


The thing is about leaving it for a few months and coming back, i thought id do that with Star Trek Online ... i didnt.


Then quit and don't come back. Do what feels good. This is a GAME, after all. Playing it is supposed to be FUN. It's not a job. It's not a chore. If you start thinking of it as either of those, you're wasting your money.


The truth is most people is they unsub EVEN if they say they will come back ...DONT.


Bye then. What do you want me to say? "Oh, stick around and play a game you hate PLEEEEESE!!!"


That would be foolish.


As ive said its first impressions, and if they turn sour bigtime players move on to something else.


At least you're not clinging to the whole "I've played MMO's for 10 years" thing anymore.


Because I HAVE played MMO's for over ten years. And this is one of the best launches I've ever seen. The fact that that there has yet to be any unscheduled downtime is unprecedented.

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Ah yes, the entitlement generation strikes again. A whole MONTH you say? That's like a lifetime!


He paid $60 which is a $10 premium over the cost of a typical PC game. He is right to feel entitled to a finished, high quality product. To think otherwise is to demonstrate a frightening detachment from the standards of reality.

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Some of the responses to this thread are idiotic.


Everything the guy listed is true.


There is no excuse for any of it, yet fanbois and butt kissers try to make them?


Sure, all MMORPGs have issue, but this one has a LOT of issues, and it has a LOT of issues that were reported months ago in beta and were ignored then and now.


Instead of fixing what was broken months ago they continue to either add new stuff that's broken or break more stuff. It's an interesting approach.

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Alright, fair enough. How do you explain WoW's popularity then? It was just as much of a cluster**** as ToR...actually it was worse at first. Somehow it survived and then suceeded massively...doesn't anyone remember this?


How do they explain WoW?


They explain it because few if any of them were actually playing WoW at launch. They only know the product as it was YEARS later.


WoW at launch was an absolute mess.

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The fact that that there has yet to be any unscheduled downtime is unprecedented.


Can't tell if consciously lying or just completely oblivious to reality.


There have been several periods of downtime lasting several hours each to implement hotfixes and perform other emergency maintenance, in addition to unscheduled extensions of maintenance periods.

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There wasnt any real other mega MMOs coming out at the time that was made, no choices, there has been in past years.


It was about THE ONLY MAJOR one around in 2004 thats why players stuck it out, i bet if there had been plenty of choices it may have been different.



Come on man, EQ was all the rage when WoW released, and the WoW forums were just as hostile and volatile as this...everyone was comparing it to EQ which was the gold standard at the time. WoW was for "carebears" and kiddies according to those people.


The situation today isn't much different, except that the gamers of today have larger expectations because they think that each new MMO should be able to combine every good aspect of every other one into one awesome package at release time.


Folks need to have some perspective and patience about this stuff. Supose in say 6 months time Bioware has all the bugs worked out...would the game still "suck" then?

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Agreed, however the former didn't really have polished alternatives to revert back to.


Please, revert back.


Total three posts in this thread. First sentence lacks tangible proof. Even this argument has no basis, since 30 days does not constitute an eternity in MMO time. Something you would know with 10 years experience.


MMOs evolve over time. Even the spoon fed perfection that is WoW.


Remember, your memories your first MMO experience is simply a form of nostalgia, you fished from the disposal that is the memory of your past, after painting over the ugly parts you are recycling it for more than it's worth.

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There wasnt any real other mega MMOs coming out at the time that was made, no choices, there has been in past years.


It was about THE ONLY MAJOR one around in 2004 thats why players stuck it out, i bet if there had been plenty of choices it may have been different.


First of all, did you just quote yourself back there a couple posts ago?


Anyhoo, that isn't true. There was then, and always will be the next "big thing" in development.


You don't seem to recall that EQ2 was supposed to be a giant in the industry. EQ2 and WoW were supposed to compete for MMOG supremacy. It was competition: WoW just crushed it, bugs and missing features and all (which actually at release, EQ2 had more features [like housing and guild functionality] and a more robust AH, more stable servers at release, etc).


Plus there was FF, L, L2, SWG, actual recognizable names in the industry. There was plenty of competition. WoW, rocky firs six months and all still plowed right through all that.

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Come on man, EQ was all the rage when WoW released, and the WoW forums were just as hostile and volatile as this...everyone was comparing it to EQ which was the gold standard at the time. WoW was for "carebears" and kiddies according to those people.


The situation today isn't much different, except that the gamers of today have larger expectations because they think that each new MMO should be able to combine every good aspect of every other one into one awesome package at release time.


Folks need to have some perspective and patience about this stuff. Supose in say 6 months time Bioware has all the bugs worked out...would the game still "suck" then?


It's not about the bugs, it's about all the missing basic features they promised.

Edited by Dreossk
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There wasnt any real other mega MMOs coming out at the time that was made,


You're kidding, right?


2003-2005 saw a BOOM of MMO's, all of them trying to replicate EverQuest's success.


Let me think...


City of Heroes

Lineage 2


Eve Online

EverQuest 2


All of them hyped all to heck, boasting their nifty new features.


Not all of them lived, true. But you're flat out wrong in claiming that there weren't any other real "mega" MMO's coming out at the time.

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There wasnt any real other mega MMOs coming out at the time that was made, no choices, there has been in past years.


World of Warcraft - (late) November 2004


Other MMOs that released close to WoW:


EverQuest: Omens of War - November 2004

Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed - October 2004

EverQuest II - November 2004

The Matrix Online - March 2005

Guild Wars - Aprl 2005

EverQuest II: Desert Of Flames - September 2005 (pushing the time frame).


These were some big releases, for established games/IPs.

Edited by MrPigCS
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Dear Bioware,


* Post-Tuesday’s patch, have still had wins in hutball that don’t count towards weekly/daily warzone win credit. This has been occurring since pre-release.



I thought this was because sometimes Hutball pits same faction against same faction and therefore doesn't qualify for the Daily Warzone requirements.


I could be wrong here...

Edited by Dmon_StarRunner
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Sad thing is, even if Bioware were patching every other day, people would still whine about the constant downtime. Hell, we get enough whining about the CURRENT amount of downtime.




Seems like no matter what they do, they can't win. I feel sorry for them, in a way. It's gotta be hell dealing with all these self-entitled little brats.




feel sorry for them? tons of stuff isn't fixed that was supposedly fixed according to the patch notes. are you even playing the same game?

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It's not about the bugs, it's about all the missing basic features they promised.


You honestly think that if Bioware promised content that that content will not come into the game in time?


Remember that these devs have publishing companies breathing down their necks because all their stockholders might not make a profit tomorrow.


The promised content will appear...it just won't happen right this second.

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You ask for daily 8 hour maintenance to do daily patching yet you note that patching sometimes makes it worse.



Have you ever heard of the term "a hotfix"? Figured you didn't. Do you need me to explain what is, and bore people (most likely the majority)?




I'm still wondering why said hotfixes aren't being applied to the game? Why is there never a "server will be restarting in 2-15 minutes blah blah blah". This indicates, that the devs are being lazy, and doesn't address the known bugs, before they can be bothered to add a fix right by the end before a weekly maintenance.


Other than that, they either don't have enough people hired to address these bugs, which is likely, or they simply just hope we can live with these known bugs for one more week.


For now, Swtor does not seem like an MMO. It's too similiar to rpg games you can buy for $10 off of Steam, only added some multiplayer and in-game chat function.

Worth a monthly fee? No. Even a game like Guild Wars, that one way or the other has been more innovative and still resemble Swtor, doesn't even require a monthly fee.


Paying $60 plus a monthly fee is simply not acceptable. A few weeks ago maybe, but some of us still had hope there. I still got a little hope, but realizing what direction the game is going, I doubt it will be worth keeping up that subscription.

Edited by TotalKitty
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A lot of people have not experienced endgame content or opening 40 champ bags and getting only tokens. Those are the people flaming you - they are criticizing you without having experienced what you have. There's a few words for that which the mods don't like people saying.


Biggest problem with this community - bunch of people who have *not* experienced the problems of the people complaining telling those people not to complain. Blistering ignorance.

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My initial post is as constructive as I can make it right now by drawing attention to their deficiencies and the underlying message is one that is intended to be helpful, not harmful -> try harder.


Yes, and I actually agree with a lot of what you say. I rarely play my 50 these days.


I'm merely stating that these are simply things to be expected from a newly launched MMO, and you'd be happier if you left and came back after a bit.


Which is what happens with MOST new MMO's. Rush at the beginning, then a sharp decline, then either a steady increase to plateu...or closure, depending on what happens within the first year.

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