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Yahtzee reviews The Old Republic


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I like his reviews...


This review was fair and he hit on some other bigger gripes about the game.


The one thing I don't get about him though:


He makes mistakes in his reviews that you think he should have known:


  • He constantly makes "controller" mistakes where as he doesn't know the button combinations to do certain things.


  • He constantly doesn't see the value in games like BF3 because he doesn't play multiplayer. Its almost like he's clueless in that area.


  • He makes gameplay mistakes, like in this case where he didn't know that he still got his light side and dark side points.



How does a game reviewer that is as "popular" as him constantly get these basic things wrong?

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  • He constantly doesn't see the value in games like BF3 because he doesn't play multiplayer. Its almost like he's clueless in that area.


Mainly because he thinks a game should be able to stand up on it's own with a decent story and not have to rely on multiplayer.

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  • He constantly doesn't see the value in games like BF3 because he doesn't play multiplayer. Its almost like he's clueless in that area.


If you listen to enough of his reviews you sort of piece together that Yahtzee isn't particularly good at video games. He complains about dying a lot and generally not being effective when it comes to multiplayer in more than one review. Which is fine, because he isn't paid to be good at video games. He's paid to be funny.

Edited by Excedrin
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If you listen to enough of his reviews you sort of piece together that Yahtzee isn't particularly good at video games. He complains about dying a lot and generally not being effective when it comes to multiplayer in more than one review. Which is fine, because he isn't paid to be good at video games. He's paid to be funny.


You know, I was thinking the SAME thing.


Thats totally fine! Everyone has different skills and abilities but it does seem like he's not particularly good at multiplayer.

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You know, the British Australian dude who talks really fast and hates everything except Portal and particularly hates MMOs?




He reviewed TOR.


And made a mistake or two as well.




Edit: Fixed the link. Accidentally copy-pasted the link from the wrong tab...


Obviously his reviews are meant to destroy and with every review i've watched from him, he was basically right. His irony and zynism is hidden behind a mix of nerdy language and his funny accent, BUT the bottom line is: he is mostly right and certainly, he is right with SWTOR, too.


Sorry gus... :-/

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Which totally defeats the purpose of this amazingly varied media (not criticizing you obviously, but yahtzee). The BF3 review finally convinced me that Yahtzee doesn't know what the [censored] he's talking about. though I can forgive him because we feel the same way about zelda and nintendo.


Actually not going to watch this because I know its going to annoy me.


Edit: I can't actually watch his reviews on games that I've played because I realize how much about the review is plain wrong.


You are right, i'm not saying I agree with every or any points he makes in his videos.


I watch him because some of his clips give me a giggle.


I do agree with him that games that rely on single player should have a story and not tack on multiplayer as an afterthought for no reason whatsoever (i'm looking at you ME3).


However games like BF3 and CoD that are mainly played for the multiplayer NEED to be able to stand up on that alone. I know some people that play them and never bother with the single player campaign.

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If you listen to enough of his reviews you sort of piece together that Yahtzee isn't particularly good at video games. He complains about dying a lot and generally not being effective when it comes to multiplayer in more than one review. Which is fine, because he isn't paid to be good at video games. He's paid to be funny.


He more or less admits as much too, from time to time.


Speaking as someone who's seen all Yahtzee's stuff... this was actually a positive review. You have to put it in context; if he likes a game he makes fun of it and points out its downsides. If he hates a game he eviscerates it. There's no mistaking the two once you've seen him really dislike something.


Good quotes from this review included:


The buzz seems to be that the PvP is imbalanced, but you know how it is: cows go 'moo', dogs go 'woof', MMO players go 'the PvP is imbalanced'.


Every time I play a MMORPG I have a moment of self-realization at some point when I say, "What the **** am I doing?" and go back to being a productive member of society. In some games it comes earlier than others, but to Old Republic's credit, it did take a while.


In general, Yahtzee doesn't like MMOs, and doesn't like multiplayer games, so I was honestly expecting this review to be a lot more negative.

Edited by Aloro
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