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Ship hangars would be less boring if they had...RANDOM ENCOUNTERS!!!


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No, not like in JRPGS. :p


Remember all of those people you helped or hindered at some point along the way?


Why not have the ship hangar be a place where you'll run into them again? After all, it's already instanced and there are plenty of times BW has already used ship hangars for quest areas.


It would work like so...


At random, you'd come through a hangar (usually returning to your ship) and you'd find that someone you've met on your travels is waiting there. This could be someone you helped or hindered. Someone you aided might just be there to say hello, and there's nothing wrong with that.


Someone you hindered might be lying in ambush, or better yet, they ambush you and someone you helped shows up to aid you in the fight.


The lines would be easy enough to write. You enter the hanger and find you've walked into an ambush:


Enemy: "Thought you could mess with me and live?" or something like "Grand Moff Kilran sends his regards!" (aka someone you pissed off at one point).


Suddenly, (insert person you helped, aka "friend") arrives behind you. Maybe a Sith you converted to the light side (who now has a blue lightsaber and everything).


Enemy: "Who are you?!"

Friend: "Someone who doesn't let their friends walk into ambushes alone!"


Fight ensues, you win.


Friend: "I came by to say hello. Apparently, you've made some enemies, too."




The follow-up mails are nice and all, but there are so many characters I've met along the way that I'd like to hear from again, even if it was just a general, "How are you?" "I'm doing well, thanks." sort of thing.


If nothing else, it would make the world feel more alive as NPCs clearly "get around", as opposed to simply going into the vacuum of nothing where from they can send you mail but you'll never see them again.

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It would be fun to walk into an ambush and have all of your companions come out of the ship to help.


There's a trooper quest where all of your companions assemble as one, bad@zz, merciless squad of pain against this poor imperial defense group... All of your companions except your current one become elite gods that can tank even when specced as DPS without problems.


For once, I pitied the empire xD

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I really like this idea. You could take it a step further and add level 50 content in this manner without really having to add extra environments or modify too much. For example;


If you chose to kill some one early on, a member of that persons family leads you on a chase through previous zones. They set up ambushes and you have several fights before the big conclusion.


Pretty simple stuff but it would add a bit more variety and adhere to bioware's previous work by having consequences to our actions in addition to light or dark side points or companion affection.

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I really like this idea. You could take it a step further and add level 50 content in this manner without really having to add extra environments or modify too much. For example;


If you chose to kill some one early on, a member of that persons family leads you on a chase through previous zones. They set up ambushes and you have several fights before the big conclusion.


Pretty simple stuff but it would add a bit more variety and adhere to bioware's previous work by having consequences to our actions in addition to light or dark side points or companion affection.


You're right: this would be a PERFECT "endgame wrapup" mechanic.


At the end of DA, you got a text rundown of the aftermath of pretty much everyone you affected throughout the game.


In SWTOR, you could see this happen firsthand through random hangar encounters.

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I'd vote for this. It'd be nice if, for example, coming back to Nar Shadda as a Sith Inquisitor, some of the disciples of your cult actually bothered to meet you off your ship.


Meetings with old enemies could be great fun too. Imagine- you re-enter your hangar... a couple of bounty hunters emerge from hiding, led by someone you've inconvenienced or annoyed on your questing, who threatens you, and tells you they've got you outgunned. At that point... your ship turns on the landing pad, its ship-to-ship heavy blasters powering up and levelling at your enemy's head.


Voice over from one of the companions still on board you ship "Would you... care to recount?"


Bonus points if the voice over comes from the droid. "Can I get you anything, master? Hot meal? Foot massage? Artilliery support? Just say the word."

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I'd vote for this. It'd be nice if, for example, coming back to Nar Shadda as a Sith Inquisitor, some of the disciples of your cult actually bothered to meet you off your ship.


Meetings with old enemies could be great fun too. Imagine- you re-enter your hangar... a couple of bounty hunters emerge from hiding, led by someone you've inconvenienced or annoyed on your questing, who threatens you, and tells you they've got you outgunned. At that point... your ship turns on the landing pad, its ship-to-ship heavy blasters powering up and levelling at your enemy's head.


Voice over from one of the companions still on board you ship "Would you... care to recount?"


Bonus points if the voice over comes from the droid. "Can I get you anything, master? Hot meal? Foot massage? Artilliery support? Just say the word."


I so wanted to make fun of this thread because it reminded me of the famous "Apartment Boss" thread from Anarchy-Online... but I have to give the OP credit this is actually a good idea.. To add to what Rowan said. It would be nice if you could at least get back in to your own "Office" and cult "HQ" at all.. let alone let them... you know.. greet you on the ship as you suggest.. Which I support btw. :p

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Yeah, this would be 1000x better than the emails you get as follow-up from your quests, and I say that as someone who likes those emails.


Yeah, the emails are nice, but after dealing with an NPC you may be fond of, they just kind of drift off into the ether and are never seen again.

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A note on the emails. I think they serve their purpose for off shoots and side bits, but for main story line quests, say the main arc of a planet or your class quest, would be great. You could even set them up through emails.


For instance, a mysterious benefactor contributes xxx to your credit line in hopes of discussing a lucrative deal/ diplomatic opportunity etc. Only to be revealed later as an arch enemy thought dead in act 1, dun dun dun!

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A note on the emails. I think they serve their purpose for off shoots and side bits, but for main story line quests, say the main arc of a planet or your class quest, would be great. You could even set them up through emails.


For instance, a mysterious benefactor contributes xxx to your credit line in hopes of discussing a lucrative deal/ diplomatic opportunity etc. Only to be revealed later as an arch enemy thought dead in act 1, dun dun dun!


I'd just like to see some of these great NPCs again.


Some of them seem really neat and then, BAM, they're gone into the ether only to send you exactly one single mail again later.

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I so wanted to make fun of this thread because it reminded me of the famous "Apartment Boss" thread from Anarchy-Online... but I have to give the OP credit this is actually a good idea.. To add to what Rowan said. It would be nice if you could at least get back in to your own "Office" and cult "HQ" at all.. let alone let them... you know.. greet you on the ship as you suggest.. Which I support btw. :p


Not familiar with the apartment boss, but yeah, there's a missed opportunity here, for sure.

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