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What does the 1-49 bracket teach us about PVP gear?


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tyranoc you just dont get it do you, i am a skilled player and you are not, you only have gear.


i am a skilled player with full orange gear i obtained from completing voss and corellia quests and my L46 weapon is my only pvp piece , i am pro twitch gamer and own in counterstrike and cod, but this game is all about gear and not about skill at all.


my guildies and and I were owning all warzones at lvl 10-49, we were always getting 10+ medals, after owning everyone and everything we all dinged 50 together, we are skillful because we are always together in vent and keep telling each other that we are pro and dont need pvp gear to be good. however my first warzone at 50 changed my mind about this game.


My first 50 warzone was civil war. my team and I went to ninja the other teams turret. The turret was guarded by an unskilled baddie in full battlemaster gear, he managed to kill 3 of us because of his op gear, because of my skill I managed to escape back to the middle, this noob doesn't bother chasing me and stays at the node, therefore it means he was scared of me I have more skill than than him and it was just his pvp gear that carried him, in other words i am the winner.


i will keep blaming the gear disparity and cry on forums, i will petition bioware to have expertise removed from all gear so that I will dont fail a 4v1 again.

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The L2P argument doesn't really work when you're trying to convince someone why THEY SHOULD BE LOSING.


Damage is bolstered, gear is bolstered, skill are bolstered, HP is bolstered, stats are bolstered etc...


Sure, you don't have all the abilities of the higher level's, but if you actually know how to play your class, and how to use the environment to your advantage... you can easily take down much higher level players.


As a level 15 jug I got my solo kill medal from taking down a level 43 jug.


As a level 20 merc I was topping the damage chart, and objectives, and don't fear any class 1 v 1 regardless of level.


As a level 40 sorc I have zero problems topping healing AND damage even against level 49 twinks.


Maybe it's you who needs to L2P.


And nobody is saying 10-49 is perfectly balanced, but it's FAR better than the level 50 gear discrepancy garbage we are currently stuck with.




Yeah, but you had to admit he's entertaining. Poor kid doesn't know when to give up.


Actually you can get solo kills by finishing off someone who may have just survived a fight with someone, doesn't really prove much...however I will agree that 10-49 is a ton more balanced.


Heck I've been doing well with my Scrapper Scoundrel all the way from the early teens levels now at high 40's with an expertise weapon, do I still get killed if I do something stupid? Sure.


Can I still get beaten by someone lower level than me? Definatley.


Why? Because talent points are more like Realm Ranks from DaoC, you have more toys to play with but you are still the same as everyone else thanks to bolster.

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Actually you can get solo kills by finishing off someone who may have just survived a fight with someone, doesn't really prove much.


Yes, you can, but that wasn't the case, otherwise it wouldn't have been relevant. Plus, it wasn't a once off thing either - and is fairly easy to replicate, unlike say... performing the same feat as a new 50 vs a bm geared 50.


however I will agree that 10-49 is a ton more balanced.


Heck I've been doing well with my Scrapper Scoundrel all the way from the early teens levels now at high 40's with an expertise weapon, do I still get killed if I do something stupid? Sure.


Can I still get beaten by someone lower level than me? Definatley.


Why? Because talent points are more like Realm Ranks from DaoC, you have more toys to play with but you are still the same as everyone else thanks to bolster.



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The L2P argument doesn't really work when you're trying to convince someone why THEY SHOULD BE LOSING.


Damage is bolstered, gear is bolstered, skill are bolstered, HP is bolstered, stats are bolstered etc...


Sure, you don't have all the abilities of the higher level's, but if you actually know how to play your class, and how to use the environment to your advantage... you can easily take down much higher level players.


As a level 15 jug I got my solo kill medal from taking down a level 43 jug.


As a level 20 merc I was topping the damage chart, and objectives, and don't fear any class 1 v 1 regardless of level.


As a level 40 sorc I have zero problems topping healing AND damage even against level 49 twinks.


Maybe it's you who needs to L2P.


And nobody is saying 10-49 is perfectly balanced, but it's FAR better than the level 50 gear discrepancy garbage we are currently stuck with.




Yeah, but you had to admit he's entertaining. Poor kid doesn't know when to give up.



I like your style.


I have been pretty much been telling that muppet the saem thing over and over again. And the muppet who still has their head burried in the sand continues on their crusade screaming, "the system is broken because i can win, and the reason is they have gear!"


In a not so old previous post I pointed out a 50 Sniper who had nothing but orange gear who freaking dominated against 50's who were geared. It was truely remarkable! But people like the clown you responded to, and who I have been refering to quite often continues to ignore those facts and claim Gear destroys all! And that ungeared players are as capable of defending themselves as a potato against someone with any gear at all...


What you have attempted to point out, is the same things I have been trying to point out. And that is that the system isn't perfect, gear gives a huge advantage but doesnt gurantee a win, and that this so self declared PvP machine is actually in fact LESS skilled than a potato and needs to L2P.



As for me being entertaining I enjoy that remark. I am only still floating around despite the sheer boredom of this topic because of players like the above mentioned, who continue to wail about gear being too powerful... But still wanting it! However rather than trying to acquire it (which is now extremely easy making that "gap" between geared vs ungeared minute) believe thy should just be given it... The whole, "Either I have it or nobody has it!" is so preschool yet they continue to chant it and have tantrums.

You could write an entire behavioural science text book on such people. Their grasp of dedication and reward just doesnt seem to exist in their feeble little minds.


However carry on! As maybe the muppets will listen to you rather than screaming for BW to change their nappies and wipe their bums for them.

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Really more people crying give me gear for free , i dont have time to play games cause im busy but i still want to win when i play.


Go get you champ gear that now is for free , and stop complaining.


I assure you , is not the gear that is making you lose.

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So you guys are telling me that my


level 49 marauder with 100% armor penetration, energy attack procs, 60% crit on force scream, force choke, 90% miss chance on enemy and a whole lot of fury abilities IS ON EQUAL TERMS WITH A level 10 marauder with only vicious slash?


So you guys are telling me that if these two fight, it will be 50:50 win/lose ratio? LOL!!! Did you guys finish high school at all?



Fights in 10-49 are more balance for the simple fact that players don't bother gearing up. There will be tanks in this game that drop like paper or worst than light armor for the simple reason that they didn't update their gear. When you reach level 40 and you gear up, you will see pure ownage in this bracket.


Lastly, if you are range, you will probably won't see a huge difference especially in huttball since you are killing people while they are doing tunnel vision on another. But if you are mellee, you will definitely notice a big change from 10-20 then 30-40 and 40-49.

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tyranoc you just dont get it do you, i am a skilled player and you are not, you only have gear.


i am a skilled player with full orange gear i obtained from completing voss and corellia quests and my L46 weapon is my only pvp piece , i am pro twitch gamer and own in counterstrike and cod, but this game is all about gear and not about skill at all.


my guildies and and I were owning all warzones at lvl 10-49, we were always getting 10+ medals, after owning everyone and everything we all dinged 50 together, we are skillful because we are always together in vent and keep telling each other that we are pro and dont need pvp gear to be good. however my first warzone at 50 changed my mind about this game.


My first 50 warzone was civil war. my team and I went to ninja the other teams turret. The turret was guarded by an unskilled baddie in full battlemaster gear, he managed to kill 3 of us because of his op gear, because of my skill I managed to escape back to the middle, this noob doesn't bother chasing me and stays at the node, therefore it means he was scared of me I have more skill than than him and it was just his pvp gear that carried him, in other words i am the winner.


i will keep blaming the gear disparity and cry on forums, i will petition bioware to have expertise removed from all gear so that I will dont fail a 4v1 again.



The world trembles at the skill of you and your guildies... Oh wait... No we don't because you cant win 4vs1 which makes you COMPLETELY fail.


Even geared players can go down 1vs1. Its hard and its stacked towards the geared player, but not impossible. Especially if you have skill.

2vs1 A geared player SHOULD NOT be much of an issue. Yes, one of you are going to die, however the other should walk away victorious. Especially if you have skill.

3vs1... You have no excuse... None... What you have described in your story actually saddens me. There are ALOT of players on my server who I have seen do stupid things, but in no way have I EVER seen such a feat like you are describing.

4vs1... You pretty muchhave to have your group on autofollow for the whole fight to lose



I am trying... Trying very hard to even envision what you described as actually happening... But unless they were some godly Consular/Sorc (because I have seen some of them being pretty hard to take down) then you are simply a troll... Either that or the worst player to EVER play a MMO... And the fact that there are 4 of you... Petition away. Send bug reports. Report the players for being geared. As even the BW will find it hard to believe what you are saying is true.



As for the player being "scared" because he didnt chase you... Pretty sure that just mean you werent even worth chasing after. He killed 3 of your friends in 4vs1, you obvioulsy have the pure, raging power and talent of a newborn baby blowing out a birthday candle.


Keep fighting the good fight!

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My first 50 warzone was civil war. my team and I went to ninja the other teams turret. The turret was guarded by an unskilled baddie in full battlemaster gear, he managed to kill 3 of us because of his op gear, because of my skill I managed to escape back to the middle, this noob doesn't bother chasing me and stays at the node, therefore it means he was scared of me I have more skill than than him and it was just his pvp gear that carried him, in other words i am the winner.



I don't know if you're joking... or serious? If you're being serious, it sounds like you're the baddie who wants to play team deathmatch. Want to know why he stayed at the node? It wasn't because he was scared of you... why would he be if he could beat you guys in a 1v3? It's because he was actually playing the objective and trying to win.

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Really more people crying give me gear for free , i dont have time to play games cause im busy but i still want to win when i play.


Go get you champ gear that now is for free , and stop complaining.


I assure you , is not the gear that is making you lose.


Its no use... They don't listen... These people are all skilled MMO grandmasters... Its not possible that they are bad. Its everyone else cheating and/or being geared.


And having champ gear handed to them for free makes no difference to them. Because champ doesnt = BM... despite the expertise only being 7 points higher on each piece... which equates to about what? 0.2% bolster? 12% is tremendous to these skilless wonders.

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I pvp in my rakata gear because my pvp gear sucks and i have no problems competing and usually finish top damage done.


These people dont know what Rakata is... There is no need for them to know as they don't PvE, they are instead PvP pros! And its not fair that Pros don't have BM given to them!


They are a joke. There we people on here trying to say that Rakata had LOWER star boosts than BM and Champ.


How can they be skilled and have no idea what so ever?


I don't even think they are playing the same game as us...

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I pvp in my rakata gear because my pvp gear sucks and i have no problems competing and usually finish top damage done.


Makes no difference. These bads will continue to QQ regardless of the upcoming changes and will definitely continue to ignore this post and so many like it that have popped up in their thread. Carebear mentality can't be reasoned with. They're right and we're wrong. Always.


I feel like I'm watching fox news reading this crap.

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Hello friends, first I would like to welcome you all complaining to an MMORPG. This stands for Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMO for short).


Now MMOs are different from your standart FPS game (which stands for First Person Shooter). In a FPS you are generally given the same character and weapons to use as every other person. In a MMO however, you get a reward from competing in PvP (Player vs Player).You receive gear! This is called character progression and it's a big part of any MMO! Now I know this seems new and innovative to some of you out there, but it has been the case for quite a while!


Enjoy leveling your character, and then when you hit the max level you can work and spend time getting better gear! While you play to get this gear you will also hone your skills at your particular class!


You now understand how gear in MMO PvP works. Thanks,


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I have to admit it's more fun fighting people on an even playing field than it is getting rolled for a month just to try and be competitive.


Also, rolling people who pose no real threat gets boring pretty quickly for me. I guess i'm just not the "kick the kitten" type.


If you're getting rolled, it's not because of gear. And a month to gear out in mostly champion? Try 8-9 days if you really stick to it and stop wasting time by QQing on the forums. You people need to just stop.

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For someone who claims to be good you sure do spend a lot of time defending your gear crutch.


By the way, you can keep calling legitimate arguments "crying" if that suits your trolling. Logically you lost this argument dozens of pages ago.


This is further evidenced by your inability to address the very real issues raised in this thread. Maybe if you just act like a high school bully reality will change?


QFT + 100.


It gets boring quickly too.

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Medal gain controls commendation gain. Simple, provable fact.


When you get a medal in the warzone, it puts a b uff on you. Mouse over that buff sometime. read what it says:


"Valor increased by 50 and commendations by 5 for every medal earned".


Just had a losing Alderaan.


Had the following medals:

2.5k single hit

solo kill

killing blow

2.5k heal

5k heal

75k damage done

300k damage done

1k defender

3k defender


so, in that LOSING Alderaan, i got: 70 commendations. (thanks to the extra 45 i got from medals)


I just WON a Huttball, too, (two games later). The other team was so awful, we ended the game with 9 minutes still on the clock.


I had only 5 medals:

solo kill

75k damage

killing blow

2.5 k heal

5k heal


I got (for this WIN) - 50 commendations.


you get 25 for playing. Anything else is based entirely on your medal gain. It's why tanks roll through the commendations. Ive seen tanks with 13 medals.


First time I pvped since this thread.




For some reason it shows republic as winner and us as loser, but the score was 5-2 Empire, we won. I got 8 medals, zero mvps and 100 commendations. Apparently 8x5 is... 75?

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An observation:


Myself and the others in my guild who rerolled to PvP in the 1-49 bracket are precisely the set of people who have been romping around warzones for weeks in champion or battlemaster outfits with 4-man premades and voice chat.


We did 50-only warzones for a while. They got boring. Now we do our 50-only pvp in organised battle royales on Ilum.


So, what happened to warzones?


It's not that we lost all the time, because we didn't. Nor is it that we won all the time, because that didn't happen either. What happened was that we were always getting placed against competent 4-man premades, and whether we won or lost the fight depended entirely on the relative skill levels of the 4 randoms that both sides received. It got pretty easy to call fights before they started, because we know all the names of the regular pvpers on our server, and 6 competent players plus 2 idiots will always beat 4 competent players plus 4 idiots.

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Love the comments stating "you can get gear if you really work for it for xx amount of days". And " if you dont have BM gear yet or soon then you're lazy" or some such iteration of those comments. I guess my thought was that games are something I play when I'm feeling lazy. Didn't know that to enjoy a competitive PvP enviornment I had to work hard for it. Thought the competitive environment was something built into and part of a game, not something you have to work towards
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Love the comments stating "you can get gear if you really work for it for xx amount of days". And " if you dont have BM gear yet or soon then you're lazy" or some such iteration of those comments. I guess my thought was that games are something I play when I'm feeling lazy. Didn't know that to enjoy a competitive PvP enviornment I had to work hard for it. Thought the competitive environment was something built into and part of a game, not something you have to work towards




.....This your first MMO?

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