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1,490 players reviewed this game as a 5.9


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Has anyone pointed out that a lot of those zeroes... came from the day the game was released officially?


At the same a lot of tens came from the first couple of days it was released to.



Edited by Yuuj
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There is a real theorem that a random variable will reflect its underlying probability over a very large sample. In this case, we're using Metacritic's user rating of 5.9: http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/star-wars-the-old-republic/user-reviews


Putting 1500 random gamers to the test with SWTOR for a month and have them rate it on a scale of 1-10. You will very likely come up with an accurate measure of the game's worth based on that many reviews. That is what we have here and that is why user reviews are far more powerful and accurate than the skewed 'paid' reviews you'll see from sites like IGN, Gamespot, etc.


Swtor's real score (I think its a bit high):






You can always enjoy this visual representation of the above score as well:

There's a reason why almost no game on Metacritic ever passes 8.0 on the user review: Dislike Bots.


How about instead of relying on the opinions of "paid" reviews and gamers with the anonymity of the internet to rate a game any score and suffer no consequences and play the game yourself.


By the way, On Metacritic Swtor's score is 5.9. WoW: Cataclysm is 5.2.


Just a side note. :jawa_smile:

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Metacritic user reviews are total ****.


If you see ANY review that says zero, you know the website is biased and skewed. Critic reviews are almost always less biased, and aren't ridiculous.


Any game with a large playerbase will get spammed with zeroes on metacritic, kicking the rating underground. So, take ANY user ratings with a grain of salt.


It's about as consistent, unbiased, and reliable as /v/ or Fox News.

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Has anyone pointed out that a lot of those zeroes... came from the day the game was released officially?


At the same a lot of tens came from the first couple of days it was released to.




If not they should - but what can you expect from a Troll thread? :rolleyes:

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A lot of the scores of those people are 0/10.


With this we can assume two things, either:


These people have never actually played the game and just hate it and are trying to bring it down.


Or, Swtor is actually the worst game in the history of ever and the work put into it is actually valued as nothing at all.


Taking user scores from sites like metacritic is just stupid, your grasping at straws just to get some bad reputation for the game.

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I think that the constant need to 'prove' to other people that they don't really like what they like, or that their tastes are objectively wrong is more interesting than the scores, to be honest.


There seems to be quite an emotional investment in trying to convince people that the game is an objective failure without a lot of evidence or dispassionate reason to back that up, given that it is too early to tell one way or the other, yet.

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I can understand the debate about how many people are playing and paying, A successful game means investment and expansions.


But metacritic? Its only possible use is BEFORE I buy the game, everyone posting here already has the game and I cant see what difference 1500 random peoples views can make.


I mean do people here need to be reassured that the game they have is getting good reviews?

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There is a real theorem that a random variable will reflect its underlying probability over a very large sample. In this case, we're using Metacritic's user rating of 5.9: http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/star-wars-the-old-republic/user-reviews


Putting 1500 random gamers to the test with SWTOR for a month and have them rate it on a scale of 1-10. You will very likely come up with an accurate measure of the game's worth based on that many reviews. That is what we have here and that is why user reviews are far more powerful and accurate than the skewed 'paid' reviews you'll see from sites like IGN, Gamespot, etc.


Swtor's real score (I think its a bit high):






You can always enjoy this visual representation of the above score as well:


if you look through the metacritic user reviews its 90% WoW fanboys that are angry that this "isnt WoW" or is "too much like WoW".

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Why is this thread still here? The fact that even WoW has a low 6.0 or lower is proof that this site is not good at all.


So Star Wars has a 5.2 score. Even if WoW had a 7.0 score, I would still say SWTOR received a very good score. Only 75% as good as the best MMO available is still a good indication that the game is good.

Edited by Nighthawked
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Metacritic is a useless metric, made ever further useless by the fact that ANYONE can rate a game without even having played it.


Basically the entire premise of the Op is stupid. 1,490 players didn't review this game as a 5.9, 1,490 random people who most likely never even touched it rated it down because that's what the trolls on Metacritic do.

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Yes we know SWTOR players do not like metacritic the reasoning is obvious. The cold hard fact is that this game was rushed and rightfully "earned" that rating. You can compare it's buggy-ness to WOW's release but a month into WOW's release the game was much much further along in terms of a finished product.


As of rite now, you are paying to beta test SWTOR, you just don't know it.

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Yes we know SWTOR players do not like metacritic the reasoning is obvious. The cold hard fact is that this game was rushed and rightfully "earned" that rating. You can compare it's buggy-ness to WOW's release but a month into WOW's release the game was much much further along in terms of a finished product.


As of rite now, you are paying to beta test SWTOR, you just don't know it.



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Yes we know SWTOR players do not like metacritic the reasoning is obvious. The cold hard fact is that this game was rushed and rightfully "earned" that rating. You can compare it's buggy-ness to WOW's release but a month into WOW's release the game was much much further along in terms of a finished product.


As of rite now, you are paying to beta test SWTOR, you just don't know it.



You're right, the reason is obvious, the people voting there are morons. World of Warcraft has a 6.9 user review rating, are you claiming that game is only a 6.9? It's expansions are between 5.1 and 7.0.


The fact is people get on these hate bandwagons and decide to make false reviews with vastly lower scores than the game deserves. Just look at all the 0-2 review scores, if you really think the game is that bad you're an idiot, if you don't then you can't claim that the total review score is valid.

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There is a real theorem that a random variable will reflect its underlying probability over a very large sample. In this case, we're using Metacritic's user rating of 5.9: http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/star-wars-the-old-republic/user-reviews


Putting 1500 random gamers to the test with SWTOR for a month and have them rate it on a scale of 1-10. You will very likely come up with an accurate measure of the game's worth based on that many reviews. That is what we have here and that is why user reviews are far more powerful and accurate than the skewed 'paid' reviews you'll see from sites like IGN, Gamespot, etc.


Swtor's real score (I think its a bit high):






You can always enjoy this visual representation of the above score as well:



Think you get ahead of your self a bit. Let me explain.


You say Paid review like Gamespot and IGN...

Well the fact is that those reviewers is basing it on there first impressions, they havent been playing it for months and got a lot of endgame.


What I meen is that many players will after they start and level have a blast a score it HIGH and after awhile get lower so I belive that gamespot and IGN has it right it is fantastic to start out with but fall as it is now for me a bit flat and get a medeo"care".

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