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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rate SWTOR out of 10.


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9/10, room for improvement but overall well done.


Love the story lines and the voice acting for quests. Thought it would get old but they did a great job and I'm still interested in what they have to say. It really gives you some background on the area you are in or the storyline you are involved in. I find myself wanting to get back to the quest giver to see what they have to say. First time that's ever happened.


And the quest givers don't kiss your ***, even if you have a huge rocket launcher or a lightsaber. They still give you attitude. Most other games always went a little overboard telling my character how awesome he was despite the fact my character had just met them.

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Leveling: 8/10 (Or higher in some cases- especially Class Story, even if the Class Story is rather disappointing, such as the Inquisitor's.)


End Game: 3/10 (Boring, repetitive, and to make it worse- you get to End Game SO DANG FAST, and there's not enough to do once you're there.)


Crafting: 3/10 (Crafting is one of the most important parts of an MMO to me. While the system here is interesting, it's practically useless in the end, as well as being thoroughly bug-ridden overall. Hopefully this will be rectified.)


Space: 5/10 (It's on rails, but they never said it wouldn't be. It's fairly average and nothing special, but it's still amusing to pew pew in space.)


PvP: N/A. I haven't taken part in any yet.


Other things that lower the score: The terrible, horrible UI. (It feels so... consolized. So huge, like I should be viewing it from across the room on a TV instead of a foot away on my monitor. So unmodifiable. So 'plug in a controller and it'll work better than a keyboard ever will'.) The game engine. The unbelievable lack of high resolution textures, which my husband and I specifically upgraded our PCs for (hurrah for thousands we didn't need to spend, since our old systems would have run this lower quality version just fine).


Overall: 6/10 and disappointed. Still playing for now, though I'm mostly considering it as I would a single player game: Once I'm done with the story, I'm done, because there's nothing left to do. However, I'm hoping that will change before I'm 'done with all the story' that I want to be done with (a couple more classes).

Edited by Shaz
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9/10 whilst leveling.


N/A / 10 for endgame. Because I havn't hit max level yet, and I don't expect a newly released MMO to have decent endgame.


I hate to quote this but I have to...am I the only one that is urked by the fact we hold games in 2012 to the same standards we held games too in the early 2000s?


Is it too much to think that the genre maybe could have evolved to the point where they can put out decent endgame from the start? When are we going to start holding games to new standards?


The longer we continue to hold these games tot he standards of 2003 the longer we will have 2003 quality, cause more then enough people are willing to defend this mentality.


Now to stay on topic id give it like a 6.75/10. I enjoyed the game while leveling and i enjoy starwars. Voice acting was new and fun the first time around, however i quickly found myself space barring with alts, eventually refusing to even play alts.


I couldnt stand repeating 90% of the same missions.we will see where this game goes in the future, maybe people will finally push the genre to evolve?

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Most 9+ think it has potential or room for improvement, you shouldn't give that score then but thats ok. What bothers me is the list of issues.... And what changed since beta and how long they do over a flashpoint like Kaon Under Siege (1 year!!). You can't say it has potential. Edited by Rigota
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So far I haven't reached 50, I don't want to.

After 6 years playing WoW i never did end-game. I got to a point to leave characters almost there and create another one.


So, as a mainly solo player (who enjoys a party every now and then)




The histories so far are quite interesting and I'm currently leveling characters to 35 to see the "act finale".

The game is buggy though and, for me, it takes ages to load (imagine when you want to swap between characters to send money and buy the item at the kiosk), a total joke.


PvP: Well, is interesting and sometimes really fun but, only 3 battlegrounds? and you cannot choose obviously. Pretty lame.

Also, the difference between levels is something that really matters - although it feels really good when you can beat a 50 with your 26 :p



How do I say it? The first time I saw it I wanted to cry, and I wasn't joy... it was sadness

Why? Well, let's say I'm one of those lucky ones who grew up with the X-Wing and Tie Fighter games ^_^

Please, fix it!!


Other things:

The customer support is... well, there is no customer support at all. More here.

That is something you really don't do, not with a game as ambitious as this one.




The main base of the game is just amazing. The possibilities are incredible but it needs a lot of work.

I said when it went live that it was unfinished, I still believe the same.

I guess they wanted to do too much but some marketing guy said "no! we will do expansions and charge them for that!" so they had to rethink the whole system.

Anyway, can be a good game but so far is only addictive because:

a) I want to know all the stories

b) Is Star Wars... ^_^


So please, give it some more love, get more people and work hard, we all want this to be legendary ;)


Edit: typos

Edited by Gulthaw
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Early Access and Launch 3/10

Didn't get the early access and the launch was a complete farce with almost no one getting at the appointed time. How anyone can think the launch was successful is beyond me. The only saving grace was that they managed to fix the problem quickly.


Initial Experience 8/10

Bare in mind that i'm not a fanboi and didnt spend hours researcging online aor reading magazines to find out what the game would be like so I went in blind.


Once playing it came across as very good indeed. Character classes and story lines looked interesting. From the trooper point of view Ord Mantel put you straight in to a war zone which was what I was looking for from this game. The larger background looked ok but the immediate environment lacked some depth.


Bad points, graphically perhaps a little dissapointing and the character movement was jerky and not very responsive. It also became apparent very quickly that the mobs in this game are repetative and uninspired. A lot of the features gave the game a cut and paste feel. The environment, character styling and combat reminded me of star trek, obviously the npc interaction was straight from Mass Effect/Dragon Age.


After the first week. 8/10

Apart from the repetative mobs and the minor (for me) issue with frame rates, the game was enjoyable. Plenty to do, liked datacrons ideas, pvp was fun, huttball was awsome, but it didnt feel like an mmo at all. General chat was largely inactive. Struggled to get groups together through did manage a couple of flashpoints which were ok but again, uninspired trash mobs.


After 3 weeks. 5/10

Class storyline lost its edge after act 1 and started to fall apart. 'Sounds like you could use a soldier' was getting a bit tedious to hear. Leveling was too easy but you realy didnt want it to be harder because mobs were realy starting to get boring and some planets were hell to slog through. You also started to see level 50's in pvp gear appear in warzones leading to massively unbalanced matches that were not fun.


Level 50 onwards 3/10

Repetative Daily Missions. One sided PvP. err, yeah that about some up level 50. Pretty cack.


Leveling alts 4/10

Ok in small doses. Different story lines make it a bit more interesting and of course different class abilities but doing the same missions over and over again. Boring.


So overall. 5/10.


Oh wait, we forgot weekly maintenace. 0/10


Weekly maintenance has been an utter disaster. There has not been one successful weekly maintenance, and by successful I mean, a) delivered on what it was supposed to, b) be completed on time, c) not cause further issues that results in further emergency maintenance. Thats 100% failure rate. 100%.


That drops the overall score to 4/10.


The game itself is ok but nothing special. There is certainly a lot of room for improvement, especially at level 50+ which I appreciate is the toughest bracket to provide content for but none the less, its pretty awful at the moment.


Implementation of the game - good grief. I'd be embarressed if I worked for bioware. What a shocking performance. EA/Bioware made some fantastic stand alone games and I rated them very highly but when they took over warhammer they were a disaster and this is even worse. MMO's are not your thing.

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  • 2 months later...
Sith Warrior Story 6 (only char that is lvl 50 so can't rate others)


Voice acting 7,5

Good score but this score is way more important in for example an animated movie/TV show than in a MMORPG. EA & Bioware this isn't a movie. In this game after a while it gets boring, listening minutes of chat to kill just a few mobs.


Levelling 3 Until lvl 11 its nice. But after it feels very linear in a maze like and claustrophobic environment.


End game 1 Guild stopped operations because of bugs, and lack off people because they didn't like this game in this state and pvp is not good. Rating includes things besides PVE/PVP like exploring datacrons(Strange fault in the game is if body type 3 can reach them), dailies which are boring and repetitive etc.


Planets, Setting, Space, Environment, Travel, Exploration 1

Static universe, mobs and NPCs are static, no freedom, to much walls/blockades, linear, to much instanced, claustrophobic, straight edged, copy pasted elevators and things. Everything but a real planet, a real world, or an MMORPG world can feel like. Feels like you live in a maze. Hard to imagine flying with your spaceship over the planets or even land and take off yourself instead of seeing the same copy pasted video of all locations in the next expensions/patches.


Overall rating 2

Everything included, like: crafting, char selection, combat, balance, graphics, engine, UI, alignment system, sentence choosing and reasons why you chose them, affection, depth, looks of gear, social aspect, populations, GTN, amount and what grade(game breaking or not) of bugs, speeder looks and speed, companions, global impression, all of above, everything!


If i give a rating how they hyped up this game and how it is practically i must give it 0.

The main thing to play MMORPG's are about dynamical content not static content (story). Else you get the feeling your watching the same movie over and over.


I wish my rating was 10/10 about this game but to much things that bother me.

Lucas should have done a SWG 2 maybe in The Old Republic age.


totally agree. i want a SWG 2

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I was unbelieably excited by the game when it was announced back in 2008 thinking that it would bring SWG back somewhat(boy was I fooled). So 10/10 on hype.


Levelling. 1/10

I was naturally excited about getting the game and playing it at first.

Level 0-20 I was somewhat excited. Then I got fed up with the dumb dialogues that I didnt really care about, I ended up almost breaking my spacebar in 2.


Endgame. -10000/10

While it was somewhat exciting to raid at first it quickly got very dull. People started leaving, and you found yourself either running around the fleet or doing the same stupid dailies over and over.


The game is a disaster, probably bigger than that of Age of Conan. Even if it got Free to Play I wouldn't continue playing it.


Worst thing is probably that we had to pay to play their beta because they had to rush the game out for christmas release.


The game already cries for server merges and it's only been a few months.

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The space combat somponent really needs a complete over haul and the rail system was really a bad idea. Space combat should be like a true simulation where the player has the freedom to go where they want to go in a combat mission. The x-wing tie fighter game got that right and do not know why they did note take ideas from that.
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The space combat somponent really needs a complete over haul and the rail system was really a bad idea. Space combat should be like a true simulation where the player has the freedom to go where they want to go in a combat mission. The x-wing tie fighter game got that right and do not know why they did note take ideas from that.


Did you ever play Star Wars Galaxies JUMP TO LIGHTSPEED? It was exactly how you would like it to be.

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