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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rate SWTOR out of 10.


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1 point was removed for bugs and another half point for graphical quality. I haven't seen any problems with design. I don't like the long load screens but I realize that I would rather have one long load screen when I first enter a planet rather than a bunch of small load screens while on said planet.


haven't gotten to endgame although endgame isn't particularly important to me.

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this game out of ten i would say 6/10


Graphically not that impressive i think age of conan looks better, i think Starwars galaxies was far more iconic. and performance is still garbage.


Sound i had to turn down the music because it interfeared with the voice acting


story some classes great story some not so great overall a bit MEH


leveling cut and paste from every other mmo slightly improved but still the same quests


its a good game and i am having fun i just think they should have made it more epic than what it is which is rather small with way too many loading screens. i think the main hubs being "stations" is rather sucky.

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9/10 Leveling


7/10 Endgame


7/10 Overall since endgame is 90% of MMOs


The game is decent in the endgame part as long as you have someone to play with. With no LFG feature or something of that sort, it's very difficult to find flashpoint/ops groups and when you can't do the PvE, you get stuck grinding PvP with nothing to do. Better than WoW though imo due to the fact that leveling was actually challenging at some parts and its not just a walk in the park.

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Solo aspects 10/10 - verywell done. you can solo the game if you wanted...never haveto see anyone

multiplayer 8/10 - great. it can be hard to find others, but you can play with people all game if you wanted to

Flashpoints 6/10- above average - other than bt and esseles, they are long and almost to much bugged with final bosses

Leveling 5/10 average its to easy to level, but it flows with the story

Endgame 7/10 good. there are things to do, but at this point it turns into a grind....lack of endgame content hurts

Content (Armour,lightsabers,speeders) 6/10 above average - many weapons and armor to choose from, but few models and endgame gear looks awful. The banana tree consular, peacock si...

Planets 8/10 great. there are enough at lunch, each one is different with new story.

story 10/10 verywell done. Even if the story isn't good, it is still there. Its there from the start till end and is in every aspect of the game.

warzones + PVP 6/10 above average - their fun, but the lack of number make the current ones boring fast.

so 59% out of 100. BUT i will point out that the flashpoints, pvp, and content will be either fixed, increased or new stuff put into the game. those are also workable and can be till this game is shut down. remove those items from the score = 86% = great

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As far as leveling goes, I'd say 6/10. The quests seemed quickly repetitive, and I just didn't have it in me to listen to every last cut scene (it also meant I couldn't listen to music while playing which totally killed it for me). The world was too stale for my tastes, like everything was just being, but not living.


I'd say they need to hire 10 people for the next 3 months to do non stop scripting towards making mobs be more active, walk around and chat with eachother, create real wild life, real environment / effects, day/night, just make everything seem more life-like.



Can't vote for end game as I never reached it, but I maybe heard 1 good thing for every 20 bad things so I'd rather reach that at a later point in time anyways.

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In its current state, I would give it 2/10.


Until BW quits blowing smoke and actually does something, I think the game will make 10/10. For me it started out a 8/10, but; starting with update 1.1, the game has become unplayable. I was moving right along prior to 1.1 and I was in it for the long haul (6 mos sub)...now done until bugs worked out.

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Sith Warrior Story 6 (only char that is lvl 50 so can't rate others)


Voice acting 7,5

Good score but this score is way more important in for example an animated movie/TV show than in a MMORPG. EA & Bioware this isn't a movie. In this game after a while it gets boring, listening minutes of chat to kill just a few mobs.


Levelling 3 Until lvl 11 its nice. But after it feels very linear in a maze like and claustrophobic environment.


End game 1 Guild stopped operations because of bugs, and lack off people because they didn't like this game in this state and pvp is not good. Rating includes things besides PVE/PVP like exploring datacrons(Strange fault in the game is if body type 3 can reach them), dailies which are boring and repetitive etc.


Planets, Setting, Space, Environment, Travel, Exploration 1

Static universe, mobs and NPCs are static, no freedom, to much walls/blockades, linear, to much instanced, claustrophobic, straight edged, copy pasted elevators and things. Everything but a real planet, a real world, or an MMORPG world can feel like. Feels like you live in a maze. Hard to imagine flying with your spaceship over the planets or even land and take off yourself instead of seeing the same copy pasted video of all locations in the next expensions/patches.


Overall rating 2

Everything included, like: crafting, char selection, combat, balance, graphics, engine, UI, alignment system, sentence choosing and reasons why you chose them, affection, depth, looks of gear, social aspect, populations, GTN, amount and what grade(game breaking or not) of bugs, speeder looks and speed, companions, global impression, all of above, everything!


If i give a rating how they hyped up this game and how it is practically i must give it 0.

The main thing to play MMORPG's are about dynamical content not static content (story). Else you get the feeling your watching the same movie over and over.


I wish my rating was 10/10 about this game but to much things that bother me.

Lucas should have done a SWG 2 maybe in The Old Republic age.

Edited by Rigota
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7/10 while leveling the first time. It's pretty decent for an MMO, but the pacing isn't great as an RPG.


5/10 for leveling after that since it's not super great for replaying through, no matter how many times they suggest rolling alts. Especially if you leveled with 1 or 2 people of different classes and watched their stories while you leveled.


4/10 for the endgame. There's nothing really new there, and what is there is buggy and unbalanced. Thus somewhat below average.

Edited by Zatoni
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5/10 for leveling after that since it's not super great for replaying through, no matter how many times they suggest rolling alts. Especially if you leveled with 1 or 2 people of different classes and watched their stories while you leveled.


This is why MMORPGS needs dynamic content not static. Also counts for Datacrons and such, imo a pain to do on alts.

Edited by Rigota
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