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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rate SWTOR out of 10.


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As mediocre as it gets


Story elements are fun as are the companions. Sadly the gameplay is a poor mans wow, crafting is broken and the amount of game breaking bugs still in there is unbelievable. Add to that corridor worlds with zero sense of exploration, on rails questing with no choices, broken pvp rewards system and it's very hard to recommend to anyone


agree i would they should of done a SWG 2

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9/10 as a single player story


8/10 while leveling, plenty to do and I am sure BW will add more


5/10 endgame overall - As an MMO it badly lacks player interaction, I don't care what people say to justify the repetitive grind: This is what theme park is suppose to be, this is not a game for you... etc. SWTOR is the newest MMO game on the market, BW made a big hype and brought nothing new period.


7/10 endgame PVP - In all fairness I do enjoy it to a certain extend, it lacks only some more arenas, and more players.

Edited by crowncrow
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as 10/10 is imposible for me as it would mean "perfect" ... will never happen ;)


8/10 pre 50


- very cool planet and class storrys (first game where I enjoid WATCHING the mission text)

- Datacons and Knowlage Objects invited to explore (if you don't use stupid guids) and even with mega big crashed ship on Hoth is full modeled!

- Area and Bonus Missions which you can just find by exploring

- nice mini game with spacefights

- nice concept of finding "your" prefared item set and keep it all the way by upgrading

- Compenions which are realy usefull even if you miss a 4th party member (my R2D2 could tank nearly as well as me pre 50)



- missions are allways kill or loot, no riddels (except one where you had to find the right energy switch combo. NEED MOOOORE)

- some minor bugs mainly landscape and lightning

- some not so cool bugs (still can't talk with my Doc as the last quests don't finish)


6/10 with 50


- old flashpoints are reused for hard mode

- still enough to do if you don't rush it with stupid guids (master all HC FP, find all Datacron, find all knowlage objects, dailys, PvP, raids)

- in general good crafting system which is not boring



- your item set which you collected with hard work becomes useless :(. While the set bonis from endgame stuff aren't OP they are the only one which get the best Armor-mods. Not to important for healer or DD but very important for Tanks!

- crafting becomes useless except biochem :(. Even the purple light sabre I can craft are ONLY level 48 but I need a material out of level 50 dungeons where allready better weapons can drob.


PS: this two points are realy important for me!

I don't like to run around like a clone with everyone else. I do love the individual style.

And while I don't expect to craft the absolut best endgame stuff I do expect that there is at last one craft which people want to buy over the kiosk at 50 and when they are "endgame".

Edited by Jahor
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Leveling 4/10.


Voice Acting 8/10.


End Game 0/10.


PvP 0/10.


Flashpoints 5/10.


World PvP 0/10. Non-existent.


Open world feel 1/10.


Alive feel of the game -10/10.


Customer service 3/10.


Moderation -5/10.


Game engine -100/100

Edited by SWGVet
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It's OK but not amazing. I was hoping to be impressed which as of yet I haven't been. Have enjoyed the time I have spent playing but do not intend to renew in Feb.


I have played better MMO's and better story driven games. I plan to play better story driven games (like Dark Souls, Skyrim etc) until GW2 comes out and then move to that for my MMO fix.

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As an MMO: 7/10 [but, I don't play for the MMO part]


As a single-player RPG: 8.5/10 [i'm more into the RPG than the MMO]


Story & voice acting: 8.5/10 [call me crazy, but I like the stories and the voice acting]


Overall enjoyment 8/10 [crafting material "crapshoot" takes it down .5]


Comparison: Skyrim 9/10 (overall)


TOR is in my Top 10 (currently) of best games [this goes back 30 years].

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Initial Character Leveling: 8/10


The main storyline is fun and decently written. A notch above other MMOs, but nothing to write home about. Side-missions are tolerable, but extremely repetitive and beneath my character most of the time.


Alternate Character Leveling: 3/10


Again, the main storyline is fun, but everything else at this point gets space-barred. I don't care about the mean beasties ravaging the countryside or how some of your people have lost their minds and gone feral. But sure, I'll kill fifteen of them because I have to in order to level.


Endgame: 1/10


Copypasta of Rift, World of Warcraft, and any other generic loot treadmill you can think of. Why the hell would I play this shallow, vapid excuse for an end game here when I left my previous game(s) because I wouldn't do it there? There are many ways you can design end game content, and this is hardly the best one. We are not rodents in a Skinner box; stop treating us as such.

Edited by BadgeredMushroom
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9/10 Levelling/Story

8/10 PvP

8/10 Rerolling (have a lvl 50, a lvl 45 and a level 23 atm. All Imperial)

6/10 Endgame

6/10 Space...limited but fun for what it is atm

2/10 Customer Service

4/10 Community management (would have been 1/10 but it's picking up nicely recently)


Overall: 9/10 At the end of the day i'm still enjoying the game immensely. I'd love certain features to be modified/added but for now the fun factor is very high

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