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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Just another gear hunt raid runner with 80% of it's mechanics borrowed from another game.


I lost my place in my guild due to too many melee, and melee being crippled in operations.

Edited by Pinchy_
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Yes. It's what I've wanted theme-park style MMOs to be since their inception, which is the entertainment value of a single-player RPG with MMO stuck onto it. It has issues, to be sure, and how long I continue to enjoy the game will depend on how well Bioware continues to add to and more importantly improve the game, but they have IMO a very solid foundation to work on.
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World doesn't seem open and interesting. MMORPG features are weak. I don't feel like bioware has an understanding of what makes a good MMO and what is important. They have made mistakes such as 1.1; which is understandable but they handled the situations poorly and irresponsibly.

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NO, no , no, no , no!


Crafting is broken

economy is broken, GTN interface is crap

pain to find a group, no lfd tool

community is crap

gear progression broken

run speeds are slow and too much running

bosses are broken all over

game engine is crap

no macros

no addons


PVP broken

massive exploits continuing

patches dont fix problems

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Yes and No.


If I never played WoW which juiced me out of this genre id be playing this all the time. Iv been juiced out, everytime I get into TOR I like the game but often I wonder why should I log in or keep subscribed. The story aspect is great, love Bounty Hunter story although my BH is like level 20 (inquis main).

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Yes I do.


The game has been out 45 days.


All the reasons for no that I see are because of bugs and lack of content or emersion or refinement.


The game has been out 45 days.


There will be nonstop bug fixes and updates. Thats how MMO's are. In a few months it will be very nice.


I have noticed many bugs. Many, and I would like them fixed.


But I am playing 3 to 6 hours a day so...


I like. :cool:

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Too many missing features that the devs magicially decided wouldn't be needed in their game, y'know, because it's not all those other games.


Way too many long loading screens.




And the sadly watered-down feeling of having Eight individual storylines, 40 companions, all squished into the standard Trinity MMO box.

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Yes I like the game. What I dont like is the customer service. Wait 3-4 weeks for a response on a ticket and you get a copy and paste answer that has nothing to do with what you said and it all feels very unhuman. Call tech support for help and again a copy and paste response telling you to do x,y,z to fix the problem and in the ticket you told them thats what you did and it didnt fix it. Its like they didnt even read my tickets. I would like a GM to send me a tell for once. Or have the tech guy ask if his feedback helped your problem.
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- no reason to pvp after rank 60


- pvp reslove is a joke


- no server trans


- no cross over WZ


- iilum is a joke


- no reason to go back to the planets again


- no ui options re-count


- dum bugs but Can live with it


- space is the most lame Thing they made , swg get space right, and that game is like 10 years old so don't tell it cant be done


- lame air locks

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Yes. I am very much enjoying myself.


There is always room for improvement of course. There are a number of thing in need of fixing, a good bit of content that was supposed to be in at launch (like the legacy stuff) that didn't make it in, but it will eventually. There are new items they could add in : LFG, new classes, new races (please, please, please), new planets, etc, but I will wait patiently for those things. I am in this for the long haul at this point and I have developed the patience to wait for all the goodies soon to come. You can't play pen-and-paper games for 30 years and not develop a little patience.


That said, my patience does have a limit. I'm not gonna wait around forever.


Hear that Bioware? And that's from a dedicated fanboi. Don't keep me hanging guys.


So there.

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I love the story lines, questing isn't bad imo and the space missions are a nice diversion.

Like others have said, sure there are things that need to be fixed (performance issues game bugs etc)

I rarely watch TV any longer, books aren't really interesting to me at the moment. Games are my form of entertainment. I'm rather tickled that SWTOR is here :D

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I love the companion system, updated crafting, the fact that the solo quests can be challenging and involves thinking and the immersion feel of the story.


However, it's a No :( The fact that they released a subpar WoW clone at max level has given me no desire to level to max outside of a snails pace and leveling alts is the exact same thing minus 15% for class quests. Like jesus, if we could choose our path more effectively to max level there may of been some argument for sustainable alt leveling but it's in current state no :(

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