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Why are they killing hybrid builds???


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Game is really dumbed down as it is now.


It wouldn't bother me that we are forced into one of 3 trees if those have more width. And why only 3? How about 4 or 5 per class? No? To lazy to make them or to different from WOW for you?


Atleast make talent trees to be real FAT trees with lots more branches so players really can make trade offs as they progress to end lvl skills (yes make 2 end level skills atleast and make it so we can have only one due to cost).


Make more synergy between skills so players can choose what higher level talents they wish to power up with their lower level talents.


As it is now, we can skip maybe 25% of the talents on the way up to the top. Trees should have much more skills making it that you can't fill atleast 50% of the tree on the way up even if you have put everything in the same tree.


That way players could get width thay are missing, and some variety between players that use same tree, and on the other hand, saying within one tree would not break trinity role player picked (as much as trinity suck, but I guess WOW masses are attracted to that).

Edited by Cygann
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meh. Whatever. I already had decided to go mainly Darkness tree. The thing that bugs me is, I see Deception being more what I thought this class would be about, but it needs improving. Hopefully things can be boosted now that it is less likely to give more of an edge to the other 2 tree specs.
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patch notes 1.1.2 *** !!!! i hate you bioware


Raze: Now triggers from activating melee attacks that hit a target affected by Lightning Charge’s Discharge effect. This effect now triggers more easily but cannot trigger as frequently.


Energize: This skill now also triggers from Assassinate. It now triggers from damage dealt (rather than ability use) such that each hit of Assassinate, Thrash, and Lacerate have an individual chance to yield the Energize buff. The chance to trigger has been reduced to 30% per hit.



i can live with the energize change but the raze nerf just kills hybrid builds ! please dont let this go to live !!!!!!!!!!!!

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Because there ARE choices, you just don't like the choices you're given. That's why I keep saying you're just entitlement raging because the hybrid spec isn't what you want it to be. The hybrid build still exists, it still has great utility, and it will always exist so long as BioWare doesn't prevent you from spending your points. It's just not easymode damage anymore because now the extra utility has a price to pay. Deal with it?


And I keep telling you: stop insulting people's intelligence if you want anyone to take you seriously. Don't expect respect if you can't give any. Might help if you learned how to spell too.


yes the choice is now to choose being tank or chose between a mediocre hybrid spec and a bad deception spec for pvp ( not talking about balance... )


all dps specs are equally bad now that indeed leaves us with a choice, not play dps as assassin

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they could have made the changes to the 31 point talents without changing the 21's that way people at least have a choice, then both specs would have been viable just in different situations and play styles.


yes. lets make an already good 31 talent op just so the too good 21 point doesnt need to get nerfed. then we go to the other classes and buff all their 11, 21 and 31 talent points so they dont fall behind.

or we just tweak down that one too strong 21 talent point.

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You people ************ about choice do realize that WoW at this point REQUIRES that you spend a minimum in one spec before spending points in others...


You have more choice in this game than you think. Go play WoW then come ***** about choices.

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Its simple...balance.


Its much easier to balance the game when they know there is only 3 viable builds for each advanced class.


With hybrid builds, crafty players will always come up with ways to squeek out something extra from builds that the devs missed, and that has the chance to cause im balance.


Like DPS specs running around in dark charge. They have DPS talants, and a tanks def. Its un balanced. Im not saying deception doesnt need more survivability. They do. But not that much.


I dont agree with the whole no hybrid thing, I like hybrid builds too. Im just stating the reason that the OP asked for.

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You people ************ about choice do realize that WoW at this point REQUIRES that you spend a minimum in one spec before spending points in others...


You have more choice in this game than you think. Go play WoW then come ***** about choices.


Is that going to be Bioware's new slogan? "Play SW:TOR, it's not as bad as WoW".

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Its much easier to balance the game when they know there is only 3 viable builds for each advanced class.s that the devs missed, and that has the chance to cause im balance.


Like DPS specs running around in dark charge. They have DPS talants, and a tanks def. Its un balanced. Im not saying deception doesnt need more survivability. They do. But not that much.

About 3 builds part - yes its simplier but I dont want to pay for a simple game with star wars theme where I get pidgeon-holed into one of just 3 (in 1.1.0 we have much more than 3 effective specs to play) specs.



Dark charge was somewhat imba with dmg specs but there are few buts:

1) Dark charge without DD gear spec is useless in PvP as tank stats dont work. I think it would be better if they payed attention to that.

2) Other stances die too fast and die horribly.

3) There are other ways to nerf dark charge DD specs without castrating the hybridness of a class.

4) Ever seen "assassin R imba" threads? Then why the nerfing?


considering wow is the best, most balanced and most polished mmo out there its not a bad thing to get compared to it i would say.

Considering that its another MMO people can go and play instead, and that many people are tired of WoW and want to see something new...


You have more choice in this game than you think. Go play WoW then come ***** about choices.

If the hybrid nerf trend is going to continue we will have the same WoW "31 or suck" thing in SWTOR...

Edited by Vesperr
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It does suck to have to fully commit to a tree for 2ndary benefits like HD. I agree that if BW wants you to fully commit 31 pnts then the top tier tree feat better be worth it!


Its somewhat sad that BW has decided to follow WoW's lead instead of breaking new ground!

Edited by AlphaBraddox
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It does suck to have to fully commit to a tree for 2ndary benefits like HD. I agree that if BW wants you to fully commit 31 pnts then the top tier tree feat better be worth it!


Its somewhat sad that BW has decided to follow WoW's lead instead of breaking new ground!


Tough track to walk... Think about the funding wow has put into refining the mmo genre. Not much more new ground to break.


I think by making this game have interactive story modes over the internet is pretty new stuff.


As for gameplay... if Blizz has spent millions if not billions on refining the game why not just "borrow" that expertise rather than funding all that money yourself...


Makes sense. Now they will tweak it to fit their game. Problem is too many people don't like different. They complain and say they want it but deepdown... they don't.


The changes have to be slow or the player base will drop. Time will tell.


It boils down to comfort. If people arent comfprtable playing the game they will leave, people are comfortable with wow. If they changed to fast people will get uncomfortable and leave.

Edited by Bamzamma
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Um, non "cookie cutter" specs are always clearly inferior. Being a snowflake doesn't stop you from under performing and pulling down your group. The rare solid hybrid spec that does come about makes the class impossible to balance. You really should have learned that by now, all of you. Don't ask for things that don't make sense.


After 8 years WoW is giving more customization a shot in MoP, and I'm telling you right now that 1 of 2 things will happen: 1. Optimal "optional" talents will be found and thus just more cookie cutter specs. Or 2: Balance will be more chaotic than at any point in WoW's history. WoW in for another rough expansion, you really want that here? The more options you have the harder it is to balance. It's not rocket science.


I'm really not as angry as I seem, it's just late and some forum ideas make my head hurt. The "No add ons!!!!" thread in particular makes me want to punch a kitten.


It doesn't matter how you may or may not want to look at it. The game was made with the promise...(its on the making of the game vids & interviews) of having completely customizable specs. The End! Now they go and change their minds because...QQ its hard to balance? Give ma a break. Things where fine before 1.2, only needing very, and I mean very minor fixes. If they continue to squash hybrid builds so they are no longer viable in both pve and pvp then they are running the risk of falling into the same trap other current mmo's are in.

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As mentioned many times before, BW has made it clear that they wish to balance the AC's around their 3 skill trees. Hybrid build's make balancing harder because instead of taking into account only 3 builds, you know have 3 + 1 or 2 more Hybrid builds for each AC.
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Hybrids are made because going up a full tree isn't viable to begin with :/


That is why BW has been making changes. Immortal tank hybrid is obsolte now, Full Immortal is better. Sorcerer DPS remains to be seen but from what i can read lightning dps is good now , Sniper hybrid builds need more parses but MM and Lethality are both in a good spot as well.

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