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Does anyone actually finish their Ilum daily/weekly?


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My server is very imperial heavy like most others and almost any time that I go to Ilum save for a few occasions I end up going up and down the map with 40+ other imperials and no republic in sight. There are also the armament crates which get spawn camped so I never get any of those. I just can't find any time efficient ways to completing these missions.
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on my server, basically the ONLY time to really do it is tuesday, yea you can manage here and there later in the week, but tuesday is when all the pubs come out to play, i got my weekly for ilum done today and i prolly won't go back for the daily just because it takes so long (unless ilum 2 is open then i just run and pick up the crates there)
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Of course I do.


(I'm Imperial.)


These two may be related.


All jokes aside, my server is pretty balanced. There are times in the night that the Repubs mass up a zerg that steamrolls the Imp stragglers that didn't finish their dailies/weeklies with a main group. Not saying Imps aren't advantaged on the server. We push them back to their base more often than not. But we've definitely been camped outside our base and farmed more than a handful of times.

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Bloodworthy Republic here.


Finished the weekly (and daily) in a bit under an hour last night. Had a 24 man ops group which was still being pressed back against the republic base by a bigger imperial group, but some decent use of pulling and turrets had kills come in at a fairly steady rate.

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you get 30 per day but it takes you 14 days to get 150?


150 / 30 = 5, if you can do the daily for 5 days you do the weekly in under a week.


I'm trying hard to figure out how you used math to offer a legitimate answer.. While failing with math at the same time... He said "Weekly = 3 weeks" and you managed to get 14 days out of that. :X Correct me if I'm wrong, but there are 7 days in a week...:p

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The Ravager - Republic


Finished weekly in about 3 hours, doing warzones in the meantime. So effective it took my group like 2 hours I guess. We had to actually search for imps yesterday, while camping crates in between.

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I managed to finish my weekly yesterday as rep but that's because I go to Ilum at 4am. I tried to do it at 2am yesterday, I was there alone, killed an Imp or two and then they brought like 5 friends.

Got lucky though and we were able to put 4 people together after 4am but I'd say currently it's impossible for rep to do the quests normally because we're heavily outnumbered.

So basically Imps get double the gear as reps.

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Did the daily tonight easily enough, roughly 35mins but this was in off-peak time so not a lot of imps around. Found a group of 6 towards the end of the night and even though I wasn't in the ops group, tossing an AoE heal in the middle of the action got me credit for all the kills.
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Usually takes about 45 minutes for the weekly on Tuesday and 30-45 minutes any other day. Tuesdays can be some pretty good back and forth action 30 ish on slightly more. The zergy side definitely favors the imps due to population.
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I play Imperial so don't get me wrong its more than likely easier for me. However thought i would try and help.


On my server ( tomb of Fight the queues ) if you try and get your weekly / daily done between 4 - 10 as a republic or as we call them mobs, then you are going to find it fairly hard as the imperial forces are at a high. But i like to go to Illum around 10pm - 2am some where between that time and i find the fight to be a lot more even and much more fun.


if you don't have that time free to play as it is quite late then not sure maybe farm the warzones as most of the Imperial forces seem to %^&* up the most simple task in Warzones that we get ***** by republic all night long.


( also do the weekly in one visit just after reset ( Tuesday night ) and at least you know everyone needs it then )

Edited by Definity
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I stopped doing the daily/weekly on my server. People have started trading kills because it is much faster and I cannot be bothered any more.


My main reason for this is that I decided to step off the gear grind wagon and just enjoy warzones. As soon as I complete my warzone daily, I log off and start playing my lowbie alts. When the rest of my guild gets to 50, I will join them on Ilum as a guild group hunting stragglers and just having fun together. If by doing so, I manage to complete my daily/weekly, so be it!

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Republic - Tarro Blood Server


Grouped up with about 10 Republic today to own up the imps. Within 30 minutes they gathered up over twice that. However Before they did, we had a pretty cool win against them when they first ran there approximate 10 person OP against us. Got my daily. Downhill from there though.

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