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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Be warned: Sentinel is the hardest class in the game.


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Sorry if you didn't know, but you picked the hardest class to play. I've got a 50 watchman in full champion gear now, and I admit that I was having problems at first, but now I don't know what people are talking about most of the time. I haven't done too much pve, so I don't know about any issues there, but in pvp they're machines. If you're having problems don't come on here and complain, do a bit of research and get to know other classes too. Knowing what you're up against is half the battle. If you're at 50 with decent gear and getting owned then I think you might wanna re-roll, this class isn't for you. Sorry that I'm not posting any strategies or the such, but I thought that people should be warned that this class is a tough one before they start it and get frustrated and waste their time. It is possible to OWN with this class, if you're not doing it it's not the game, it's you.
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I agree, i actually re-rolled , then decided i was gonna learn this damn class if it killed me!!


Tell you what, its not a class for clickers, its more than 4 buttons, keymapping is key to success with a Sentinel, master this class, and enjoy the payoff!

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I too am currently playing a sentinel and I'm currently hovering at a little over 20. I was wondering have you guys noticed that there are a lot of abilities that you don't use as much or at all after leveling further? I ask this cause I've noticed that as i level a lot of my skills are getting pushed farther back into my rotation until eventually they get moved to my second action bar and i don't use them much at all. Am i screwing up here? :confused:
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I am so frustrated with the Sentinel... the only thing that makes me feel better is to express my opinion as much as possible. You shouldn't have to spend this much brain power to play the sentinel. I want to have fun not be frustrated at how difficult the class is. If they want to make a difficult class then say that in the class description because the last time I checked it didn't mention it.
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What's harder?


Why is it hard?


Sents, when it comes down to it, have one role basic role: dps


Compared to a pvp tank Guardian, a Sent is child's play. Sents don't have to micromanage their Guard, CCs and baby sit healers while putting out some burst at key times. Not to mention the constant target switching (with the horrible UI) for taunt and guardian leap.

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Why is it hard?


Sents, when it comes down to it, have one role basic role: dps


Compared to a pvp tank Guardian, a Sent is child's play. Sents don't have to micromanage their Guard, CCs and baby sit healers while putting out some burst at key times. Not to mention the constant target switching (with the horrible UI) for taunt and guardian leap.


What good is DPS if your toon dies? Sentinels become fragile after 28.

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Sentinels are weak if they are alone, i dont know how you are playing your characters but my sentinel is only 31 right now, i have level 23-28 gear on because i pve the main quest and pvp the levels.


If you are familiar with other mmo's consider the sent akin to a mele wizard or mage.


Wait for the main group to charge in pvp then come in behind them, 1) you avoid being the focus of DPS 2) you provide dps support to tanks and can save healers with minor CC.


It is not a button mashing class.


I play pvp best with a tank and healer combo.


Just because you have two lightsabers does not mean you are a pvp stud.


Don't get me wrong im not saying you are not playing it right i'm just saing maybe take another look at the playstyle and adjust your sent or find a better class that suites your play style.


They are not the weakest class in the game they just happen to have the most bugs right now, timer delays, missed ability pops, timers ect some were fixed with the last patch but not all.


Bottom line if you like it play it, if not move on to something else and maybe come back to it later.

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Why is it hard?


Sents, when it comes down to it, have one role basic role: dps


Compared to a pvp tank Guardian, a Sent is child's play. Sents don't have to micromanage their Guard, CCs and baby sit healers while putting out some burst at key times. Not to mention the constant target switching (with the horrible UI) for taunt and guardian leap.


As a Watchman you have to juggle plenty of stuff.


You want to build your Centering as fast as you can, to be able to activate either Zen (if you're on your own) or Transcendence (if you with a group). You've got 0.5 seconds to remember which one to pop.


Zen will allow your burn effects to crit. You only have 1 default burn effect (Cauterize). So if you just popped Cauterize and then Zen become available...you have to remember not to hit Zen just yet.


Two powers may refresh Cauterize. You have to watch for them to change the cool down of your Cauterize.


Overload saber will add very small burn effects. So in some cases, you can pop Zen if your Overload saber is ready. Again, you have about 0.5 second to make these decisions.


To get the most out of overload saber, you need to space out your melee attacks with non-melee attacks so that you can pop overload saber again, before the DoTs from Overload run out. If you get into that zone, then you're a machine.


Also manage Focus and pop your defense CD's when you can. Oh and if you can not die during this because you have crap for defense.


In PVP, this is all compounded because your opponents are moving around like crazy and you get stunned every 3-5 seconds.


Based on what you said, I think Guardian is equal to a Sentinel, but not at all harder.

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Agree with the OP. This class has the highest skill cap in the game. I have a Trooper and a Smuggler and I rock on them because I am so used to having a more complicated class to play.


It takes a lot to learn the class, when you do it will become easy and extremely rewarding. You just have to take your time with it and learn from your mistakes. Slowly add things into your rotation until it becomes more comfortable and second nature.


With Sentinel, unlike the other DPS classes. The class requires a lot of strategy and not running into the battle half cocked and alone.


There are a lot of Sentinels/Marauders that I see in WZs that mismanage their CDs and veer far away from the best rotations and guess what? They are the ones that only get about 150K damage tops in 50's only WZs.


I regularly hit 250K + per WZ, due to managing my CD's and knowing what fights I am going to win and knowing when to bail when it gets too hot for me.


1v1 this class can kill anyone. I truly mean anyone. If you manage your CD's right you can 2v1 and 3v1.


There are a lot of things that can help you with Sentinel, such as keybinds and investing in a gaming mouse with extra programmable buttons. I have a Razer Naga and it makes my life exceedingly easier as a Sentinel.


I would suggest to not give up on the class and challenge yourself. Once you find the rhythm you will begin slaughtering almost everyone that you run across.


There is a lot of info on the net about Sentinel builds and rotations that can help you. When I wasn't sure, I looked it up. I watched some videos of Faroh on YouTube and it helped a lot, also asked other Sentinels on this forum as well.

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Mainting a three stack of overcharged saber is currently considered to be a dps loss as although some.mive dont generate a charge there aren't enough to prevent.down time. It is currently better to just to rebuild it to 3 stacks as quickly as possible.
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Sentinels *are* the hardest class in the game.


Personally, I think it's because the class has some serious flaws. Some players say you just have to MacGyver a way to make it work and it's awesome, however I think that the fact that you *do* need to MacGyver a way to play the Sentinel is a sign of serious problems. (various key binding changes on top of buying a mouse with buttons and specialized keyboards, etc. etc.)


One trick I've *just* learned that has helped me immensely is to use Overload Saber whenever its cooldown is up. You would not believe the difference it makes.

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All unique DPS trees for Knights suffer from a really bad lack of streamlining. This doesn't include focus because it is very centric and while still sort of hard to play in it's own right, it doesn't require key-mapping on a wide scale as either a Sentinel or a Guardian. With things like Sages, Sorcerers, Mercs and Commandos it's obvious where your money is for damaging abilities. With the others it's an odd conglomerate of neat skills that you have to manipulate to use properly.


Can it be done, and done well? Yes.


But would the class be seriously buffed by tightening this odd spread? Definitely.

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part of the issue is staring everyone in the face. those who say "I have no problem" are all WATCHMEN LOL the problem is not that we got weak..


we were simply overpowered early in the game pre 30....then everyone caught up to us. then depening on teh tree *watchman have FAR less issues and do mroe damage than the combat spec* you are either going to be frustrated..or enjoy it. the problem is the combat delay issue is still hampering the damage output..which is hurting some specs. watch not so much but I dont think being forced into one tree is the answer..me i'll stay comb spec and continue to struggle with the ability delay..once they get it fixed we're going to be killer to the point of being nerfed I bet. but until the combat delay is fixed..which in itself is a nerf...we're not that great.


but yeah for those who who said that pre 28 we were great and then we sucked after..thast because all the other kids on teh playground grew up to be as big as we were..and then we sort of..stunted our growth.


that being said..you can still be effective..not great..but effective..but it takes a LOT of work...lot of analizing..and a little bit of luck .

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