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Whats wrong with RotS


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Ok. Ive heard that reception for episode III can be split into two categories: Awsome as original trilogy, or 'just as bad' as the other prequels.


Ive been wondering, how can anyone think episode III was 'just as bad' as the other prequels. Is it just because it was a prequel film, or was it something else?


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Padme dying completely destroys one of the important character scenes with Liea and Luke.



in ROTJ Luke asks Liea if she remembers her real mother. Luke is trying to connect with his dead mom and his sister. Leia then tells him she died when she was young, was very beautiful but very sad.


She was sad of course because the man she loved became the Dark Lord of the Sith and because of that she had to separate her twins and she never got to see Luke grow up.



By having Padme die that ENTIRE SCENE IS A LIE.

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The lightsaber duels were so long and boring....Lucas ordered that they be shown in fast forward, even during the screening.


At the end of the Emo-boy/Obi-wan fight, Anakin, who can leap 100 feet through the air...instead chooses to leap 9 feet through the air....directly on to Obi-wan's lightsaber.

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Episode 3 was the best of the infamous prequels and imo the 3rd best of the Star Wars saga. But it still falls short compared to Empire Strikes Back and A New Hope, largely because of the prequels that came before it. I really think Episode 1 was kind of a waste of time, and I think the prequels would've been better off if they had Dooku or some other side villain surviving until Episode 3. Anakin's fall to the darkside felt clumsy, and the movie just didn't make the audience really care what was going on screen. Some of the scenes were too long and boring like when Anakin and Palpatine were staring at the space opera thing, and that was a scene that was pretty important too. Padme's death and lines like "breaking my heart", could've used some more work.


However I thought Ep3 had a good overall pace to the film and it was packed with fantastic action sequences, while setting the stage for what happens in the original trilogy. Finally watching Anakin's fight against Obi wan was satisfying, even if you prefer the original style combat, imo.


But I'd rank the Star Wars movies as follows:


Empire Strikes Back

A New Hope

Episode 3

Return of the Jedi

Ep 2

Ep 1

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Padme dying completely destroys one of the important character scenes with Liea and Luke.



in ROTJ Luke asks Liea if she remembers her real mother. Luke is trying to connect with his dead mom and his sister. Leia then tells him she died when she was young, was very beautiful but very sad.


She was sad of course because the man she loved became the Dark Lord of the Sith and because of that she had to separate her twins and she never got to see Luke grow up.



By having Padme die that ENTIRE SCENE IS A LIE.


Leia is raised by the Organa's, Bail and Breha. So Leia's memories of her mother are about Breha, not Padme. Breha died a few years after adopting Leia, hence why Leia remembers her mother, but only briefly. Breha was sad because of the new civil galactic war that frequently took Bail on missions away from her. So it makes sense, from that point of view, that Leia remembers her mother being sad.


Keep in mind at this point in RotJ Leia does not know that Luke is her brother, she only suspects it, or feels it somehow. Luke is about to tell her.

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Leia is raised by the Organa's, Bail and Breha. So Leia's memories of her mother are about Breha, not Padme. Breha died a few years after adopting Leia, hence why Leia remembers her mother, but only briefly. Breha was sad because of the new civil galactic war that frequently took Bail on missions away from her. So it makes sense, from that point of view, that Leia remembers her mother being sad.


Keep in mind at this point in RotJ Leia does not know that Luke is her brother, she only suspects it, or feels it somehow. Luke is about to tell her.


none of that is in the movie

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Leia is raised by the Organa's, Bail and Breha. So Leia's memories of her mother are about Breha, not Padme. Breha died a few years after adopting Leia, hence why Leia remembers her mother, but only briefly. Breha was sad because of the new civil galactic war that frequently took Bail on missions away from her. So it makes sense, from that point of view, that Leia remembers her mother being sad.


Keep in mind at this point in RotJ Leia does not know that Luke is her brother, she only suspects it, or feels it somehow. Luke is about to tell her.


all of that was added AFTER RotJ was written and filmed. When it was made it was about Luke and Leahs real mother. Remember Luke doesn't know that his mom died in child birth either.



Even with the revision you are talking about it doesn't make sense because why would Luke care about Leahs adopted mother?

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Leia doesn't even realize she WAS adopted. So to her her real mother was from alderaan.


They why does Luke specify?


"Tell me about your mother... your real mother..."


If she didn't know she had a real mother, that line would've just been, "Tell me about your mother..."

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Although ROTS was the best of the prequels, that's like being the valedictorian of summer school.



-R2's slapstick fight with two battle droids.

-Anakin, Obi Wan and Palpatine are caught in a forcefield "We're smarter than this."

-Anakin and Obi Wan's baseball hand signals.

-Padme dies from having her heart broken?!?


ROTS was not without it's good moments:

-The opening flight scene is fantastic.

-Palpatine's telling of the story of Darth Plagueis the Wise.

-Anakin and Obi Wan's fight (because it is fun to see how they know each other's moves).

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To answer your question OP. The reason why some may find it as bad as the other PT movies is the acting and writing is still awful at times. I personally think that RotS is on par with the OT(Aside from the awful acting and writing at times, it's pretty good.) Edited by Corrick
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Ok heres the real answer.


George Lucas didn't write RotJ on his own, Lawrence Kasdan is actually given billing for writing credit over Lucas. And Richard Marquand directed it, Lucas did not.


George Lucas wrote and directed RotS on his own.


So in essence, Lucas messed up.

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RotS is the best of the prequels, but it suffers from soo many of the same problems. The writing probably being the most obvious. I don't blame the actors so much for their poor performances because Lucas was ultimately the one to go "yeah that was a good take." Then there is the blandness of it. Sure there is a lot going on visually, but the whole movie is just one big green screen set which ruins the feel. The originals were shot on location or in huge practical sets which made them look so much better. Then there is the how over the top it is. And its not just that its one ridiculous set of action sequences separated by people walking down a corridor or sitting on a couch. Its that they just don't have the same fun adventure element that the originals had because Lucas went after big and flashy at the expense of any short of logic and reason.


I dunno, the original 3 were these fun adventure movies about the really interesting new universe and the prequels, including RotS just doesn't bring back that same experience.

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It was the best out of the prequels but still had several problems IMO:


-Battle droids still talking (I get its supposed to be funny but its stupid)

-R2-D2 whole scene with the droids

-Dooku vs Obiwan and Anakin: force powers looked awful (too much CGI Lucas) and why is Obiwan always getting knocked out of these fights in the stupidest ways possible? I don't get why he couldn't have gotten up and helped out. Also the Emperor's weird excited noises make me laugh

-Sidious vs Jedi Masters: cool except I wish it didn't look so awful when Sidious kills four jedi in a couple seconds. I get that he moves fast but the acting and the way it was shot always came across as a poor job. Could have been better executed.

-Didn't feel like the transition from unsure jedi knight to full blown sith was handled well for Anakin in regards to him immediately starting to kill kids.

-Anakin vs Obiwan fight was way too long and honestly laughable at times when they were spinning their lightsabers around for a good two seconds. The first half was cool but them fighting on ropes and nearly on top of lava was too much and too long. Also, Anakin's dismemberment scene was poorly though out. An experienced fighter like Anakin wouldn't make such an idiotic jump like that.

-Grievous was a joke the whole movie. No one besides me in my family got why he was wheezing/coughing (should have explained that) and for supposedly being a "******," Grievous fought so poorly against Obiwan.



-Yoda vs Sidious was awesome!

-Anakin's march on the jedi temple very sinister and captured the right mood.

-Emperor vs Mace Windu was cool too

-Anything with the Emperor for the most part was cool.

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Only thing that kept that movie from falling apart is Ian McDiarmid's acting, (Palpatine/Sidious).. SPLENDID!


"Once more the sith will rule the galaxy.. and.. we.. shall.. have.. Peace."


Although it does tie up some loose ends, How the jedi got purged, the stormtroopers, how the empire formed & republic fell, how anakin became Vader..

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I don't think Episode III was bad actually. It wasn't as good as original movies, but it was easily the best of the prequels.


But Revenge of the Sith also had some major problems:

  • Bad dialogue between Anakin and Padme (although there bad dialogue in other conversations too).

  • There was no feelings in Anakin vs. Obi-Wan duel, it felt like it was done by machines.

  • Anakin's fall to the dark side didn't feel tragic because we didn't care for the guy since he was a naive murdeder from the beginning.

  • There are just too many things in the movie that doesn't make any sense, so I'm not gonna post them all here, but in example, senate just blindly believes that Jedi are the traitors who sought to overthrow the Republic? That was bullcrap, Jedi had been guardians of peace for over thousands of years.


Majority of fans also says that Hayden's acting was horrible, I disagee. Hayden was good for the part, but it was Lucas' direction that sucked hard. He directed the whole character badly. And you can't deny that since most of the movie was filmed against the green wall, that didn't make actors job any easier, so you can't put all the blame on the actors.


Personally I think the one actual, really good thing in the movie was Emperor, Ian nailed that part completely. top-3 class acting in Star Wars-movies I believe. (Other two being Han Solo and C-3PO).


This is going to be off-topic, but I would put Star Wars-actors in top-10 as something like this:


1. Han Solo, acted by Harrison Ford

2. Emperor Palpatine by Ian McDiarmid

3. C-3PO by Anthony Daniels

4. Ben Kenobi by Alec Guinness

5. Tarkin by Peter Cushing

6. Yoda by Frank Oz (I list this as acting since Frank also did the movements of the Yoda-puppet)

7. Qui-Gon Jinn by Lian Neeson

8. Obi-Wan Kenobi by Ewan McGregor

9. Count Dooku by Christopher Lee

10. Princess Leia by Carrie Fisher


I guess Luke Skywalker and Anakin didn't made it to my list. :rolleyes: But at least Mark Hamill nailed Joker's voice acting perfectly.

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It could have been very easily misunderstood

It was... by Lucas. :p


The "she was telling Luke about Queen Breha" explanation is hogwash. It's not canon, it's not EU, it's not even Infinities, it's just fans trying desperately to link the ROTJ scene which we've had for nearly 30 years with George's "Well, Padme's gotta die I guess" idea (which, sadly, too many fans also agreed with well before Episode III was produced). This topic comes up on Star Wars sites all the time and people trot out the "She was talking about Breha" argument--and they're always wrong.


The scene, as written, was about the then-unnamed Padme. Mama Skywalker. Luke is clearly trying to connect with his mom via his sister. What the scene tells us in very few words is that it was a known fact that Leia was adopted, and that Luke must have learned about it sometime offscreen, perhaps between movies even. After ANH, it's conceivable Luke & Leia had a bonding moment talking about their childhoods and the fact that they each were orphaned twice... and Luke wouldn't have thought anything of the fact that Leia knew her mom a bit except "Wish I knew mine". Not until he discovered they were siblings, and that Leia knew their mother for a time.


But all of that is meaningless thanks to Episode III and kowtowing to fan expectations or George's forgetfulness or carelessness. "Padme's gotta die, it's totally OBVIOUS, she can't just die offscreen of a broken heart or random accident or disease BETWEEN the films, that's not logical..."


But some think it IS logical for Breha to do just that, and that's crazy. ONE character neglects to mention Leia's mom in ANH, Willard. Sure, he could've been more sensitive and included BOTH her parents when he conveyed his worries to Leia, but they were a pitiful little rebellion and needed all the help they could get, so losing two of the Rebellion's top leaders (Bail & Leia) at once would've been a tremendous blow to morale at the very least. Breha didn't matter to the Rebellion in the grand scheme. She was Alderaan's safety net (fat lot of good that did, thanks to Tarkin), the ONE member of the ruling family that wasn't directly involved in the Rebellion's major activities. Bail co-founded it and worked on its behalf, Leia as senator was able to travel all over under the guise of diplomatic errands. Breha's job was to keep her hands clean and worry about governing her world. That's why she wasn't mentioned by Willard.


There were other issues I had with Episode III, but I enjoyed it more than Episodes I & II at least. And all the films fall apart if you look even a little closely, unfortunately :(

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Only thing that kept that movie from falling apart is Ian McDiarmid's acting, (Palpatine/Sidious).. SPLENDID!


"Once more the sith will rule the galaxy.. and.. we.. shall.. have.. Peace."


Although it does tie up some loose ends, How the jedi got purged, the stormtroopers, how the empire formed & republic fell, how anakin became Vader..

Ewan Mcgregor acting too, possibly saved all 3 movies, nothing negative to add on his acting and on obi wan character. I mean overall you cant blame the cast, its top nocth.... christopher lee, samuel lee jackson, natalie Portman, Ian Mcdiarmids ... with a cast like this its a dream come trough to any film maker. Lucas did had everything to make it work, but alas it was poorly writen. even christensen hayden isnt bad actor at all, but the anakin character is very bad writen.

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