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Nerf tracer missle now


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Exactly!! If I get interrupted then I have to change the rotation on the fly and either reposition or move towards or away from them.



Alternatively you could just cast 2 charged bolts while you're interrupted and do virtually the same damage output as tracer missle.

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What i dont understand why is everyone calling it ''spamming'' tracer missile. I

ts abvious that u dont know anything about arsenal spec.

You need to shoot off 3 TM's to start your rotation, after that u shoot your other skills for which u just got bonus dmg etc, when they are all on cd, then u start with TM again and repeat, there is absolutely nothing else to use, unless someone puts your TM on cd then u will shoot Power shot if you are smart.

So its hardly spamming just one skill, its just that you see it being used the most because thats always start of rotation, ok well sometimes its explosive dart :D

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Well I've met one 'good' Merc lately. I was playing a Gunslinger, I am low level for now, since it is my alt but still. My rotation was Cover->Flash (my only cc for now)->Aimed Shot(2.5 sec activation time, 15 sec cooldown)->Charged Burst (1.5 sec activation, it isnt really spammable since it takes 1/5 of my energy, ). Guess what he did?

TM->TM->TM->TM->TM. I died. And at the end of the match he had about 50 kills and 5 deaths while he was using ONLY TM for the WHOLE match. That is ridiculous. So giving this ability, let's say a 5 sec cooldown would be really nice and a good Merc still would be able to pwn in pvp, a good merc not a TM spammer.

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And how do you know he was using only TM? Its just that you probably didnt see insta cast Heatseeker missile and rail shot so you thought it was all TM..

And if you died in those 5 shots then your gear is crap and that merc has very good gear.

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And if you died in those 5 shots then your gear is crap and that merc has very good gear.


This arugment did not help Operatives or scoundrels.


Try to defend it all you want Mercs and their counterpart are due for a nerf.

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Well I've met one 'good' Merc lately. I was playing a Gunslinger, I am low level for now, since it is my alt but still. My rotation was Cover->Flash (my only cc for now)->Aimed Shot(2.5 sec activation time, 15 sec cooldown)->Charged Burst (1.5 sec activation, it isnt really spammable since it takes 1/5 of my energy, ). Guess what he did?

TM->TM->TM->TM->TM. I died. And at the end of the match he had about 50 kills and 5 deaths while he was using ONLY TM for the WHOLE match. That is ridiculous. So giving this ability, let's say a 5 sec cooldown would be really nice and a good Merc still would be able to pwn in pvp, a good merc not a TM spammer.

5 TM's = 7.5 to 8 seconds of just casting time.


So you just stood around doing NOTHING for almost 8 seconds and let someone attack you.


And its the other classes that are overpowered, gotcha.

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Jeez, some ignorant people really needs to learn how to play. Saying gunnery commando or arsenal mercenary is overpowered in PvP should go do something else. Or do some actual research.


I'm not sure this would even be an issue if the animation to Tracer Missile wasn't so blatantly obvious. Every class has a filler/spam ability they use in their cycles.


What about the other classes that can 1. do more damage and 2. not so ridiculously easy to interrupt and screw up the whole cycle/ability?


It's just player skill really, and you obviously don't need to be nerfed...

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Think i'll go create another thread now, called 'Nerf snipers because they kill me when i am not paying attention'

So you guys have some new whine thread to go about :p

haha, no kidding. If you leave a sniper in cover just freely shooting at everyone, they are going to wreck you.


(Snipers are fine too imho).


I think people just get killed in PVP and then bam! TO THE FORUMS!


This would be like losing to a SI only casting Lightning Strike, if you die to that, its not because Lightning Strike is OPed, its because you are BAD!

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If they're geared and have some moderate support, they're pretty good at turretting and holding middle.


And premade vs. premade, middle is absolutely key.


So yes. Damage absolutely does play a factor. Maybe not as much as scoreboard heroes stress. But damage and good play in Huttball are not mutually exclusive.


Here's a crazy thought...if we're talking pre-mades now, task your tanks to yank the turrets from their cat walks! Or your dps that can leap to attack them. Once the knockback has been used, leap back on target. It's like I'm taking crazy pills here, but honestly, use tactics to counter your opponent.

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This thread has got be one of the funniest things I've read in a wile. 90% of your post say "Jesus, you have to nerf the class that can just stand in one place and merc everybody around them." Well if you're just letting them "stand" there then they should be able to merc everyone around them. Do ANYTHING. You'll be surprised that using your abilities do in fact help you. The thing about ops is when they took all your HP away you were stunned so unless you had your trink up you were boned plain and simple. To use tracer spam, the BH has to be in one spot and the person they're attacking can do what ever his/her little heart desires, could be to run, interrupt, stun, or maybe even fight back. An option not given by the ops class.
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This thread has got be one of the funniest things I've read in a wile. 90% of your post say "Jesus, you have to nerf the class that can just stand in one place and merc everybody around them." Well if you're just letting them "stand" there then they should be able to merc everyone around them. Do ANYTHING. You'll be surprised that using your abilities do in fact help you. The thing about ops is when they took all your HP away you were stunned so unless you had your trink up you were boned plain and simple. To use tracer spam, the BH has to be in one spot and the person they're attacking can do what ever his/her little heart desires, could be to run, interrupt, stun, or maybe even fight back. An option not given by the ops class.


I think anyone thats played the class agrees, but anyone that does play it does not like having to nuke TM's everywhere before they can do anything else that is useful, its fair to say that we do have to spam it to an extent.


I made a new, hopefully more collected thread to discuss what can functionally be done to make both sides happy. Would be nice to get some good thoughts on it.



Edited by zerobounds
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What about classes who have no interrupt?


What about tracer missile spam in Huttball while you're snared/rooted and can't LOS?


It's ridiculous that a BH can stand up there and eviscerate players 10-15 levels higher than them and I have no way to counter it and I can't get up to him cause of all the CC/roots/snare/resolve being awful.


It isn't about 1v1 fights. It's that they can stand in one spot, spam one skill, and do massive damage to targets that are completely helpless.


So nerf a skill because the resolve system sucks? LOL - you bads will never be happy.

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Move behind an object, problem solved. It's not going to get nerfed just like grav round is not going to get nefed. Reason? We have to stand still to use the damn abilities while opposing players are running circles around us interrupting/stunning the living hell out of us . It's your own fault if you getting hit by a Tracer Missile or a grav round. If anything, they may boost both abilities :).



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I'm a mercenary healer.


I have no interrupt.

I have no scorpion "get over here!" ability.

I have no force leap.

I have no force speed run away ability.

I have no ability to avoid tracer missile spam aside from the 5s cc that's on a long CD.


So what should I do?


Get a half decent tank to guard you and rip the Merc a new backside. You are a healer, stop crying about being killed by a dps. In fact, with a tank with any brains, the two of you would be virtually impossible to beat.

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5 TM's = 7.5 to 8 seconds of just casting time.


So you just stood around doing NOTHING for almost 8 seconds and let someone attack you.


And its the other classes that are overpowered, gotcha.


I never said that Merc is OP but I admit that TM is too good, so it should be, for example, 5 sec cooldown. And no, for that 8 sec I was also dealing damage, yet not as fast and effective as he could with only one ability.


It is funny how mercs are trying to pretend that TM spam is just fine, guess they are too scared that it would show their lack of skill..

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Wheres the balance. Op's and scoundrels were killing too fast doing half HP in 5-6s. well Tracer missle spam can take 3/4 of my HP is 3 hits. 3.2k 3.4k 2.9 . That is killing much faster then intended per bioware.


Balance this crap out.


Arsenal Merc Here. You got critted 3x in a row which is just unlucky or you were very outgeared. Sounds like u are a squishy class too. I can tell you that the last thing Arsenals need is a tracer missile nerfbat. We have many other issues to deal with in pvp such as no escapes and glass turreting. A good melee can keep me from getting a shot off in close. Tracer Missile is our bread and butter and we'd be sorely underpowered without it.

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I don't think anyone is arguing that TM is the staple of the tree as the many BH's seem to be claiming. The argument is actually that it's too good for a staple\filler skill. Yes, it works as intended, but the way it's intended to work is the problem. As Lethality, just to get the most out of my best skill I would have to cast 3 separate abilities. A BH? Just 1. I know the tree is built that way, I'm not arguing that fact. I'm saying that no tree should make it so a filler move is spammable for acceptable dps. No other spec has that, BH's should be no exception.


I take your point but if you read most of the nerf posts are not just asking for it to be looked at - they are demanding its nerfed into the ground - along the lines of Jediducklings own personal agenda.


If we acknowledge the fact that TM is THE staple of the tree and that everything has been designed to work off the back of TM spam, we are at the same time acknowledging that a massive nerf to it will gimp the entire tree.


So what are we proposing the entire tree is scrapped and re-implented.....just because people can't, don't want to or are too lazy to throw a few interupts and/or LOS breaks into their usual 3-5 button rotation?


How about I make a post saying IA are OP so we should nerf their cover mechanic into the ground...it's just as fundamental to them as TM is to Mercs....the reason I dont make that type of post is because it would be totally unreasonable to demand such a thing.



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I never said that Merc is OP but I admit that TM is too good, so it should be, for example, 5 sec cooldown. And no, for that 8 sec I was also dealing damage, yet not as fast and effective as he could with only one ability.


It is funny how mercs are trying to pretend that TM spam is just fine, guess they are too scared that it would show their lack of skill..


Please go roll an arsenal merc and then come back here and say that. 5 sec CD on TM would end us as a viable class.

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How does sniper/gunslinger being UP make tracers OP?


If mercs needs a nerf then nerf sorcs, juggernaughts (not DPS tree those kinda suck), powertechs aswell.


Snipers aren't UP, that's the thing. They are right at where they should be.... also juggarnauts and powertechs? Really? Especially powertechs, give me a break.


So a DPS class that is left alone does a lot of DPS? AMEGOSH ***?


Range DPS will always do a ton of damage unless you get your assassins or whatever to jump on his face. It's a TEAM game, if you were a DPS class that was left alone all day on the ledge on huttball, surely you wouldn't say that your class was overpowered when you did upwards of 300k damage?


A lot of people might not want to hear this but there is a big skill difference in most PvP games and swtor is not an exception. Learn to counter classes first, then move on to learn how to counter team compositions. Granted it is hard and if you are getting randoms then it might be an unpleasant experience, but thats what guilds are for. Get a crew together, get them on voice, sort out your team tactics and make sure you counter their team setup.


You don't understand the point I was getting at, nor are you even trying...

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