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I really hope that this epic character, which in my oppinion is the most well done character in gaming history, doesn't die in the Foundry.. I am a huge KotOR fan, and I hope that he didn't become one with the Force, but instead that he escaped. Best scenario would be that he comes back as the main focus of an expansion, or some big patch, and he finally becomes stronger than the Emperor, since they were a close match, it's kind of absurd that you could defeat him alongside three friends at lvl37 if he didn't mean to be beaten. Even if he was weakend by the 300 years of imprisonment, this is still not even close to a satisfying end to such a legend.

P.S. I almost shed a tear when he said "And in the end, as the darkness takes me, I am nothing. Now I know how you felt, my friend" refering to Malak. Amazing writers Bioware.

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There ahas been like 50+ threads about this already. As you have nothing but your opinion (with no significant content to add to the overall discussion), I'd highly suggest leaving it to one of the more established threads and posting there instead.
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How do you know that it referred to Malak?


While I am inclined to agree, I would never take such an assumption as fact.


I would say that he most definitely died in the Foundry, but that he did the vanishing act as a safeguard to future storylines, so that they can do whatever they want with him, should they want to retcon it.


Edit: I also want to state that Foundry is by far my favourite Flashpoint so far. It is reasonably long, has a great and coherent story, and is very fluid in how it plays. I absolutely love it, and even on level 49, I still take every opportunity to help friends through it, just so I can do it again and again.

Edited by Luckmann
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How do you know that it referred to Malak?


It can never be known, only assumed of course, but the assumption comes from Malak's last words on the Star Forge, which are very similar.


"But that destiny was not mine, Revan. It might have been yours, perhaps… but never mine. And in the end, as the darkness takes me, I am nothing"


Hard to imagine he would use the very same words to refer to anyone other than Malak.

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It can never be known, only assumed of course, but the assumption comes from Malak's last words on the Star Forge, which are very similar.


"But that destiny was not mine, Revan. It might have been yours, perhaps… but never mine. And in the end, as the darkness takes me, I am nothing"


Hard to imagine he would use the very same words to refer to anyone other than Malak.


Wow. I had completely forgotten that line. Thanks for bringing goosebumps to my skin. Good catch.


I now have another piece of trivia to tell people when I do The Foundry. :)

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Hes a looney, and I really don't see any reason to bring him back(not saying he couldn't be)...but what could he really do? Here he is 300 years later, facing an entirely new war, entirely new sith/jedi whereas Revan in the back of his mind is stuck 300 years into the past. I wouldn't be surprised if him and Shan squared off and he got floored into the ground, then having the force stripped from him completely by the jedi council because he turns into more of a liability then an asset. Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I just did that flashpoint tonight for the first time...


With 2 of my friends..


While I was playing a light side Sith warrior and was using light side Jaesa as extra dps companion to 'fill out' the group (I was highest level and she was my best geared companion).


I was totally disapointed with not only how meeting him was treated, but also the utter lack of options for my character in the given circumstance to 'be in character'.


Story and character playing went to zero in that instance, and the game turned to just another grind with little regard for story or character progression.


For my character and Jaesa, in a >real< story, that meeting with Revan would have played out totally different, and involved my companion in dialogue as well. What we got was a total disaster of a lack of continuity of my character and my apprentices story.


Not to mention I severely lacked an option to just blow up the foundry rather than let either side have it.

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I just did that flashpoint tonight for the first time...


With 2 of my friends..


While I was playing a light side Sith warrior and was using light side Jaesa as extra dps companion to 'fill out' the group (I was highest level and she was my best geared companion).


I was totally disappointed with not only how meeting him was treated, but also the utter lack of options for my character in the given circumstance to 'be in character'.


Story and character playing went to zero in that instance, and the game turned to just another grind with little regard for story or character progression.


For my character and Jaesa, in a >real< story, that meeting with Revan would have played out totally different, and involved my companion in dialogue as well. What we got was a total disaster of a lack of continuity of my character and my apprentices story.


I must agree, I do like Bioware, but they didn't give Revan enough respect in this, now, I haven't played KOTOR, but honestly? I love Revan as a character, he's been backstabbed by everyone but STILL wants what's best for everyone, when I saw how both sides played out, I was tempted to make a Jedi PURELY because the way it ended in Maelstrom Prison gave him the POSSIBILITY of rejoining the Republic (which, in my opinion, lacks real story elements compared to the Empire BUT, I haven't made any characters getting past level ten.)


In my pure, unadulterated opinion, I think the Revanites and Revan should be the first real expansion of the game, there's so much potential for them, and I would like to see how that plays out, assuming they don't pull a World of Warcraft and just kill him flat out like he's some random mob that no one cares about. Hell, I was even tempted to make a roleplaying guild evolving on the story of them. the Revanites are a very promising group, even if they did only last for a little, I literally was haunted when I ended up destroying them, and forced myself to reroll just to re-do the decision.


I don't know how the Revanites would play out in terms of Allegiance, but I think they should be considered a neutral faction, working with both sides, so that A) another faction is not forced into programming, which would be a ***** to pull off, trust me, I don't think that's possible. And B) People from both sides can roleplay serving their just and honorable causes.

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I finally see why there is so much Revan fanboyism around here..

People wanted KoToR 3 but got TOR instead, now they are trying to convert TOR into KoToR 3 by begging the devs to focus on Revan..


Well, guess what?.. he'd dead, deal with it.

Instead of him just dropping dead on the floor they gave him an honorable death, becoming one with the force.. plus he got killed by 4 of the empire's finest.


TOR is supposed to be about our characters, not Revan.. want more Revan?

Then either go play kotor or read some novels.

Edited by _Zorth_
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The more they use Revan, the more it belittles his achievements from KoTOR. For you to feel awesome, you must beat who was previously considered awesome, thereby solidifying your ******ery.


It's called the "Worf Effect".




The Exile, on the other hand, was "Stuffed into a Fridge", while suffering from "Chickification".





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I finally see why there is so much Revan fanboyism around here..

People wanted KoToR 3 but got TOR instead, now they are trying to convert TOR into KoToR 3 by begging the devs to focus on Revan..


Well, guess what?.. he'd dead, deal with it.

Instead of him just dropping dead on the floor they gave him an honorable death, becoming one with the force.. plus he got killed by 4 of the empire's finest.


TOR is supposed to be about our characters, not Revan.. want more Revan?

Then either go play kotor or read some novels.


No, he's not dead and I can bet for 100 bucks with you that we will see him later on in the game.


Say what you want but most of the SW:TOR's community that cares about game's lore and story wants him back. BioWare knows this and thus WILL bring him back. That is the least it can do for all KotOR fans out there that waited for KotOR 3 but got MMO called TOR instead (moneyyyyyyy).


Revan and his legacy is everywhere in the game, he would not be kept alive for three hundred years just to get killed off in a 4 man flashpoint. He is one of the game's main characters - deal with it if you do not like it.



Edited by Deviss
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I really hope that this epic character, which in my oppinion is the most well done character in gaming history


Really? The best character in gaming history?


Before ToR, Revan was an undefined character. In KotOR, he was just an empty shell for you to crawl into and imagine as your own jedi avatar. He had a long list of accomplishments, but no personality but the one you imagined for him.


Of all the heavy story driven games out there, with complicated, voice-acted protagonists, your idea of the best among them is the silent, empty shell you could crawl into into KotOR?


It is rather amazing how all Revan fans think the same. It makes me think of the success of Twilight with teenage girls. Create an undefined "everyman" Bella Swan character so that the reader can project their own identity into the character without difficulty, and then bait a trap so that readers want to be this hollow non-person. Boom, instant fan frenzy... because once the reader is caught in the trap, he/she can't distinguish between the character and his/her own ego any more.


P.S. I almost shed a tear when he said "And in the end, as the darkness takes me, I am nothing. Now I know how you felt, my friend" refering to Malak. Amazing writers Bioware.


You think that they are amazing writers, and you value the significance of Revan's dying words... and yet you want that whole scene to be cheapened, for Bioware to compromise their storytelling integrity for a lazy "setback!" cop out?



Edited by Sarog
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I really hope that this epic character, which in my oppinion is the most well done character in gaming history, doesn't die in the Foundry.. I am a huge KotOR fan, and I hope that he didn't become one with the Force, but instead that he escaped. Best scenario would be that he comes back as the main focus of an expansion, or some big patch, and he finally becomes stronger than the Emperor, since they were a close match, it's kind of absurd that you could defeat him alongside three friends at lvl37 if he didn't mean to be beaten. Even if he was weakend by the 300 years of imprisonment, this is still not even close to a satisfying end to such a legend.

P.S. I almost shed a tear when he said "And in the end, as the darkness takes me, I am nothing. Now I know how you felt, my friend" refering to Malak. Amazing writers Bioware.


I join to every word! It is just... not right! :(

Revan is one of the Legendary characters! He won the Mandalorian war, turn from dark side, fought and survive Emperor! He just can' die like this... It is really pathetic, I was so upset with such 'end'.

I really like revanite version (THAT would be great): we fought Emperor and killed him.

So, I really hope, we'll see/hear from Revan not once more... :(

Please, BIOWARE...

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Really? The best character in gaming history?


Before ToR, Revan was an undefined character. In KotOR, he was just an empty shell for you to crawl into and imagine as your own jedi avatar. He had a long list of accomplishments, but no personality but the one you imagined for him.



Before KotOR2 you wanted to say;). The bits we had in KotOR 2 where enough to hint at certain aspects of his personality, but still leaving space for development. TOR just gave post KotOR Revan a personality, but since Revan novel makes a point that Revan got all his memories back, it's strange that this new personality doesn't have any callbacks to the old one.



You think that they are amazing writers, and you value the significance of Revan's dying words... and yet you want that whole scene to be cheapened, for Bioware to compromise their storytelling integrity for a lazy "setback!" cop out?




True. If they killed him once, let him stay dead. Everything else just cheapens it.

Edited by RevMg
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It is rather amazing how all Revan fans think the same. It makes me think of the success of Twilight with teenage girls. Create an undefined "everyman" Bella Swan character so that the reader can project their own identity into the character without difficulty, and then bait a trap so that readers want to be this hollow non-person. Boom, instant fan frenzy... because once the reader is caught in the trap, he/she can't distinguish between the character and his/her own ego any more.


Ohhh. I'm no Revan fanboy (Kreia fanboy here), but Twilight comparisons? That's just not right, bro.


The same could be said of Jack from Bioshock, but that doesn't stop him, or the game, from being one of my all time favorites.

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It is rather amazing how all Revan fans think the same. It makes me think of the success of Twilight with teenage girls. Create an undefined "everyman" Bella Swan character so that the reader can project their own identity into the character without difficulty, and then bait a trap so that readers want to be this hollow non-person. Boom, instant fan frenzy... because once the reader is caught in the trap, he/she can't distinguish between the character and his/her own ego any more.





Tell Blizzard about this...


And yes, Revan takes too much place in [KO]TOR to end like this...

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No, he's not dead and I can bet for 100 bucks with you that we will see him later on in the game.


Have any proof?


The proof I have is that he exploded, he became one with the force..

Isn't that enough?, The empty character that you could crawl in, got a honorable death.. He became one with the force, Something only the most powerful force users do.



Say what you want but most of the SW:TOR's community that cares about game's lore and story wants him back.


You can want all you want, that doesn't mean it's gonna happen. I want wookie, dashade, kel-dor playable species and the Sith Empire getting a new leader but that doesn't mean it's gonna happen.



BioWare knows this and thus WILL bring him back. That is the least it can do for all KotOR fans out there that waited for KotOR 3 but got MMO called TOR instead (moneyyyyyyy).


Again, You are so sure they will.. You were so sure that this was gonna be KoToR 3 but look how that turned out..




Money?.. You think that BW wrote KoToR for fun, because they love their jobs?

You're wrong, The simple fact that they choose to create a mon-tone empty character that anyone could crawl into means that KoToR was all about the money.. Everything is, nothing wrong with that.


And for the last time, This isn't KoToR 3, stop trying to convert TOR into that game. It's not gonna happen, This is teh story about the cahracters we create.. not about revan.


Revan and his legacy is everywhere in the game,


The Revanite camp, The flashpoints..

Didn't know that was everything in the game.



he would not be kept alive for three hundred years just to get killed off in a 4 man flashpoint.


He didn't just get killed by 4 mid leveled n00bs.. He got killed by (lorewise)

the soon to be Best Bounty hunter in teh galaxy (BH storyline), Emepror's Wrath (SW). Dark Council Member (SI), Best Agent in the intelligence departement.. (IA).



You mix game mecahnics with lore.. No, just no.


He is one of the game's main characters - deal with it if you do not like it.




He is definatly NOT, one of the game's main characters. He isn't even referenced in one of the trailers for the game, Main characters are: Malgus, Satele, Trooper guy etc.


He was the main character i KoToR, Again you keep converting TOR into KoToR 3.


And nope, he won't be back.. at least in flesh & blood. He'll maybe come back as a ghost but that would be overkill. BW knew that they couldn't focus on Revan in this game so they killed him off, but at the sametime knew his fanboys would rage and gave him an honorable death.

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All right, first of all I see that you like to twist around what other people say, so that your arguments can seem to be more valid.


Look at this from logical perspective. In beta when you defeated him, there was a corpse left. Now there is no corpse - he simply vanishes in explosion of lightning. THEY CHANGED THE FOUNDRY'S ENDING FOR A REASON. Why would they change it if they were not planning to add him later on in the game? Or at least CONSIDER IT. The fact that they decided to alternate the ending strongly suggests that Revan will reappear in the future.


How come you know what I was so sure about. I never said nor thought that KotOR 3 will be released for 100%. In fact I suspected that MMO is likely scenario that BioWare may chose. ;)


The Revanite camp, the flashpoints AND countless quests and codex references. There are so many of them that I won't even bother to list them all. Just play the game or do some research if you want.


I know who killed him, or rather who defeated him and I am fine with that. I said that BioWare would not keep Revan alive JUST to make him a mid level boss in flashpoint. There will be much, much more story related to him later on.


Anyway, this debate is kind of pointless. In the end noone of us can be sure what will be the final outcome of Revan's fate. It is also possible that right now BioWare is planning not to add him but for some reason will change it's mind. And I shall repeat myself: that is why they changed the ending, as Drew himself said.

Edited by Deviss
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All right, first of all I see that you like to twist around what other people say, so that your arguments can seem to be more valid.


Name one example..


Look at this from logical perspective. In beta when you defeated him, there was a corpse left. Now there is no corpse - he simply vanishes in explosion of lightning.


I even explained why there was no corpse, They gave him an honorable death so that there wouldn't be flame threads against BW. They couldn't just leave the storywher it was and let some book end it, they had to somehow show us how he died.



THEY CHANGED THE FOUNDRY'S ENDING FOR A REASON. Why would they change it if they were not planning to add him later on in the game?


They didn't change it so that they could add him later in the game, They changed it so that he had a more decent death than the other bosses.



Or at least CONSIDER IT. The fact that they decided to alternate the ending strongly suggests that Revan will reappear in the future.


Except for you saying so, no it doesn't, How does changing the visual death of a character STRONGLY suggest that he will reappear in the future?


How come you know what I was so sure about.


Since you wrote in a way flaming BW for making a MMO and not a third game, Blaming them for doing it for cash.


I never said nor thought that KotOR 3 will be released for 100%. In fact I suspected that MMO is likely scenario that BioWare may chose. ;)


No but you seem to be wanting Revan to be the main focus of this game and not our own characters.. Something which alot of KoToR 3 enthuisasts want ;)


The Revanite camp, the flashpoints AND countless quests and codex references. There are so many of them that I won't even bother to list them all. Just play the game or do some research if you want.


Hardly everything in the game..

I've played the game and have noticed SMALL references, only the flashpoint and the camp are the biggest notices.


I know who killed him, or rather who defeated him and I am fine with that.


Yet you seem to be angry over him getting killed by "Mid-leveled" characters, You really think levels exist from a lore perspective?



I said that BioWare would not keep Revan alive JUST to make him a mid level boss in flashpoint. There will be much, much more story related to him later on.



They jept him alive so that he could die by the hands of FOUR of the empire finests, then become one with the force. There won't be anymore REvan story my friend since his story telling time is over, He had his own game and now it's these new characters that are the new focus.. not Revan ;)


Otherwise it would've been called KoToR 3.


Anyway, this debate is kind of pointless. In the end noone of us can be sure what will be the final outcome of Revan's fate.


I agree, but from the looks of it now we have plenty of evidence supporting his death. He got a cool death, Did his part in this game and won't appear again.. he's finally at peace. Only way he maybe can appear again is as a force ghost.


It is also possible that right now BioWare is planning not to add him but for some reason will change it's mind.


Why would they add him?

Hasn't his story already been explained?

He was a jedi, became sith, got his mind wiped, became jedi again, killed Malak and then went to Dromund Kaas and got trapped for 300 years. He got released, built a little army of droids for the republic, got stopped by four of the empire's finest and finally became one with the force.


There is nothing more to tell..

He could've just as well made a holocron or two talking about what he learned whilst being trapped.


And I shall repeat myself: that is why they changed the ending, as Drew himself said.


So they could add him in the future?

If he said that please link it, I don't recall any dev saying Revan will appear again.

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2nd page of this topic: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=73491&page=2


Here you go:


Email response from Drew Karpyshyn:


I don't want to spoil too much about Revan in the game, but I'll try to answer your questions. Revan's lines were really just an homage to Darth Malak's quote from KOTOR, though it's easy to imagine he had been a little corrupted after 300 years battling the Emperor's evil.


As for Revan's final fate, you never actually see him die. He just sort of disappears, so we left the door open just a little bit in case we want to ever bring him back.

Edited by Deviss
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How come only you got an email saying Revan didn't die adn that there is a small chance that he may appear again but the devs still haven't officialy stated anywhere in the forums that he isn't dead?


There are many posts saying he is dead, how come they haven't been debunked, Odd isn't it?

Edited by _Zorth_
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All right, I won't bother. Believe whatever you want, I do not really care. ^^ If you refuse to accept the fact THAT THERE IS A SLIGHT POSSIBILITY that Revan will make an appearance in the future be my guest. I just don't get why you are so stubborn and narrow minded. Is it so hard to accept the fact that he may come back? Noone can be 100% sure and in the end you may be right that BioWare will decide not to add him. But as Drew said, they changed the Foundry's ending for a reason... they want to have the possibility to add him if they ever want to.


As I said, from now on I won't even bother to reply. I pretty much said everything I wanted to, and there is nothing more to add. :p

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All right, I won't bother. Believe whatever you want, I do not really care. ^^ If you refuse to accept the fact THAT THERE IS A SLIGHT POSSIBILITY that Revan will make an appearance in the future be my guest. I just don't get why you are so stubborn and narrow minded. Is it so hard to accept the fact that he may come back? Noone can be 100% sure and in the end you may be right that BioWare will decide not to add him. But as Drew said, they changed the Foundry's ending for a reason... they want to have the possibility to add him if they ever want to.


As I said, from now on I won't even bother to reply. I pretty much said everything I wanted to, and there is nothing more to add. :p


Yes, There is a possibility he might return.. But why should he?

THat's what baffles me, Hasn't Revan already had his shining moment in KoToR?

Why not let these new characters be in the center for awhile?

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