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Scoundrel here getting *****...


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Im sorry but thats garbage.


Back blast does slightly less on a crit and has no stealth requirement than shoot first if you make sure to keep flechette round up.


Sucker punch has always been decent, as is pistol whip then we have our bread and butter in quick shot and vital shot.


If you manage your bleeds, watch your positioning and make sure to keep pugiancy up you should not struggle for damage, heck with the pressure you can single handedly apply to healers you can force them into making fight costing mistakes.


Scoundrels are fine now, people just need to realise there is now more to it than owning someone under 3 aeconds.


I'm sorry, you are wrong, because we didn't own anyone under 3s, not post 1.1.

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Hey guys,


Just wanted to let you all know the whining worked. I now attack, then proceed to die every single time. 0 utility, 0 defense, 100% ****


Its terrible and I had to quit playing today before I nerd rage quit the game completely.


I still see the same Operatives and Scoundrels dominating warzones, I don't know what you're doing wrong.

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Learn to snare/root, LoS and heal. There is nothing wrong with Op/Scoundrel right now, the burst took a slight hit yes but you should easily be able to kill someone you open on.


I have no problems surviving or closing gaps. LoS correctly and make them come to you and when they do you snare/root them and move in. When things get hairy you root/snare and LoS to heal up quickly. Also using DA with Dodge always helps, gets rid of all the dots on you.


Constantly clearing any tech DoTs/Snares helps as well.


You're citing things that we already had to, and did, do to compete pre nerf. Good for you, you have some semblance of how to play a melee class. I have trouble believing that you as an op player would buy into the fact that since we could 2 shot people, we never had to LoS. Or heal. Or clear dots before disappearing act.


Lets play a game though. Imagine you're a ranged class. If a smuggler just LoSed you do you:


1. Follow right behind them around the corner

2. Stay at range and clear the obstacle


Also while you're playing this game, what else is going on in the WZ. You can use this strategy to kill a non healing ranged class over the course of 2 minutes. What value exactly did that just bring to your team?

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my scoundral is constantly top dps and im ussually soling strongs in FP's cause i can drop em in like 3-4 seconds flat, they got nerfed cause they could insta kill alot of things, they dont suck.


how do you know yur top dps? did they add dmg meters?

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The real problem was hidden strike critical damage, nothing else. Just done a few wzs, got some bad luck of no crits, 1200 damage hidden strikes.


Though I realy like the 5.5s stuns + immobilize snare. :)


Now we just need overload shot with a 5s cooldown + builds tactical advantage, so when I play lethality I don't need to run into melee and use shiv all the time to get TA.

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Did they really needed to be nerfed? I have 60 valor, two toons. One is a Marauder and the other is a Consular.


If the Scoundrel gets the drop on me on my Marauder provided I don't have CD's, I usually have the edge. Yes their burst hurts, but if they haven't Crtited I usually have the edge. If they have Critted then it's usually a close fight; but like every class except warriors, they tend to run away from the Marauder towards the end.


My Consular tends to be a lot more squishy, and if I have forgotten to use a shield barrier who's fault is that? Also if you are standing still like a sitting duck just hitting dots and ranged dmg, why would you complain when someone comes and kills you from behind?


Of course that is to excuse the fact that I can knockback, stun, slow in several ways and then sprint if need be. On top of that, I can also heal and I'd say it's 50/50. Oh and if I run out of force (which rarely happens) I can still use a lightsaber to finish the job, which I have on occasion.


Scoundrels are not OP. Like any class, if they are very well geared and have a lot of PvP buffs, they will do well in PvP. In fact it's the one class I tend to relax when I'm 1v1 when they haven't Critted me. Their death tends to be a forgone conclusion.


Maybe you need to learn to play your classes better before you complain about other classes. Otherwise everyone will be constantly nerfed and I don't think you want that, especially for those that complain and have yet to learn their class properly.


I would have preferred that Bioware organised their stuff together, focusing on bugs/glitches, performance issues and wait a few months before we seriously start looking a at PvP stats and data.

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played an assassin for 50 levs have 3 sets on him inc colum tanking, dps, and champion pvp


didnt like it that much except tanking


played a marauder for 30 levs didnt like it


i rerolled about a month ago and now have 2 sets on my op so i can easily say i am more objective to this than most ppl only have no or only low lev alts


i can agree with ops opening be a little powerful but it was only powerful to the ones who had no clue how to counter it and that has not changed a bit, ppl who know still do it right, ppl who dont are still on their face *** up.


ops/ scoundrels are supposed to be heavy openers as they are the closest thing to a rogue in wow ( and i dont care about your putting down wow, cause either you played it, or if you havent and playing this, dont think much of yourself cause it was not that different) cause they basically rely on positioning, choosing targets and eliminating it. they dont have much chance against most classes as they dont have as much survivibilty and eventually outhealed or out hped you to death.


they only shine at moments like putting down a flag/hutball carrier at the last min, or eating down a single player just before he plants that bombs while the rest of the group is chasing healers like crazy. most ops are annoyed because its taken away from them imo.


but like most ppl here says its time to up our game and adapt not much we can do and i agree. but i am wondering by giving ops the finger, didnt some other classes just got more powerful?


i mean did nerfing ops brought justice to the pvp world now?, ( not even gonna talk about sustained dps in pve cause its not the right forum). everything is all right?


who is gonna stop the jugs or marauders with 2 healers on their back carrying the ball from one end to the other? who is gonna stop the monkeys runing around with a hand canon?


i am still at top 3 dps in most wzs about 250kish dmg (not totally geared yet) but does that mean i need to L2p when another class is doing 280k healing plus 150k dmg on the same wz with same gear? i guess playing that class takes all the skill, we ops/scoundrels might as well QQ or L2P i guess:rolleyes:

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arnt they ment to go into mobs and drop 1 target fast? now its just pop out of stealth dont do much then lightinged / slowed to death




and im getting a lag from when i shoot first, it use to be instant on the ground now i wait a sec then hes on the ground


kinda boering me


sorces need to be nerfd


i cant 1v1 them and i just waste my time ttrying



i cant drop peopel fast anymore


i cant push people off bridges


i cant sprint whiel in stealth


i dont have that good of a shield ( compaired to others )


i DO have stealth


so what i get from this is im suppostt to hide from people? maybe dps a little?


plz i want to know how my char is suppost to do damage that would be awsome anyone comment?

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i cant drop peopel fast anymore


i cant push people off bridges


i cant sprint whiel in stealth


i dont have that good of a shield ( compaired to others )


i DO have stealth


so what i get from this is im suppostt to hide from people? maybe dps a little?


plz i want to know how my char is suppost to do damage that would be awsome anyone comment?


you shouldnt have put it out that way man, i can see this thread overflow now with comments of L2p.;)

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arnt they ment to go into mobs and drop 1 target fast? now its just pop out of stealth dont do much then lightinged / slowed to death




and im getting a lag from when i shoot first, it use to be instant on the ground now i wait a sec then hes on the ground


kinda boering me


sorces need to be nerfd


i cant 1v1 them and i just waste my time ttrying



i cant drop peopel fast anymore


i cant push people off bridges


i cant sprint whiel in stealth


i dont have that good of a shield ( compaired to others )


i DO have stealth


so what i get from this is im suppostt to hide from people? maybe dps a little?


plz i want to know how my char is suppost to do damage that would be awsome anyone comment?



L2P. That is all the advice I can give you as you simply cannot play your class at all.


Seems the only reason people chose those classes was because of their outrageous damage. Now they don't 1,2 or 3 shot people and stun for 1000 years people are crying.


Accept it and learn to actually play your class. Or quit the game all together. Either way no1 will care.

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Actually the nerf doesnt affect us much at all in PVP. Cept for the fact that now commandos/powetechs are gonna be gods now and there is no burst to destroy them.


PVE tho we got destroyed.


That being said the nerf bat is defintly on teh way for Sorcs now.

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