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Just look at this screenshot, please


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Honestly I have to agree with both sides, Ranged has a nasty advantage in game ATM. They really don't sacrifice anything for ranged, their damage is high and survivability is really good. Heavy CC lot of knock backs.


That being said your team comp was kinda terrible, not your fault but there it is. Also considering the number of force leaps your team had for range closers your teams average damage should of been a lot higher... a lot lot higher. Your teams top heals were around 50k, they had 1 healer with 150k, and most of their team had around 30k heals regardless. I'm DPS and usually walk out of a match with around 25 to 30k healing just from self heals... so that's bad.. Really bad.


Is that a crappy comp to fight? Yea I wouldn't want to face a team of consular and certainly not with a team full of marauders and Juggernauts but that's not to say it's not possible to win. Not exactly fair that you brought a knife to a gunfight, but not impossible.

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Honestly I have to agree with both sides, Ranged has a nasty advantage in game ATM. They really don't sacrifice anything for ranged, their damage is high and survivability is really good. Heavy CC lot of knock backs.


That being said your team comp was kinda terrible, not your fault but there it is. Also considering the number of force leaps your team had for range closers your teams average damage should of been a lot higher... a lot lot higher. Your teams top heals were around 50k, they had 1 healer with 150k, and most of their team had around 30k heals regardless. I'm DPS and usually walk out of a match with around 25 to 30k healing just from self heals... so that's bad.. Really bad.


Is that a crappy comp to fight? Yea I wouldn't want to face a team of consular and certainly not with a team full of marauders and Juggernauts but that's not to say it's not possible to win. Not exactly fair that you brought a knife to a gunfight, but not impossible.


I agree with most of your post, but still there wasnyt really that much dmg to be done, since most of my team is melee, they get punted back and when we do get in melee range, they just trade bubbles...

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1 V 1 with melee and ranged (say assassin vs dps sorc) is not balanced. Either the bubble or the slow attached to force lightning has to go. Full CD'd vs full cooldown the sorc wins if both play properly.


If you line up ability vs ability sorc wins even with the mitigation of melee.

Edited by richardya
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It was probably a low damage match because, after a couple attempts, the fight just got so demoralizing that people on the Repub side just camped their one turret in a futile attempt to get their maximum defender medals before calling it a day.


I mean, 80% of the Repubs were melee, just imagine...

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Seriously guys, is this how its gonna be?

8 sorcs in 1 team is just instawin with all the cc, utility and aoe.



Hey, you complain about sorcerers being OP (pro tip: they aren't) and you get all the FOTM people to roll one to find out. Now you get to deal with stacked games that are always going to be unbalanced (face a stacked team with 8 anything and you will always lose unless your team has 8 of whatever class is a hard counter) thanks to your QQ giving you an actual reason to QQ. That is called a self-fulfilling prophecy.


EDIT: I wasn't meaning you personally were QQing, but just that QQing in general tends to cause the problem they QQ about.

Edited by Darth_Philar
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What needs to be changed is the damage/healer hybrid sorc.


They dish out ****loads of damage, they almost always have bubble up, and they can hot themselves while doing that damage.


I can stand there dishing out everything i have, and they still dont go below 50%, and that is as a supposedly op grav round user

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You know what...


an intro section like skyrim and such.

This would determine what server you started on.



But as far as the screen cap.... premade vs a PUG or an idealistic group.

like someone said about all those knights.


Its obvious the sorc is a good class but it never feels overpowered to me in a pug.


When they are all sorcs it seems to me they work together a lot more indicating to me its a premade.


maybe sorcs just work together so well they feel like a premade.


It's not just that they work well together, it's that they have a lot of tools that make it so really they don't need anyone else. (Because the class is OP. Unless BW finally gets around to boosting the rest of us as they promised when this issue was addressed during the Beta).


They can heal each other, They can bubble each other, and together they can do enough combined damage to crush anything in their path. You try to take them out and it's like volunteering to stand in front of a firing squad.


They quite literally need no one else. I have no idea how BW is going to buff the rest of us up to make us as "developed" as they put it as this class, but they had best get to work.

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This stinks of photoshop... I really don't see Republic bringing the Empire ship down to 290 if they were losing this badly, I REALLY REALLY don't.. going to zoom in to be sure shortly...


EDIT: Too low res for me to tell that well, everything around the letters and such is too pixelated to pick out any real signs other then the numbers looking off.



Uhh.... come on. Really? You think this person would go through the trouble of photo-shopping a screen shot? Get real.


People defending their OP Epeen need to take off the tin foil hats.

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I am a Trooper Vanguard, always feel alone cause I dont see many Vanguards out there doing pvp. But with storm and all the interupts I have its fun. I just know im freaking annyoing :D

ALmost never break the 200K though, but then again they hit me with a pussystick too. I can overcome 2 sits with their stuns and all but lately I've been encountering 3/4 together and then you get the feeling your a ping pong ball

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zero kills, bro ?


I want to see you try and get 1 kill against 7 sorcerers and 1 assassin as a melee scoundrel accompanied by allmost only guardians. No heals, no rdps and the sorcs just trade bubbles and when some1 gets focussed they get guarded and your dps is absolute ****.

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I want to see you try and get 1 kill against 7 sorcerers and 1 assassin as a melee scoundrel accompanied by allmost only guardians. No heals, no rdps and the sorcs just trade bubbles and when some1 gets focussed they get guarded and your dps is absolute ****.


Are you trying to solo a team?

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