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G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator 8man to many droids ?

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i was wondering if anyone's had any problems with G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator on 8man normal after the patch today,

we seemed to have 3 times the amount of stun/ mine droids then we would see in normal/ hard mode's also the ticks from the mine droids were doing a huge amount of damage to hows its been for the last 3 weeks when we've done normal+ hard modes


i'm hoping we were just bugged for some reason :(

Edited by trinzu
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We did about 6 wipes on normal this week. Last week we one-shotted it on Hard Mode. Ticks were incredible, as were about 5 droids stacked on top of each other.


Lose a single DPS and/or button pusher and he'll hit the enrage timer at about 5% with a 50% Rakata-geared group.


Ticks do incredible damage, proximity hits from the detonator he puts on you will one-shot any squishies standing nearby.


Hard Mode, ironically, is easier as the droids and hits are the same from the boss, but his HP is much lower.


They screwed it up. Was hoping it would be addressed in tonight's emergency fix, but guess not.

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My group killed this boss last night before the fixes went through. To me it almost seems like his normal and hard mode healths are flopped... somebody in my guild said they read that somewhere but I have no confirmation.


However last night we killed the boss without an enrage and no matter what we did tonight he was enraging around 15% every time. On normal mode of course^

Edited by Ghostcrawler
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First of all, i dont tryed the new fixed one yet.


But if you really have Enrage problems with a half rakata geared group i will think they prevent other people from getting rakata mainhands :D


Because you have to tune an encounter for Normal Mode gear on Hardmode,

How do you kill him with a new 50 Group of only half-Tionese/half columi Equip?

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Tonight my guild did a super quick run of normal for the Columi mainhand from Karagga. As a healer who is up at the top running around to heal the people below/uptop clicking buttons, the droids are definitely alot more noticeable. The damage their do is also alot more (i.e. if you have two droid's dot stacked on you, you are pretty much dead unless you are a healer or there is one next to you).


At end of the fight the room was literally swamped with droids (20 ish). This fight is definitely alot harder on normal mode now and may require some alternative strategy if the usual strategy of ignoring the droids does not work.


To all the people who says it is easy and people need to L2P. Remember this is normal mode, it is meant to be able to be completed by casuals/pugs.

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Nice Hizoka, what a fine job your doing, labeling all people without knowing them.


Could you then tell us, the *** dumb people, how you deal with the drones?


Because last night was our first visit to him, and after 10 or more wipes, we couldnt manage the drones at all. Melee dps cant do anything to them, without the dot killing them within seconds. A dot that you cant even see on your debuff list.

We did knockbacks on as many Drones we could, using every CD we had, and cleared upper floor for Drones, with our ranged dps, but this means we loose the fight against the enrage timer.


I dont see how to keep clicking the puzzle during red burn phase, as you need all dps and tanks on him for max dps, and healers being busy with the random grenade dmg in the melee group, that we have no help to see who it will land on.


Yes, we dont have uber great gear, cause its a new game. But we do have full 126 rating gear on most our raiders.

We do clear EV normal with ease, with no wipes on the 4 first. SoA goes down in a few pulls, last 2 times.


We got this to 33% 2 times, but hit the enrage timer on almost every try.

We have not tried any hardmodes yet, but this, is after the patch, by far much much harder than all the other bosses, incl. SoA.


I dont mind hard and challenging, but this seems ridicoulos for a normal mode.


Also may i remind you that in normal mode you cant even assign the loot to the people who needs it. Instead the game gives healing gear to our dps'ers. Yeah working as intended......

Edited by Wolfyfire
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Away from the people that seem convinced this was a 'fix,' with their fix there seems to have been a few bugs introduced.


Firstly, and most importantly, the initial spawn of the droids seems to be bugged. The first wave will spawn, and within about 10 seconds another wave will spawn right on top of the former wave. In fact my raid thought they were double spawning it was happening so quickly, I became aware of the situation because I was taking out one of the pulse droids with my body, and would sometimes have the 'second' wave spawn on top of me while I was doing this. This cannot be intended because none of the other waves double spawn in this respect.


Secondly, we had an issue with one of the dumps not activating. Whether or not this was introduced with the patch or something that was already there, I do not know.


This is assuming that the lack of despawning is intended.

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Agreed with many of the above, that enrage seems to come on fast. M


Might just be my crappy video card. But did anyone else start to suffer Frame Rate issues when 20 some odd probes were all on screen scanning away?




Unrelated. This is clearly a very angry boy, please be supportive as he works out his issues:


OMG!! you mean the boss fight has a challenge to it ZOMG!!!!!!!!!!! STOP THE GAME!!!!!!!!


Seriosuly its not hard at all, and if you are complaining that HARD MODE is not easy then please go back to wow. This game is far too easy as is last thing it needs is to be easier.


yeah people need to learn to do the boss right, not ***** that its now fixed
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Play smart? It's not hard. It's pretty much designed to be done with 2-3 DPS (8man)


Actually thats just your oppinion.


My guild runs with ; 1 tank, 1 ot in dps specc with dps gear, 2 healers, 4 dps.


The offtank takes over the boss to get the debuff off of the maintank, and then he immediately gets it back, the OT in dps specc/gear has no trouble for those few seconds. And it gives us more dps.


Not to mention that you should have ranged DPS taking care of the consoles so that they can dps during the debuff on boss and then go back to playing the consoles after its gone.


just my oppinion about this encounter on hard/nightmare mode.


OT: Have experienced the bug where you get more droids than intended, did not happen all the time for us tho, so could still beat the encounters. Did not do normal for 2 resets now, so dunno about that.

Edited by Miothan
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on hard mode the middle "tank" removed the droids. Its not a hard fight you just cannot sleep though it like before. Raiding is not supposed to be faceroll easy if you want that go to wow where any group of morons can kill everything.




Seriously what ever happened to games having challenging fights? This fight is not hard, you just got to do the tanks right. People want to be told how to do everything rather then figuring something out on their own.



BTW the raids are not supposed to have just 1 "tank" you use 2 tanks 4 DPS and 2 healers. The fact that it could be solo tanks showed the thing was not working right.



BTW its funny as hell that you people think because the fight is not faceroll its not bugged. This is how the fight is supposed to be it was bugged before.


The enrage is still 6 minutes, just like it always was.

Edited by Hizoka
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Droid can still be solo tanked even post patch.


And lol @ trying to pull the "go back to WoW" card if you want easy faceroll fights, especially when you're using it in an attempt to defend this game. Nothing in endgame SWTOR is remotely hard, even on nightmare. Some of the hardest fights in MMO history is located in WoW: pre-nerf Twin Emps, C'thun, vanilla 4-Horsemen, Kel'Thuzad, pre-nerf Sunwell (in its entirety), pre-nerf Ulduar, etc. Blizzard adapted to a "nerf content gradually over time" path so that everyone, even terrible players, could eventually see all the content which ultimately culminated in the LFR system.

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The Fabricator is now the hardest boss in the Ops.


Yes, he is somewhat challenging now and you can say, that is fine, but come on, where is the balance in this?


Everything in this instance is still totally easy (Karagga seems to have become even more easy) but for Groups, who just have started raiding, the fabricator will be somewhat of a contentblocker in the condition this fight is now in.

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We do this with myself as a Merc dps and a Marauder doing the button mashing. With the changes we had to change a few things to make it work right. here is a list of tips to help people.


1) If your not using 2 people to do the buttons you should be.


2) You should have 1 healer on the edge of the middle ledge so they can heal both the raid and the button mashers.


3) Communicate when your about to pop a droid or when you have 2stacks on you.


4) The button mashers have to work as fast as possible and not be afraid to run right through a droid. This mean the healer on the ledge better be top notch.


5) I recommend one high burst ranged and 1 melee dps do the buttons as melee have a disadvantage i this fight. (IMO) The ranged dps should pop out after each dump and dps from the ledge until the debuff drops on boss. The melee should immediately go back to moving the buttons.


6) only move him between right and center as it forms a consistent pattern for the button mashers.



If you hit the enrage timer it is more than likely because the buttons were not getting pushed fast enough.


Oh and whoever said this fight was designed to be doable with 3 dps is right .. well technically 2 and 1 dps'ing during the debuff as that is how we do it.


PS Hard and Nightmare are easier (Throw droids at the boss much)

Edited by Saiyanbob
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We do this with myself as a Merc dps and a Marauder doing the button mashing. With the changes we had to change a few things to make it work right. here is a list of tips to help people.


1) If your not using 2 people to do the buttons you should be.


2) You should have 1 healer on the edge of the middle ledge so they can heal both the raid and the button mashers.


3) Communicate when your about to pop a droid or when you have 2stacks on you.


4) The button mashers have to work as fast as possible and not be afraid to run right through a droid. This mean the healer on the ledge better be top notch.


5) I recommend one high burst ranged and 1 melee dps do the buttons as melee have a disadvantage i this fight. (IMO) The ranged dps should pop out after each dump and dps from the ledge until the debuff drops on boss. The melee should immediately go back to moving the buttons.


6) only move him between right and center as it forms a consistent pattern for the button mashers.



If you hit the enrage timer it is more than likely because the buttons were not getting pushed fast enough.


Oh and whoever said this fight was designed to be doable with 3 dps is right .. well technically 2 and 1 dps'ing during the debuff as that is how we do it.


PS Hard and Nightmare are easier (Throw droids at the boss much)

if you are wasting a marauder on buttons then you are doing it wrong.

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They spawn more adds, but the 3 pillars do different things.


The right one does the plus damage debuff.

The middle one sucks in all the mines and stun droids.

The Left one causes him to do no armor debuff and tanks his plus damage ability down to 0 stacks.


We killed him on hard mode today before the server downtime.


We went Right, Mid, Right, Mid, Left, Mid, Right, Mid, Right, Mid, Left.


When ever our tank got 10 stacks of the armor debuff the offtank would taunt and let our MT clear his stacks.


We had 2 operative healers, 1 Powertech MT, 1 PT dps, 1 assassin DPS/OT, 1 Marauder DPS, 1 Sniper, 1 Sorc DPS.


Took us about 5 try's but we got him.

Our 3 puzzle solvers never left the top and hardly did DPS, we also had a sorc dps healing himself and the other 2 puzzle solvers.

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We just killed this on nightmare a couple hrs ago.


Actually this fight on nightmare do not feel harder than normal mode, which is rather odd. Nightmare/hardmode is actually easier because the 2nd "tank" thingie actually suck in all the droids, which is not the case in normal mode.


As a sorc healer, I was able to bubble myself and run through some of the droids to clear the way and then heal myself after.


We have 2 melee DPS working on the consoles, 2 ranged dps focus on the boss from up in the platform, 2 tanks and 1 healer on the bottom. I am the other healer that run around the platform to heal the people below and people up on the platforms.


Also if you do not have any useful information to contribute other than calling others childish names, please don't. I have flagged a couple of your non-constructive, insulting posts and hopefully the mods will remove them soonish. Your intelligence/ability in a game is nothing to brag about.

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