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Why was the combat log left out? A serious question...


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The thing is disregarding recount like features.


Its maddening to have a group member die from something taking them from 70 percent to dead...and not know what it was.


Though its almost certainly to avoid dps number crunching optimal rotations with minute differences and the illustration of glaring class differences in damage output.


It is however completely silly to put in dps checks with no way to um determine dps.


They clearly have the functionality in the game because more or less the end of warzone chart is simply recount.

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The Devs have a combat log, we dont.


They probably dont want rampant whining about balance during the first 2 months while they ninja fix everything.


Highly possible. I'll toss another theory that maybe they don't even have a back end conbat log in place, and thus why a lot of basic bugs got missed on launch. Which could be a limitation of how they coded the engine, since they've already admitted under load when position and skill updates need to done a lot, the engine just can't handle it. I would lol if this were found to be true.

Edited by kimmiekros
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The Combat Log was left out of the game, so that players could not do the following.

  1. Break down the imbalances of the classes
  2. Feel insginificant when their companion characters out damage them
  3. Cause more complaints for Bioware based off damage balancing


Ding ding ding!


Winner winner chicken dinner!


But mostly number 1...


Actually a brilliant move on BWs part.

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Seriously BW why would you leave out something so critical to an mmo


pretty much every mmo ever has had a combat log


some people actually RELY on the combat log for information during combat



was there just not enough time to include one?


did you figure no one would care?


did you just say oh this is just a casual game, we are trying to get people who played games like mass effect and dragon age to pay us a subscription... they never had a combat log that would just confuse them


The only logical thing I can think of is that they sort of knew the game was majorly imbalanced, to the point where combat logs would be too detrimental to the game. In a sense, people would be flooding the forums posting their logs because tanks were doing more than DPS 4 levels lower, stuff like that. That's the only logical thought.

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Why leave out a combat log?


Because it leads to an immense, number-crunching, min-maxing and soul-destroying series of "balance" complaints from players that only serves to suck the fun out of an MMO.


Players will "optimize" to the fraction of a percentile for maximum (insert heal/DPS/defense) and proceed to snub anything else for endgame in the process. It's a straight road to No Fun Allowed, population your server.


Screw that noise.

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This thread is a joke.


Its just spam excuses for the real reason people want combat logs.


People want combat log so they can feel like they do more damage/healing than other people.


Just give it up and enjoy the freaking game.

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This thread is a joke.


Its just spam excuses for the real reason people want combat logs.


People want combat log so they can feel like they do more damage/healing than other people.


Just give it up and enjoy the freaking game.


Worst. Post. Ever.


If YOU don't understand WHY we all want a combat log.. then, you know what? This game is for you.

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The Combat Log that existed early in beta showed all combat numbers by all players in the area. This was being used by some players (as it is in many MMOs) to single out the players that did the least damage/healing and remove them from groups, along with cries of "UR SUX!" and "L2P Noob!" It was likely removed so that players could not marginalize each other and keep some players from enjoying the game.


The numbers still exist and can still be monitored by BW. They just cannot be seen by players any longer.


The upcoming Personal Combat log will (from the sound of it) only show the player the numbers for his/her own damage/healing. The player will be able to see and improve his/her own numbers but nobody else will. This sort of system will allow players to retain their freedom and individuality (not being forced to use only the best gear and not being forced to use whatever FoTM builds there are at the time) without being shunned by the Raiding and PvP communities.



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The Combat Log that existed early in beta showed all combat numbers by all players in the area. This was being used by some players (as it is in many MMOs) to single out the players that did the least damage/healing and remove them from groups, along with cries of "UR SUX!" and "L2P Noob!" It was likely removed so that players could not marginalize each other and keep some players from enjoying the game.


The numbers still exist and can still be monitored by BW. They just cannot be seen by players any longer.


The upcoming Personal Combat log will (from the sound of it) only show the player the numbers for his/her own damage/healing. The player will be able to see and improve his/her own numbers but nobody else will. This sort of system will allow players to retain their freedom and individuality (not being forced to use only the best gear and not being forced to use whatever FoTM builds there are at the time) without being shunned by the Raiding and PvP communities.




I dont know what beta you where in, but 8 months and 5+ builds here, there was never a combat log.

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how do they expect to effectively balance pvp with out actually knowing for sure how much damage healing etc everything is doing


i mean isnt a combat log required not just for the players but for developers too



this just seems like a such a big joke to me




They have access to numbers you don't even know exist.


They dont need an ingame combat log. Don't be obtuse

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