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BW How can you not be emberassed...


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Games have bugs people, bugs that will take time to fix. Bugs that might not get found during the beta, the might have been found if more people would submit tickets instead of just play it to play the game early. People will always be angry about things like this.


We know this, but it would be a disservice to not let BioWare know that there are bugs listed as "fixed" that are in fact still broken.




Abandoning Quests

Quest Credit for Warzone Victory


Those should be rather high on the list of "why is it still broke", or as the technical term in development goes, Open Fix Failed (issue is re-opened because the fix failed to fix the bug).

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Seriously, maybe the OP should be ember assed with his inability to spell.


Sorry, having a frustrating day :D


I understand that I mis spell words alot. I also try and do this while working, this does not help. But my points are understood.

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No its really simple, i have had the problem twice, I went back finsihed the first series of quest, got nothing for it, bit "whoa look at this it went away. And it is for lazy people because you clearly say I would have to spend a far ammount of time going from planet to planet to clear things up.... LAZYNESS I will give that it needs to be fixed Im not saying it doesnt, but instead of go and crying on the fourms just go do them, your 50 right not biggie it will be easy and you should have plenty of time to do them..


Thanks for trying





In some cases it's not just laziness though. The mission I am currently stuck with is a Bonus Mission that takes place inside a mission area that I can no longer enter. There is no way for me to clear that mission myself. There are many other missions like this that cannot be abandoned and that is the main problem, not just players not wanting to go back and do clean up themselves.



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You can't dump quests if they are the middle of a chain. You can dump them if they are the first quest in the chain, but after you've completed that one you are stuck with the chain.


I understand why it sucks but I also understand why you can't dump it. Just go finish the chain. The longest ones are like maybe 6-7 quests long. If it's grey it will be over in no time.

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We know this, but it would be a disservice to not let BioWare know that there are bugs listed as "fixed" that are in fact still broken.




Abandoning Quests

Quest Credit for Warzone Victory


Those should be rather high on the list of "why is it still broke", or as the technical term in development goes, Open Fix Failed (issue is re-opened because the fix failed to fix the bug).


They fixed some of them, never in there notes does it say all of them, give them time people the game as only been out for a month. It will be fixed I know it sucks but there working on it. Im pretty sure there all not sitting around doing nothing.

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We know this, but it would be a disservice to not let BioWare know that there are bugs listed as "fixed" that are in fact still broken.




Abandoning Quests

Quest Credit for Warzone Victory


Those should be rather high on the list of "why is it still broke", or as the technical term in development goes, Open Fix Failed (issue is re-opened because the fix failed to fix the bug).


The devs get those bug reports a lot faster when you actually report them via a bug ticket in game rather than complaining about them in a thread on the forums. Bug tickets are guaranteed to be seen. Forum posts are not.



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You can't dump quests if they are the middle of a chain. You can dump them if they are the first quest in the chain, but after you've completed that one you are stuck with the chain.


I understand why it sucks but I also understand why you can't dump it. Just go finish the chain. The longest ones are like maybe 6-7 quests long. If it's grey it will be over in no time.


Why does Bioware keep saying they fixed something they clearly didn't fix?

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In some cases it's not just laziness though. The mission I am currently stuck with is a Bonus Mission that takes place inside a mission area that I can no longer enter. There is no way for me to clear that mission myself. There are many other missions like this that cannot be abandoned and that is the main problem, not just players not wanting to go back and do clean up themselves.




I understand that. if you cant go back in the zone then that can not be helped, try finding someone who is doing the quest and going in with them and try reseting the quest if you can.

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Funny... Each of us as a paying customer has an individual relationship with BW/EA, yet so many of you seem to think we need YOUR permission to complain or praise the game. Why are you so threatened when other customers are dissatisfied with the game? Are you afraid that your taste in games is being called into question? Or perhaps your willingness to gobble up **** when it is offered to you, as long as it is dressed up to your liking?


I currently have 8 quests, going as far back as Dromund Kaas that I still cannot abandon.

Edited by JColquhoun
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Figures they would "fix" this after i went around and completed all non removable quest. Ohwell, atleast they all involved light and darkside points.


Good for you man, glad to see atleast one person on these fourms, finds himself a solution. Rather than complain about it on the fourms.

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The devs get those bug reports a lot faster when you actually report them via a bug ticket in game rather than complaining about them in a thread on the forums. Bug tickets are guaranteed to be seen. Forum posts are not.




With the level of moderation on these forums, you can almost guarantee that posts about fixes that are still broken on patch day get heard. I'm just chiming in as a confimation "yup, happening to me too".


Again, I understand this whole process, and I'm quite patient, after all, I still have 11 quest slots available, and maybe I'll get the motivation to finish up those older quests, though right now I'm kinda focused on some of the lvl 50 activities.

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I understand that. if you cant go back in the zone then that can not be helped, try finding someone who is doing the quest and going in with them and try reseting the quest if you can.


I would, but the thing is it has been so long since I did that quest I'm not even sure which it was. It might be one that was specific to my class. I can go right to the entrance but what do I call out in General? I could wait until someone else happens to come along and try to get their attention before they run right past me or I could just find someone of my class who is just starting that area and go through every quest with them until they get to it.


No, I just sent up a CS ticket in-game. I know they have removed such quests for other players, so it's just a matter of waiting until they get to me.


Which once again I will remind these others, You CAN get these quest removed if you report them to Customer Support. It may take some time, but it will be faster than waiting for them to fix every mission where this can happen.



Edited by Blackavaar
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Edit: For those of you that don't know, you can submit a ticket to CS and they will remove the missions for you. You don't have to wait for the problem to be fixed to get your list cleared.




First I heard that. Thanks. Its enough for me that I can't have the PVP weeklies/dailies AND the PvE dailies in my log at the same time which is annoying.

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I would, but the thing is it has been so long since I did that quest I'm not even sure which it was. It might be one that was specific to my class. I can go right to the entrance but what do I call out in General? I could wait until someone else happens to come along and try to get their attention before they run right past me or I could just find someone of my class who is just starting that area and go through every quest with them until they get to it.


No, I just sent up a CS ticket in-game. I know they have removed such quests for other players, so it's just a matter of waiting until they get to me.


Which once again I will remind these others, You CAN get these quest removed if you report them to Customer Support. It may take some time, but it will be faster than waiting for them to fix every mission where this can happen.




Smartest thing I have heard all day


Where is the like button, oh there is not one, Im going to make a fourm to complain about this.


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