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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR was promising. I liked it untill now.


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To be clear, "play less of our game" is not generally an indicator that BW did a good job.


Those with their fanboy goggles on seem to keep throwing that out there; really?


The Best MMO's continue to reward you if you pass over some arbitrary "you play too much!" line.


This, I'm not sure why its commonly used as an arguement.


basically if you want to enjoy swtor, don't play swtor is what it boils down to. Which is why I'm not, and I got to say, I'm loving it.

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Yet, here you are.


Got to have somewhere to post while my main forum is under maintenence, plus I would imagine the forums would be the place to check to see if the devs posted any updates about the game/fixes/functions/etc.

Idk why anyone believed that whole *can't post after your sub is gone* hubbah.

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Got to have somewhere to post while my main forum is under maintenence, plus I would imagine the forums would be the place to check to see if the devs posted any updates about the game/fixes/functions/etc.

Idk why anyone believed that whole *can't post after your sub is gone* hubbah.


Because it's true...you can't.


You may have canceled, but you still have an active sub.


And if you're loving not playing, then why would you want to start again?

Edited by Skoobie
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We can all see your posting and thread history. You were always very critical of the game. Do not try and tell us you fought for this game until now.


I really enjoyed the post where you tell us you unsubbed back in Jan.

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Yes but WoW released in 2003 or so. Swtor in 2011/2012... Damn you people make me annoyed!


Absolutely irrelevant when your arguement is the amount and type of content.


Maybe they wouldn't be so annoying if you actually understood their point.

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In no other industry could any reasonable person think it's totally cool to market a product to people that wasn't competetive with it's own competition.


Gonna stop there. Learn to make applicable analogies. You can't compare the 13 years worth of development one game has to the 5 years worth of development that another has. Especially when you're discussing content.

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So you would agree that every movie that comes out now must have the same technology as Avatar had, or else it's an "inferior" product, right?


The only people I see worrying about TOR competing with WoW are the players. In fact, it's only the WoW players that are doing it. It's almost like a disease, where people just can't help themselves.


Is every movie attempting to be a fully CGI presentation of a sci-fi/fantasy piece of fiction following Avatar's structural model of engagement? If so, then yes, they'd better do it at least as well as Avatar, which would require similar (or better) technologies and expertise in their use, or the very thing they've set themselves to structurally emulate will be the superior example to reference.



Being as that's not the case and you're attempting to create a platform for yourself based on a massive conflation, I'd urge you to reference WoW's structures and systems, both current and in prior iterations.


A whole lot might make a lot more sense to you as for why we WoW vets are carrying on if you do. It isn't because we want or ever hoped it would be the same as WoW is or ever was, I can absolutely assure you in my case, and all but assure you in many cases.


Rather, it's a matter of that if they're going to do the bone-headed thing of cloning WoW on practically everything PVE and class structure/talent tree related, they might as well bloody do it right and import the systems and tools that make that old cow WoW's PVE and class/talent structurings halfway tolerable at least half the time.


As it is, they swiped old templates from yesteryear and couldn't even bother to do more than change the names a smidge and adjust numbers slightly. And these talent trees?


Good god, everything that was wrong with WoW's 41 point talent system when such was in use is wrong with these.


Everything arguably good about how Old WoW did dungeons, in making people gather up and actually go to said dungeons? Well, that's not here, but neither is the rest of the expediting system in the form of a dungeon finder, so here we are, townsitting in bloody Fleet pretending this is just the bestest thing ever to have to poke and prod around while stuck there trying to maximize our chances at finding folks to do any of that stuff with, be it FP's, FP hardmodes or Operations.


Operations? They couldn't even get the bloody loot distribution right! They copy the structural model of a WoW raid and inexplicably omit Master Looter functionality?


It feels more like some kind of insane digital anthropology and cyber sociological experiment at the hands of either brilliant and deranged mad scientists or inept lunatics trying to do the same things WoW -used- to do, only arbitrarily different in ways that mesh about as well with WoW's old cast-off systems as gas and a match.


Wonderful ways to create explosive What The Eff outcries. If that was the intention (which I doubt), total victory.


If it wasn't?


Houston, we have a problem. And it isn't pattern recognition being a disease either.

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Absolutely irrelevant when your arguement is the amount and type of content.


Maybe they wouldn't be so annoying if you actually understood their point.


OP's point IS relevant when you're talking type and quality of content, agreed it's not when you're discussing amount. (although wow does reset it's content treadmill every expansion.)

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I must have been playing a different version of Cataclysm than you because I experienced none of that. As far as content you do recall they revamped most of the Vanilla leveling content, right? They also added 5-6 new zones and raised level cap. I am starting to think you didn't even play it.


So since you didn't experience a bug, it didn't happen? I've had a near-perfect experience with TOR, does that mean that all those support posts on FPS and bugs are all errors? Further, you apparently completely ignored the forums during Cataclysm's launch, didn't you. I'm starting to think that you didn't play it until months after it was launched.


Oh, and I do recall they took the Vanilla content and revamped it. That's why I said:


take a finished work and modify it


Which, as I pointed out, is significantly easier than creating new content from scratch.

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In order to determine that it 'looked ten-fifteen years old' I would have had to seen the movie, yes?


My point is that comparing MMOs is a valid exercise. If one had functionality years ago and someone comes out with one today without that basic functionality people are going to question the new product, and yes some may call it inferior. I think that is fair.


Not when that basic functionality took several years to develop and release. Or, the majority of the OP's concerns.



Food is a necessity. (Although not that nasty 'I want a gut food'.) A video game, especially an MMO, must adapt to survive a lot more aggressively than food chains. Whether you hate WoW, or Aion, or Age of Conan, or Warhammer, if they feel something from those games will help this game survive, they will do it. Its all about the moneys!


Burger King isn't a necessity. If you think it is....you might want to re-evaluate your life choices.

Edited by Jxspyder
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So new games shouldn't compete with the existing MMO market? I can tell you run a business. That is always the excuse, and its a poor one.


And I can tell you don't.


I do run a business. I build houses for a living. I can't compete with developers who have multiple years more experience than me in the business. Why? Because I haven't had the time to develop their resource infrastructure. Yet my business is still successful....and with time will grow enough to offer those aspects that I'm missing.


For example, my office is in my 4th bedroom. My conference table is the kitchen table. I don't have sample rooms, but refer customers to my subs for their sample choices. I don't have dozens of choices for each subcontractor, I have 3-4. I don't have a massive website, I have business cards and a phone number.


Now, give me a couple of years, and I can have these things. Because these things take time to develop. However, none of them were absolute necessities when I started my company.

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So, go back to WoW or Rift.


Stop complaining, go do what you enjoy doing.


Hey, I love Sw:ToR as much as the next person, and personally I hate WoW as well, BUT at least he is being constructive and points can be taken from it, he isn't just bashing the game with zero points. No need to beat him with a flame stick yet.

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Hey, I love Sw:ToR as much as the next person, and personally I hate WoW as well, BUT at least he is being constructive and points can be taken from it, he isn't just bashing the game with zero points. No need to beat him with a flame stick yet.


Totally agree but the new troll trend seems to be: pretend you used to like the game to gain credibility, then commence with the bashing. This dude was talking about unsubbing in mid-Jan over a graphical glitch!

Edited by Mr_Jonse
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I agree with the OP 100%. This game is bare bones and this being from such a monster IP. It is a total spit in the face when 100's of million dollars is invested and this is the best we get...please you have to be kidding me. Just based on the competition alone (Rift/Wow) this game should been at least full of features at launch. Its 2 months in now and still no features. I leveled my shadow up to 48 and quit for 5 reasons.


1. I was very disappointed that they pulled that little graphic scam on us. I'm a gamer that loves great graphics and have built my rig to do so. When i saw the amazing beta graphics i was sold. Then I learn they were just for advertising only and we'll probably never see them again. Deal Breaker #1


2. Terrible UI. Its not customizable or scalable in any way. Epic fail.


3. No Que'able LFD tool for pve. There is one for Pvp and it only has 3 zones they could of easily made one for all the fp's. They could of easily referred to Rifts model. Once it became a hassle and some times impossible to form groups shouting in fleet I just gave up on FP's. Deal Breaker #2


4. Endgame gear system for Pve is Terrible it needs a total revamp including the horrible gear models especially for Jedi. First the EG gear there is very little difference between the 3 teirs. People should of been given a choice to make their EG gear from mods that dropped from Raids especially since we were given the option for 1-50 gear. Then there is the horrible gear models for the Jedi...seriously they dropped the ball on the Jedi gear? How do you mess up the gear models on the most played class Jedi/Sith? It seems like there was no effort invested in this aspect of the game and its one of the most critical. I often ask myself did the creators even play mmo's before they made this game? Deal Breaker #3


5. Only being able to have one spec in the advanced class unless i respec. This concept in any MMO that uses the Trinity system Tank/Dps/Heals but only allows one spec is destined to fail. Its like BW did absolutely no homework when they made this game.

Deal Breaker #4


I'm just glad i didn't quit Rift but I am mad that SWTOR let me down. I really had intentions of making this my main MMO in stead of just something to do when i was tired of play rift. Now i don't even know it if it will be that because like I said I'm lv 48 and I just am not interested in dinging 50 in the current state this game is in.

Edited by Poisonsenvy
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So why arent you playing Rift or WoW? I understand maybe you figured you would try SWtOR but its not your thing so just go do what you like. I believe SWtOR will evolve into its own thing and I am going to enjoy the journey. Best of luck to you.


Well said I agree with u I love Star Wars The Old Republic it is a awesome game and love every moment of it I just try and ignore the moaning gas bags who only come on here to complain :D

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You do realize this game is not even 6 months old?... Patch 1.1 is JUST being released.


WoW and RIFT did not have all of these features out off the bat. You need to give it time. Relax a little bit.


Smell the roses?

I see what you're saying, and that we should be more patient. He states valid points and constructive criticism, so this is a good post.

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