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50s farming low lvls in tattoine ANNOYANCE


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I miss being ganked and I'm on a PvP server. Gets the blood pumping, managing your fights to stay in position to defend oneself and the always enjoyable trackdown for revenge kill.




I came to the forums a few weeks back to complain about the lack of PvP and my example was going to be that i was lvl 25 and had yet to be ganked. Never had that happen playing on a PvP server in an MMO before. The most recent MMO I've played was Rift and I was lvl 16 when I first got ganked by a lvl 50. Felt natural. Anyway i never created the thread cause getting here I read about the forced faction separation and that answered it.


I'm level 42 now though and i still haven't been ganked, or had any OW-PvP of any kind for that matter. On a PvP server.


Someone, please gank me. It's lonely in here. :(

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I'm on a PvE server because I had just 2 gigs of RAM when I started and could barely handle a 4 man heroic. I have 4 gigs now and game runs fine but, I only saw 1 Republic while leveling to 50. About the only way you'll see an enemy is if they are out trying to gank. They separate the 2 factions so much, you rarely will run across someone to fight while questing, if ever. Edited by Kourage
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So there i was questing like a good little jedi in tattoine and these lvl 50 sith group rolls up and kills me. ok big deal didnt make me mad. after then 5th time it just got terrible. seriously ik i picked pvp but this is just bad its happened countless times and whats bad they kill me then talk crap saying i suck. really now? is anyone else having issues like this it makes the game very unenjoyable. i accually had to leave the planet because i couldnt do anything


Shoulda rolled on a pve/rp server. Simple as that.

Edited by BoDiE
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I have the opposite problem, I wish I could find ANY PvP outside of Ilum on the alts I'm grinding, but it doesn't happen.. even lvl 50s would do, I could switch to my main or call for help.


But seriously, you are on a PvP server, what did you expect?

This game has already so many safe areas and the likes that open world PvP (also due to low population maybe) is almost impossible to find, if once or twice you find a gank squad of 50s just log a 50 alt, call for help or go somewhere else..

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So there i was questing like a good little jedi in tattoine and these lvl 50 sith group rolls up and kills me. ok big deal didnt make me mad. after then 5th time it just got terrible. seriously ik i picked pvp but this is just bad its happened countless times and whats bad they kill me then talk crap saying i suck. really now? is anyone else having issues like this it makes the game very unenjoyable. i accually had to leave the planet because i couldnt do anything


Why did you roll on a PVP server...

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What part of the PvP in PvP Server did you not understand when making your choice?


The normal response to this type of activity is to rally your guildmates or others in the zone to smack the dudes down. QQ on the forums rarely achieves the revenge one desires.


BTW, good to hear that OPvP is happening in places other than Ilum.


It may seem like a futile effort, but 5 level 50s will last exactly 2 minutes versus 30 level 23s. When I was on WoW 5 raid geared Alliance attacked Crossroads. Every. Single. Player. In. The. Zone. Showed up, and all 40 of us ran them over. To top it off we camped THEM for an hour. When they'd rez we'd swarm over them all over again like rats on free cheese.


Sometimes it's not about the level, but the sheer raw numbers you muster to a fight. They do it again, get in general and promise cake. The fat Jedi will answer the call.

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It may seem like a futile effort, but 5 level 50s will last exactly 2 minutes versus 30 level 23s. When I was on WoW 5 raid geared Alliance attacked Crossroads. Every. Single. Player. In. The. Zone. Showed up, and all 40 of us ran them over. To top it off we camped THEM for an hour. When they'd rez we'd swarm over them all over again like rats on free cheese.


Sometimes it's not about the level, but the sheer raw numbers you muster to a fight. They do it again, get in general and promise cake. The fat Jedi will answer the call.


lololol I've never seen that many people in a single zone, except maybe the 1st couple.

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So there i was questing like a good little jedi in tattoine and these lvl 50 sith group rolls up and kills me. ok big deal didnt make me mad. after then 5th time it just got terrible. seriously ik i picked pvp but this is just bad its happened countless times and whats bad they kill me then talk crap saying i suck. really now? is anyone else having issues like this it makes the game very unenjoyable. i accually had to leave the planet because i couldnt do anything


Welcome to pvp servers. In my experience with pvp realms, no real pvp happens -- its just granking and griefing of one sort or another. No clue why people actuallly like these servers....:confused:

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So there i was questing like a good little jedi in tattoine and these lvl 50 sith group rolls up and kills me. ok big deal didnt make me mad. after then 5th time it just got terrible. seriously ik i picked pvp but this is just bad its happened countless times and whats bad they kill me then talk crap saying i suck. really now? is anyone else having issues like this it makes the game very unenjoyable. i accually had to leave the planet because i couldnt do anything


GASP. pvp on a pvp server?

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Wow, open world pvp happened?


Screens or it didnt happen.


Screenie from a few weeks ago:




Yes! It's real! It's not a mirage. OPvP really can happen!!


Now everyone on a PvP Server, go gank somebody and get some OPvP action started!


Edit: BTW...this battle started when 2 Pubs ganked 1 Imp waiting for the World Boss to spawn. Sometimes good fights start out small and escalate into full scale battles (like in the screenie).

Edited by DarthOvertone
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