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Developer Blog: Busting Bugs and Fixing Exploits


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stop new content and fix the game. All your resources need to be put into fixing the game that exists now!!! You said you patched warzones not properly awarding wins, you lied. There is no argument there. You told the player base you fixed an issue when you did not. That is LYING.


Lying to your paying customers will result in you losing paying customers. As for the bug thing, it would be best for this "future" content you are working on to be tested this time. Please test it and increase the utility of the PTS. The PTS is useless as is right now. Add incentive for players to want to test your patches on there such as character copying!!!! Why is this so hard for you?????


How bout you just quit playing for a few months while they work out the bugs. Or just quit playing forever, I don't really care. Nobody wants to hear you nerdrage. As for the rest of us, we'll keep playing and enjoy every minute of it. :)

Edited by WrecklessMEDIC
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It would seem like they care if they instead posted CONSTRUCTIVE posts instead of just flaming every single thing the Dev's fix/post/do in a wave of insults and crappy grammar.


Yea the game has problems, we know that, but the haters are acting like it's the complete and total end of the world. And yes, compared to past MMO's, this one's launch has been exceptionally smooth in comparison. So, yes, they did at least learn SOMETHING from past MMO experiences, which even that is more then the Hater's would give them credit for.


Aye, indeed ;):ph_good_post::sy_empire:

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First while many people may already *know* how trying to fix bugs goes in a game, it certainly does no harm in the devs explaining to the community how they see the issue on their end.


Secondly, I'd really love to understand why there are so many posts filled with complete anger, and more specifically, why people have to resort to personal attacks against the employees.


Look, the game has glaring issues, and some of them get to me as well. However calling BW/EA/forum mods, etc. etc. liars, cheats, dumb, lazy, etc. etc. isn't going to get you anywhere fast.


If you don't like the state of the game, suck up that you spent x amount of money on it and move on.


Throwing childish fits and hurling personal attacks isn't going to get anything fixed, and just floods the board with even more nonsense that they have to deal with.

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Hello everyone! We’ve posted a new blog from Richard Vogel that talks about busting bugs and fixing exploits. Click here to read the blog!


Well thats just all good and dandy.


But how about getting actual people answering other real peaoples tickets, and emails?


How can you have a custumer relationship, when all you get is copy pasted responses and no furhter respnses what so over? I work in cs and if we did this, we would be out if buisness, lol.


All im saying is, get some more, alot more people on this sction, and not one or two ppl sending out copy pasted responses and maby we as costumers feel like we are gettin taken care of, and not just feel like we get ignored all the time.


And just to end the rant, you can fix all the bugs that eer will come, and you can release a ton of content, that dosent matter, when you dont take care of your costumers when they come to you for help, and all they get i way way below average treatment.


God day sir.

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Adjective: In accordance with the rules or standards; legitimate.


Adverb: Without cheating or trying to achieve unjust advantage: "he played fair".


Ilum: 500 thousand Imps get to Valor lvl 60 in a matter of hours......there is no roll back.....this is fair?


BTW after today the gear gap between Rep and Imp looks like the game has been out for 6 months every WZ match i was in had at least 2 sorcs with 17k hp thx BW.

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Actions speak louder than words.


Perfect bug example that sums up the entire SWTOR team:


Warzone dailies not counting reported during early stages of beta testing.


6 months later.








but at least they claim to have fixed it... though my 4/9 progress on the weekly with 11 wins today makes me think they made it worse rather than better.

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Very nice blog :) Thank you. I wish people could be a little bit more patient, I'm lucky I make software for people that don't want instant satisfaction and start to rage whenever their needs are not fulfilled now at this moment. Anyway I'm very satisfied with the game until now, even though there are bugs, but still I haven't encountered one bug that made the game unplayable for me.
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This article is very interesting.


However, you have a fantastic content from level 1 to 50, with an innovative and interactive quest system that most people really like, and you have tuned the game in a way that your players can achieve it in 2 or 3 weeks. Why ?


Don't you think that you made a terrible mistake here ?


If this XP leveling part, which is probably the best part in the game in terms of quality of realization and fun, required 2 months or so to be completed by an average player, don't you think that you would have had more time to fix bugs ? Most of the painful bugs are met when players address the high end content of the game, i.e. once they are level 50.


Same remark about how fast the players can get their Columi / Champion stuff. Don't you think that it should have been more difficult and longer to get it ?


The current problem is twofold:

1. There are still many bugs in the game

2. People have done the content, and are fully stuffed - more content is needed


It will be very difficult for you guys to address these challenges within a very short delay. But I sincerely hope you will.

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Interesting. Like listening to a politician.

When asked what exactly they are doing to fix economy in a country, he answers: "We have committees that are working hard on integration, development and accumulation of everything we need to solve the problem. And when they do that we will meet and debate in length about our next steps of communication with the proper channels so they will be able to say if solution is possible." A lot of words with absolutely no meaning.


So far I've been fairly optimistic about their work on bugs. Not anymore. I just can't get pass the feeling I got after I read this blog. It was a feeling that there must be something seriously wrong at Bioware for an executive producer to write a wall of text that explains nothing. I get a feeling that they are in a state of panic for someone to get the idea of smearing our eyes with completely unnecessary information. It is completely my own opinion and not based on any facts but I just don't see how exactly is describing their inner working processes helping anyone here?


We all knew that they have teams that are working on bugs. We knew that even before this wonderful blog of nothing appeared. I think I can safely say that more than 90% of us were positive about that fact that there are few people at BW working on bugs. So now we have a confirmation of something we already knew. Wonderful.


How about instead of spending your valuable time writing such a crap, you answer 1 (just one, let's not be greedy) in game ticket with proper answers Mr. Vogel? I think you will be helping entire community more by actually helping just one single player.


To end this: I don't care how you do it, just do it! And by that I mean fix things. For your to release a fix (warzone win awards still not working after the patch) that actually doesn't fix anything is beyond comprehension. Its like saying "We have all the people we need and they all understand what they are supposed to be doing, but sadly they are all incompetent".


I hope you will prove me wrong.

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Right now you need to stop worrying about new content and fix what you have. Once that's working, then split back up into bug fixing and development teams. While you're at it, deal with your developers' poor attitude towards general communication and expand your customer service team as well. And for my third wish...
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Very nice blog :) Thank you. I wish people could be a little bit more patient, I'm lucky I make software for people that don't want instant satisfaction and start to rage whenever their needs are not fulfilled now at this moment. Anyway I'm very satisfied with the game until now, even though there are bugs, but still I haven't encountered one bug that made the game unplayable for me.


That's cute.


Since you can dismiss everyone as not being patient, perhaps we can get YOU to clear up some of the issues the so-called "ragers" are demanding answers for.


Like the fact that multiple bugs reported in beta have not been addressed.


Like the fact that despite the community bending over backwards to get feedback back on issues with FPS, crashes, card overheating, CTD and the like , they have the unmitigated gall and audacity to issue a pile of shambolic excuses like this which basically says


1) we sorta lied about system requirements, just because you meet them doesn't mean you can run the game


2) we're going to blame everything on the client side, while making completely un-named and unreferenced fixes with no ETA


3) We're going to suggest things like cleaning your fans to reduce cooling issues as if you were a pack of two-year olds who could never think to do such a thing on your own.


I strongly feel that the majority of the community has been quite "patient" up to this point. A lot of people like the game , and seem to have no problems. Great , wonderful. But in that case you have NO logical point or position to take in this discussion, no standing to talk from. Your experience is completely invalid in relation to those who have paid money to play a game that isn't even performing up to the standards of ValuSoft shovelware I buy at Wal-Mart.


The worst part of this entire debacle, as I noted in my earlier post, is that none of you are reading between the lines. This guy isn't opening up a dialogue, he's playing CYA.


There's bugs his team isn't going to go after because the triage / risk suggests they don't know what's causing it or how to fix the problems. That's your random lags, Fleet FPS issues, bizzare raid bugs and micro freezing.


He's not going to go after the quality of life bugs , he's just been told to stamp out as many bugs as quickly as possible so his bosses can throw a PR release out and rally any interested shareholders.


I don't get paid to bash Bioware. As I have said multiple times before on forums other than this, I call it like I see it. No one who isn't just trolling is suggesting Bioware has done "nothing" , but please don't hand us a stock response and a patch that can't do what it says on the tin and then expect us to cheer. Ain't happening. And for those of you are loving the game, if you don't like that and don't want to hear it, too bad.


I will continue to speak my mind as long as I am subscribed, until either


a) someone stops fiddle-f'ing around and decides to actually make changes. Yes, some bugs will take a long time to fix. Some of these bugs were reported in EARLY BETA. If you have had FIVE MONTHS to fix it, it is not getting fixed! Don't pretend otherwise.




b) someone decides that my $15 a month is not worth going after and pursues a policy of ignoring the community as a whole and catering only to those who cheer them on, at which time I can spend my cash on a more worthy endeavor, like donating it to the Red Cross.


Until such time as that, you do NOT pay my sub. You do NOT get to judge those who are unhappy. And you do NOT , EVER, decide that my issues are somehow unimportant simply because you are willing to accept mediocrity.

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Yes.. but your customers do not want to hear about your workday.

All we care about is the damned patch notes, okay?


Bugs to fix that have been there since launch:

1. Failed diplomacy missions can give 3.44359875398475925267 Dark Side points (rounding, anyone?)

2. Incorrect tooltips/Skill Bug: Unity apparantly does not give 50% dmg reduction, though it claims to. Someone even said it increass damage taken.

'Harnessed Shadows' doesn't proc from Slow Time, but the tooltip says it should.

'Force Potency doesn't increase the crit dmg on Project when using 'Particle Acceleration'

3. Sort by equippable, doesnt work anywhere. Be it GTN or a stupid Vendor.

4. Warzone wins are still not accounted for every time.

5. Green graphic bug in Tattooine like everywhere.

6. Players "vanishing" to negate the damage of 'Project'

7. etc.

8. etc, etc.


The list can go on a while.

Edited by MrOuija
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This is just PR Bull ****.


Fact is many of the bugs were around last summer and you did NOTHING. We are not talking minor bugs either, I STILL have ability delay on my trooper, it's appauling and I don't know how you dare talk about busting bugs, you are a disgrace to the software industry.

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Why are so many people so stupid? I really don't see why people can't understand those creating content are artists and those making it work and fixing it are other people :l


Some people can't read. Some people don't care. Some people , I suspect, know full well that the situation is what it is and that if they only have so many bug fixers they can only fix so many bugs and love trolling people like you because it makes you mad.


Other people are asking why the bug-fixing team seems to prioritize quick-fixes over bugs that are now entering their sixth month of being reported.


Not that I'm bitter. After STO nothing fazes me.

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