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3-4 hours daily and still not max level nor have i done FP/OP


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I'm flabbergasted at how exactly people have 6 level 50's all of them with top gear Ran all hard modes basically wiping clean everything on the game.


i'm still floating around level 40 and i put in some time on this game. unless you put in 24 straight hours on some days how is this possible?

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Because MMOs have conditioned people to play through levels quickly to get to the end game - normally where the most compelling aspects of the game are.


In TOR, the leveling is the real treasure, and when you get to the endgame, it's buggy, mediocre and the same old crap we've been playing (circa 2006).


So enjoy your story and your leveling. You're doing it right.

Edited by JediMasterShake
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So you chose to level slowly and you're wondering why people who didn't prefer your specific playstyle are farther along than you?



For the record, I have a fulltime job, a social life, didn't spacebar any quests, completed all the flashpoints, am working on operations, have almost a full set of level 50 champion gear, maxed out my professions and am working on an alt.

Edited by Keii
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I'm flabbergasted at how exactly people have 6 level 50's all of them with top gear Ran all hard modes basically wiping clean everything on the game.


i'm still floating around level 40 and i put in some time on this game. unless you put in 24 straight hours on some days how is this possible?


Not sure what to tell you.


I've had a 50 for 3 weeks. My sorc is 30. I got a level on my sorc last night about 1 hour (3 or 4 warzone wins).


I did very few flashpoints on my main (juggernaut tank) while leveling up. Very few H2's and H4's as well - mostly down to the lack of grouping tools - I just chose not to spam trade/general. Completed every solo quest (not including bonus series) on every planet except Corelia - as I was 49 when I landed on Corelia and did only my class quest.


In that 1st toon's run to 50, I probably did 5 flashpoints. I did do a few dozen warzones, though. The MOST I can play any day I work is 4 hours. Weekends are a different story, though, and had some days off over the holidays.


If you've had the game since launch, and put 3 or 4 hours a day into it, and are only level 40, I don't know what you're doing with all that time, but it seems it doesn't involve gaining XP.

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but i see these threads where people have done everything there is to do and i just can't even begin to wrap my head around how much time they've been playing non stop.


3-4 hours daily is A LOT of time to play a game. and i was doing that since early access. i had 4 days early.


yet people are like i have 6 level 50's all top gear i have battlemaster i've beaten all op/fp 26 times i have all epic crafting recipes and all datacrons etc etc..


i'm blown away at this. seriously HOW MUCH TIME were THEY playing?!

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So you chose to level slowly and you're wondering why people who didn't prefer your specific playstyle are farther along than you?



For the record, I have a fulltime job, a social life, didn't spacebar any quests, completed all the flashpoints, am working on operations, have almost a full set of level 50 champion gear, maxed out my professions and am working on an alt.


no BRO i'm not leveling slowly i'm turning in quest and doing them as they come i'm not even stopping to do crafting.


and yes i also have a full time job, a "social life" and also am a full time student as well. and yet i can't even fathom having a "full set of 50 gear"


so yes


MIND = BOGGLED :rolleyes:

Edited by chrisftw
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no BRO i'm not leveling slowly i'm turning in quest and doing them as they come i'm not even stopping to do crafting.


and yes i also have a full time job, a "social life" and also am a full time student as well. and yet i can't even fathom having a "full set of 50 gear"


so yes


MIND = BOGGLED :rolleyes:


So I guess the question to ask is, when did you start playing?

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but i see these threads where people have done everything there is to do and i just can't even begin to wrap my head around how much time they've been playing non stop.


3-4 hours daily is A LOT of time to play a game. and i was doing that since early access. i had 4 days early.


yet people are like i have 6 level 50's all top gear i have battlemaster i've beaten all op/fp 26 times i have all epic crafting recipes and all datacrons etc etc..


i'm blown away at this. seriously HOW MUCH TIME were THEY playing?!


3-4 hours a day, since early access?


I don't even know what date that was, but I'll go with the 17th of December.


That's 45 days.


In 3-4 hours, until the 40's, if you were questing only, and NOT spacebaring through the cutscenes (which I never do the first time I see something), you should have still been level 10 by end of day 2, at least, and been able to gain 2 or 3 levels a day after that.


It does slow down in the 40's (or it did for me), but even then, most planets are completable (the solo only stuff, and not including the bonus series if there is one) in a 3-4 hour play session.

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but i see these threads where people have done everything there is to do and i just can't even begin to wrap my head around how much time they've been playing non stop.


3-4 hours daily is A LOT of time to play a game. and i was doing that since early access. i had 4 days early.


yet people are like i have 6 level 50's all top gear i have battlemaster i've beaten all op/fp 26 times i have all epic crafting recipes and all datacrons etc etc..


i'm blown away at this. seriously HOW MUCH TIME were THEY playing?!



This is because some people have played 9-12 hours a day (or even more), and still think that they casually leveled. Good for them, they had both the time and the desire to do it.


Also, there are people that are just completely full of ****. I doubt there is more than a handful of people (if anyone for that matter), who has 6+ level 50s with full PvP/PvE gear. If so, they have my pity.

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no BRO i'm not leveling slowly i'm turning in quest and doing them as they come i'm not even stopping to do crafting.


and yes i also have a full time job, a "social life" and also am a full time student as well. and yet i can't even fathom having a "full set of 50 gear"


so yes


MIND = BOGGLED :rolleyes:


No way possible. You are goofing off. I dont even play as much as you, and took a week off. did not skip any story and I am valor 53, completed all ops up to hard mode soa

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This is my first MMO. I am at level 46 right now. I have only played since launch. I play on average 4 hours a day. I wasn't skipping much at the start. My friend who played wow for years is level 43 and he started 2 weeks after me.


So people who know how to play MMO's know how to level fast.

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I've got 12 days 22 hours played right now on my Op. He's level 48. But, I spend a butt load of time sitting around in Imperial Fleet, trying to motivate myself to actually go do my quests. And I spend a lot of game time alt-tabbed as well.


I'm at 10 days on my level 50 and I've been 50 for at least 3 weeks.

Edited by Keii
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but i see these threads where people have done everything there is to do and i just can't even begin to wrap my head around how much time they've been playing non stop.


3-4 hours daily is A LOT of time to play a game. and i was doing that since early access. i had 4 days early.


yet people are like i have 6 level 50's all top gear i have battlemaster i've beaten all op/fp 26 times i have all epic crafting recipes and all datacrons etc etc..


i'm blown away at this. seriously HOW MUCH TIME were THEY playing?!


Power. Leveling. Services.

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but i see these threads where people have done everything there is to do and i just can't even begin to wrap my head around how much time they've been playing non stop.


3-4 hours daily is A LOT of time to play a game. and i was doing that since early access. i had 4 days early.


yet people are like i have 6 level 50's all top gear i have battlemaster i've beaten all op/fp 26 times i have all epic crafting recipes and all datacrons etc etc..


i'm blown away at this. seriously HOW MUCH TIME were THEY playing?!


Lets just say they didnt stop to smell the roses...


but seriously, these are the kind of people who streamline their leveling experience...

no sidetracking, always trying to make it so that they dont go out of their way to do someting (like doing all the missions in an area before returning to any mission giver) so generally just saving up time.


Also, they dont kill all the mobs they see, just the ones that they cant avoid easily... youve seen them, the ones that zig-zag around all the mobs to get to their target since they know they'll still outlevel their missions after a while.


These are also the same people who dont explore the entire map just for the sake of it, they know they'll have time to do that later, and if they miss a side quest or two thats fine.

Also, they tend to only take the sidequests they need to get to the next "zone" so once theyve completed the class quest for a planet, they'll typically abandon all their other quests on that planet and move on.



now, they might not do all of the above, but they typically behave like that.


The people who reach lvl 50 in a very short time are usually goal-oriented people. The goal is more important than the journey. The faster they get there, the better.

Their sense of achievement is directly linked with completing the goal, not the manner of the goal completion itself, but the fact that its done.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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Good for you. Like I said, I spend most of my time sitting around Imperial Fleet, alt-tabbed... this game is really hard for me to get into.


i'm sure you're waiting for the game that will allow water to turn into wine and cure cancer


GW2 right?


the hype machine around that game dwarfs TOR even at the height of TOR's hype. and is in store for so much fail it'll be pretty epic actually.

Edited by chrisftw
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Leveling isn't the objective at all. It's just something that happens while I'm experiencing the rest of the game.


And some people just don't like taking long romantic strolls down the beaches of Tatooine with their companion, watching the suns set, perhaps having a nice dinner at the Cantina.


Some of us are eager to see what ghost we're going to eat next, or what the next terrorist group we're going to infiltrate is. It's the "just one more level" phenomenon. (do dooo de do do) It drives us to advance.

Edited by Keii
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I'm flabbergasted at how exactly people have 6 level 50's all of them with top gear Ran all hard modes basically wiping clean everything on the game.


i'm still floating around level 40 and i put in some time on this game. unless you put in 24 straight hours on some days how is this possible?



When you're 50 you'll understand.

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