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How Does Bioware Explain This?


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Sorry but this is just too big of a ripoff to NOT post. I played WoW for 5 years and I noticed this instantly... http://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj65/94529452/1328035736600.jpg


Well yeah...All future mmos will probably use the WoW model from now as as it is the most succesful. You can call it a rip off, but it works. There is only so much you can change. The warrior class is pretty similar but not an exact copy. I like the diversity of this and the class storyline.

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Sorry but this is just too big of a ripoff to NOT post. I played WoW for 5 years and I noticed this instantly... http://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj65/94529452/1328035736600.jpg


Oh, this thing again. Thanks for reposting this same image again...

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Sorry but this is just too big of a ripoff to NOT post. I played WoW for 5 years and I noticed this instantly... http://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj65/94529452/1328035736600.jpg


It means that... two Melee Tank-possible\Healing-nonpossible classes in two MMOs being more similar than not.


My question is.. would you have them differently? I see little issues here.

Edited by Dharkeon
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B. No, those are all juggernaut skills.


That said, this is the mara forums, not the jugg forums.


fair enough, i just glanced at it to be honest, my bad for assuming it might have something to do with marauders i guess :)


however, i fall back to points A and C


so what ...


plus ill add a "who cares"

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For a game to attempt to reinvent the wheel after WoW and many other recent mmo's is well... take a look at FFXIV's launch.


Diehards will be diehards, but that game was too unfamiliar (and to be fair bug ridden) to appeal to the masses, which, with the budget swtor had, is likely what they're trying to do.

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Everyone that has a shred of originality and dignity left in them cares. Who wants to play Future Synonym World of Warcraft? I know I don't want to play FSWOW. I want to play *********** Star Wars. They didn't follow a mold.



Following a mold would be a simple outline. Say you're making a silver amulet for some kind of college art course. Of course, you will need a mold of an amulet. The whole class will use the same mold but to make it their own, they have to imprint and carve their own designs. One person in this class decides to be lazy and sneak back into the class after hours and use someone elses finished mold complete with details. They add some lines to it but it is still obviously somebody elses designs, as it looks very similar with only a few changes. Everyone elses looks different, because they are creative and 2 different people just don't happen 2 have VERY similar designs.

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For a game to attempt to reinvent the wheel after WoW and many other recent mmo's is well... take a look at FFXIV's launch.


Diehards will be diehards, but that game was too unfamiliar (and to be fair bug ridden) to appeal to the masses, which, with the budget swtor had, is likely what they're trying to do.


FFXIV was awful, yet FFXI was amazing. The class system and progressive features were the most original and creative styles made. If I were a developer, I would at least take a chance and use FFXI's mold instead of WoW. Just because it's popular doesn't mean it's good.

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FFXIV was awful, yet FFXI was amazing. The class system and progressive features were the most original and creative styles made. If I were a developer, I would at least take a chance and use FFXI's mold instead of WoW. Just because it's popular doesn't mean it's good.


so its ok to copy FF but not WoW?


so your problem clearly isnt with copying another game, its that you hate wow


got it

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Everyone that has a shred of originality and dignity left in them cares. Who wants to play Future Synonym World of Warcraft? I know I don't want to play FSWOW. I want to play *********** Star Wars. They didn't follow a mold.



Following a mold would be a simple outline. Say you're making a silver amulet for some kind of college art course. Of course, you will need a mold of an amulet. The whole class will use the same mold but to make it their own, they have to imprint and carve their own designs. One person in this class decides to be lazy and sneak back into the class after hours and use someone elses finished mold complete with details. They add some lines to it but it is still obviously somebody elses designs, as it looks very similar with only a few changes. Everyone elses looks different, because they are creative and 2 different people just don't happen 2 have VERY similar designs.


You are forgetting that was already tried and failed, miserably. It was called Star Wars Galaxies, The Combat Upgrade. Last i was told, that was shut down last month.


Again, there is only so much that they can change. If you are so knowledgeable in all this, what would you do to make this different? you obviously has some kind of expectations for the class. And if they didnt meet those, then perhaps you didnt pay enough attention to all the information they have had on there site for over a year....

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Sorry but this is just too big of a ripoff to NOT post. I played WoW for 5 years and I noticed this instantly... http://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj65/94529452/1328035736600.jpg


this is why the SWTOR community is bad, it has guys like this.

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this is why the SWTOR community is bad, it has guys like this.


This is why the world is bad and social communication breaks down. I happen to love this game, but I'm not so biased and completely blind to see when something is wrong.

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For a game to attempt to reinvent the wheel after WoW and many other recent mmo's is well... take a look at FFXIV's launch.


Diehards will be diehards, but that game was too unfamiliar (and to be fair bug ridden) to appeal to the masses, which, with the budget swtor had, is likely what they're trying to do.


You realize swtor had stated very clearly in many interviews that they are NOT Trying to reinvent the wheel. In fact they used those words exactly. They are merely expanding on already existing concepts.


Im too lazy and dont care enough to find you a link... try to be less ignorant.

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This is why the world is bad and social communication breaks down. I happen to love this game, but I'm not so biased and completely blind to see when something is wrong.


No, the world is bad because the FED is printing fake money and breaking our economy and we need to go back to the gold standard!


Ron Paul 2012!!!

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so its ok to copy FF but not WoW?


so your problem clearly isnt with copying another game, its that you hate wow


got it


Makes no sense. Most MMOs being made now are being crafted in the form of WoW.


The Quickslots, the backpack models, the storage systems, the mounting systems, the waypoints for quicktravel, the HP and mana bars the party and raid frames.


Like I said I played WoW for 5 years and I still love it...


It's not that I hate WoW, it's that I hate the unoriginality that has come from developers of all new MMOs recycling WoWs UI, playstyle, and mechanics. I truly believe FFXI came before it's time, and that it would be one of the most popular MMOs if it came out last year instead of 9 years ago. I didn't mind the WoW copies at first, but enough is enough. There are only so many models you can go after for an MMO, but there are definitely more original and fun MMO molds that you can model your game after OTHER THAN WOW.

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You are forgetting that was already tried and failed, miserably. It was called Star Wars Galaxies, The Combat Upgrade. Last i was told, that was shut down last month.


Again, there is only so much that they can change. If you are so knowledgeable in all this, what would you do to make this different? you obviously has some kind of expectations for the class. And if they didnt meet those, then perhaps you didnt pay enough attention to all the information they have had on there site for over a year....


They could at least make the names more different for the skills. I wouldn't even care or notice if they had the same effects but different names, but the fact that the names of the abilities are so god damn similar and the pictures are even the same is just something that you can't overlook, it really speaks for the future of MMOs and online gaming in general.

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Makes no sense. Most MMOs being made now are being crafted in the form of WoW.


The Quickslots, the backpack models, the storage systems, the mounting systems, the waypoints for quicktravel, the HP and mana bars the party and raid frames.


Like I said I played WoW for 5 years and I still love it...


It's not that I hate WoW, it's that I hate the unoriginality that has come from developers of all new MMOs recycling WoWs UI, playstyle, and mechanics. I truly believe FFXI came before it's time, and that it would be one of the most popular MMOs if it came out last year instead of 9 years ago. I didn't mind the WoW copies at first, but enough is enough. There are only so many models you can go after for an MMO, but there are definitely more original and fun MMO molds that you can model your game after OTHER THAN WOW.


so you dont like the unoriginality created by copying wow


but you dont think it would be unoriginal to copy FF?


or is it that you know it would be unoriginal to copy FF but you dont care?


why is it ok to be unoriginal if you are copying FF but not if you are copying wow?

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so you dont like the unoriginality created by copying wow


but you dont think it would be unoriginal to copy FF?


or is it that you know it would be unoriginal to copy FF but you dont care?


why is it ok to be unoriginal if you are copying FF but not if you are copying wow?



Copying and using concepts aren't the same thing, I failed to use the correct wording in that post.


So the picture I posted is a blatant example of copying, but the entire game of SWTOR is using the concept of WoW.

Do you remember when people saying "Cool story bro" or "umad?" was the pinnacle of trolling? Now when you see people saying those phrases, they are publicly ridiculed and mocked for saying them. Why? Because they have been overused and played out. They are old not chronologically, but because they have been used so many times that people are sick of seeing them, they are on t-shirts, hats, and bracelets at Hot Topic and other clothing stores. EVERYWHERE.


Using the concept of FFXI's playstyle would most certainly not be unoriginal simply because it has not been done before. FFXI has only been done once, and it seems that it will only EVER be done once. Like I and many others have said in this thread, there are only so many ways to make an MMO. Sure, it would be expanding upon the already existing playstyle, but it would still be new, and definitely not overdone like WoW's is. In fact, I'm sure most people would view it as a completely new style of gameplay.

Sure there will be the developer that once in a while will make a new concept for an MMO, but it's very rare.



It's time to move on from trying to "Improve on already existing concepts" that are so prevalent that every single element that can exist from WoW's concept are close to being exhausted. The proof is in the pudding, and when you start cloning your abilites from another MMO down to the NAME, it's really time to stop.

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Guild wars 2 is going to rule with its own new and creative mold that I believe mmos after will be copying. Off topic and not related but a great time to throw it in.


Swtor copied Wow copied Everquest copied d & d ... Really we can hash this out for another 3875855849393845 pages

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