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Guild Ships


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I know they are in the works of making them. Just hope to see a guild ship like the destroyers in the movies as Guild Ships. Also when the release them i hope we can fly them from planet to planet with the guild in the ship. Also make a bind point in the ship. This would allow all guildmates to quickly group up.


Also be cool if you could see them from your ship when that guild is at an planet.

Edited by mdobrowney
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And since Republic vs Empire PvP is struggling, you could somehow or other schedule some type of instance where you invade another guilds ship. Say you can do it once or twice a week. Both guilds have to agree to it obviously.


Or you both invade a third parties ship to accomplish some sort of objective (see also: the Dredgion instance in Aion)

Edited by alement
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I dont see the guild ship being the huge success we are hoping for. It'll be just another instanced box with ship colored walls.


The only thing I really want to hear being changed to the space "content" is the ability for free flight. That would add a whole 'nother facet to this game and draw huge crowds of players that don't necessarily enjoy the SW universe. The current rollercoaster ride we have now is just horrible. It's like a 3-D nintendo gradius.

Edited by Hyperionjr
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Well as many have stated, this game is a great start so far but it IS just a start. (not even 2 months into launch yet). and tho the set up is very impressive, there is still room for growth.


I agree the idea of Guild ships that could be boarded would be a GREAT idea. Also, the ability to deco your quarters would be a great idea for those times when there's downtime and no new content or the population isn't high enough to run raids or missions. Plus it would also provide a platform for launching fighters in a more Flight simulation style of game play. (even if it resembles the fighters that are used for ship to ship travel in the Rebel fleet). Atmospheric flight may also be something to consider for future projects. PVP dog-fighting, armed combat vehicles, etc. would be welcome additions.


Lastly, the crafting system isn't bad, but it seems a bit limited in the way you can make bigger and better weapons and armor. Encouraging crafters to make higher quality items would help out the in game economy by producing better items than are looted in game. In previous games, crafting became its own entity of game play.


Again, great launch, and I'm looking forward to seeing what future advancements take this game to the top.

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When we get Guild Capitol Ships, there's 2 things in perticulaar I would like to see:


1. Guild Capitol Ship Space Operations


2. Guild Capitol Ship Space PvP matches, with bonuses to winning rewards for winning against your Rival guild


Other than that, like some people said before, for the fight players would choose to either man some of the ship turrents or fly out in fighters/there own ship to attack the enemy ships, and I would suggest having the Guild Master be the one who controls the movement of the capitol ship itself, and possably the ships lbiggest/most powerful weapon too.

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  • 2 months later...

One thing I would like to see when we do finally get guild ships is the ability to see other guild ships, through the exterior windows, from the command deck, out through the docking bay... somewhere.


Perhaps have it a bit like a ladder, where you can see maybe only 6 or 8 ships - based on their PvE or PvP progression.


This ofc, would also give advantages to customising the exterior of the ship. Maybe not with colour, but perhaps modules or gun / missile platforms or sensors. And obviously the guild name should be clearly visible on the exterior.


If a PvE / PvP "scoring" system isn't practice. Maybe have the "modules" as rewards to specific PvE / PvP milestones.


Then maybe go a stage further and allow capital ships to be traded in for bigger and better ships. So not everyone gets a star destroyer first time out.


But please, don't make it a blatant cash-sink. Guild ships are likely a one-off large purchase. Not suitable for correcting currency fluctuations. MMO games are enough of a second job already, without a 2nd mortgage to go along side.

Edited by Woetoo
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  • 2 months later...

Guild ships isn't new, they said before lanuch that guilds will have capital ships, but it do not have yet. Perhaps they regret it and stop saying to see if we forget it. But we didn't. We need to keep pressing toward it.


I've made myself some threads about guilds. and spaceship. Check it below and please rate it.


Space Instance/Operation

Patch 1.x Guilds

Guild HQs

Guild's Quests/Story


Space Instance/Operation

Denova (Rep vs. Imp PvP planet)

World Pvp My Ilum Map

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