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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How to tell when this game has failed


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When people stop whining on the forums, the game has failed. Forum whiners simply means that the game is a success.


Lets read between the lines:


"I will unsub if this dosnt get put in."


means: I love this game, but really want x feature, if I whine the loudest I'm sure they will put it in.


does not mean: I will unsub if x feature isnt put in.


"Game breaking! X class/ability/feature needs to be buffed/nerfed NOW"


means: I'm upset that I cant beat class/ability/feature and want to be king of the hill with easy.


does not mean: x class/ability/feature is necessarily in need of said buff/nerf


"I have nothing to do at 50!"


means: I am enjoying this game SO MUCH that I have put hundreds of hours in and I will continue to do so. I will completely devour each new piece of conent that comes my way.


does not mean: There is a lack of repeatable content.


"This game has FAILED SO BAD"


means: This game is such an integral part of my life that I have to post on the forums because I just CANNOT stop thinking about it and I want attention from other people who keep thinking about it.


does not mean: the game has failed.


"I shouldnt have to pay for beta!"


means: I dont understand how programming works and have never tried to write a while loop from scratch.


does not mean: This game isnt the most polished major mmo to ever hit the market at release.



TBH, go look at any successful game's forums (if they have them) and you will see hundreds of whining threads.


Good job SWTOR, you are succeeding wildly.


When the forums go silent, the game will too.


Edit: Because someone reminded me about the beta argument

Edited by lunabaguna
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When people stop whining on the forums, the game has failed. Forum whiners simply means that the game is a success.


Lets read between the lines:


"I will unsub if this dosnt get put in."


means: I love this game, but really want x feature, if I whine the loudest I'm sure they will put it in.


does not mean: I will unsub if x feature isnt put in.


"Game breaking! X class/ability/feature needs to be buffed/nerfed NOW"


means: I'm upset that I cant beat class/ability/feature and want to be king of the hill with easy.


does not mean: x class/ability/feature is necessarily in need of said buff/nerf


"I have nothing to do at 50!"


means: I am enjoying this game SO MUCH that I have put hundreds of hours in and I will continue to do so. I will completely devour each new piece of conent that comes my way.


does not mean: There is a lack of repeatable content.


"This game has FAILED SO BAD"


means: This game is such an integral part of my life that I have to post on the forums because I just CANNOT stop thinking about it and I want attention from other people who keep thinking about it.


does not mean: the game has failed.



TBH, go look at any successful game's forums (if they have them) and you will see hundreds of whining threads.


Good job SWTOR, you are succeeding wildly.


When the forums go silent, the game will too.



Then wow must already be dead. It's had complainers since it's launch.

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Hate to break it to you, but every MMO game had a busy, bustling, flame laden, troll infested forum in its first several months. Failure or success, from AoC to WAR, every one of them were full of activity. But here's the thing - as little as a few hundred individuals can keep a forum active and full of life. The majority of the playerbase usually don't visit the forum, and smaller portion still actually posts anything.


The only way anyone will know whether or not swtor is dying or not is when they release the financial numbers. Til then, your guess is as good as mine or some other joe schmoe.

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Hate to break it to you, but every MMO game had a busy, bustling, flame laden, troll infested forum in its first several months.


Wow still does, or at least it did as of December when I left. and those are some professional trolls over there. lol.

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Hate to break it to you, but every MMO game had a busy, bustling, flame laden, troll infested forum in its first several months. Failure or success, from AoC to WAR, every one of them were full of activity. But here's the thing - as little as a few hundred individuals can keep a forum active and full of life. The majority of the playerbase usually don't visit the forum, and smaller portion still actually posts anything.


The only way anyone will know whether or not swtor is dying or not is when they release the financial numbers. Til then, your guess is as good as mine or some other joe schmoe.


Hate to break it to you, no one will be releasing financial numbers for at least 6-8 months. EA is not required to comment on the state of SWTOR at their quarterly meeting. Not to mention, the Feb 2 meeting is to discuss winter quarter, the game didnt even come out til the end of that, so they wouldnt discuss it at this meeting. Both BW and EA have their hands in several hundred projects, and SWTOR is not going to make or break either company.


In 6-8 months you will probably see a press release touting their most recent benchmark subscription wise as a PR move. They dont need PR right now, the game just came out.

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"I have nothing to do at 50!"


means: I am enjoying this game SO MUCH that I have put hundreds of hours in and I will continue to do so. I will completely devour each new piece of conent that comes my way.


does not mean: There is a lack of repeatable content.


I don't disagree with a lot of OP but this part right here? Dead wrong.


I have this complaint and as a result I log in for an hour or so a day to do my PvP dailies. I have no more use in raiding, I have all the best raid gear and everything is accomplished. I'm in full champ gear so I don't even know why I pvp anymore, BM gear won't be a big upgrade and the grind is incredibly boring.


This complaints means exactly that there is a lack of repeatable content. Over time I'm sure my play time will dwindle even further until I stop entirely, unless a new influx of content is delivered. Hopefully this will be the case, BW says it will be so we'll see.

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I don't disagree with a lot of OP but this part right here? Dead wrong.


I have this complaint and as a result I log in for an hour or so a day to do my PvP dailies. I have no more use in raiding, I have all the best raid gear and everything is accomplished. I'm in full champ gear so I don't even know why I pvp anymore, BM gear won't be a big upgrade and the grind is incredibly boring.


This complaints means exactly that there is a lack of repeatable content. Over time I'm sure my play time will dwindle even further until I stop entirely, unless a new influx of content is delivered. Hopefully this will be the case, BW says it will be so we'll see.


Every mmo since the dawn of mmos has had this issue. People can always finish content faster than devs can make content. Wow has had this issue with EVERY expansion. The only solutions for this are:


A) Make the game primarily pvp

B) Sandbox games

C) Adding in horrible pointless timesink grinds


Since this is a themepark mmo, b is out, people wouldnt appreciate a, and do we really want faction grinds?

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I don't disagree with a lot of OP but this part right here? Dead wrong.


I have this complaint and as a result I log in for an hour or so a day to do my PvP dailies. I have no more use in raiding, I have all the best raid gear and everything is accomplished. I'm in full champ gear so I don't even know why I pvp anymore, BM gear won't be a big upgrade and the grind is incredibly boring.


This complaints means exactly that there is a lack of repeatable content. Over time I'm sure my play time will dwindle even further until I stop entirely, unless a new influx of content is delivered. Hopefully this will be the case, BW says it will be so we'll see.


You've levelled 8 characters to 50 already???

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Option A) could be changed to "Make PvP better." It doesn't need to be an RNG Korean grindfest. That doesn't induce replayability that induced boredom. Dynamic real-time systems can often do this job, BW just failed miserably in their attempt to do this with Illum.


While the completion of endgame content is a problem in every game, just because there can't be unlimited content, nearly every other game was able to draw this process out far longer than SWTOR does...I've been level cap less than a month and have the best of everything in this game and have cleared all Operations on HM.


Less than a month. And that's not power gaming, that's just a half-competent guild. Very few games require less than a month to get the best of everything and complete all content at endgame. That is....not good at all.

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You've levelled 8 characters to 50 already???

I'm having trouble enough getting a second character to 50 because of how insanely boring it is doing everything a second time. I'm sure at #3 my brain would start to die. Why on earth would I want to do 8?

Edited by Mhak
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Hate to break it to you, but every MMO game had a busy, bustling, flame laden, troll infested forum in its first several months. Failure or success, from AoC to WAR, every one of them were full of activity. But here's the thing - as little as a few hundred individuals can keep a forum active and full of life. The majority of the playerbase usually don't visit the forum, and smaller portion still actually posts anything.


The only way anyone will know whether or not swtor is dying or not is when they release the financial numbers. Til then, your guess is as good as mine or some other joe schmoe.


not like this forums my friend , not even close.

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I'm having trouble enough getting a second character to 50 because of how insanely boring it is doing everything a second time. I'm sure at #3 my brain would start to die. Why on earth would I want to do 8?


You could always do it on the other faction. I mean, that would be a new content to level against. A completely different story for all quests and all. Its not like you HAVE to level on the same faction you leveled on already.

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You could always do it on the other faction. I mean, that would be a new content to level against. A completely different story for all quests and all. Its not like you HAVE to level on the same faction you leveled on already.


Correct but I don't play MMORPGs for the single-player storyline content. If I want that there's Skyrim or DA or ME or a ton of other games which are not multiplayer and offer a far better single-player experience. Not that SWTOR's isn't good, it is, it's just not why I play this game.


I play MMORPGs to experience endgame content with friends at max level. We all play for different reasons, this is mine and I'm fairly positive it's a common reason to play MMORPGs. And it is, sadly, lacking in SWTOR.

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Honestly, if you don't have all 8 classes to 50 yet you can't really complain about content, Yes.. the fill-in quests are all the same, but each class has its own story and will still keep you at least mildly entertained for a while. If you're bored, then you're playing the game wrong. You're not supposed to skip all the dialogue and just grind up. of course you can but the game wasn't made to be played like that. The vanilla content is really there to start off all the stories. It's hard for a game like this to have a crap ton of endgame content when they have to focus on the content building up to the end. People will always find something.. it's human nature. Edited by xSharp
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Honestly, if you don't have all 8 classes to 50 yet you can't really complain about content


So not true. The complaints are about a lack of end game content, which has nothing to do with the leveling process.


Trying to tie endgame content to leveling 8 characters is completely fallacious logic. The two types of content are entirely different. One is lacking, the other is not. Just because one is fine does not mean the other is too.

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When people stop whining on the forums, the game has failed. Forum whiners simply means that the game is a success.


Lets read between the lines:


"I will unsub if this dosnt get put in."


means: I love this game, but really want x feature, if I whine the loudest I'm sure they will put it in.


does not mean: I will unsub if x feature isnt put in.


"Game breaking! X class/ability/feature needs to be buffed/nerfed NOW"


means: I'm upset that I cant beat class/ability/feature and want to be king of the hill with easy.


does not mean: x class/ability/feature is necessarily in need of said buff/nerf


"I have nothing to do at 50!"


means: I am enjoying this game SO MUCH that I have put hundreds of hours in and I will continue to do so. I will completely devour each new piece of conent that comes my way.


does not mean: There is a lack of repeatable content.


"This game has FAILED SO BAD"


means: This game is such an integral part of my life that I have to post on the forums because I just CANNOT stop thinking about it and I want attention from other people who keep thinking about it.


does not mean: the game has failed.



TBH, go look at any successful game's forums (if they have them) and you will see hundreds of whining threads.


Good job SWTOR, you are succeeding wildly.


When the forums go silent, the game will too.


I lol'd. Good points. I'll try to keep this one in mind when I'm feeling the urge to snap back at the Pantwetters Patrol.

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So not true. The complaints are about a lack of end game content, which has nothing to do with the leveling process.


Trying to tie that to leveling 8 characters is completely fallacious logic. The two types of content are entirely difference. One is lacking, the other is not. Just because one is fine does not mean the other is too.


the game wasn't made for endgame content alone. It's a story driven MMO. the first of its kind. So yes. you cannot complain.

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the game wasn't made for endgame content alone. It's a story driven MMO. the first of its kind. So yes. you cannot complain.


I like you trying to tell me what I cannot do. Your sense of authority is cute. Let me try - you cannot tell me not to complain.


I never claimed this game was made for endgame content alone. All I claimed was that portion of the game is lacking, which it is, which means it is perfectly fair to point out. Being a story driven MMO does not change the fact that it's an MMO, and endgame content is a part of all MMOs which means like everything else, it's open to criticism.


Your argument is null and void, I'm sorry.

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