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Those calling for Sage/Sorc nerf


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They sat down and decided to create a class that appears weak (light armor) but does the most damage in the game has the most survivibility (shielding healing) by far the most CC. And can easily pick up 10-11 medals a game thus leveling/gearing way faster than any classs.......................makes sense. surely the population points out these facts?
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I don't know how many times I've said this, but I'll say it again, you're flat out wrong if you say people play sorc/sage because it's op. I won't argue they could lose a little utility, and it's true they have the only intuitive resource in the game, but ppl play sorcs b/c they shoot lightning, and this is very easily proven by the fact that there are probably 4 times as many sorcs as sages.


Most people aren't fotm players, they play what speaks to them and their personality. Join any 10-49 wz and I'd bet you money empire will be 70% sorcs and republic will be 70% troopers.


But yea, on a side note force lightning slow should be taken away and there's some tweaking that needs to happen in all the healer classes to bring them closer together. Also resolve being fixed would fix a lot of that. By the way, you ever interrupt a sorc casting lightning? Most of em will just sit and stare at you b/c they don't know what to do now :)

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Sorcerers MUST be nerfed. If nothing else, their ridiculous linearly regenerating 500+ force pool needs to be nerfed. NO OTHER CLASS in the game has it as easy as Sorcerers when it comes to resource management.


Accept it. Anyone with more than 1/8 of a brain can see it as blatantly unfair to all other classes. The more you talk and pretend and rationalize, the more obvious it becomes to the rest of us.


You think sorcs in warzones have great regen? LOLOLOLOL.. now I can't speak entirely for the dps sorcs, but healers, f#$k healers run around 90% of the match with 10-15% force if they are lucky. Force management is beyond terrible for a healer especially against good teams.


To be quite honest, I really don't care what they do with the dps side, I don't play it, and I won't comment on it much. Based on what I've seen them do, the only thing I'd probably nerf is the root crap on overload.


Full specced healers though, leave us alone! Any competent dps can lock down a healer with ease just by harassing them. Any really good dps can destroy a sorc healer. If you can't, it's either your gear, the healer is being guarded, being spammed by another healer or quite bluntly, you're just bad.

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Sorcerers MUST be nerfed. If nothing else, their ridiculous linearly regenerating 500+ force pool needs to be nerfed. NO OTHER CLASS in the game has it as easy as Sorcerers when it comes to resource management.


Accept it. Anyone with more than 1/8 of a brain can see it as blatantly unfair to all other classes. The more you talk and pretend and rationalize, the more obvious it becomes to the rest of us.




Its actually funny to think its easy to succefully play a sorc and its even funnier that someone said OPs are squishy (that was hillarious actually). After the bubble is out you are pretty much dead on most cases.

Edited by Lusiferz
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Sorcerers MUST be nerfed. If nothing else, their ridiculous linearly regenerating 500+ force pool needs to be nerfed. NO OTHER CLASS in the game has it as easy as Sorcerers when it comes to resource management.


Accept it. Anyone with more than 1/8 of a brain can see it as blatantly unfair to all other classes. The more you talk and pretend and rationalize, the more obvious it becomes to the rest of us.


you obviously know nothing of force management if you think it's easy.

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So Basically you don't say anything about the Force Lightning Slow + Thundering blast than can hit for 3-4K on channeling and no CD and Spammable...


So you arent saying anything except interupt the healers... which is a long post for nothing.



Thundering blast is on a CD. 9 seconds to be exact.


Thundering blast and spammable force lightning is unobtainable in the same spec.


Try again.

Edited by Acyu
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Lock out the healing abilities of a dps spec sage. Right now I see warzones where sorc have top damage AND heals. What was bioware thinking making the best burst dps and arguably best dot dps class in the game also the best healer AT THE SAME TIME? Lets not even get into their other abilities people think are op like the 3k protection from bubble, all of their cc etc. Edited by mandrillagon
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Lock out the healing abilities of a dps spec sage. Right now I see warzones where sorc have top damage AND heals. What was bioware thinking making the best burst dps and arguably best dot dps class in the game also the best healer AT THE SAME TIME? Lets not even get into their other abilities people think are op like the 3k protection from bubble, all of their cc etc.


those only exist in games without actual healing specced healers of any class.


And if you just remove shield from counting as healing done, you won't even see that anymore.

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The question I'd respond with, on this point, is why don't you see everyone playing snipers? Why are people flocking to sorcs/sages?


There's a reason. The class is very easy to be successful on and has almost no learning curve compared to a sniper/gun or marauder/sent.


people play sorc for a couple of reasons


1: Lightning out of your hands! Asthetics will win everytime, why do you think people tend to lean toward bloodelves in WoW? because they are pretty to look at.


2: They have an iconic character representing them, who doesn't want to be palpatine?


3: mechanically they are a mage, are light armored ranged class, and notoriously ranged classes are way more popular then non-ranged in mmos. Additionally the sorc/sage are akin to a caster in other mmos they play similar its familiar...


4: lastly people play Sorc because people like you claim they are OP and broken and so jump on the bandwagon...


Just a heads up but...


Mercs have all same tools as a sorc and hit about 2x's as hard... can kite just as well and have heavy armor.


An operative can do about double my damage in first 3 seconds of combat as i can do over course of 20 seconds...


i could go on and on but primary reason that sorc is overplayed right now boils down to it being a good well rounded class, and thematically pleasing. It isn't any one thing thats causing the issue but multible things. People notice sorc more because there attacks are easily definable and are played alot... but all of that said...


To the OP i do believe interrupts need to globally lock out all offensive or defensive attacks and i say that as a sorc. A good sorc can rotate heals and attacks to simply avoid lockouts, yes may not be efficient but still effective. I also believe snare on force lightning is probably overkill, but that said! if nerf that snare will have to buff our other snare to compensate...


Sorcs just have all tools they need to keep melee off of them, and damage to back everything up... they are like frost mages in WoW. Have a ton of escapes and tools to deal with players, so get whined about alot... i just trust BW will take a hard look at data before making any rash decisions.

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I very much doubt sorc/sage will get nerfed. Some simple reasons:


1. They don't scale. You might be seeing a lot of sorcs in kinder garden wz's (that will be the under 50 bracket) but once they hit 50 they fail. A lot. All I see these days are powertechs and mercs. And Juggs in DPS mode. The bubble is a perfect example of what I mean, at 40-49 it is useful but at 50 versus decent players in decent gear most of the time its gone in a GCD or just random AoE in Voidstar is enough to kill it in seconds.


2. Bioware aren't nerfing on the basis of QQ forum posts. Game is not balanced around Huttball when you are level 30 and you need to L2P. Get over it. After sorcs the bad players will move on to whatever else they can't - and won't ever beat - without divine (or dev) intervention.


3. Most of the the utility is shared with assassins etc. They are already complaining of a nerf in upcoming patch. Funny no one was calling for a nerf to them, I guess if they were ultra visible by shooting lightning maybe people would be.


4. The game is mirrored. And if sorcs are so goddamned good how come you aren't rejoicing every time there is 4 of them on your Huttball team anyway?


5. The bubble is not a PVP only skill and is a chief method of survivability in solo PvE, flashpoints and NOT JUST for the sorc. If you've never been bubbled yourself then you must be terribad and a sorc/sage didn't think you were worth the GCD to cast it on you.


Lastly - if the stars align enough that someone takes note of all the QQ and visits a reactionary nerf on the class guess what - sorcs will still own you day and night. Then who will you cry to? Your mommy?

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The calling for nerfs is simply forum based PvP for those players too undergeared or unskilled to play in-game PvP.


This guy has a point with everyone concerned for pvp bragging rights it hard to understand the other side which is pve, althought i play a sage in pvp alot and myself think there should be cooldown timer to some abilities are add longer, only thing is bubble, spd spammable damg its a killer in pvp, compared to some of the other classes, i do about 150k damg and about 40-50k healing in warzones and that about a normal run and most time that just clowning around.. But in pve my opinoin o course its probably one the most solid classes for time and effective missoining.


If there was anything done to the class i have to say time activatoin of certian abilities and longer cooldowns for force speed, which talent speccs helps there, But most players are playing a pvp specced class in general, and while pve is pretty easy at this point.


hate to say it but WOW ugh has determined that operatoins/ raids demand certian types of spec which would really tweak the style of play between pvp and pve, I think you would see alot different approach to play in pvp and pve.. and probably less whining too. also keep respeccing cost up and a longer cooldown between respecs

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I have a 50 sorc, and a 49 merc, they were so boringly easy in pvp that I rolled a new assasin.


1-49 sorcs/sages are nutty op vs everything but other sorcs and maybe arsenal mercs that get the jump on them.


I haven't played much 50+ pvp yet, I have a job and a life and am still enjoying the leveling process on alts.


sages/sorcs mutilate nearly all melee. Stealthies have the best chance of getting them down. however, knock back, stun, bubble, dots and kite/force lightning. If you get anywhere near close to killing even a mildly competent one they can sprint away to the nearest health powerup on the map. If they are a crappy sorc, i'll tear them apart easily however with the simplicity of gameplay never run into a crappy one. That's a one on one scenario.


2v2 if you have one melee and one sorc vs two sorcs. The two sorcs will win either by out healing/bubbling while dots kiting and cross healing keeps them immortal. yes you can have all the stars align and stun interrupt and cc them perfectly and them have absolutely no cool downs up and maybe win, but that happens once in 2 million years.

You can attempt to lock them down. That's assuming they don't lock you down first? Let's not forget the whole time you are trying to manage them, they are trying to manage you. You can just get slowed and kited to death.


8v8 it becomes whomever has the most sorcs/mercs. knockbacks, bubbles, dots slows, kiting and cross healing


pretty much every fight currently in pvp 1-49 for me is. Sorcs+mercs= win. Dps sorcs can cast two heals and get a majority of there health back in those two heals.


Not to mention the fact that you have supper long range with recklessness and crits ;p.


To me this game has an issue with no defined roles in warfronts. Healers can also Dot, Aoe and pull high dps if they want too. Tanks can do tons of dps and be durable at the same time with a proper spec. Dps can stop dps'ing focus on healing and be nearly as efficient as a dedicated healer.


People argue that dedicated healers can pull 600K+ and dps can't however i've never seen a hybrid/full dps spec only spam heals all match like a pure healer does, I have however seen a dps sorc, slow, dot/kite force speed away and cast two heals and be back over half health, so I'd like to see someone in full gear in a dps or hybrid spec go all out on healing and see just how comparative it is.


Are pvp problems all sorcs fault? No, however.


Something needs to be done to help balance things a bit.


Pvp still however is enjoyable, and I have great games and bad games, just part of playing.

Edited by Selai
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so you have not played much end-game pvp and your ready to nerf a class based on noob pvp as if it mattered.


You can get to level 50 in 2 weeks on casual play in this game, the grind is a joke, there is no reason for you to be pvping in the noob bracket long anuff for it to matter.

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Have your healer or any other sorc dispell it of you if you cant yourself? Interrupt/silence it and it wont be spammable? I play against them just like you do.. dont find it that hard


I play Commando and I don't have an interrupt.

They slow me, I can't knock them back, my cc is on cooldown.

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so you have not played much end-game pvp and your ready to nerf a class based on noob pvp as if it mattered.


You can get to level 50 in 2 weeks on casual play in this game, the grind is a joke, there is no reason for you to be pvping in the noob bracket long anuff for it to matter.


As I said I rerolled assassin because sorc pvp was so dull/easy, merc was no better, and casual to me is maybe 2 hours a day not the 6-8 of the normal "casuals" ;p.


It's not like 50+high end is much different if both sides are premade and in the same gear it's exactly the same thing, most sorcs/mercs/sage/commando's=win.


If sides are not equally geared a lot of it becomes gear imbalance. Sometimes class imbalance can make up for gear imbalance though


It's just the fact that if you give sorcs snares, bubbles, dot's, hot's, instant cast slow, heals, speedboosts, knockbacks, interrupts, stuns, cc's all in the same character.


I'm not necessarily saying nerf them. However sorc vs tank, tanks need more mitigation vs force abilities. Sorc vs melee dps, melee need either more gap closers or more slow resistance/resolve stopping slows/snares or long ranged interrupts.


Not that this is much different then any other pvp game. ranged classes always kite/slow **** melee classes.

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There are two separate issues with the Sorc class. First is they have too much utility. Ally pull and speed boost on top of their multiple roots, snares, and mezzes is too much. Second is they are far and away the best healing class. Too many casted heals with a neverending resource pool and the OP bubble. It's obvious Sorcs were meant to be the only healing class until Op and Merc were had healing specs shoehorned in because Sorcs have the full package.
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There are two separate issues with the Sorc class. First is they have too much utility. Ally pull and speed boost on top of their multiple roots, snares, and mezzes is too much. Second is they are far and away the best healing class. Too many casted heals with a neverending resource pool and the OP bubble. It's obvious Sorcs were meant to be the only healing class until Op and Merc were had healing specs shoehorned in because Sorcs have the full package.


Gives us heavy armor to replace our cloth and we will tone down utility.

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BW won't nerf Sorc/Sage. They don't listen to whine on these boards. They have their own tools for checking class balance.


Merc/Commando & Sage/Sorc are probably the easiest classes to play and probably the most favoured due to style, but they are far from overpowered. Op is right here, deny it all you want, nobodys gona listen.


But the "skilled" people always come to the pvp boards first before they learn to play.


Classbalance is fine, deal with it.

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There are two separate issues with the Sorc class. First is they have too much utility. Ally pull and speed boost on top of their multiple roots, snares, and mezzes is too much. Second is they are far and away the best healing class. Too many casted heals with a neverending resource pool and the OP bubble. It's obvious Sorcs were meant to be the only healing class until Op and Merc were had healing specs shoehorned in because Sorcs have the full package.


Seriously, you fools need to actually play a Sorc in pvp before making up false statements to try and solidfy your argument which has no basis to begin with.


The only statement I will agree with you on is Sorcs are better healers to an extent then their counterparts. While we have more healing prowness, we suffer in the survivability dept in a big way. Sorcs are MUCH MUCH easier to drop then the other two healers if they were all played by competent players that do more then stand in one spot.


We have two casted heals and that's it, no one uses our lesser version of dark infusion as the force cost is rediculous and it heals for f#$k all. So we're left with innervate and Dark Infusion.. and ONLY Dark infusion if you do not spec deep into the healing tree which almost no sorc dps does. As for endless force, I'll just ignore that as you obviously have no clue. PVE yeah, we can manage quite fan, pvp far FARRRRRRRRRRRRRR from it.


So seriously, dps specced sorc with one casted heal is too much..... LOL... 2 casted heals for a Heal Specced Sorc?.... LOL... interupt one of these.. primarily Dark infusion and good night to that Sorc.


What people also fail to realize is there is two entirely different trees sorcs spec into. Some are healers, some are dps. Healers do not get all the cc utility the dps sorcs get and the dps sorcs do not get the couple extra healing spells the healers get.


All these qq's amount to in the end is terrible players not being able to kill a sorc so let's cry for a nerf. The Good players have NO ISSUES with sorcs, that's 100% fact. Argue that point all you want, the only thing that might need balancing with sorcs is the dps tree and the root that accompany's overload, that I will agree needs to be toned down.

Edited by Sylvarine
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The question I'd respond with, on this point, is why don't you see everyone playing snipers? Why are people flocking to sorcs/sages?


There's a reason. The class is very easy to be successful on and has almost no learning curve compared to a sniper/gun or marauder/sent.


Because Sage/Sorcerer has a lightsaber and this is Star Wars :p ?

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