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Republic is the new Horde!


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Maybe I'm just feeling bullish after winning the majority of my warzones in the past few days but I'm going to go out on a ledge and claim:


"Republic is the new Horde".


We're the underdogs,


We have near instant WZ queues,


We have the more elite player-base,


We're basically everything the Horde was in WoW pre WotLK.



Sure, our official win-ration was only 47% but that was based on the first few weeks after the game went live. Things have changed a lot since then. Our numbers won't allow us to dominate Ilum just yet, but those times will come.



So this is calling out all those Imps who thought they'd be joining the "leet" faction by going "evil".


Suck it!

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Sorry, but every server is different. The republic on Darth Sion are a joke.


An republic are still blue. Still good guys and sadly still alliance.


Also if you look at WoW's warzone win % ratio for both factions and SWTOR win % ratio for both factions. Looks like nothing has changed. Alliance rolled Repubs, and Horde rolled Empire. lol Almost same exact win Ratios for both games.

Edited by Furyofwar
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Yes, clearly the "mass appeal" that made Alliance garbage will have no effect on what is possibly the most overpopulated faction in the history of MMO's.


When your faction appeals to the masses, draws in the masses, you get the masses. The masses are bad, can't pvp, don't know how to gear, and will chase you halfway around the map in the opposite direction of the objective to kill you.


Just about every voidstar I get 3-4 people on me hugging my nuts (on offense), so I lure them allllll the way back beyond the ship, behind the big raised block you start from. If you ever get lured back that far you might as well turn in your PVP badge. That's the empire I face. Premading baddies that let half the team get pulled out of position so we can plant every bomb on the map without any resistance.


Every server is different, but empire is THE mass appeal, dark side is cool, force lightning is cool, force choke is cool, faction of this game. I suggest if you can't handle that truth you suck it up and reroll.

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Maybe I'm just feeling bullish after winning the majority of my warzones in the past few days but I'm going to go out on a ledge and claim:


"Republic is the new Horde".


We're the underdogs,


We have near instant WZ queues,


We have the more elite player-base,


We're basically everything the Horde was in WoW pre WotLK.



Sure, our official win-ration was only 47% but that was based on the first few weeks after the game went live. Things have changed a lot since then. Our numbers won't allow us to dominate Ilum just yet, but those times will come.



So this is calling out all those Imps who thought they'd be joining the "leet" faction by going "evil".


Suck it!


Really? I must have forgotten how it was on EU. I played last few year on RU and everyone and his mom played Horde (on every server), but Alliance looked exactly like you described.

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Really? I must have forgotten how it was on EU. I played last few year on RU and everyone and his mom played Horde (on every server), but Alliance looked exactly like you described.


Horde lost it's underdog/elite status around WOTLK when blood elves were put in and upped the mass appeal to play horde.

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Rolled a republic char myself after getting tired of constant huttballs on Empire, but ugh.


On my server, there's always atleast one guy going "OMG NOOBS" "NOOB TEAM" and other crap. On Empire side, didn't have any problem with that. :confused:


Trying to point out some useful strat on a map earlier resulted in someone in the group advising me to go suck on someone's genitalia. Never had that when playing on the Empire side. :/



That said, that's on the lowbie bracket. On L50 bracket, republic seems to be doing quite well for themselves -- mainly due to them always rolling out in premades, while the Empire just.. doesn't. And republic in general seems much better geared than the Empire's numbers, whom often sport L41-45 greens/blues.

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Nah, the Republic is as Alliance as it gets. Goodie-two shoes faeries whose leadership does precisely nothing except react to the bad guys, while all the conflict/intrigue happens on Horde side.


Though I will concede... I was surprised by the last mission of the Jedi Knight story. For the first time, we actually did something and not just react to the Sith like a bunch of passive, uninteresting pansies. Unfortunately, we find out in the Sith Warrior's story that it was all for nothing anyway (surprise, surprise, Imps get the last laugh), but hey, it was fun anyway.

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It seems a lot of people don't understand the point the OP was trying to make.


My point was the "bad" faction always attracts more players interested in PvP on the average. The fact the story was significantly more engaging for the Sith in a story-driven MMO certainly doesn't hurt.


Besides, his point makes no sense as he just described Alliance Post-Cataclysm (even he said it, "Horde Pre-WOTLK"). I'm not sure what point this post was trying to make.

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why would anyone deny that republic is the underpopulated "underdogs"


you can make cross faction alts on the same server.


Verify yourself.


I did...


In ALL newbie zones on my server, Sith has 2-3x the numbers compared to republic counterparts.


It's not hard, stop living in denial... sith IS the zerg faction of this mmo.


Also the imbalance WILL not improve, because all the new players are rolling sith... like I said, just make an alt, do /who and verify yourself.

Edited by AndantePhist
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Yes, clearly the "mass appeal" that made Alliance garbage will have no effect on what is possibly the most overpopulated faction in the history of MMO's.


When your faction appeals to the masses, draws in the masses, you get the masses. The masses are bad, can't pvp, don't know how to gear, and will chase you halfway around the map in the opposite direction of the objective to kill you.


Just about every voidstar I get 3-4 people on me hugging my nuts (on offense), so I lure them allllll the way back beyond the ship, behind the big raised block you start from. If you ever get lured back that far you might as well turn in your PVP badge. That's the empire I face. Premading baddies that let half the team get pulled out of position so we can plant every bomb on the map without any resistance.


Every server is different, but empire is THE mass appeal, dark side is cool, force lightning is cool, force choke is cool, faction of this game. I suggest if you can't handle that truth you suck it up and reroll.



Its not reflective of bad pay that 3-4 people followed you away fromt he objective. What is a reflection of terrible play is that 3-4 people couldnt drop you fast enough that you COULD get far away from the objective.

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From my experience in war zones, its not that the players are better on republic, Its that they have the sense to play healers and tanks and actually do it.


I have never been in a warzone against the republic without at least 2 healers, sometimes 3-4.


Imperials are all about the DPS classes, and tend to fail harder without the healing support to help them. Once in a blue moon the imps will get a healer.


I will concede that a do like how the repubic are more organised and dont charge in single file, or get tunnel vision. they actually regroup when an assault fails, while imps just keep running in off the pad one at a time.


One thing against republic players is that they seem to get alot more buthurt when you kill them. I have players seeking me out after I kill them, only to be *****slapped by my juggernaght again and AGAIN. They will always look for you and when you kill them more and more, they start name calling and the nastyness in /general.

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