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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

LFG solution. Works every time.


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Hey guys, been seeing a lot of hate towards the current LFG tool lately and I found a solution that has worked for me.


The /who list.


After spamming LFG in general, and flagging myself LFG, I found it so hard to get a full group quickly. So I hit up the /who list and filtered by level. I found by using this tool I can find a specific player, level and class that I need for my group.


I needed a tank, saw a juggernaut at the right level, and I whispered to him personally "hey wanna do a heroic, we need a tank" his response....."sure".


I did this many times for different heroics and flashpoints and within 2 minutes I always had a full group with a healer, tank, dps, and wild card. Players don't pay attention to general much, in fact I mute general because it clutters my chat window. Therefore. I think personally whispering players is the best way to go.


Go try this for yourself. 90% of the time it works 100% of the time B-)

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i've used that trick but I've found what works really well is just putting up funny lfg messages such as.




While we can all agree that's awesome....I still believe a lot of players don't pay attention to general, or mute general. Also, with the who list you can find specific classes, and Lvls.

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Are you people so ASOCIAL that you can't handle someone whispering you for an invite? It's hardly harassment to ask someone ONCE, to join a heroic where EVERYONE benefits.


Want to add me to your /ignore list? Great, thanks for doing me the favor.


Also I'd like to add not a single person was upset by my "cold invite". It's worked out for me over a dozen times.

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I usually just hit no for invites with no whisper before hand. However, if someone whispers me asking and I'm in the mood, I'm sure to say yes.


I agree. And if you're not in the mood do you put that person on your ignore list? Because I sure as hell don't think that warrants an ignore, at least for me.

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Made this same kind of thread a few days ago. It sparked an interesting debate about what's rude and what's not.




Glad I'm not the only one who uses this idea. I personally don't think it's rude at all to ask someone ONE TIME, if ey want to join. I guess hermits/trolls don't like it when you ask them a simple question. No need to even respond honestly, if you don't want to join then don't. How am I being rude?


That's like saying "oh man this guy asked me for the time the other day out of the blue. What a rude ******e. Ugh people sometimes!"

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i use this method all the time and have been ignored by only 4 people that i know of. But i have friended like 200...


just sux when a person that ignored you is leading the open ops group and u cant join.


what one person did was awesome, he warned me that if i sent him another tell he would ignore me, so i didnt msg him.


even with the ignores, this is the best way to get groups for ops, world bosses, heroics.

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I like how everyone makes posts about how easy to get group it is. I am on day 11 of trying to get a Hardmode group.


very super fun...


Well in the OP I'm talking about non hard mode grouping. Below lvl 50. HM is another beast. Not enough people are lvl 50 yet I think. I'm 43 ATM, so I'll feel your pain soon :(

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/1 LF3BAMF to <do stuff>. Only the servers baddest need reply.

/1 Seriously? Not one BAMF plays on this server?

/1 Alright, I'm lowering my requirements. I will accept anything with a brain and a gun to do this heroic.

/1 No, I don't accept lightsabers, all it takes is one moron holding one to kill us all.

/1 fine, you can bring a lightsaber. But you stand no less than 5 yards away from the group at all times! >.<


/1 LFG <stuff>. I have a cute puppy and a brand new pair of steel toed boots.

/1 If I do not fill this group in 5 minutes, I WILL kick the puppy in the face.

/1 I'm putting on my boots right now, last chance.


/1 LFG <stuff>. Applicants must be highly motivated, professional, and willing to meet and murder new customers for fast growing business!

/1 Ituhata industries offers great pay, benefits, keys to executive bathroom island and 2 hour lunches.

/1 Come join our winning team today!


Stuff like that usually works, anything thats not just normal spam. I have more but ...work. :confused:

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/1 LF3BAMF to <do stuff>. Only the servers baddest need reply.

/1 Seriously? Not one BAMF plays on this server?

/1 Alright, I'm lowering my requirements. I will accept anything with a brain and a gun to do this heroic.

/1 No, I don't accept lightsabers, all it takes is one moron holding one to kill us all.

/1 fine, you can bring a lightsaber. But you stand no less than 5 yards away from the group at all times! >.<


/1 LFG <stuff>. I have a cute puppy and a brand new pair of steel toed boots.

/1 If I do not fill this group in 5 minutes, I WILL kick the puppy in the face.

/1 I'm putting on my boots right now, last chance.


/1 LFG <stuff>. Applicants must be highly motivated, professional, and willing to meet and murder new customers for fast growing business!

/1 Ituhata industries offers great pay, benefits, keys to executive bathroom island and 2 hour lunches.

/1 Come join our winning team today!


Stuff like that usually works, anything thats not just normal spam. I have more but ...work. :confused:


I already have a full time job, i'd rather not work my tail off here as well...

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Better solution, once people become informed about it - custom channels.


If everyone joins the same channel, then you can use one as a server-wide LFG channel. Let's say the channel will be named, ironically, LFG.


Step 1 - Type "/cjoin LFG" in the chat box and hit enter.

Step 2 - Right-click your chat tab, and hit Chat Settings.

Step 3 - Change the channel color at the bottom of the list to something other than the same bright yellow it uses for System and NPC messages.


Step 5 - Find your group easily.

Step 6 - Smack people with a tack hammer if they don't use it for LFGing, and instead use it as server chat.

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