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Are people just tolerating TOR at the moment?


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Absolutely loving the game at the moment. I think haters have no idea of the volume of work and care it takes to get such an MMO working smoothly. Nothing to tolerate here, the game is a blast.


It doesn't change the fact that they have three months to get it together. That's how long MMO's have these days to impress the world, otherwise it's sub 300,000 players for it's lifetime and only small/moderate success.

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I know I am. I'm hoping bioware gets things together sooner than later, but as for right now I'm locked in for three months. I play, sure, but I'm not thrilled--I'm mainly just on standby watching to see if bioware puts their priorities in the right place and fixes what needs to be fixed.


I generally don't tolerate games that are not fun. When I play an MMO, I get at least one char to max level and evaluate if the gameplay is fun or not, then drop it if not. Rift was the only game I couldn't stomach enough to get to max level. This game is doing fine so far.

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I tolerate people desperately fishing for negativity and trying to keep its count high even though majority of them just rehash what has been told already. Otherwise I am playing the game.


I couldn't have found better words....Oh and nice avatar :p

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OP you have to realize there are two groups of people right now -


Group 1, endgamers. We have all the best gear. We have done all the Operations. PvP is a joke and we have full champ or better gear. There is nothing left for us to do, and what there is left to do is full of bugs that often prevents us from either enjoying it or playing it entirely (ie the plethora of raid bugs like Gharj killing us on the Imp Fleet). We are depressed and tolerating the game for the moment, hoping it gets better.


Group 2, everybody still leveling a character, or the extremely casual level 50s. These people have not yet experienced the void that is endgame, nor had the opportunity to experience the bugs which make the game so incredibly frustrating at times, nor have they had the pleasure of grinding 40+ champ bags while getting nothing but tokens and 5 earpieces.

Edited by Meluna
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I know I am. I'm hoping bioware gets things together sooner than later, but as for right now I'm locked in for three months. I play, sure, but I'm not thrilled--I'm mainly just on standby watching to see if bioware puts their priorities in the right place and fixes what needs to be fixed.


Yes indeed! I'm not tolerating it in hopes it will improve though, I think this style of carrot on a stick MMO is dying.


WoW is going through it now and SWTOR walked right into the middle of it. I do not see this game doing well over time.


I am simply here tolerating it till the next triple A title launches. (Read- The birth of a new MMO Genre: GW2)

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I sort of feel like I'm in the "tolerating" camp.


On the one hand, I generally have fun while in game. I put this down to lightsabers. I'm a juggernaut tank, and I really DO like the way my character moves during combat.


While my server is dying (in terms of level 50 population), I am in a good guild for my server, and generally can get hardmode flashpoints at least 1-3 a day. But if there aren't any free healers in guild on, pugging one is simply a nightmare (in other words, simply not worth the time). If the ones on my friends list aren't on/are busy, I don't even try anymore.


On the other hand, every time I log in I notice the deficiencies of this game, and I can't help but want them fixed/changed/brought into this decade.


I'm in the camp that thinks LFD and dual specs are, pretty much, a must for a "modern MMO", and this game lacks both.


The PvP system is a weak clone of WoW's (which is decent) with a huge RNG factor thrown in for gearing (which is amazingly poor design). As an avid PvPer in WoW, with multiple 85's pvp geared for 4.2 (which is the last time I played WoW), I see absolutely no point in PvP at 50 in TOR. The FPS hit I take immediately upon entering a warzone doesn't help with this opinion.


I do find PvP a good way to avoid redoing the planetary quests that I've already done (30 healing sorc as well), but the moment I ding 50 on that char, I'll occasionally do my daily 3 wins in the hope of getting lucky, but expertise and RNG (and the god-awful Ilum) make 50 PvP quite pointless, IMO (and it's an opinion I know not everyone shares).


Overall I feel that TOR is an MMO that has really only done one thing exceptionally - that's single player story. But that is Bioware's strength, so it was to be expected. Everything else about this game sort of feels stuck in 2005 or 2006, and the communication (or lack of) from the devs has been awful.


If this game wasn't Star Wars, I know I wouldn't have lasted a week, with all the problems and lack of features.

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I will take Rift's totally customizable UI over this ANY day and WoW's interface customization over Rift.


Yeah, I have to agree.


I'd take Rift's launch day UI over this one at any and every opportunity. I really hope the UI changes TOR spotlighted in their video are more than what they showed, as well as SOON.


The UI here is by far the worst I've ever seen in an MMO. It's worse than EQ2's was at it's launch, in late 2004, in terms of customizability and ease of use.

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Yes indeed! I'm not tolerating it in hopes it will improve though, I think this style of carrot on a stick MMO is dying.


WoW is going through it now and SWTOR walked right into the middle of it. I do not see this game doing well over time.


I am simply here tolerating it till the next triple A title launches. (Read- The birth of a new MMO Genre: GW2)


You whiners could do us all a favor and disappear all together.

Your opinion is rather irrelevant since you are person who doesn't like Star Wars and doesn't like RPG as your signature states.

Why are you even here, this clearly is not the game for you?


Oh and spare us of your praises for GW2, that particular generic fantasy garbage isn't to everyone's liking you know.

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Yes indeed! I'm not tolerating it in hopes it will improve though, I think this style of carrot on a stick MMO is dying.


WoW is going through it now and SWTOR walked right into the middle of it. I do not see this game doing well over time.


I am simply here tolerating it till the next triple A title launches. (Read- The birth of a new MMO Genre: GW2)



you do realise when it does hit, all you will hear on the GW2 forums is alot of ppl saying:



"this is not how an MMO should play"




"you have tried something new and you fail, make it like every other MMO or die"


then you will have another huge group of WoW fans pouring petrol onto the flames. saying things like


"where is my X"




"an MMO that launches without X is doomed to fail"


the WoW trolls are the most hardened and something of an expert in trying to destroy a games launch

Edited by grandmthethird
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OP you have to realize there are two groups of people right now -


Group 1, endgamers. We have all the best gear. We have done all the Operations. PvP is a joke and we have full champ or better gear. There is nothing left for us to do, and what there is left to do is full of bugs that often prevents us from either enjoying it or playing it entirely (ie the plethora of raid bugs like Gharj killing us on the Imp Fleet). We are depressed and tolerating the game for the moment, hoping it gets better.


Group 2, everybody still leveling a character, or the extremely casual level 50s. These people have not yet experienced the void that is endgame, nor had the opportunity to experience the bugs which make the game so incredibly frustrating at times, nor have they had the pleasure of grinding 40+ champ bags while getting nothing but tokens and 5 earpieces.


I have two 50's so does everyone I know and we are still having a blast, this game was never meant to be a Raid or Die MMO nor a E-sport PVP MMO.


It's core base is Group 2.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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Definantly tolerateing it until GW2 comes out.


I plan to play Both and GW2 has a lot in common with TOR ( I know from experience) ...the zelots are going to be sorely let down...but I still think the game is fun.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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I know I am. I'm hoping bioware gets things together sooner than later, but as for right now I'm locked in for three months. I play, sure, but I'm not thrilled--I'm mainly just on standby watching to see if bioware puts their priorities in the right place and fixes what needs to be fixed.


I opted for a month by month sub and am off when this month runs out. The fixes may all come eventually but it's not like I can't come back for a look in six months or a year or so and see if it's any better :)

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no I don't tolerate being told I would have a refined product and being given something that has bugs that where known issues in beta... I'm glad you guys are willing to just throw your money at something that is as bugged as this(must be nice). that means I don't have to, and it will hopefully get fixed one day. horrid customer service is no way to win over customers experiencing bugs either. I voted with my money and cancelled both my girlfriends and my accounts. so really its 2 votes. Edited by serose
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Then need to fix the performance issues, that is the number one reason that will determine whether I will leave or not.


Also in4b your comp sux



Phenom 965 BE @ 3.2

8gb ddr3

gtx 580

Crucial SSD


5-10 frames on Ilum when in a full ops group is beyond a joke.

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