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Why does everyone say Combat is weak???


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I like my Combat spec. I think my only problem is my gear isn't at my level, and as such I go "I'm level 37, these level 32 guys should be easy!" when I first arrive on a level 32 planet... and have no commendation-based gear from it...


I should really make it a point to work on my Cybercrafter sooner rather than later. That'd help solve those problems.

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+1 for using an almost identical key-binding system to mine.


And I use combat too atm, works for me, some people say focus is better for pvp, but I don't know, I'm happy with combat, hitting like a truck.


Focus is for people who like running into groups of Imperials and hitting them all for like 4k once every 9 seconds twice. It's a very bad 1v1 build and it doesn't put any pressure at all on healers, if they have them.


I just find it very gimmicky and only potentially useful on Voidstar, where people tend to group up a lot. Also potentially on the sides of Alderaan, but again, easily counterable by a healer as outside of that one attack, your damage is a joke.

Edited by McVade
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Ataru strike is bugged right now - because you're in range of the hitbox doesn't mean that the ataru strike is.


That being said, i prefer combat spec to watchman right now. But, it comes down to playstyle i suppose. I don't feel that either spec has the edge in DPS.

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Focus is for people who like running into groups of Imperials and hitting them all for like 4k once every 9 seconds twice. It's a very bad 1v1 build and it doesn't put any pressure at all on healers, if they have them.


I just find it very gimmicky and only potentially useful on Voidstar, where people tend to group up a lot. Also potentially on the sides of Alderaan, but again, easily counterable by a healer as outside of that one attack, your damage is a joke.


Focus is better than that, with Zen up slash hits really hard and doesn't use focus. It also hits 2 targets.

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Combat and Watchman do similar damage, but from experience Combat does much better with target switching, has no ramp up time compared to Watchman's massive ramp up on Merciless Strike, and is much better at bursting adds especially when they die faster than Watchman's dots last.


Watchman's edge lies in survivability though.


Edit: Oh and the buffed Transcendence and extra interrupts Watchman has are great too. They're both very good specs in pvp and pve.

Edited by Sacerdos
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Focus is for people who like running into groups of Imperials and hitting them all for like 4k once every 9 seconds twice. It's a very bad 1v1 build and it doesn't put any pressure at all on healers, if they have them.


I just find it very gimmicky and only potentially useful on Voidstar, where people tend to group up a lot. Also potentially on the sides of Alderaan, but again, easily counterable by a healer as outside of that one attack, your damage is a joke.


Very, very funny.


You make it sound like the skills boosting Sweep aren't doing damage and they are waiting on Sweep every 9s to do something.


You just don't understand how Focus works obviously, especially when you don't seem to know the combo is done 3 times and not twice.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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I like combat as sentinel, one problem though, the animation for blade rush is absolutely horrible, and it breaks the flow of combat.


Even more so when you realise how awesome massacre is in comparison.


Not to mention the blade rush ability has ability delay/lag even after "fix"


But yes combat does have plenty of potential, it does how ever require more hands on gameplay style, not to mention considerable gear.

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I like combat as sentinel, one problem though, the animation for blade rush is absolutely horrible, and it breaks the flow of combat.


Even more so when you realise how awesome massacre is in comparison.


Not to mention the blade rush ability has ability delay/lag even after "fix"


But yes combat does have plenty of potential, it does how ever require more hands on gameplay style, not to mention considerable gear.


I hate the animation for blade rush too, it feels so slow but the range is nice

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Because majority of people don't know how to play with the combat [/elitist attitude]


There are plenty of reasons why people don't like combat: the damage output feels low (whether it's low is a different matter ofc), it's the most buggy spec (Ataru proc doesn't work on enemies with a huge hitbox, the reduced GCD of Zen doesn't work) most people tried combat out during leveling while it's the poorest leveling tree of the three which gives a lasting negative impression on many and I'm sure I'm forgetting many of them. :p

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the reduced GCD of Zen doesn't work
+1 to most of your post, but that is wrong. The reduction does work, but only if:


1. You have your ability delay set to 0.5 or higher

2. Only after your first br.


And the GCD timer doesn`t show this. But youll notice the br`s going off at arount 2/3 gcd, which is the promised 0.5 sec reduction.



Combat isn`t "bad" because of the dmg it does, but because of the less utility it gives compared to watchman.


At a PVE line of sight, watchman has a much higher centering build, which results in you helping your parties movement/healing more often. You get a second 100% dmg reduction which you can use every 45sec and thus can evade most of the big bosses aeo`s constantly (or at least 1 out of 2) without having to care about movement. You get yourself a pretty decent heal in course of the fight (2% every burn crit and 18% granted every 20-30secs). And you can even spec the +30% aeo reduction from combat which makes you a beast.


So at PVE watchman is definitly the way to go, as you get more utility, self/party heals and probaly even more dmg (on long time fights) as you`ll get more centering and thus more zens.


On PVP that might change, can`t judge as iam not a good enough pvp player...

Edited by selectah
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i also use combat in pvp. ive tried all other specs including some hybrid bulds but there are actually only 3 useful bulds: watchman, combat and focus.


watchman has from time to time sick dmg output but lacks mobility and is too focus intense to be able to interrupt your target or use crippling throw. its a good 1v1 (dots->more dots-> foce camo) but it lacks gap closers. all dots can be despelled by an sorc which are about 30% of all imp players.


i tried focus and it seemed reasonable at first because of 7% dmg reduction, the good burst, some mobilitity (zealious leap+40% movement speed after it), trancendence which genereats 10 centering and guarded by force on 45s cd with the set bonus. BUT: the damn animation of sweep takes too long to hit a moving target, it takes about 1s for the ability to activate but then it is applied at the position u hit the button and not at the position u currently are.


combat stay my favorite buld because of:


15% movement speed, the reliability of the primary dmg combo (blade rush-> precision slash-> blade storm -> master strike)


45s root/slow despell


best thing: u have 9s of interrupted root (rofce leap->master strike -> crippling throw) which is not despellable and is not effected by the resolve mechanics (u can still apply root when the white bar is full)

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Can't say anything about the specs at 50, but I've tried both Watchman and Combat while in my 40's and was combat in pvp from 10-41 before trying watchman. This obviously means I have less experience with Watchman and likely some bias. I haven't tried focus as it just doesn't seem like a fun play style for me. I enjoyed both specs and found their potential similar. Perhaps slightly higher damage potential in Watchman, especially in a prolonged fight, but more consistent in Combat.


I prefer Combat. Is it better? Not necessarily. Worse? Again, not necessarily. I think both excel in different ways. With Zen I'd say combat's dps is superior. Without I'd say Watchman would probably lead the way. In a perfect world at least.


Combat lives near that perfect world. Watchman visits on occasion. I'm a fan of Combat's consistency and impressively anti-ranged focus.


Suppose I should mention the above is almost entirely about PvP. I had no real complaints in PvE, but I haven't finished my class quests as I spend most of my time PvPing anyway.

Edited by Calouse
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Have leveled combat from 10 to 43 and I should say that for leveling purposes watchman should be easier and probably a better option. Combat has too many abilities at higher lvl (hell, our main "spec specific move - Blade rush - is only available at lvl 40). With watchman you can get your heal-on-crit, extra burns etc by lvl 20. Oh and let us not forget the skill that returns 1 focus with each attack - again, as a combat you get it bu lvl 43 only (because delaying BR is not a good idea) while in watchman you get it by lvl 13.


At higher lvls i started switching specs and pvping mostly and i did enjoy watchman a lot - heals on dots did save my skin on many times. Ran on focus for a couple of days but that is just not my thing. Sure, aoe crits for 3000+ are nice ... but at the same time the animation delay / stutter made me miss those on a number of occasions. And combat ... remained my most favourite spec. I like the 2 roots and unrooting on force camo. I like the precision strike armour reduction and most of all I like 1) the blade storm for being ranged attack 2) I use crippling strike more often due to root -> meaning I use heal debuf more often. When watchman I often exclude this skill >_< ) 3) BS ignores target positioning - I can shoot behind my back (and I often do).


Still, in pve ops/hm runs I have a feeling watchman has a bit more to offer to the group.

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