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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Theres NOTHING to do now...


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You won the gam. Now go away.


Your callous sarcasm only serves to defeat you, because you are right. He has beaten the game, there is nothing left to do, nothing. This is supposed to be a MMO, a continuing adventure, always something to strive for.........TOR has none of that.

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I'm almost, actually now, I am 100% sure that this MMO was a story driven based MMO. Just because you space bared your whole way through the game just trying to max level then crying after a month that there is nothing to do, it's really your own fault. I'd guarantee you don't know what your class story is or why you were doing the things you were doing.


The game is just getting of it's feet, it's obvious to tell that most of these max levels that are crying about nothing to do, played WoW when WoTLK came out, didn't get the fun excitement of 40 man raids lasting 6 hours for a meager chance to get gear. Oh and that was on a weekly lock out with no other raids at the time to do.


And this is why the MMO market will meet it's downfall. We get too many cry babies these days that expect so much on a developer that's taking their first stab at an MMO. Oh and while producing several other games that don't take 10 years to launch. If you are bored, then unsub for a month or two, keep tabs on the game and come back if you want to. If not, go back to WoW where content is cleared 3 days after release.

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once again:


just like in every other game ever made, if you have finished everything, then there's nothing left to do that you haven't done yet.


shocking, i know.


There should totally be stuff to do that you haven't done before despite your having done everything there is to do already.....somehow...

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While I agree with you that there is not much to do. However unlike you I still have a lot of PVP that requires completion.


I'm only Rank 41 since I am semi casual player. I been 50 for a while now but always find myself with things to do like dailies and PVPing.


I even try to challenge myself and SOLO Foundary at level 50.


If you are creative and imaginative, you can do alot.


Lead a PUG through an Operation.


See how many items you can craft and RE until you get frustrated that it doesn't RE.


Find all DataCrons... Do the +10 to All stats.


Count how many steps it takes you before the turret on the republic base kills you. Try to figure out the approximate location point before you get instant killed.


You may think I'm being sarcastic, but im not.... MMO's require imaginative individuals... not someone solely strictly focused on loot.


Enjoy the game rather than the loot. Play because you can chat with your friends.


Relax... Breath...


Help a guildie out.


This person has it right... this is a real MMO player! Thank you! I'm sure the gear grinder kiddos won't understand, but this is how to keep yourself amused in an MMO! It's all about how much fun you allow yourself to have or make for yourself!

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Wait for the next content patch.

I've been playing this game since early access and almost have my second 50 (I re-rolled to the underdogs to make things more challenging). I haven't ran out of things to do yet, but I don't pve. I only pvp. I don't know, I've always learned to entertain myself and to surround myself with other self-motivated people. I know when I PvE'd on other games, it would become a "wait until lock out" type of deal once it was on farm -- probably why I'm not interested in it this time around. Thankfully TOR is doing their first content patch very soon.

Edited by Valeena
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So your lvl 50.. your a battlemaster... and your guild clears both operations on hard mode... other then logging in once a week on patch day to do the only 2 instaces what else is there too do? You can do the daily pvp quests if u want to try your luck at the lottery that is the bag system for gearing up battlemaster gear there F all else to do.


I said this game was gonna have problems when ppl made 50 four days after release but nobody thought it was going to be a problem that leveling was so quick, what do you think now.. 1 month later, and there nothing to do but log on once a week to clear allt he content this game has in 3 hours and wait till next week?


I notice when reading through your list of things you've done there's no mention of actually playing the game. You know, those 239483923489734 quests that make up the story and all the bonuses. Have you done those?

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While I agree with you that there is not much to do. However unlike you I still have a lot of PVP that requires completion.


I'm only Rank 41 since I am semi casual player. I been 50 for a while no but always find myself with things to do like dailies and PVPing.


I even try to challenge myself and SOLO Foundary at level 50.


If you are creative and imaginative, you can do alot.


Lead a PUG through an Operation.


See how many items you can craft and RE until you get frustrated that it doesn't RE.


Find all DataCrons... Do the +10 to All stats.


Count how many steps it takes you before the turret on the republic base kills you. Try to figure out the approximate location point before you get instant killed.


You may think I'm being sarcastic, but im not.... MMO's require imaginative individuals... not someone solely strictly focused on loot.


Enjoy the game rather than the loot. Play because you can chat with your friends.


Relax... Breath...


Help a guildie out.

pug a operation? We pugged the brand new huts palace operation when in came out 2 weeks ago and finished it the same night.


find all datacrons .. been there done that.. 3 weeks ago


I know exactly where the turrent kills you.. just past the ramp on the outside of the base..


Help a guildie out? we have a very small guild and its full of ppl with exactly the same gear as me.. and guess what they all have nothing to do other then log in every tuesday..

Edited by Francisab
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I have no idea how people do all the content this game has to offer in such a short period. I work 45to hours a week and am currently getting my masters, when i am not doing those things i play this game religously and still only have 1 42 and 1 30as level character. You either dont wipe each planet of quests or rush to 50the and then complain there is nothing to do? You have to spend 10 hours a day everyday to even attempt to do all content, if the latter is the case maybe kniting or fishing could give you another outlet.
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So your lvl 50.. your a battlemaster... and your guild clears both operations on hard mode... other then logging in once a week on patch day to do the only 2 instaces what else is there too do? You can do the daily pvp quests if u want to try your luck at the lottery that is the bag system for gearing up battlemaster gear there F all else to do.


I said this game was gonna have problems when ppl made 50 four days after release but nobody thought it was going to be a problem that leveling was so quick, what do you think now.. 1 month later, and there nothing to do but log on once a week to clear allt he content this game has in 3 hours and wait till next week?


I have a question for you, what would you like to do at 50? There's always going to be a point where people have completed leveling and completed end game / raid content. I'm not disputing that SWTOR is light on said content, be even assuming they were heavy on that content at launch (which no MMORPG has been to the best of my knowledge) there'd be a point where people were "done" with the content and would look for something else to do. I played WoW for years and an expansion would come out, I'd play the begesus out of it for a month or so till I made level, then another month to do the heroics and 10 mans, then another couple months on 25 man content (using BC, WotLK examples) and then I would have a few months of leveling alts until the next major content release came out. And in most cases the next major content release was horizontal with current content (new encounters but the gear wasn't necessarily better, just different) so I never felt overly pressed to beat it so to speak.


So I fall back to my previous question of what would you like to do at 50? It sounds very much to me like you wanted a Sandbox MMO and got a Theme Park and are now disapointed. But I could be wrong and just not understanding your want.

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pug a operation? We pugged the brand new huts palace operation whne in came out 2 weeks ago and finished it the same night.


find all datacrons .. been there done that.. 3 weeks ago


I know exactly where the turrent kills you.. just past the ramp on the outside of the base..


Help a guildie out? we have a very small guild and its full of ppl with exactly the same gear as me.. and guess what they all have nothing to do other then log in every monday.


Maybe that's your problem. Surrounding yourself with bored people will only make things more boring, especially those who expect the game to provide all of the entertainment. Try branching out of your guild and create bonds with people in your community. I've made friends just by running Warzones, people will know my name and randomly start talking to me. Hell, this one guy was telling me about his divorce and how my green character looked like his greedy ex-wife (totally random, didn't know the guy, but it was funny and entertaining).

Edited by Valeena
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I have no idea how people do all the content this game has to offer in such a short period. I work 45to hours a week and am currently getting my masters, when i am not doing those things i play this game religously and still only have 1 42 and 1 30as level character. You either dont wipe each planet of quests or rush to 50the and then complain there is nothing to do? You have to spend 10 hours a day everyday to even attempt to do all content, if the latter is the case maybe kniting or fishing could give you another outlet.


Read other posts before posting. You make us lose our time.

Edited by Dreossk
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I'm almost, actually now, I am 100% sure that this MMO was a story driven based MMO. Just because you space bared your whole way through the game just trying to max level then crying after a month that there is nothing to do, it's really your own fault. I'd guarantee you don't know what your class story is or why you were doing the things you were doing.


The game is just getting of it's feet, it's obvious to tell that most of these max levels that are crying about nothing to do, played WoW when WoTLK came out, didn't get the fun excitement of 40 man raids lasting 6 hours for a meager chance to get gear. Oh and that was on a weekly lock out with no other raids at the time to do.


And this is why the MMO market will meet it's downfall. We get too many cry babies these days that expect so much on a developer that's taking their first stab at an MMO. Oh and while producing several other games that don't take 10 years to launch. If you are bored, then unsub for a month or two, keep tabs on the game and come back if you want to. If not, go back to WoW where content is cleared 3 days after release.


1. I never skipped story

2. I know in detail the stories of my chars and enjoyed them thoroughly

3. WoW and others had many, many things on the side as a top level to do to keep busy TOR DOES NOT

4. People expect at least what the last/current, best, MMO had/has to offer. TOR offers nothing in the most basic features of a MMO.

5. Bored? absolutely. Entirely the fault of Bioware for creating a single-player co-op console game and masquerading it as a proper mmo.

6. Your last comment is just laughable.

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I have a question for you, what would you like to do at 50? There's always going to be a point where people have completed leveling and completed end game / raid content. I'm not disputing that SWTOR is light on said content, be even assuming they were heavy on that content at launch (which no MMORPG has been to the best of my knowledge) there'd be a point where people were "done" with the content and would look for something else to do. I played WoW for years and an expansion would come out, I'd play the begesus out of it for a month or so till I made level, then another month to do the heroics and 10 mans, then another couple months on 25 man content (using BC, WotLK examples) and then I would have a few months of leveling alts until the next major content release came out. And in most cases the next major content release was horizontal with current content (new encounters but the gear wasn't necessarily better, just different) so I never felt overly pressed to beat it so to speak.


So I fall back to my previous question of what would you like to do at 50? It sounds very much to me like you wanted a Sandbox MMO and got a Theme Park and are now disapointed. But I could be wrong and just not understanding your want.


What you described taking you 3-4 months in another game is done here in 30 days. I think that is the issue that the OP has.

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Your callous sarcasm only serves to defeat you, because you are right. He has beaten the game, there is nothing left to do, nothing. This is supposed to be a MMO, a continuing adventure, always something to strive for.........TOR has none of that.



Show me a MMO that is adding content faster than the afore-mentioned end-game crazed fanatics can finish it. What is your example of a MMO that is a continuing adventure and always provides something to strive for? IMHO, he has beaten himself for probably being a Spacebar Ranger and zipping like the Roadrunner to Level 50. I always thought that the goal of a MMO was to entertain over a reasonable period of time, not to slam dunk it in just a few days and then wait/complain for the next annual or semi-annual expansion. Why would one expect a brand new game to be that perpetual? I would rather they correct the bugs right now than work on new content. Or did we expect them to have 1,234 levels all worked out at release?

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1. I never skipped story

2. I know in detail the stories of my chars and enjoyed them thoroughly

3. WoW and others had many, many things on the side as a top level to do to keep busy TOR DOES NOT

4. People expect at least what the last/current, best, MMO had/has to offer. TOR offers nothing in the most basic features of a MMO.

5. Bored? absolutely. Entirely the fault of Bioware for creating a single-player co-op console game and masquerading it as a proper mmo.

6. Your last comment is just laughable.


You're comparing a game that's been in production for 6+ years and has many content patches, to a baby MMO. Hardly fair. I mean, have you played Vanilla? >___<

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So your lvl 50.. your a battlemaster... and your guild clears both operations on hard mode... other then logging in once a week on patch day to do the only 2 instaces what else is there too do? You can do the daily pvp quests if u want to try your luck at the lottery that is the bag system for gearing up battlemaster gear there F all else to do.


I said this game was gonna have problems when ppl made 50 four days after release but nobody thought it was going to be a problem that leveling was so quick, what do you think now.. 1 month later, and there nothing to do but log on once a week to clear allt he content this game has in 3 hours and wait till next week?


TOR has plenty of content to do for normal players. It has more content then any other MMO did at launch. Maybe get out more, get a GF or a job.

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You won the gam. Now go away.



This... except with an "e" in game.


It's all a matter of play style. Everyone has a right to express their opinions, but you can't force your opinion on anyone else, or expect them to agree with you, because you feel you are "right" and everyone else is wrong. I understand that a minority of players enjoy racing to cap, and trying to be the first to elevate their guild to top of the ranks for their server, or to simply have bragging rights for completing everything before anyone else. Kudos to them, but why complain about something that you have imposed upon yourself.


It's like arriving at a concert 1 hour early and then screaming and hollering as to why it hasn't started yet.


"***!! Why hasn't the concert started?? I'm here people!! I'm so bored!! What do you mean I have to wait until showtime??? That's unacceptable. Start it now or I'm leaving!!!"

Edited by CainanJ
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I support the op 100% on this. Good post and good points.


There is nothing to do and I don't even bother logging in now on a Tuesday! I occassionally visit these forums to see if anything is in the pipeline and find that there isn't.


I also find it funny to read all the "go and do something else posts" or "get a life posts". Always seems to me that those who have to work 40 hours a week to make ends meet are the ones who really need to be getting a life. Try a little harder and make something of your life so you can put more time in fun things like gaming.


Fortunately, Guildwars 2 is in beta, and it sounds like open beta soon with launch potentially around July. A proper MMO is in the works so we can forget about this chaos that is swtor and its highly dumbed down single player easy mode designed for wow ex-pats that have no real idea what a true MMO is.

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Warzone missions are bugged.

Illum missions take days to complete (you're lucky if you finish the weekly at all!)

PvE is bugged to hell, doable... but bugged and one can clear both instances in one day on Nightmare mode... "Nightmare" my arse!


Sad game is very sad :(

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Cancel your sub and come back in 6 months.


If people start canceling subs then the following will happen--


1. The massive exodus will actually force BW to fix the annoying bugs

2. BW will try to counter the exit with adding more new content.


After 6 months, the game will either die or be a much better bugfree experience with more quality content. So, when you come back, you will be better off.


In my experience as a hardcore raider, except for WoW, no MMO so far has had enough challenging content to keep the hardcore community active beyond the first month of free sub.


For a casual-friendly game such as SWTOR, a hardcore gamer literally just needs to play the game for a month every 6 months.


BW is not going to come out with anything new in another 4-5 months. So, try out other games while you wait. 2012 is going to a mega year for gamers - we got ME3, Diablo3, MoP and SC2-II releasing. So, plenty to do without getting tunneled into swtor

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In the first MMO I played, it wasn't the 'endgame' that kept me playing.


I didn't even know what an 'endgame' was. I didn't know what 'raiding' was. I hated pvp, and ignored most of that stuff until years after I had hit the level cap. I barely did dungeons either. And I really really hated 'grinding' so I barely bothered with any of the reputation gains or any of that.


Why did I log in? Simple.


I logged in because of the community. I logged in because I wanted to be with my friends, my guild, or just to feel connected to the several hundred acquaintances I had met along the way.


There was always something to do on my server for those people who didn't do any of those endgame things. Explore. Go RP. Work on some crafting, see if it'll sell. Run the AH numbers to see if anything you craft is popular this week. Farm the mats that look like they're selling well.


Pretend to run a tavern with your friends, laugh and joke and make pretend music and cook up some food to give out for in-game coin. Make up different outfits, pretend to be a town guard or join a faction in the game that can't really be joined - but you can make an outfit and pretend you're one of them.


Have your guild run a trade event or marketplace, go help out lower leveled friends, run instances by yourself just to see if you can. Stealth run dungeons that you shouldn't be in, sneak over to the other factions' areas, sap+hug them, laugh and run away.


Smuggle things to the other side, start up a cross-faction RP or romance, create your own world event, start up an RP story and get your friends involved.


Go exploring, find things the devs never meant for you to find, or find things they put out there FOR you to find, but only if you go looking. Find the world bosses, try and get someone together to kill them, watch the other faction kill them and cheer them on.


Go on a parade through the areas, just walk from one area to the other while talking to a friend. In person. "Go on Patrol" in lower areas, kill big elite bosses that are causing lower leveled people trouble.


Sit around the main cities and bark your wares, start up a scavenger hunt, start up your own player quests, etc etc etc.


I see people gripe and moan and complain about 'lack of content'. Make your OWN content. Make FRIENDS. Help your friends. BE SOCIAL. It's not about you, life was never about you, and neither is this game. Life is about your community. Life is about your friends. So be friendly.


I see people gripe and complain about 'lack of sandbox'. Make your OWN sandbox. Have an imagination. Make your own adventure. Bioware gave you the tools - maybe not as many as you wanted, but if a child can pick up a stick and have an entire adventure with it, then you can land on tatooine and have an entire adventure, too, with your own two hands and a speeder.


Developers can only create a finite amount of content with the money they have. You pay 15 bucks a month to access the entire Star Wars galaxy they made for you, and all of your friends within it. Imagination is *infinite*.

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