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Sentinel is only weak for the first 99% of the game!


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Once you get the gear you are actually real good. Just hold out trust me eventually it will pay off!


In terms of pvp, once you get ur first tier of purple gear you really start to see a difference and it only gets better.


This is why they probably won't buff us. They should however buff us at the lower end of leveling I'm just not sure how so it doesn't effect us on endgame.


Put it this way with CDs up no class should be able to beat u 1v1. AGAIN no class of course unless you fight ur mirror then it should be interested(I'm speaking focus spec here at least)...

Edited by jaytrust
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The problem is melee in a game that seems to be tuned for range -- at least for leveling.
Not just leveling, also add FP, ops and PvP to that list. The only part of the game which is ranged tuned but doesn't affect us are the space missions. :)
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But I wanna be powerful for the between 1 through 49!!!!!



Also, on an unrelated note, I have to go to Tashi station to pick up some power converters.



(But seriously, I don't think it's much to ask to not feel weak through a huge majority of the game).

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To be fair from about 35-49 it's pretty good. I smashed people in warzones and world pvp at those ranges. Levelling/PvE was ok too, sentinels are beasty with a little healer love.

Ok, as soon as I hit level 50 PvP it felt like I was made of tissue paper, but that's to be expected really, and as my gear gets better so does PvP. Cant wait to have a good set on and really tear peoples faces off.

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I agree. I thought the class was trash until I got raid geared, it scales very well with gear. doesn't change the fact that sentinels have to put way more effort in to be as good as other classes though, but I kind of like it, makes me feel superior. ;)


I'm with you, I enjoy working to get better

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