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What is your favorite SWtOR quote so far?


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From Tatooine as a male trooper, first zone.


After you just saved the group of people from the exploding droids, have Forex out. When the girl asks if she can do anything for you, take the dark side option "How about something special".


After selecting it, Forex got 18 affection points and immediately was like "Yes! Due to this girls ordinary looks, she would make an exemplary model for republic propaganda!"


I lost it there.

Edited by TACeMossie
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VETTE: "Cada Bliss, you have exploited my people, stolen our artifacts and committed numerous crimes against Twi'leks the galaxy over!


CADA BLISS: "Kill them both"


--After the fight--


VETTE: "Cada Bliss, you have exploited my people, stolen our artifacts and committed numerous crimes against Twi'leks the galaxy over!"


CADA BLISS: "I get it. I get it. You practiced. It's a nice speech, I like it."

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I wish I could quote it word for word, but on Belsavis when you release the Dread Masters, that whole part is awesome, but the best is when the warden comes. It is so chilling and awesome when Raptus describes to the warden what is happening to the physiology of his body when he is feeling absolute terror. Such minds, such fertile grounds for terror. :)
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I wish I could quote it word for word, but on Belsavis when you release the Dread Masters, that whole part is awesome, but the best is when the warden comes. It is so chilling and awesome when Raptus describes to the warden what is happening to the physiology of his body when he is feeling absolute terror. Such minds, such fertile grounds for terror. :)



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On Hoth, there are two soldiers talking near Aurek base (Republic starting point). One is body type 1 and the other is body type 4 (both male).


BT1 guy: Brrrrrr! Blasted cold, I don't think I can take much more of this.

BT4 guy: Isn't any warmer where I'm standing.

BT1 guy: Yeah but you've got all that, you know...extra padding.

BT4 guy: What's that supposed to mean?

BT1 guy: Eh, nothing. Don't mind me, it's just the cold talking.


Also the Consular's "You need to remain calm!" It's so stereotypical Jedi-y it's funny.

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At the very 1st area you get to that starts SoR on Rishi (sort of across-ish from the rep vendor), about 5 or 6 meters (give or take) from the npc that gives you the quest that sends you to the bar, there is a guy, a Rishi female, and a Monkey Lizard talking. I am paraphrasing, but it's basically this:


Rishi Female: "Oh, what an interesting little friend you have there"


Guy: "Thaaaanks"


RF: "What's he doing?"


Guy: "Probably wondering what you taste like."


RF: "Oh my"


Guy: "Just kidding, he probably already knows"

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HK - 47:


"Interjection: Silence, meatbag."


Sith Inquisitor PC, after being called insane by...ummm...someone or other, I misremember now:


"If you think that's bad, you should see my other personality."


omg there is so many hk quotes that make me laugh

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I always liked

Sith Warrior: Its time for a Blood Bath.


Jedi Knight: A Jedi's skills must always be put to the test.


Also, there was a mission on Balmorra that's been since deleted but there was a guy complaining about the rebels and when the Sith character or Bounty hunter walks up to him he cowers. And one of the choices leads the character to say "Look at you, standing up so straight without a spine."

Edited by KalistaIduna
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There was a droid that said something along the lines of:


I am fluent in many languages, and in none of them is the term 'on fire" positive when applied to living beings.


That was the droid in grathan's fortress on DK, PD-12. He's the one that has the plans for the turrets. He says "I am programmed to understand over 100 language Les and dialects, and in none of them is the term "on fire" positive when referring to A person. Why of all droids I was chosen to maintain these aweful things and protect their schematics I will never understand."

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