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This game badly needs mods and macros.


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Why does everybody assume that because you want mods and macros, you also want things like DBM?



Just to add in my 2 centicreds...


I would be in favor of mods and addons if stuff like DBM is not allowed. I hated raiding in WoW because it became less about playing a game and more like a spreadsheet program. What's worse, it changed the way the devs designed the encounters, to the point where deadly boss mods, or something similar, was REQUIRED if you were any sort of casual player and didn't want to spend weeks banging your head against the wall learning the fight (I have a job, thank you; if I wanted a second one, it'd be one I'm paid for, not the other way around). I don't want to do that again.


Mouse-over healing? Great.

Better bar customization? Would love.

Additional chat functionality? Definitely.

Damage/threat meters? Eh...I can live with those, so long as people weren't stupid with them.


But I would give up those and live with the current and planned UI if it meant that the end game would remain fun rather than feeling like a rote check-list where I'm watching a bunch of timers rather than the actual game.

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DBM... changed the way the devs designed the encounters, to the point where deadly boss mods, or something similar, was REQUIRED if you were any sort of casual player...


Apparently you never used the casual-player inspired LFR system. Even without DBM it was mind-numbingly easy. As a warlock with crap gear and without the best raiding spec I was always within the top 8 for DPS (in a 25-man) and I didn't even use DBM. Half the bosses we didn't even wipe on our first try.



Seriously, for anyone who thinks DBM was a requirement never looked very hard. There ARE guilds that didn't demand it of their members, and it WAS possible to run endgame raids without it.


Can we please stop beating this dead horse now?

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Seriously, for anyone who thinks DBM was a requirement never looked very hard. There ARE guilds that didn't demand it of their members, and it WAS possible to run endgame raids without it.


It is possible, and ppl who first kill and write guides play without a DBM, but it is way harder. Go try mimiron, yogg saron, LK, etc. in HM without a DBM, it wuold be an hell of a fight , too hard for the average player.

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I'm not really sure why some people are opposed to simple macros. First, I assume it is in the TOS that you can not press one button and take more than one action. There's no reason that would change with macros. One press, one action.


Second, there does not need to be advanced conditional statements to let us use macros in order to compress the button space in a sane way. By this I mean no "if debuffed, if below 30%, if above 80 energy" or such statements. I don't think anyone is for that kind of macro system (WOW abandoned this circa 2005).


Here's all that really needs to happen to help us make better use of our button space, by way of two examples:




/cast [foe]Attack

/cast [friend]Heal


If you're a Mercenary/Commando, you already have this macro built in to your Attack move as soon as you go into the healing stance. This kind of macro would allow the other classes the same convenience.




/cast [nomod] ThisSpell

/cast [shift] ThatSpell

/cast [alt] SomeBuff


My most missed feature after switching to SWTOR is this kind of macro. Not an I-win button at all, it just greatly compresses button space.

Edited by nakomaru
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There are only two add-ons I ever used, and never saw a point in the others: Recount, and Triviabot. The latter was obviously used for fun social events, and let me tell you, I love this game, but the options for social fun simply do not exist, and anyone who begs to differ simply doesn't know what it means to be in a proper social guild.


More importantly though, Recount is sorely missed. Simply put, it can make a good player better, and a great player greater... simply as that. You'll hear some people claim that good players don't need add-ons, and for most addons I believe that. But Recount is just flat-out helpful. It's good to really know how much damage you're doing compared to others, so you can fine-tune your play style without turning into a total boffin who spends 80 hours per week crunching maths. Sorry, but some of us have lives!


This could be remedied to my satisfaction if the game itself offered a version of Recount; a little UI frame with its own visual options and the ability to switch around between DPS, healing, protection, etc., and their averages. It's not like it would take a lot of work to create (I say this as a former game developer), and it's something little that could go into a patch.


I don't know what other addons people miss. The only one I really care about, though, is Recount.

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I don't think the game NEEDS mods and macros. But having the OPTION isn't so bad is it? Main thing is being able to customize the ui. on wow, main reason i used things like dominos was so i can make my buttons smaller, and move them out of the way or make them disappear if i am not using them (this is mostly for side stuff or items that dont really matter majority of the time)


Id love to at least make more room on my ui so i can see around my character more, id love to have recount to see how much damage im doing, id love to be able to look into my warehouse to see if one of my toons has an item i need (as some people take inventory themselves anyway, so what harm would it be to have something like that in game), id love to have mouse over macros for certain things, i dont NEED them, but i would at least like to have the option. I mean come one...using force pull and screaming "GET OVER HERE" at the same time doesn't appeal to anyone?


I don't think the game needs it badly...but having the options and a more customizable ui would be fantastic and be a BIG improvement imho.

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Macros are a staple in every MMO, how can you just not have them? There's a nice focus target but it's practically useless without focus macros.


These should be top priority for the next patch.


Ummm, most games have outlawed macros and actively use the banhammer on those who use them. Other games have made it so if you use macros, you could be ganked hardcore by other players, and THEN banned for it.

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Macros? I say No to macros, because right now, scrubs are being seperated well against the skill'd players. Lets keep it that way.


@Mouseover healing? Yes please.


What this game needs badly is: ADD-ONS.


We need a dmg meter, or a combat log system. We need help to keep track of our HoT's and DoT's.


This game also needs better Targetting system. Right now, its barely functioning. Clicking does not always work, and TAB does not work at all as it should.

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Macros? I say No to macros, because right now, scrubs are being seperated well against the skill'd players. Lets keep it that way.


@Mouseover healing? Yes please.


What this game needs badly is: ADD-ONS.


We need a dmg meter, or a combat log system. We need help to keep track of our HoT's and DoT's.


This game also needs better Targetting system. Right now, its barely functioning. Clicking does not always work, and TAB does not work at all as it should.


Combat Log? YES! I agree completely! Some scrubs say it's elitism, but it's simply a way to keep track. And if it happens, I hope Battleclinic supports it. :D

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Be warned....this is a long one


The Macro discussion is not as black and white as people are making it out to be.


Look at an established game like WoW, where over time, the use of macros has evolved to a state where you can not make a macro that allows you to press 1 button and activate a set number of abilities in a specific or random order. When WoW was a younger game, so were macros, and the result of this was a game that did not have a clearly defined set of rules regarding macros and a number of other things.


Bioware has already shown that they are not afraid to take good parts of different MMO's and implement them into SWTOR, and kudos to them for doing so. If your going to develop a new MMO, why would you want to go through an unnecessary evolution where you had to make the same mistakes that have already been made in other games, especially when you could do the complete opposite and actually learn from the mistakes that other MMO's have made. It was very smart of Bioware to put aside any egotistical mindset and utilize the the obvious facts so that they could avoid going through unnecessary "growing phases."


Macro's are typically used by any player that likes to be thorough and put in the extra time or effort into their character and game play. As far as macros being bad for the game because it will give some players an advantage; that is completely true. However, it only gives an advantage over players who are too lazy to take the time to put in the effort.


Obviously not every player who doesn't use macros is lazy, but the other people who do not use macros are usually too casual to care to begin with, or they are brand new to MMO's and don't understand what macros even are, or what benefits they provide. At one time, every single person was a new player, but over time the majority of people become interested in figuring out other ways to improve their play. Macros can, and have played a big part in that process.


People who claim that this is making the game "too easy" or that macros "play the game for you" are either too inexperienced to understand the actual impact of macros, or they are just upset that their own personal ineptitude is going to start to have an even bigger impact on their success rate than it had previously. Macros do not make the game "too easy" .....in fact, its quite the opposite. Understanding how to fully utilize macros isn't a skill that you automatically learn when you play MMO's. With that said, its no secret that almost all of the people arguing against macros coincidentally do not have the slightest clue how to use them. Because they are either incompetent, or just too lazy to put any effort into understanding macros, as well as numerous other areas of the game, it immediately becomes innately easier for them to just stand up and start crying about how unfair it is that people who put in more effort into the game are naturally rewarded, and thus, "gain an advantage".


-Typical thought process of macro/addon naysayers-


"So I guess what your saying is that putting more effort into something will typically yield in a greater reward versus someone who puts in less effort?" Yes, that is what I am saying.


"Um, ya...that sounds totally unfair...We need to make sure that nobody is ever allowed to put time and effort into anything that could potentially put us at a disadvantage, regardless if that disadvantage stems from our own complacency and stubbornness. The only way to do this is to act like a 4 year old and throw a never ending temper tantrum until we get our way. Sounds like a plan.."


Learning the mechanics of macros requires actual effort and motivation. Additional effort and motivation are then needed to learn how to implement the right macros specific to your character, spec, and play style. This being the case, it would appear that macros are seldom used so that one could arrange for the game to play itself, and instead, they are most often used by individuals who care more about their ability to customize their own play style; while also allowing the game to become more dynamic.


The important thing to remember about the macro discussion is that it all boils down to it's implementation. Sure, if Bioware somehow manages to allow macros that allow you to do ridiculous crap like holding down a single key, permanently, and chain casting a spell over and over, well then yes, it would be a bad thing. However, this highly highly unlikely, and even then, it would literally take a blunder of that magnitude to effectively make macros a bad idea for SWTOR.


People on this thread are making comments like, "NO MACROS,... BUT BUT BUT I WANT TO BE ABLE TO MOUSEOVERS HEALS!" What they fail to comprehend is that macros are exactly what allows you to mouse over heal in the first place, assuming your not using add-ons like grid and/or clique.


Other examples of why macros are essential would be something like a "stop cast" macro. Being able to instantly stop your current cast so that you can use another ability as quickly as possible can be key.


You could also create a simple macro that activates specific on use items, in a specific order, at specific times in your rotation. This will allow you to maximize your damage, while also freeing up more real estate on your bars for more important and more frequently used abilities.


The most forgotten benefit from allowing things like macros, addons, etc., is the effect that it has on the games community. Allowing this open source style of customization will directly impact the rate at which the community, and thus popularity of the game expands. Right now, the SWTOR community is a hot mess, compiled of BS websites that do nothing more than tell you basic crap that you knew the moment you started playing. Furthermore, a whole lot of these sites actually think that we should pay them for their amazing advice.


In the event that you have the actual patience required to sift through 20 pages of links and find a decent community site, the bottom line is that there really isn't much to discuss right now. Even if a conversation or thread gets popular, ultimately it is nothing more than conjecture due to the fact that there is very little that can actually be proven right now.


Theorycrafting and the community go hand and hand, and one can not exist without the other. With that said, neither of them can truly exist without the ability to extract and analyze real game data. Yes, if Bioware allows in-game, non-mod customization of the UI, as well as adding some form of a combat log, it would technically be possible to extract and analyze data, however allowing macros, and for this specific scenario, addons, it would make it much easier, and thus much more likely that the community would begin to collaborate with one another.


People who play this game who also have great math skills, or have real life jobs in analytics, etc., are usually great contributors to the community. Before long, people will begin to have real data and results and will share it with the community. In order for that to be possible, new community based websites will take form. Supported data, specific to each class, spec, and build will become much more accessible and this will then begin to fuel the communities desire to theorycraft. New, creative ways of playing each class will be tested and argued about. Different trends, and ideologies will resonate with different types of players, and ultimately will create a much more diverse player base. Slight changes to the game will have a rippling effect across the community, sparking newly, more interested players to take part in discussions around topics that they may have never cared about before.


In the end, the undeniable impact that things like macros and addons have on the social aspect of the game will cause it to grow at a much faster pace. Once the game's community has an actual reason to interact with one another, as well as a platform to do so on, the result is a never ending circle of theorycraft and discussion and will ultimately give the game and its player base an identity.


While it is completely understandable that Bioware did not allow these things at release, do not allow your complacency, or your current comfort level to fool you into actually believing that the game is better off, period. While you may feel your reasons for having this mind set are just, do your self a favor and think about the entire gaming community. What would games be like today if everyone shared in this same thought process as you do and believed that the less effort required in a game, the better of it is? I think we all know the answer to that question.


When your giving your opinion on a specific mechanic of a game, try and base your evaluation and opinion around how it will impact everyone, not just yourself. It is very easy to say "X is bad......I don't think it should be in the game because it effects me in this way", but that is also a very selfish, narrow minded, and elementary way of assessing something. I wish that just one time, no matter how unlikely it is, all of the people who are always so quick to give their simple, non-educated, selfish opinion, would just use 1/100th of their actual brain power to come up with an opinion that is based on an actual insightful and thorough, big picture, thought process.


Bottom line here is that both addons and macros are part of most MMO's for a reason. They add more customization and control to your game play. If you are one of the people who refuse to learn more about them, just remember that it is your decision, but in the end you are effectively handicapping yourself due to your unwillingness to conform and adapt to the play style that has become prevalent in every popular MMO.


Insert joke(s) about length of post here ->

Edited by prolifick
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I probably miss atlas loot most out of all the addons. That way i could easily see which boss dropped what type of gear so I knew exactly where to go for what. Would defiantly use it here with having to gear up multiple companions
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All i want is to see my procs. Even a working flytext would be acceptable. I play a darkenss assasin. Watching 3 tiny blue procs that look very similar to the other blue procs is hard to do in PvE, but in PvP its impossible.


Likewise, if i use the visual buffs on my toon, its impossible to see when im covered in explosions from people shotting at me as well.



Healing is slow and cumbersum with no mouse over or the ablilty to bind your keys to cast in health bars with mouse clicks and modifiers similar to clique. im not want to be lasy, i just want my healing to be fast and enjoyable.


Regarding the post earlier about macros, I coudln't agree more. Yes, they they make the game easier, but its abouit tweaking the game so you get be best out of the game. Back in wow, most of the ones i used were remove buff/aura, stopcast, and other macros to stop you from double clicking.


Sequence macros disapeared years ago and most didnt work as if you missed they would reset.

Edited by mrmortuss
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All i want is to see my procs. Even a working flytext would be acceptable. I play a darkenss assasin. Watching 3 tiny blue procs that look very similar to the other blue procs is hard to do in PvE, but in PvP its impossible.


Likewise, if i use the visual buffs on my toon, its impossible to see when im covered in explosions from people shotting at me as well.



Healing is slow and cumbersum with no mouse over or the ablilty to bind your keys to cast in health bars with mouse clicks and modifiers similar to clique. im not want to be lasy, i just want my healing to be fast and enjoyable.


Regarding the post earlier about macros, I coudln't agree more. Yes, they they make the game easier, but its abouit tweaking the game so you get be best out of the game. Back in wow, most of the ones i used were remove buff/aura, stopcast, and other macros to stop you from double clicking.


Sequence macros disapeared years ago and most didnt work as if you missed they would reset.


^This. Exactly this. You must be my long lost brother.

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Be warned....this is a long one


People who claim that this is making the game "too easy" or that macros "play the game for you" are either too inexperienced to understand the actual impact of macros, or they are just upset that their own personal ineptitude is going to start to have an even bigger impact on their success rate than it had previously. Macros do not make the game "too easy" .....in fact, its quite the opposite. Understanding how to fully utilize macros isn't a skill that you automatically learn when you play MMO's. With that said, its no secret that almost all of the people arguing against macros coincidentally do not have the slightest clue how to use them. Because they are either incompetent, or just too lazy to put any effort into understanding macros, as well as numerous other areas of the game, it immediately becomes innately easier for them to just stand up and start crying about how unfair it is that people who put in more effort into the game are naturally rewarded, and thus, "gain an advantage".



Not going to quote your whole post as it is to long but I highlighted what you are basically saying in it. You called people lazy a couple of times during your post.


I will agree that some people are as you put it lazy, but not all. Some of us that have used macros in the past have seen that the bigger challenge in the game is not the creating/using macros but in the playing without them.


My suggestion, in the future when you decide to make a big post on a subject (and for the most part your post was good) would be to leave out things that put others down.

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mouseover function yes ..

Since equels key binding anyway .


say or yell or raid warning functions yes .


Macro that automates game play , making 4 button click in 1 second NO

It doesn´t equel the playground with those who are not gifted in macro functions.

Sorry you want people to play a game , then all should learn to play .


Not some freaks who have beter scripting skills then the rest .

But can´t even be bothered to learn the game properly .


My thoughts exactly. I'd love some chat macro abilities but nothing more. My main is a healer and I've learned to type "get him off me" super fast but having a macro would really help. :D

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Not going to quote your whole post as it is to long but I highlighted what you are basically saying in it. You called people lazy a couple of times during your post.


I will agree that some people are as you put it lazy, but not all. Some of us that have used macros in the past have seen that the bigger challenge in the game is not the creating/using macros but in the playing without them.


My suggestion, in the future when you decide to make a big post on a subject (and for the most part your post was good) would be to leave out things that put others down.


I can agree with you that not all non-macro users are lazy. I can also agree with you that it is possible that there are some players out there who decide to not use any macros or addons so that they feel more challenged.


The issue I have with your comment pertains to this small group of players who don't use macros and/or addons, specifically because they want to challenge themselves. The thing is, these types of players that your referring to, who look for ways to challenge themselves, are far less likely to give a dam about what the person next to them is using for addons/macros. Furthermore, they are also far less likely to come onto the forums and preach about how "unfair" it will be if they get put into the game.


The overwhelming majority of the people who come on these forums to talk about why macros/addons are bad, are typically going to use the "unfair advantage" argument. If it's an unfair advantage, then why don't these people just use them? The factual answer is almost never going to be because they'd prefer to challenge themselves, and is instead going to be because they don't know how to, and for whatever reason, are also unwilling to learn or figure it out. This is not to say that it's brain surgery or anything, especially using macros, however, it does at first require some sort of effort to learn how to use them, no matter what amount of each you actually use.


They will also try to claim that it makes the game too easy. Simple solution to that would be to not use them, however that isn't a good enough solution for these people. In their minds, if they don't want to use them, nobody else should be able to use them because then they would be at a disadvantage, which they do not like.


Hence my point below on how it is literally impossible to claim that you don't like macros because the game becomes too easy, (this would also insinuate that these people would rather be challenged by not using macros/addons) and to also claim that macros provide an unfair advantage to macro/addon users.


It is one or the other.....you either don't want addons/macros because you care more about personally challenging yourself or its because you feel that it is an unfair advantage for those that do use them.


There is no way that you can actually believe, or make an educated argument based on the claim that you don't want macros because you want more of a challenge, and then in the next sentence say that you also don't want them because its an unfair advantage for people who do use them. It's basically an oxymoron.


If you want a bigger challenge, you'd have to at least admit that the added challenge comes from playing without macros/addons while everyone else is using them. I mean, the word challenge itself relates to overcoming obstacles, or "disadvantages." I don't think I need to spell it out any more than this., but if you want a challenge in this scenario, you would need everyone else to be using macros/addons. That is what makes the challenge exist in the first place.


Based on all of the above, the whole point that I am making is that the people who actually come on these forums and argue against addons and macros by using the "the game gets too easy" or the "the game just plays itself" excuses, are full of crap.


In reality, these people do not want addons and macros because they know they are too stubborn, lazy, or incompetent to do any sort of research, downloading, installing, and customization of addons/macros. In their minds, its just easier and requires far less effort and thinking on their parts if macros and addons are not in the game. This way, they are never put in a situation where they may have to actually use their brains for something other than smashing it into the keyboard.

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Non exploitive WoW style macros would be fine (just mentioning one game that has macors that aren't exploitive vs Rift-style macros, which are highly exploitive).


Addons would be nice but again referring to Rift, they added them after launch, it wasn't built-in to the game from the start, and they pretty much stink.


Unless you fully integrate addon support into the game from the very beginning, like bliz did with WoW, you're never going to have the same quality of addon support. Maybe, maybe thru an expac with a complete engine overhaul.


So asking for addons is kind of meh. They will never be that great as a slapped on after release feature without serious, seriously deep work. I wouldn't expect much here except the BW hype crew to keep saying they're thinking about it or wanting to do it...


It's very pitiful that this game didn't ship with macro support since macro support in MMORPGs is a basic feature going back years and years. Addon support takes a little more effort and isn't AS mainstream but considering that the king (wow) made it such a major part of their player enjoyment factor then I consider it pretty stupid for any wannabe contender to the throne to release with ZERO addon support or at least weak Rift-style UI customization.


But heck, we don't even have target of target, combat log, or other ultra basic MMORPG features in TOR...macros and addons are WAY up on the complexity chain compared to these ultra basic features that are lacking.

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Why is noone looking at the fact that with macros inplented in this game, a lot of specs/Classes would end up with one button hammering?


Compared to other MMO's this game only got a wery limited number of Macro braking Skills.


-First off, it's a few dots. but not many of them, a skill that is a normal macro braker especaly amongs hardcore players that dont want to clip dots at any cost.


-Channeled skills, not only is there few of them, but atm they dont eaven brake unless you move, making them perfect for macro spam.


-Skill balance, Just imagen how many skills you would put into one macro, a Lot of classes got a wery spesific order of what you want to use first and last, making it easy to put a LOT of skills into one macro If not a full rotation..... As they tend to go from Most powerful with a long CD to least Powerful with a short CD....


-Resouce talents, A lot of talents involves Resource Reduction, hereafter elliminating the the need for Resource monitoring, a High level sentinel for example will Normaly use 2 force no mather what skill he use.


But Most inportantly! : This game only got 2 resources!, Health and "Force/ammo etc", witch are making Macroing a lot more exploitable.

If you havent noticed, most MMO's with a macro system got or converting to using 3 resources. "For more fun Gameplay, as they dont want pll to press whatever is ready".. Witch is just a big fat lie for "Hey we messed up the macro system and our pll are making OP 1 button combos"


In the end im not agenst macros, but i dont want them to play the game for me, Somthing I feel they would in SW:TOR.

Edited by Xtroll
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Be warned....this is a long one


I find it funny that you are calling most people who do not use macro's lazy!


Lazy are the players who need to automate the game so much that they have nothing to do, that is lazy! Seriously if you are gonna have addons buff others or auto heal why bother playing? Seriously just find a bot program and let it play for you!!!


A good player can play with and without macro's.


A good player can play with and without addons.


I like the idea of macro's they help the handicapped. Unfortunately they also can be abused and used to automate parts of the game that the developers never intended to be automated.


I don't like the idea of player made addons. I don't know how many times I had friends in WOW that could not raid with their guild after a patch because addons were not updated yet. They would try to raid and fail. That right there tells me their players needed the addons and the addons became a crutch. I am sorry but if the addons are required you are not a good player!


This all said, we know that in patch 1.2 the UI is supposed to be fully customizable. If this becomes reality there is no reason for player made UI's.


We also know a personal version of recount is coming as well. This will allow players to min/max without the judgmental attitude that some players seem to exhibit when they can see others DPS. Sadly a few bad seeds ruin it for the many!

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Who really cares, it is just a game play it however you want an enjoy it.... I refuse to tell any of you what you can/cant do I did not spend 60$ on your game an am not paying your subs.... I prefer custom user HUDS an Interfaces I like to spruce my screen up an make it look different. Those of you who dont so be it.
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I have mixed feelings towards DPS/HPS meters. While it's sweet to see your improvements and compete against your friends, assuming it doesn't come at the cost of standing in fire, I'm also afraid it'll bring hate into this game. Because it's much easier for certain people to just flame a person who does poor DPS, than I don't know, maybe ask them about their rotation or tell them what to do differently. I love BWs games, and I'd hate for SWTOR's playerbase and the community to turn into a WoW clone. (read 'HQ of basement dwellers')
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Seriously if you are gonna have addons buff others or auto heal why bother playing?

Feel free to show this addon that auto heals. I seem to have missed it when I used to play WoW.


Seriously just find a bot program and let it play for you!!!

And the misconception shows through. Bots =/= addons. Addons generally just simplify aspects of the game that are already there. Bots play the game for you, and bots are against the ToS of most games. You're arguing against bots, not addons.



A good player can play with and without macro's.


A good player can play with and without addons.

Exactly, and we just want that option.


I like the idea of macro's they help the handicapped. Unfortunately they also can be abused and used to automate parts of the game that the developers never intended to be automated.

Again, automation is a bot, not an addon, and the best part is, if the developers don't like it, they can block it! Simple. Edit: You do realize that macros are added by the developers right? How can you do something with it they don't want you to when it's their code you're using?


I don't like the idea of player made addons. I don't know how many times I had friends in WOW that could not raid with their guild after a patch because addons were not updated yet. They would try to raid and fail. That right there tells me their players needed the addons and the addons became a crutch. I am sorry but if the addons are required you are not a good player!

So addons are the problem, but you admit they're bad players? I'm a little confused here. Your friends in WoW were bad players, so it's the addon's fault? That makes NO sense. Frankly if anything the addons allowed your bad friends to be able to experience end-game content they wouldn't have been able to otherwise. Feel free to let them know you don't support them running those dungeons, I'm sure they'd love to hear that.


This all said, we know that in patch 1.2 the UI is supposed to be fully customizable. If this becomes reality there is no reason for player made UI's.

Yes, because there is only one UI style that appeals to everyone. That's why WoW only ever had one UI addon, because everyone has the same playing preferences...:mon_rolleyes:


We also know a personal version of recount is coming as well. This will allow players to min/max without the judgmental attitude that some players seem to exhibit when they can see others DPS. Sadly a few bad seeds ruin it for the many!

A few bad seeds only ruin it for those who don't know how to /ignore.

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I don't want to have mods that will change the function of the game. The game works fine now, I just want a mod that lets me change the APPEARANCE of the game. Move stuff around, make it less... well... clunky. I like my minimap in the middle between my target and health bars, the pet bar needs to be resizable and you need to be able to turn off the picture for it. You need to be able to move the buttons for the pets around, make coppies to put on your tool bar. I am so sick and freaking tired of opening Corso's petbar to click his harpoon to pull one mob on pat without him going hog wild.


If I leave the harpoon on all the time he opens with it and when I heal him all the mobs agro me. Some BASIC customization would be freaking awesome.


Also who ever told you that we need a button JUST-IN-CASE we want to view helpful starter tool-tips was an idiot. That little >? on the corner of my right tool bar is SO ANNOYING. It's completely useless.


Do what X-perl and Bartender did for WoW and I will be a happy freaking customer.


PS: Nerf every class except the ones -I- play. Those need a buff.

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