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This game badly needs mods and macros.


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ROFL!!! That was awesome.


What I don't understand is why people have to argue about it so much. It's a game... Who cares what other people want? As long as you play the game the way you want to, shouldn't you be happy? Why force your beliefs and desires of how the game should be played on other people?


for the very simple reason, tainted-rice, because what other people do affect everyone else they meet.

if one person has addons/macros that insta-kill people and the other doesnt then the latter player is at an unfair disadvantage .... you are forcing players who would like to not have to use addons/macros to use them if they want to have a fighting chance against players who do.

You would be forcing guilds to have them because other guilds have them. could you imagine a guild on wow not using DBM?


how many healers didnt have addons?


its a murky path to go down.

i, for one, hope to never see macros/addons in this game.

they killed the enjoyment for me in wow and they would kill the enjoyment for this game too

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if you want to personalise your game-play then i think its the individual person that should do this ... which macros and addons dont do. they do the work for you.


Have you read a single post in this thread outside the thread title, and your own post (which I have doubts on that)?


what people dont understand is that threat isnt like wow. dps have to wait before hitting targets and piling on the damage .. if they dont, they die.


What you don't understand is wow was like this for 5 years prior. You used to have to stack sunders before any dps were allowed to think about touching a boss. The threat changes in wow are relatively new, so the basis for your argument is invalid. Macro's have been around for alot longer than threat changes.



its how wow used to be before addons/macros/instant abilitys/automatic abilities took over and killed wow stone dead.


Another invalid argument. Macro's and addons have been in wow since vanilla days. Both games have 'instant' abiilities, and what the hell is an automatic ability?



what addons do is replace skill with automation


Wrong. There's nothing automatic about macro's. Even the most complex require to to push keybinds in the same fashion as you do without macro's. They just make things less clunky. Not harder. And you leading that phrase with 'skill' made me chuckle.



isnt it infuriating when you use a spell with a 1 minute CD and the other person seems to magically instantly cast a freedom of movement ability or shield that totally removes the effect.

automation kills MMOs.



Every time you say 'automation' I laugh. This isn't even possible. You think dispels are automated in anyway shape or form? No its keybound. At best it could be a mouseover dispel, which requires skill, timing, and the ability to multi-task, but that's it. What you're describing in wow isn't even possible without a hack, which has nothing to do with addons or macros.



You really should research what you're attempting to talk about first.

Edited by Navakai
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/.. some special HARDWARE that can line up macros or that you can program macrolike to do ingame stuff (which, btw, works with SWTOR, too...). As long as you can't do a rotation by hitting a single button,


And that is one of my beefs.


Its possible for some to buy a programmable keyboard or mouse and use it to macro.


But, me and a somewhat intelligent man whom likes to write macros or write LUA mods, can not.


I'm hoping they open up the interface, every game I've played which enabled community mods has been my favorite. Every closed source game has been tossed out.


For what its worth, I bought three collector's editions of rifts for me and my two sons. One son and myself played it for a few weeks at most. The other one was never opened. I gave it to my coworker who is also a developer. Its been sitting on his bookshelf for over a year.


Craptastic macro support in rift and dull color schemes caused me to lose interest fast.

Edited by Paralassa
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Can't believe I'm commenting on this but here goes :)


I've played a few mmo and used Addon's and Macro's. Did they improve my game play! Probably.

Did they make the game better to play, IMO yes


Will there be elitiest who have great Macro's and only play with other elitists, yes.

But still the majority of us will continue playing the same way as before using whatever we fancy or a friend recommends.


The idea that all of a sudden you won't be able to get in FP or Operations as you don't have the right addon is wrong, I've never used a Boss helper (I wish someone had told me) but still I joined raids.

I've been just above the Healer on DPS on a raid, (the tank had better DPS :) was I kicked NO (I was laughed at) I did however get alot of advise on how to improve. I think some people are forgetting that not everyone is a tosser, most people enjoy helping others.

Most addon's are created by people who love the game and play it to enjoy, if they think something can be improved, then they try. Sometimes it doesn't work but it will go on to give others ideas. In the end progression helps improve things.

Yes sometimes bad things come of them, but it's like RL we all learn from mistakes, if access to certain coding causes unforseen problems this can be removed. followed obviously by the flaming of wanting it back cos it affects something else. :)


If Bioware can create there own in built mods and addon's fair enough, however I think they will miss out on the great expertise out there in doing this, not to mention the people who only play to do this type of thing!


I actually don't care either way, I will continue playing while i'm enjoying myself.

I do think the UI is crap, I tank and I have to admit sometimes it's hard to tell if a boss is attacking me or someone else (Targets, target would be nice) I don't like having to continually watch my quick slots to see if a cooldown has finished, I prefer watching the game.

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Hm honest opinion?


Without addons, mods, etc. this game will die.


ppl using mods affect the gameplay of ppl who don't?

Well, welcome to life. This particular part I'm talking about is called a "hobby".

People tend to like their hobbies for obvious reasons. Some more, some less.

Some spend more time, some less. Some invest more money, some less.

You see me drivin around with my new shiny rims ... u mad? Get used to it.

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I would prefer addons, but I could do without if the features I want from addons were implemented directly into the game, such as quickslot customisation, buff customisation, DPS meter, party health bar scaling, mouseover capability, more GTN functions etc. Edited by Neulwen
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I see a lot of folks saying add-ons and macros do not make the game easier and in fact just stream line the game. This is false, macros and add-ons both provide a distinct advantage to the players using them.


I stopped playing WoW at the end of Wrath. I had three 80s fully raid geared. A rogue, A mage, and a Priest. I also had an 80 paly that I played around with.


My rogue, mutilate speced. My entire rotation was on one button due to macros. I got max dps with zero chance of messing up the rotation. Start the fight get slice and dice going and then I would just use that one button the rest of the fight.


With a rotation based class on dps, where you fire off abilities in a set order, macros make it impossible to screw up your rotation.


Mage, CC macro. Focused my target and cast sheep on it with one push of the button. Allowed me to then turn around and burn on the main target without having to worry about my sheep. If sheep was about to break again all I had to do was hit my sheep button again and issue resolved. It would stop my current cast and cast sheep on the focus target.


This provided an advantage and more room for error than a player not using this macro. A player not using it would have to change to his focus target, jump to interrupt his current cast, and then cast sheep on his CC target.


Priest, Had Prayer of Mending macroed to my focus target, along with my other Save the tank or other player from dying spells. Push the button Prayer landed on the tank and of course went to the dps. My save the tank spells, If our tank was about to die would automatically land and most times save him.


This provided an advantage over players not using them as I had zero chance to miss cast the spell on the wrong person. I also did not have to Mouse over the tank or do anything else. This allowed me to be a more effective healer then those not using them and to quickly save the tank while not even being a tank healer.


Paly, same thing, cool downs that I needed for certain folks, I just focused them and never had to worry about it. It allowed me to have a faster response time over a player not using them.


Yet you say there is no advantage. Yes a good player can negate that advantage with a good internet connection and quick responses yet the vast majority of players do not have those. These simple macros provided me with a distinct advantage over players not using them.



Add-ons, PvP one, allows me to see there spec, cool downs used ect. No advantage you say as you can look all that up threw the armory. True but can you look all that up while in the middle of the fight. Secondly you can not see there cool downs without counting it out in your head and even then due to not knowing there spec that is going to be inaccurate. Yet you say it provides no advantage over a player not using it.


Threat Meter. Without it, I actually have to allow the tank to build threat, I have to watch and throttle back my dps for the first minute of the fight at least, before I can burn full out. I actually have to use my threat negation abilities and using those directly impacts the amount of dps I can do. In a fight where DPS matters this actually does make the fight more challenging to get threw.


With a threat meter, I can burn full out longer, My use of my threat negation is not required any where as often. I do not have to throttle it back until the very last possible second. It allows me to maximize my dps and actually do more then a player not using said mod. Yet no advantage you say.


DBM, with this add-on, I know exactly when the boss is about to fire off an ability. I get nice big warnings on my screen when I am standing in fire. This allows me to minimize my movement instead of getting out of the graphic, I just move just far enough to where DBM tells me I am out. Allowing me to get back to burning on the boss quicker. If there is a range mechanic,


I can see exactly how far I am from the rest of the members of my raid minimizing my movement and negating or minimizing the boss effect that depends on the range. Instead of having to keep track of abilities in my head and moving after they happen or moving to soon and screwing up the raid. I can move exactly when I need to and no more, I can time abilities that allow me to negate the bosses mechanic and know that I am going to be safe. Shadow Priest fighting Festergut anybody? Shadow form would completely negate his main mechanic allowing the priest to not have to build his immune system. Meaning less work for the healers and longer burn time on the boss to maxx out dps.


Yet you say it does not give an advantage over a player not using it or make the fights easier.



The very fact that they provide an advantage over players not using them forces players who would otherwise not use them to use them. They have to make a choice to either play at the disadvantage or to try and negate it. The very advantage they provide makes them required for 99% of the raiding guilds out there.


You say well everybody can download them so its their fault they are playing at a disadvantage. No, not everybody can download them. There are plenty of players that are at the min specs for the game. Them installing the Add-ons will make the game unplayable for them. There are plenty of players that play from shared computers and they are not allowed to download them due to it not being their computer. There are military service men and women, where the add-on websites url and ip addys are blocked. So no not every player has access to the add-ons to download them.


So yes add-ons provide an advantage, and no not everybody has access to them.

Edited by Lerthan
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macros and add-ons are luxuries, not necessities and I put them at the same level as adding more costumes for people to dress up in. I'd rather they address the immediate issues with PvP and better raid content than waste time with pointless fluff.
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I really hate addons.. ruined wow for me... I just don't get why anyone would want to have to have 5 different mods just to pvp..


Leave it up to skill to watch your enemy's casting bar... or your interrupt cooldowns or your procs.. or trinkets.. As it is now it is a level playing field.. Everyone relies on the tools they are given..


Learn to watch for enemies casting heals instead of an addon telling you which enemies are healers and which are dps (yes wow had an addon like that in arenas)


And no I don't want to have to go install deadly boss mods to raid with my guild.. "Uhoh you don't have the latest version of deadly boss mods.. guess you missed the big red text telling you what to do next..." How about you learn what to do with the tools you are given just like everyone else?


*edit* and another thing no one has thought about.. Look at all of the complaints people are giving about lag now... If they were to add mods it would become ten times worse..


Well said! Another aspect to this issue is that in WoW, Blizzard knew that people had these add-ons and they started tuning their fights with the assumption that people would be using these add-ons which basically made it mandatory to have them (though it should also be noted that some fights were still very easy with these add-ons).


Some people like the interface as is (in my case I do want more customizability which I believe is coming in 1.2, can't wait to see it). Some want add-ons. The question is this: If they give us add-ons and then we find that the fights are ridiculously easy because of them (which some say is already the case without add-ons) then what should Bioware do? Make the fights more difficult, taking into account that the players probably use those add-ons which make those who don't want add-ons feel compelled to get them?

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Learn to play the game as it is provided.


Modding leads to... everything negative everyone has already brought up a dozen times over in this thread and in other threads. BioWare would be doing their creation a great injustice by opening it up for hacky mods.


Mods ... :rolleyes:

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Let's face it.....there those that wants to play the game old school style (watch and learn the mechanics as they progress) and that's the fun for them. I'm one of those players.


Then we have players that want to be held in thair hands and just kill stuff FAST and move to the next one and kill that just as fast....like Lerthan explained in his reply and anout his uses of add-ons. Yup....he explained how he got nice big fat warnings from DBM instead of learning the mechanics in game.


These two type of players will NEVER and I stand by it..... We will NEVER get along....

So why bother?

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This is false, macros and add-ons both provide a distinct advantage to the players using them.

Yes, but since everyone can use them it's not an advantage! That's like saying people who turn on their extra cast bars in-game are at an advantage.


A player not using it would have to change to his focus target, jump to interrupt his current cast, and then cast sheep on his CC target.
That's called bad game design, and that doesn't mean we should all have to deal with it. If a gaming company does say that then they better be prepared to lose a LOT of players.


Priest, Had Prayer of Mending macroed to my focus target. This provided an advantage over players not using them.
actually you could just bind your focus to a hotkey and have the exact same effect, so I guess people with keyboards are at an advantage now too? It's just a different way to do the same thing, a PREFERENCE, and that's all macros and addons are, a matter of preference.


These simple macros provided me with a distinct advantage over players not using them.
and if they aren't using them it's their choice. Why are you trying to control how they want to play the game?


Add-ons, PvP one, allows me to see there spec, cool downs used ect. No advantage you say as you can look all that up threw the armory. True but can you look all that up while in the middle of the fight.
Yeah, actually and frankly with a good computer it's not much harder than looking at their spec with an addon. Or better yet look up who the other big pvpers are and do your research ahead of time. You're just splitting hairs now.


Secondly you can not see there cool downs without counting it out in your head and even then due to not knowing there spec that is going to be inaccurate.
So having a program count something you could do in your head should be banned? What about spell icons showing you when they're going to cool down, should BW remove those from the game? And you'd know their spec if you looked it up on the armory. lol.


With a threat meter, I can burn full out longer, My use of my threat negation is not required any where as often. I do not have to throttle it back until the very last possible second. It allows me to maximize my dps and actually do more then a player not using said mod. Yet no advantage you say.
You do realize that blizzard added their own threat meter and recently made threat practically unbreakable right? If it's so bad for games why does the worlds most popular MMO support it? Nobody wants to play a game where they have to just guess what to do, and if they guess wrong could wipe the group and get kicked. That's no fun for anyone.


In a fight where DPS matters this actually does make the fight more challenging to get threw.
Wait, didn't you just say it's an advantage to have? Now it's not?


DBM, with this add-on, I know exactly when the boss is about to fire off an ability. I get nice big warnings on my screen when I am standing in fire.

Information you can get without the addon anyways. All the addon does is chance the way the information is presented, so it's really no different. You're using a mechanic built into the game as an argument against addons that use the same mechanic?


This allows me to minimize my movement instead of getting out of the graphic, I just move just far enough to where DBM tells me I am out.

And that's an issue with poorly designed graphics. Are you saying that we should all suffer for programming errors? What about those with bad computers you're defending that can't see the graphics properly? Wouldn't want them to have an addon so they could enjoy the game... Seriously if you think DBM is some magical addon that tells you things the game doesn't already, go back and fight Krick and Ick in PoS. Not only did the game flash what he was doing in big red letters in the middle of your screen (with sound effect too if I recall) but the boss actually had verbal emotes telling you what to do! And guess what? People still wiped on him, so saying that an addon makes you the best player doesn't know what they are talking about.


Shadow Priest fighting Festergut anybody? Shadow form would completely negate his main mechanic allowing the priest to not have to build his immune system. Meaning less work for the healers and longer burn time on the boss to maxx out dps.

Actually mages, paladins, and rogues could too, it's an intended mechanic. What's the point of giving players special abilities if they shouldn't use them, and how is this a reason to ban addons? It doesn't even have anything to do with them!


Finally I've never heard of a single button mashing macro for max dps, although if there were it MIGHT have something to do with you picking the three easiest classes to play. Mages were two button mashers long before macros and addons were big. That's a fault of the class, and in turn blizzard, not the macro system. Go roll a level 85 destro lock and juggling 13 spells on rotation, as well as 2-3 debuffs on the target, and 3-4 cooldowns on yourself, and keep fear up with a 20 second duration and aoers breaking it constantly. Now do all that while maintaining top DPS without addons or macros. I'd estimate only the top 1% of players could pull that off, and frankly, why should any of us have to? That's not fun, and that's why we're playing a game, for fun. Most of us want a game we can enjoy, and there's no such thing as a game that appeals to everyone without customization, and that's all we want.


Do they make the game easier? Sure. Do they make the game mindless single-button mashing? No (even with these "single button casts" there are still factors that macros can't take into account. A good player would still out DPS a bad player with one button to mash) and hell, even if they DID do that, who cares!? Is it ruining your game because someone else feels like mashing one button? No, in the end you can still play the game how YOU want, and that's all we're asking for, to play the game how WE want as well. Why can't it be both? Why is it your way or the highway? That seems pretty selfish to me.


Seriously, why are anti-modders so against everyone being able to play the game how they want? It's not taking away anything from you guys so why are you all so intent on ruining it for the rest of us?


Them installing the Add-ons will make the game unplayable for them.

ACTUALLY some addons make the game run BETTER, so your argument is invalid.


So in the end not only are you trying to make everyone conform to YOUR preferred playstyle, but you're actually making the game harder to play for those who have bad computers. Good job.


Anti-mods is about either a) personal preference (which isn't ruined by us having them allowed) or b) misinformation about what they do. BW would not only be doing the majority of players a favor by allowing them, but they'd be helping themselves out too. Allowing mods would let players fix issues with the game themselves instead of adding it to BW's workload (giving them more time to make more content) and since the majority of players want addons/macros it would in fact help sell more games and keep more subscriptions, earning BW more money to help improve the game, and it would let EVERYONE play the game how they like and let EVERYONE enjoy it.


What's not to love?


he got nice big fat warnings from DBM instead of learning the mechanics in game.

Umm, WoW itself gives nice big fat warnings, so what game were you learning? Last I checked you can't learn how something works without any information from it, that's called guessing.


These two type of players will NEVER and I stand by it..... We will NEVER get along....

And I'll never get along with people who try to make me play the game their way, especially when it's based off misinformation...


what should Bioware do? Make the fights more difficult, taking into account that the players probably use those add-ons which make those who don't want add-ons feel compelled to get them?

How about make fights with easy and hardmodes to appeal to all players? The LFR system comes to mind... I don't see why it always has to be one or the other. That's why I say they allow mods, the casuals who don't like them don't have to use them (as the fights are easy enough already) and those who are sick of the clunky system can tailor it to how they like and continue playing a game they enjoy, and we can all get along.


Why can't we just all get along? Wow did so well because it appealed to both casual and hardcore players, modders and anti-modders alike. Why can't BW do the same?

Edited by TheNdoki
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I see a lot of folks saying add-ons and macros do not make the game easier and in fact just stream line the game. This is false, macros and add-ons both provide a distinct advantage to the players using them.


This entire statement is incorrect. Hell, it doesn't even read correctly. The word Advantage requires two participants to make sense. If you're trying to say those who make use of macros will have an advantage over those who don't. You're correct.


But by that logic lets remove keybinds. Fact is alot of players still 'click' their abilities. This puts them at a huge disadvantage when compared to people who bind everything.



My rogue, mutilate speced. My entire rotation was on one button due to macros. I got max dps with zero chance of messing up the rotation. Start the fight get slice and dice going and then I would just use that one button the rest of the fight.



Your rotation and blizzards implementation of it was to blame. Not a macro. I also played a rogue (3 time gladiator). This has nothing to do with macros.

With a rotation based class on dps, where you fire off abilities in a set order, macros make it impossible to screw up your rotation.


This is wildly inaccurate. As most rotations can't be predefined as a constant or an 'always' Doing a cast sequence macro is a horrible dps loss due to this. If you macro your rotation into a button and are comfortable performing 'sub - par' doesn't this contradict your opening statement?


This provided an advantage and more room for error than a player not using this macro. A player not using it would have to change to his focus target, jump to interrupt his current cast, and then cast sheep on his CC target.



Or... you could just use blizzards build in binds / modifiers and auto cast onto your focus target with the same key bind. No macro's needed.


Priest, Had Prayer of Mending macroed to my focus target, along with my other Save the tank or other player from dying spells. Push the button Prayer landed on the tank and of course went to the dps. My save the tank spells, If our tank was about to die would automatically land and most times save him.



Again, you would have been under-performing. Contradicts your initial statement in regards to macro's providing an 'advantage'


Paly, same thing, cool downs that I needed for certain folks, I just focused them and never had to worry about it. It allowed me to have a faster response time over a player not using them.


Until you had to chance your focus target. Or a healer died, and you had to pick up the slack or change your healing assignment on the fly. Again. contradicts your original argument.


Yet you say there is no advantage. Yes a good player can negate that advantage with a good internet connection and quick responses yet the vast majority of players do not have those. These simple macros provided me with a distinct advantage over players not using them.



A 'good' player would make use of macro's, and want them in the game. So this point is invalid.


Add-ons, PvP one, allows me to see there spec, cool downs used ect. No advantage you say as you can look all that up threw the armory. True but can you look all that up while in the middle of the fight. Secondly you can not see there cool downs without counting it out in your head and even then due to not knowing there spec that is going to be inaccurate. Yet you say it provides no advantage over a player not using it.


This is a funny issue to me. See without being able to track your opponents cooldowns, in SWTOR most of the time you don't worry about it. Sure if you see a bubble or a shield you won't blow all your CD's but outside that.... its out of sight, out of mind.


However when your able to track enemy cooldowns ect, suddenly you have alot more to pay attention to. The skill-cap goes up, and in hindsight, doesn't make it easier. Again, contradicts your opening argument,


Threat Meter. Without it, I actually have to allow the tank to build threat, I have to watch and throttle back my dps for the first minute of the fight at least,


lol What? Having a threat meter doesn't change whether or not you have to hold back and allow the tank to build threat. And How do you back of and 'watch". What are you watching? your tanks animations and guessing numbers in your head?



With a threat meter, I can burn full out longer,


You realise your threat doesn't change depending on whether or not you're tracking it right? I know what your trying to say, but your failing.


This allows me to minimize my movement instead of getting out of the graphic, I just move just far enough to where DBM tells me I am out



o.O I raided for 7 years in a top 10 US guild in wow. What the hell are you talking about? DBM doesn't react to yoru position that well, or even work like that. if your in it, it says get out. It won't update you and say "OK CHAMP, THATS FAR ENOUGH"


I can time abilities that allow me to negate the bosses mechanic and know that I am going to be safe. Shadow Priest fighting Festergut anybody? Shadow form would completely negate his main mechanic allowing the priest to not have to build his immune system. Meaning less work for the healers and longer burn time on the boss to maxx out dps.



Isn't this just defined as good play? Such as a gunslinger blowing their defensive CD during a particular boss mechanic. Or a shadow / inquisitor popping their 'cloak' at the right time? This has nothing to do with DBM. o.O




You say well everybody can download them so its their fault they are playing at a disadvantage. No, not everybody can download them. There are plenty of players that are at the min specs for the game. Them installing the Add-ons will make the game unplayable for them. There are plenty of players that play from shared computers and they are not allowed to download them due to it not being their computer. There are military service men and women, where the add-on websites url and ip addys are blocked. So no not every player has access to the add-ons to download them.


Weakest argument ever.

Edited by Navakai
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Alright, there is a difference between mods that tell you exactly what to do or let you use only one button, and mods that simply just let you customise your UI. I agree that the first kind makes the game boring.


As such, I can see why people don't want addons. I just want to be able to customise my UI, whether it be from addons or in-game options.

Edited by Neulwen
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Why does everybody assume that because you want mods and macros, you also want things like DBM? And why is everybodies argument about macros that 1 button can do everything for you? Can I ask you a question, honestly? Are you...never mind don't want to get flagged.


I would say 1 out of 25 posts with people wanting macros and mods do people want DBM equivalent mods.


All I want is complete control over how I customize my UI. Not the way Bioware wants it. Is that really that big of a deal? Also, Mouseover macros.



Edited by Zachajariah
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I would say 1 out of 25 posts with people wanting macros and mods do people want DBM equivalent mods.


All I want is complete control over how I customize my UI. Not the way Bioware wants it. Is that really that big of a deal? Also, Mouseover macros.




Yes. But I can see the problem with permitting addons at all; a DBM-like addon is going to be made, and then suddenly everyone will be required to have it installed in order to perform optimally.

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Yes. But I can see the problem with permitting addons at all; a DBM-like addon is going to be made, and then suddenly everyone will be required to have it installed in order to perform optimally.


Being in top guilds my entire WoW career, even leading one for 3 years, they weren't really "required" and even when they were, I never used DBM. Didnt expect it out of my raiders, either.


Your logic is flawed!

Edited by Zachajariah
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I disagree strongly with this game requiring mods and marcos. In fact If they will allow me. I will create the anti mods and marcos and suggest we ban anyone for life if caught trying use any 3rd party software of any kind.


Oh ok so it's your way or the highway, right? I pay my 15$ a month too.


Your post assures me you don't even have any idea how they work, lawl.

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Yes. But I can see the problem with permitting addons at all; a DBM-like addon is going to be made, and then suddenly everyone will be required to have it installed in order to perform optimally.

It's been said probably a few dozen times already. Nobody is being forced to use any addons. You can say that all raiding and endgame guilds demand it of their members, but the fact of the matter is not only is that statistically improbable, it's outright false. I personally know at least one guild on the server I used to play on that didn't require ANY addons of their members. Using false assumptions as an excuse to keep the majority of players from enjoying the game is just dangerous at best.


I disagree strongly with this game requiring mods and marcos. In fact If they will allow me. I will create the anti mods and marcos and suggest we ban anyone for life if caught trying use any 3rd party software of any kind.

Alienating the majority of people paying to play your game. Yeah that's a great idea on so many levels. I really hope you're just kidding in this post because frankly that's the most selfish thing I've seen anyone say since this topic was started. We all pay for this game, we all play it, and us having addons and macros in no way effects your enjoyment of the game. To say we can't have that is just ludicrous and I find it hard to believe someone is THAT self-centered.

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I see the different points of views and will not attempt to argue any of them I will simply say mine.


I like addons for QoL very much how WoW does it, yes it is a tool that can be abused and would need monitoring (which i dont feel is too much to ask as the subs for SWTOR is so high) just like how people are using exploits currently to gain advantage.


What I would like is 3rd party mods as quite frankly the more diversity gives the chance of finding what you want. I don't mind if they are limited it ability so addons like DBM dont exist, yes I would like those kind of addons but they are not "needed".


I play a healer always have probably always will the things I want and I say want becasue no I dont need them its just that without them healing IMO becomes tedious and painful. They are:


1. Mouseovers


2. Customizable operation frames - now I am sure Bioware or whoever is going to or at least thinking about upgrading the current ones, but quite frankly it will probably not be customizable enough for what I want, hence my liking of 3rd party addons.


3. Buff/Debuffs - very similar to the op frames.


but why?


Currently the tracking and cast of hots and dots in especially a raid environment is painful and far to bothersome for me to be fun. Mouseovers now they are quite simply a QoL addition having to click/press once rather than twice is easier and for someone who spends 6-10 hours a day on a computer RSI is a deep concern.

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As somebody who has mainly played a healer for the last two years, I would like to see the following:


1. Mouseover Macros


This is the single biggest reason why I will not heal a raid in this game. Click-healing is EXTREMELY clunky and slow. I will not say it's impossible, but there is no question that it is slower and inefficient. I will level toons with the healing AC with the hope that BW gets its act together and eventually allows these macros in game, but I'm not getting my hopes up.


2. Addons that allow us to tweak raid frames


I cannot stress how an addon like Vuhdo (for WoW) made my healing experience so much better. From being able to easily see who did/did not have debuffs, to easily seeing who did/did not have my hots, to seeing different cooldowns on the tank, etc, etc. All of this information was necessary to me, and to not have something like this here really sours my healing experience in the game.


I understand that BW don't want addons to get out of hand, but offering customization for raid frames is not some crazy concept that hasn't ever existed within the MMO landscape.




The lack of mouseover macros are my single biggest gripe about this game. Allowing them allows me to not only heal raids a bit easier, but also allows me to clean up my bars when I PVP. With the average-sized hands that I have, my healing buttons are all very accessible, but the dps buttons are a bit harder to reach, and I'm not always 100% accurate in reaching these. I had ZERO of these issues in WoW, and as much as I want TOR to be successful, the game's UI still needs work before I am 100% sure that this will be my go-to MMO for the next few years.

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