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  1. TOR is just your generic "we have seen it before" MMO and just plain boring at high end.........wait...there IS no high end. Just the same rinse and repeat HMs and OPs wich get real boring in the long run.... And well..........tab-target is SO bad mechanics and I had a huge problem getting back to it after just one weekend, yes ONE weekend of pure fps-style aim.
  2. Well TBH.....if ppl USED the LFG /who right now then we wouldn't have the same kind or problem besides that you actually had to LOOK in the list for ppl......
  3. Oh the horror........but you missed the fact that I HAVE indeed used macros......you never read that part. Most games I have played had and still have macros in them. And YES I DID use them to decrease the amount of buttons I had to use....specially as a support such as a buffer. Diff buffchains for diff players and classes...so no I'm not against MACROS... And YES I have been using add-ons....the GUI-addons for AoC and it was a hassle to keep up with the game updates since it took a day or a week for the makers of the add-ons to be at par with the game. And sometimes after an update the add-ons actually made the game crash to often before they were updated. So that's ONE thing that makes me against add-ons. And NO I have never used add-ons that TELLS me the mechanics of the game since I am a player that WANTS to and NEED to learn the mechanics by myselfe since that makes the game fun to me. And speaking of the biggest add-on-game there is.........i Played it for a month and didn't like it one bit.
  4. Combat log in the way to see dmg done and dmg recived is ONE thing, and it doesn't automaticly means that a DPS-meter will come. And yes.... I HATE the DPS-race that has been more and more popular since "yhe other game" made the machanics that way...because it was the easiest way for them. Macros have theit use.....in games with mechanics that "needs" them......the mechanics in this game doesn't....no I'm serious..... Take L2 back in the days....before you could toggle soul/spritshots on/off then we used the macro to add these to the skills so macros where usefull there. Well.....I could use macros to use my dots in one keystroke....but thats not making it more efficient, that just shows I'm beeing lazy and just want to use less buttons since the total casttime would be the same or a bit more (depending on macrosystem, sometimes you need a pause between the skills otherwise the macro will break). And if they allow DPS-meter add-ons then add-ons like DBM will follow......and as far as I have seen what ppl said about how and why hey use them is putting more wood to my fire against add-ons. "I use it to be able to focus on my DPS since it tells me what to do, what attacks the boss will make" etc etc.... Some ppl even ADMIT they used it to be able to kick back, relax and slack since it told them everything that hapend in big red letters all over the screen....aka easymode.... SO I have heard both sides of the story of why ppl use it and I dispite it since they don'tplay the game.......they are beeing driven by somebody else.
  5. I have heard this from my friends that plays WoW...... And I totaly agree with you. MMOs are NOT about WHO HITS THE HARDEST but for people to work as a TEAM. Well.......if they add a visual combatlog (besides the one we have...the floating numbers......hey.....there you HAVE your combat log wich an add-on can take the numbers from since it IS shown in game) I for one will NOT play with these DPS-***** egocentric bastards that apparently can't work as a team
  6. Well.....there hasn't been one yet... But the Q has been asked and the answer was that they will be included with the fee. And the future is yet to come. But to be frank. Any MMO that charges for the expantions doesn't diserve my time. What am I paying for each month? For them to sit and roll their thumbs so we can pay EVEN more to play? Then I'll rather look at GW that charges for the game and comming expantions but has no minthly fee. It should be either way.....not pay for both. But then again....... I'm old..... I know...
  7. You guys forget ONE thing that's importent to some players out there. WoW: No free expantions (they have a pricetag). SW_TOR: ALL expantions are FREE.....all included in the monthly fee.... That is one thing that I DON'T like about WoW..... Besides it has grown TO big so most ppl think it's the best just because it has all the tools outside to hold ppl hands..../yes I'm an add-onhater since if it was supouse to be a function in game it shpuld been implimented from the devs.......... NOT a mod-community)
  8. You havn't noticed that the Reps mirrored skills has a STUNCHANCE against other players as the Imps doesn't? Look at Force Lightning and Shock compared to Telekenisis Throw and Project. (I know since I've been stunned by them both several times as my FL and Shock has NO stunchance vs other PLAYERS, just NORMAL mobs) Imbalanced? Yes...... But I havn't started a QQ-thread about it......
  9. He wasn't talking about the bonus series that opens up at the end of questchains on the planets. He was talking about the bonusquests that some comes in steps and often involes "kill X creatures, destroy X of this item, defeat a "boss" and return something to the questbox" that are all over the planets between quests and questhubs.....
  10. Because some of us like to play the old way by watching and learning the mechanics of the game without something telling us what we have done when we can see it with our own eyes. It's a part of the game for us to figure out what hapens, when it hapens and how to counter it. And to be honest.....there is already a way to see if your dps is high enough. The faster mobs/players go down.....the more dps you do. But hey.who am I to judge others... I just play the game the way I like it. If others want dps-meters.......fine. Just don't force me to use it since I want to play without them since there are other factors then DPS involved. Do you know that backup-healing and interupts lower the DPS? Do you know that using triggers (like canons etc) lowers your DPS? These are some things that alot of ppl tend to forget...parts of the game that need to be done and if ONE player in grp do them alone....well that person will be last on the DPS-list and therefor he/she is a bad player? I don't think so....
  11. No not really...... If ppl just use the system there is then this won't be needed. But guess what........they don't.........instead they shout for hours after grp or members...... Talk about taking a huge step backwards.... Well......the LFG-tool today isn't perfect but it has worked for ages in other games. Mark that you LFG......comment like your roll and what you are LFGing for......but that seems to hard for the majority of players today......
  12. Let's face it.....there those that wants to play the game old school style (watch and learn the mechanics as they progress) and that's the fun for them. I'm one of those players. Then we have players that want to be held in thair hands and just kill stuff FAST and move to the next one and kill that just as fast....like Lerthan explained in his reply and anout his uses of add-ons. Yup....he explained how he got nice big fat warnings from DBM instead of learning the mechanics in game. These two type of players will NEVER and I stand by it..... We will NEVER get along.... So why bother?
  13. I am one of the few that uses it on my server....and it's a pain to see that ppl are to lazy to use two mouseclicks and some typing in the tool to find a grp..... Nooooo......instead they rant about a LFG-tool....wich needs more programming to be working good for grps since we need (mostly) healer, tank and dps's for 4-man grps.... If the system will work more like the pvp-queue then it will be fked up from the start..
  14. If you as a pure healer can't do the Ilum 2+ then you are doing something wrong. Two friends plays pure Sorc healers and they are doing all dailies with companions on their own....just like you say...it takes a bit longer time. And for those that complain that companions do to low dmg.........ffs just gear them up...... Althou there are different solutions depending on your way to use the char....
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