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This game badly needs mods and macros.


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Addons: Not really needed. We're getting a combat log and the ability to change up our UI, that's all we really need honestly.


The combat log is a text file, which you can only access out of game. Don't get me wrong I love SWTOR, but with as much money as went in to this game I would at least like a tab in the chat log i can look at if they won't add a DPS/heal meter.

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I would love to see some community driven mod capability. Please!


Same. Seems there is one thing lacking in this game - heart or soul whatever. Passion. Involving the community never hurts and neither does personalization.

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Has there been any news from Bioware on if/when addons and macros are coming to this game?


If all the features I wanted were in the base game, there wouldn't be a need for addons, but I just don't see how BioWare can provide the same amount of development as a community of addon developers once they would provide an addon UI.


1) Better UI and chat customization


2) Better Healing Interface. Mouseover healing and dispelling and indicators for when someone has dispelable debuffs and aggro.


3) Indicator for procs (PowerAuras).


4) Damage, Healing, and Threat meters


5) Better control of companion. A quick way to turn on and off all AoE abilities (so companion doesn't break CC). A better way to control your companion to be on your current target (Macroing into one of your main attacks /compattack).


6) A way to macro marking of targets into abilities. Being able to have your CC ability automatically mark the target for example.


If addons don't allow for DBM style addons that's fine with me, it keeps boss fights simpler. It's also fine with me if it does. Addons/macros shouldn't be able to play for you though, addons should not be able to move your character, activate more than one gcd using ability with a single button press/mouse click. An addon or macro should not be able to select what ability to use other than with the use of a modifier (shift/cntrl/alt) or if the target is hostile or friendly



/cast [shift]Ability1; [alt]Ability2 should be fine

/cast [target:friendly]Ability1; [target:enemy]Ability2 should be fine too

/cast [mouseover:friendly]Ability1; [target:friendly]Ability1

That just allows the user to compress their button bars which is a good thing imo.



/castsequence dot_ability, instant_ability, channel_ability, channel_ability, instant_ability, channel_ability, channel_ability should not be allowed as that simplifies gameplay by macroing the rotation


Addons that help with bots and gathering are bad imo. Maybe it needs to go so far as addons not having access to the player's coordinate location to prevent them. None of the addons I think the game would really benefit from have any need for the player's coordinates. Sometimes knowing what zone you are in is helpful to addons, for example being able to turn on and off features if you are in warzone or flashpoint, however, addons could be given just that information as needed to give the desired functionality and no more.

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Has there been any news from Bioware on if/when addons and macros are coming to this game?


If all the features I wanted were in the base game, there wouldn't be a need for addons, but I just don't see how BioWare can provide the same amount of development as a community of addon developers once they would provide an addon UI.


1) Better UI and chat customization


2) Better Healing Interface. Mouseover healing and dispelling and indicators for when someone has dispelable debuffs and aggro.


3) Indicator for procs (PowerAuras).


4) Damage, Healing, and Threat meters


5) Better control of companion. A quick way to turn on and off all AoE abilities (so companion doesn't break CC). A better way to control your companion to be on your current target (Macroing into one of your main attacks /compattack).


6) A way to macro marking of targets into abilities. Being able to have your CC ability automatically mark the target for example.


If addons don't allow for DBM style addons that's fine with me, it keeps boss fights simpler. It's also fine with me if it does. Addons/macros shouldn't be able to play for you though, addons should not be able to move your character, activate more than one gcd using ability with a single button press/mouse click. An addon or macro should not be able to select what ability to use other than with the use of a modifier (shift/cntrl/alt) or if the target is hostile or friendly



/cast [shift]Ability1; [alt]Ability2 should be fine

/cast [target:friendly]Ability1; [target:enemy]Ability2 should be fine too

/cast [mouseover:friendly]Ability1; [target:friendly]Ability1

That just allows the user to compress their button bars which is a good thing imo.



/castsequence dot_ability, instant_ability, channel_ability, channel_ability, instant_ability, channel_ability, channel_ability should not be allowed as that simplifies gameplay by macroing the rotation


Addons that help with bots and gathering are bad imo. Maybe it needs to go so far as addons not having access to the player's coordinate location to prevent them. None of the addons I think the game would really benefit from have any need for the player's coordinates. Sometimes knowing what zone you are in is helpful to addons, for example being able to turn on and off features if you are in warzone or flashpoint, however, addons could be given just that information as needed to give the desired functionality and no more.



Yes there has been news about when addons and macros are coming. They were both mentioned during the guild summit almost two weeks ago. I do not remember when they said macros will be available but I do remember it was a long time from now. I also remember them saying that addons are a VERY long ways away. As in not even being worked on at this time. They said they had more important things to work on at this time. Maybe v2.0 if you are lucky.


1) U.I. customization is in 1.2


2) Mouse-over healing is something they said they would like to add, but no date yet


3) They would like to make procs more visible to the players as quickly as possible, but not going to be in 1.2


4) Not going to happen for a very long time. Uses to many resources according to devs. However there IS going to be a combat log in 1.2 I believe they said.


5) Don't remember this being mentioned


6) Again, macros are a very long way out.


Not a whole lot of good news, but I hope this helps a little.

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I guess you have more experience with bots than I do. From what I read about them they utilize certain add-ons that identify nodes and gatherer to help the bot not only farm the nodes, but also the path for which they take. At least that's what I read about the farming bots. If need be I could research it again, but honestly it was boring.


Co-ord points are already default, so that means there's even less work for them to do as they don't have to go through and develop it which forms the basis of these bots, or an alternative system. Any kind of hack or cheat, being another program, will always exist no matter what as they are not related to the game itself, and don't use methods open to the players legally. You might want to check out the room these people work in (they are actual jobs, with loads of computers all at a desk in offices most Government workers in First World countries would be totally jealous of). This whole "they're starving people working incredibly hard to earn the credits they sell in a legit way" assumption is completely and utterly wrong.


Which is, like I've said before, is a whole other reason why we NEED addons. An awful lot of sites with strat guides, loot guides, gear guides etc are run by these credit-sellers. One click on a link or using the wrong browser and simply opening up a page and bang. Compromised account. That really IS how accounts get hacked. It really would be so much safer to have some sort of guidance in-game about boss fights and strats, like what it is that's killing people etc.

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my post it wasn't just about add-ons.

So what you're saying is your point was irrelevant to the thread then since last I checked it's about addons.


Add-ons are one of the first things to make the game "easier" for players. IE: Quest Helper, Gatherer... etc. - I'm sorry if you were confused and couldn't link the two. I thought I was pretty clear.

So what if it does make the game easier? Some people like that. Also, I like the passive aggressiveness. Really makes you more worth listening to.


You could come up with viable alternatives to needing add-ons. Like stop being an elitest jerk? Seriously.

Well since nobody NEEDS addons (as many anti-addon posters in here will point out) there's no need for an alternative. ;)


I didn't know of any guild that was raiding that didn't require you to have certain add-ons. So getting into a guild ( that could actually raid ) that didn't require add-ons wasn't a choice on the server I was on.

A wise man once said "The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence." Just because you didn't know of any guilds doesn't mean none existed, it probably meant you just didn't look hard enough because it wasn't that important to you. Especially with bragging about your raiding scores it seems apparent you weren't a casual player. Either way though, I do know of guilds that did allow players to raid without needing addons, mine included. ;)



And I am glad BioWare is coming out with their own means to change the UI to how you want it. Which means we don't need an add-on to do this for us.
Yeah because everyone has the same preference in UI style. :rolleyes: Changing the layout is great and all, but it's a far cry from pleasing everyone.




I think the threat meter could be solved with a player knowing how to play their class. If the tank can't see that he's lost aggro I would think a new tank is necessary, or perhaps an educated one.
Threat meter was meant to maximize dps without breaking in the first place, making the fights more manageable for all players, not just the tank. You were a pro-star, we get it, not everyone is.


Also this is all keeping in mind that blizzard added a threat meter themselves, AND nerfed the crap outta threat. I'm curious if your uber leet tanking was after the +200% tank aggro patch...




If you want to have some form of dps meters than add-ons are not the means. Having BioWare implement their OWN dps meter would be a more viable method. You want a DBM, then tell BioWare and if it's a big enough issue let them come out with their version of it. I'm not against what add-ons do for us.
Oh yeah, let's put all the workload on BW who is already having issued keeping up with all the bugs and adding new content to keep people interested. Also you DO realize that most of those features Blizzard added wouldn't have happened without addons right? The best feedback isn't forum posts that nobody wants to sift through, it's third party addons. Instead of keeping a team of employees sifting through all these crap threads to maybe find a good suggestion, all they'd have to do is look at which addons are the most popular.


Sorry but I'm not about to put more work on bioware because I'm afraid someone might see my dps. I'd rather them have as much time and money as possible to make the game more interesting and less buggy.


I am against the need for a 3rd party program, which add-ons are.
And there's the dead horse again. Once again, nobody is being forced to use addons.
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And there's the dead horse again. Once again, nobody is being forced to use addons.


Of course, the problem here is that when addons become common, the game is then made to compensate for them in gameplay. It's the uber-competitive gamer's reflex to use whatever tools are available to get maximum performance. Add the addons and meters, the devs will now have to ramp up the difficulty level, and in the process they go from "optional" to "required". Don't believe me? Check what the requirements are for most hardcore WoW raider guilds. As they are, so we would become.


The only way not to need addons in the game is simple. Don't have addons. I'd rather the devs not have to work around random l33t guy's latest tool to automate actually playing the game and concentrate on making the game more fun for those of us who prefer run our characters, not six different extra programs that enhance our character's output to far beyond what is normally possible in the game UI.


The work they're doing to improve the UI satisfies me, by comparison.

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Of course, the problem here is that when addons become common, the game is then made to compensate for them in gameplay. It's the uber-competitive gamer's reflex to use whatever tools are available to get maximum performance. Add the addons and meters, the devs will now have to ramp up the difficulty level, and in the process they go from "optional" to "required". Don't believe me? Check what the requirements are for most hardcore WoW raider guilds. As they are, so we would become.


The only way not to need addons in the game is simple. Don't have addons. I'd rather the devs not have to work around random l33t guy's latest tool to automate actually playing the game and concentrate on making the game more fun for those of us who prefer run our characters, not six different extra programs that enhance our character's output to far beyond what is normally possible in the game UI.


The work they're doing to improve the UI satisfies me, by comparison.


Sorry, I didn't realize making the game more difficult was a bad thing, what with everyone on the forums screaming that this game is way to easy...

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Funny how the "I NEED addons, mods and macros!" crowd ignores my posts letting them know that what ever their "needs" are they will not be met for a year or more according to the devs themselves.


They still whine about how the game is completely broken without them and how it can't be fun until they do exist. I guess the rest of us that don't give a damn about addons, mods and macros will continue to have our fun (suffer according to the whiners) while they go play something else until version 2.0 or later comes out.


In the mean time they will continuously whine about what ever game it was they moved to, comparing it to WoW in a daily basis and wishing secretly in their hearts that they had never left WoW to begin with.


Have fun with that.

Edited by TheSkate
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I'm not against what add-ons do for us, I am against the need for a 3rd party program, which add-ons are.


no they're not. If you've ever downloaded and ran an executable file believing it's an addon then you're probably in a lot of trouble. Stick with the sites the community recommends or write them yourself. And move that all-important notepad file to the folder and it's installed.


Even my browser has plug-ins

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Sorry, I didn't realize making the game more difficult was a bad thing, what with everyone on the forums screaming that this game is way to easy...


The game being more difficult and the game being MADE more difficult because add-ons make it easier are two different scenarios.

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this game needs rift syle macros..most of my guild( pvp guild) came from other games using simple 4-6 buttons mouse.. but now we've all had to buy a razer naga and have 30+ key bindings.. macros would make life so much easier...
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Of course, the problem here is that when addons become common, the game is then made to compensate for them in gameplay. It's the uber-competitive gamer's reflex to use whatever tools are available to get maximum performance. Add the addons and meters, the devs will now have to ramp up the difficulty level, and in the process they go from "optional" to "required". Don't believe me?


Generally speaking those who don't like to use addons are casuals, and casuals had their own difficulty level in WoW, it was called normal, and LFR. There were modes for both hardcore and regular players available, and everyone could experience all the game content at their own pace.


And if you think that addons were required to do endgame raiding in the LFR you've never tried it.


Check what the requirements are for most hardcore WoW raider guilds. As they are, so we would become.

I like how you admit that not ALL guilds require it, but ignore that very point to make your argument. Sorry but when not all guilds need it, it stops being a requirement, and stops being forced on players. Finally with dungeons having multiple difficulty levels (which SWTOR already has as well) both hardcore and casual, addon users and non, can appreciate the game, so there's really no reason to fight them.



The game being more difficult and the game being MADE more difficult because add-ons make it easier are two different scenarios.

Because the game can become more difficult without the developers changing anything?

Edited by TheNdoki
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Too many blanket generalizations in this thread. Mods and macros are helpful to those that need them. Those that use them effectively can rarely be "outplayed" by a non macro/mod user.


Content becomes balanced around the usage of mods/macros. Simple fact of life. Guilds base acceptance upon using certain mods and macros. Simple fact of life. Not everyone who uses them are elitist scum. Not everyone who uses too many are casuals. Not every casual uses 40 when 3 would do jim dandy.


In a game as purportedly easy as this one is, I fail to understand why so many wish to have macros/mods. They DO trivialize content in every game I have played that allowed their use. Run content without them, master them, then run content with them.


Sure, most mods are just frivolous trash used for personal customization. UI, menu functions, snazzy sounds, MP3 players... whatever.


Mods that announce, tell you when to do what where, target for you, and generally reduce the amount of thought/actions you must take force developers to step up and attempt to overload encounters to account for those addons that make the game more "fun".


Mod introduction doesn't allow choice to players. It's just like talent specs, gearing, etc.. You are pigeonholed. Choice fades, and status quo is eventually achieved. Those who don't fit the mold are bounced, regardless of how well they handle situations without conforming.


I personally don't care. I'll use what I can to make my screen pretty. If they had one like EpicMusicPlayer, I'll totally use that. Controlling mp3 selection while tanking is awesome.


If at any point I am removed from a raid.. that I have completed on ALL difficulties.. due to an addon check mod that shows I don't possess a mod I have never used... meh. I'll watch movies on Hulu.

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Love it when someone who plays and raids end-game for a few weeks after taking 3 weeks to level can tell me all about what end-game raiding is and what end-game guilds are like. And then proceed to get everything as far wrong as possible. Is it because of not knowing, a bad experience or simply a nasty agenda to spread misinformation and try to win a popularity contest based on lies?


I played FFXI for 7 years before going to WoW. Ran my own linkshell and ran countless raids. You know nothing about me sir, don't presume to either.


Popularity contest? I care not for crap like that, it's a game, I want it to stay that way. FFXI had NO add-ons and the game is great. WoW was the first MMORPG I ever played that used Add-ons. You sir seem to be the one on a high-horse. How's the weather up there?


And I'm sorry, but CASUALS don't use addons? Casuals are the worst offenders for having a UI so chocked up with information, numbers, bars and warnings etc they can't see a thing and do a thing effectively. It tends to be CASUALS who post their screenshots and more experienced players are all like "you need less than a quarter of that". Or "how DO you get anything done?". It's CASUALS who feel they need the extra help that addons can provide while they learn. You want to see the sheer number of addons casuals play with? For things like 3D models for pets, holiday events, role-playing etc? It's mind-boggling


At what time did I mention anything about casual game players not using Add-ons or mods?


That would be TheNdoki post that said anything to do with casuals. Don't misquote me, that's how misinformation that you so highly speak of spreads.

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I played FFXI for 7 years before going to WoW. Ran my own linkshell and ran countless raids. You know nothing about me sir, don't presume to either.


Popularity contest? I care not for crap like that, it's a game, I want it to stay that way. FFXI had NO add-ons and the game is great. WoW was the first MMORPG I ever played that used Add-ons. You sir seem to be the one on a high-horse. How's the weather up there?




At what time did I mention anything about casual game players not using Add-ons or mods?


That would be TheNdoki post that said anything to do with casuals. Don't misquote me, that's how misinformation that you so highly speak of spreads.



You already said all that about FFXI. Not new. And what makes you think you're the only poster in this thread? And everything's about you? Paragraph following your quote was over. Get over yourself. I don't care about addons but right now the UI does NOT match the content. It's that simple.

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You already said all that about FFXI. Not new. And what makes you think you're the only poster in this thread? And everything's about you? Paragraph following your quote was over. Get over yourself. I don't care about addons but right now the UI does NOT match the content. It's that simple.


It's a discussion, that's how a thread progresses. Rebuttal, look it up. If you don't like what I have to say put me on ignore, it won't stop me from voicing MY opinion.

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oh btw wow-player in it for something different to wow. haven't found it yet. I've played a hunter and run group content so companions aren't a completely and ground-breakingly new experience and yes, I made a character after cata dropped so ridiculously easy content is nothing new here. Next-Gen MMO is still an MMO and could use some features similar to other MMO's. Playing a game in an old-school playstyle is something I can do an any game be it optional or not, nothing Next-Gen about that, nothing new or different here. A community of players that all want different things from the game, or not interested in identical aspects of the game, nothing new here. Layout of default action bars complete with them up the side - hmm where have I seen that before? Loading screen after loading screen? oooooooh right, that free-to-play game that couldn't afford big servers. Games without addons? Oh but what they DO have are spammable heals that you put on players before they take damage and the heal kicks in after they do. The other game? Players using massive lists of macros. Sound effects/boss emotes or warning systems that make you feel excited like something's going on that makes you feel more involved? Seen it, just not here. Player behaviour blamed on a lack of or implementation of a feature? Nothing new here. Players complaining about class balance? No addons, no logs no nothing yet still here. Players not reacting to content? No addons here to train people not to react unless an addon tells them to and never have played a game where they were in and still the same problems. Elitists? Still here.


So what IS new? So few people in an MMO, including EQ WHICH A LOT OF PEOPLE THOUGHT DIDN'T EVEN EXIST ANYMORE. No matter when you play. No matter where you are. That bringing in features known to be casual-friendly which have been blamed for the dumbing down and making things too accessible to bad people was something that had to be held back while the game is new in case the casuals get scared away. OK that is new. Story-driven MMO? Stories make sense when you read/listen to them and have the background info before you play and make some sort of effort. So no, nothing new here. Exhaustion zones in the middle of the land? OK that one's new.

Edited by Darnu
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I don't believe that this game needs any type of mods or macros. So many people complain that it's to easy enough as it is, and then these same people are demanding mods and macros, and other addons/meters in other posts, so they can "optimize" (read as letting someone/something else do the thinking/work for them) their characters so they can beat the game easier.


There was one poster that actually said all this was need to Min/Max their characters because BW used these tools to create the FP/OPs and therefore they needed them so they could have the same tools to beat it.


Learn the game, play the characters, develop the character as you see fit and don't make this game fall into the same "Cookie Cutter" mold as some other games people want this to emulate.


People have beat the OPs on NM and they had no mods/macros/logs(which you will get your own personal one)/addons, so what's the fuss?


Don't nerf stick the game I have come over to play because they (may) have nerf sticked yours to boredom.


Please BioWare, No More Logs (full any one can view/see/expanded), Macros, Key Bindings, Mods, Addons, etc...


Thank You

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oh btw wow-player in it for something different to wow. haven't found it yet. I've played a hunter and run group content so companions aren't a completely and ground-breakingly new experience and yes, I made a character after cata dropped so ridiculously easy content is nothing new here.


Sorry, dropped the rest of the block wall.


Could you ever send your Pet, not Companion, off to do skill of crafting, gathering, or missions for you as you continued to enjoy your questing/FP/OP/game play? No, didn't think so, I couldn't with my hunters either.


Yes, after Cata dropped, but they had already nerf sticked it into the ground before that. That is what followed, and what follows next? (shudder).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Every game i have seen that use Mods and macros end up being lag fest and people abuse them. I for one do not see any need for them to be in this game ever. Yes there are many things that need a good fix but to have a macro do it all for you is rather lame. If ya cant play the game for yourself maybe you should go back to junk WOW :eek: Not trying to be rude or dog on anyone who does want Mods and macros (or liked WOW).


Why pay to watch a program play a game for you(and yes it plays the game for you if your just sitting there watching)? or is it that you want to be lvl 50 farming things with your macro while you sleep? If so play the game and learn it a lot more fun that way and you may feel good about doing it for yourself lol :D

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