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Why Does Everyone Only Focus on the Negative Parts of tor?


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To save a lot of people who don't know that there are better games. I like helping other people.


Which games, exactly? You haven't "helped" anyone if you haven't at least provided a recommendation for one or more other games which, in your opinion, are better.


Usually, when I see something like this, I translate it to "troll, fanboi of competing game, or employee of competing game." Which are you?

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Some of us look at the forums as a way to give feedback and bring attention to things in the game that need "fixing".


Engineering axiom #1: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" - so we don't talk about stuff that ain't broke.

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I think some people are just afraid to admit they actually like the game, like maybe Bioware won't fix the bugs or something.


I see people continuously saying other mmos are better but making direct references to wow.

comparing a 6 year old game to a fresh release.


The logic is not strong with these people.

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Everyone fpcus's on the negative aspects of SWTOR, OP, because they are the most glaring and abundant in the game. Literally the issues in SWTOR were in Aion and AoC and a few managed to make it into the launch of Rift.


None of those games made it past a second billing cycle with a strong population. So when a game only has the first few months to make an impression, and that impression is bad just as in real life, things tend to go down hill very quickly for the players. They get aggitated at the smallest things, like an over abundance of CC and lacking CC for certain class's, buggy raid content, buggy quests etc.


I listen to a twitch stream while I play and had the occassion to have someone else put into exact words my main issue with SWTOR.


To quote Maximumpanda (paraphrased):

"How can they put so much into certain aspects of the game and leave others almost untouched"


And I think thats got a lot to do with it. It's very easy to see the effort and level of intention to deliver a strong MMO from Bioware with SWTOR but with all the issues that have existed from betas etc no one can really understand why the game is the way it is.

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I see people continuously saying other mmos are better but making direct references to wow.

comparing a 6 year old game to a fresh release.


The logic is not strong with these people.


"The logic is not strong with these people." is the best thing I've heard in a long time.

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Because, by and large, people don't give positive feedback.


^ This.


If one thing working all those years in retail has taught me. People don't usually vocalize the positive things they enjoy. Managers don't usually get called to the front desk because someone wants to tell them they had an awesome visit.


That and the negative sticks with you longer then the positive will. Sadly this is programed instinct.


Lot of stuff great with this game. I think a lot of it is just people got so used to the well oiled game that had 7 years to beat out a lot of the kinks. So far I think the game is doing fine population wise and game wise, and they have been working to get all the kinks out just people are a little antsy about it. Especially the ones that actually want the game to be good believe it or not.

Edited by Tetrablade
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Everything else is exactly the same as World of Warcraft, with even less freedom...if you can imagine that.


I know, right? The spaceports in WoW are all the same. And don't even get me started on WoW's cover system and companions.

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Well. I can tell you from my personal experience that the game does have some good points. However, they're not enough to keep a player like me interested. I've played most every MMO to date, for varying lengths of time.


So far I can't think of one that's bored me as quickly as TOR has. It's not even bugs or any such game breaking issues that did me, my wife, and one of our friends in who is an absolute star wars Nut. I mean, he has this stuff on his mantle. Were giving him our extra CE box stuff because, well we only need 1 of each item. But that's not what were here to discuss.


"Haters" the ones that vocally scream so loud about this game? Are one of two kinds of people. Trolls, or people who are in honest very disappointed with what's happened here. They are the ones that will make good replies, yet still list what they feel is wrong, or why they unsubbed.


One can't focus on just the good, or the bad. It has to be both. As of right now, the game has nothing at all to keep a person like me interested, and I'd bet a lot of mmo veterans are feeling that way.


Are we burned out on traditional MMO's? Probably, and that's okay too. But TOR really had a chance to up the ante. They didn't. The voice acting is fun 1-49. When you hit 50? There is none of it left. My main is just sitting at 49 because I have nothing to look forward to. I've got a bunch of alts, we really did try. It's just overwhelmingly "Meh".


What TOR did do really well is make the leveling process fun, they just cut it Way too short. My wife feels the gameplay just isn't strong enough. If your core gameplay is not where it needs to be, everything else is just bandaids on a bleeding gash.


We'll come back if it improves. :)


(Not all unsubs are insane.)

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All I see are threads about all of the things people don't like about SWtoR or how they're going to quit it because of a few minor things. I'm tired of all the negativity and discontent toward it and I think there needs to be a thread about all of the good things it has.


No MMO starts out perfect, they could have taken some other games ideas, but I guess some would be complaining that they stole someone's ideas.


It has a lot of good things going for it like a good loot system, a fun leveling system, and fun gameplay. I very much enjoy getting a new piece of armor and looking back at all of the hell I went through to get it be it PvP or Flashpoints.


There are many other things I enjoy such as the contrast between my playstyle as a tank to my friends various playstyles such as DPS or healers and how we complement each others abilities.


There are many other great things about this game, far to many to count, but I was just hopeing to inspire all of you to think a bit more positively than negatively.


the people enjoying the game are playing it right now.

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haters are vocal. people who got disappointed with the game cant let that feeling go away, it controls them, forces them to come here and spew their pain and uncomfortableness all over the forums.


i wrote a thread praising Voss design yesterday, i was really touched by JK story and i am not a very easy to touch person, kinda experienced. Thread got zero replies and now it is in the oblivion. Now make a thread like this - all those hurt people will come and try to hurt you, since this is the only way they can deal with their feeling of disappointment.


Its ok, just a bit sad. the best thing you enjoy the game with people you like and stay away from the forums. since the energy, that hurt feeling these people are spreading all around them, can actually affect people, like me and you.

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Well. I can tell you from my personal experience that the game does have some good points. However, they're not enough to keep a player like me interested. I've played most every MMO to date, for varying lengths of time.


So far I can't think of one that's bored me as quickly as TOR has. It's not even bugs or any such game breaking issues that did me, my wife, and one of our friends in who is an absolute star wars Nut. I mean, he has this stuff on his mantle. Were giving him our extra CE box stuff because, well we only need 1 of each item. But that's not what were here to discuss.


"Haters" the ones that vocally scream so loud about this game? Are one of two kinds of people. Trolls, or people who are in honest very disappointed with what's happened here. They are the ones that will make good replies, yet still list what they feel is wrong, or why they unsubbed.


One can't focus on just the good, or the bad. It has to be both. As of right now, the game has nothing at all to keep a person like me interested, and I'd bet a lot of mmo veterans are feeling that way.


Are we burned out on traditional MMO's? Probably, and that's okay too. But TOR really had a chance to up the ante. They didn't. The voice acting is fun 1-49. When you hit 50? There is none of it left. My main is just sitting at 49 because I have nothing to look forward to. I've got a bunch of alts, we really did try. It's just overwhelmingly "Meh".


What TOR did do really well is make the leveling process fun, they just cut it Way too short. My wife feels the gameplay just isn't strong enough. If your core gameplay is not where it needs to be, everything else is just bandaids on a bleeding gash.


We'll come back if it improves. :)


(Not all unsubs are insane.)


One of the sad commercials about animals dying came on my TV when I started reading your post, so it was a lot more sad than it was meant to be.

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Everyone fpcus's on the negative aspects of SWTOR, OP, because they are the most glaring and abundant in the game. Literally the issues in SWTOR were in Aion and AoC and a few managed to make it into the launch of Rift.


None of those games made it past a second billing cycle with a strong population. So when a game only has the first few months to make an impression, and that impression is bad just as in real life, things tend to go down hill very quickly for the players. They get aggitated at the smallest things, like an over abundance of CC and lacking CC for certain class's, buggy raid content, buggy quests etc.


I listen to a twitch stream while I play and had the occassion to have someone else put into exact words my main issue with SWTOR.


To quote Maximumpanda (paraphrased):

"How can they put so much into certain aspects of the game and leave others almost untouched"


And I think thats got a lot to do with it. It's very easy to see the effort and level of intention to deliver a strong MMO from Bioware with SWTOR but with all the issues that have existed from betas etc no one can really understand why the game is the way it is.



Agree completely.


You can apply this to just about any product or service. Its all about first impressions especially when your paying for it. I can only imagine those that are settling for sub-standard (a bit harsh) don't earn there money or earn too much.


If its a bad experience, its hard for that person to stop feeling negative about it. Its human nature, hard wired into us.


BW had 2 chances to make a good impression, the leveling to 50, and the end game content (pvp, balancing etc, user friendly) and immersion, progression.


For me the leveling were okay (6/10), end game not (1/10). Unfortuantly people tend to remember the last negative thing, hence my feeling towards the game are overall negative (7/20).


Maybe they can make the game better but not for a very very long time. You wont see any major changes, which in some cases this game does need to win players confidence back.


Now if they do revamp the game (focus on balancing and end game) they will need to market the game hard because as already eluded to, its extremely difficult to come back from a bad first impression.

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haters are vocal. people who got disappointed with the game cant let that feeling go away, it controls them, forces them to come here and spew their pain and uncomfortableness all over the forums.


i wrote a thread praising Voss design yesterday, i was really touched by JK story and i am not a very easy to touch person, kinda experienced. Thread got zero replies and now it is in the oblivion. Now make a thread like this - all those hurt people will come and try to hurt you, since this is the only way they can deal with their feeling of disappointment.


Its ok, just a bit sad. the best thing you enjoy the game with people you like and stay away from the forums. since the energy, that hurt feeling these people are spreading all around them, can actually affect people, like me and you.


Well. I want to read it. I liked the voss, and did it as Imperial, so link me to your thread.

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People seem to expect the world and perfection, its funny. They will sink endless hours into a game and then complain its not fun, despite how much they have actually been enjoying it.

Getting bored after 200hours of play in two months probably is not the games fault..... :rolleyes:


Also, one should never venture onto the 'General Discussion' forum for a game.....people usually just complain there. Go to the class forums or profession etc, and there you find plenty of people in proper discussions about gameplay and cools options, strategies etc etc.

I broke that rule to have a look here today, and its just reminded me of this fact.

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One of the sad commercials about animals dying came on my TV when I started reading your post, so it was a lot more sad than it was meant to be.


"Hi, I'm Sarah Mclachlan. Every day, Thousands of innocent TOR players are abused, and mistreated by their game. For just fifteen dollars a month, you can help save these players from Bugs, Crashes, and Lack of Content. Just remember, for others..Help comes too late..Here's some pictures of sad gamers."


Way to ruin my Whole night Sarah.

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From what I've seen the people that hate and /v/tards that hate bioware.

Now Feed back and raving QQ are 2 different things.

I've seen ALOT of good threads pointing out the flaws which get flamed and turn into a flame war.



But alot of the time it's /v/tards with their "tortanic" because they hate bioware

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