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omg shush about arena


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...... Remember the late Vanilla days perhaps? Doubt it to be honest.


I also said if you knew how to play the hunter it was really not that hard.


There was Arena in Vanilla WOW???


News to me, where was I? How did I miss Season 0?


What was the Title for number 1 in Season 0?


Who was the top? This is interesting please respond

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People are getting carried to 2700+ because of the MMR system which has broken Arena since it's implementation. People who get carried to 2700+ do it because people are PLAYING their accounts, they aren't playing their own accounts.


I just want to create a team, start at 1500, fight other 1500 players until I move to 1600, then fight 1600 players, etc. etc.


So true I know some guys who paid others to play their accounts LOL


--sorry kept making replies as I read , should of kept reading as most people already pointed out the flawed logic.

Edited by GreenReafer
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LOL he quotes an article that has exerpts from the devs of WOW and you sa he cant comment? At least he has some backup for his opinion that is raving insults.


Well he forgotets to read the full original article where Pardo says that if he could, he would go back in time and put arenas to WoW straight from start, it was only mistake to add arenas so late, balancing wasnt possible at that point anymore. Blizzard didnt have anything against arena as a concept, it should have been in the game by default according to em.

Edited by Forsbacka
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If you have heard of my name before you will understand I was one of the most famous WoW players in the world.


Google "Megatf WoW Hunter".


I did not play an OP comp, or an FOTM comp. I played the highest skill cap class in the game (Because it was so awful) and played it at a level nobody else could. In S3 my class had a 2% representation above a 2200 rating and I .5% of that representation was me, as well as being the highest rated player in the world in 2v2, 3v3, and 5v5. I didn't get famous because I played an OP class, or composition. People knew who I was (And still message me randomly to this day in every MMO I play), and still do because I'm that good of a player.


Arena is not all FOTM and OP class combos. Arena is about communication, teamwork, and individual skill. If you and your teammates have all of those things down pat you can run ANY composition in WoW to a Gladiator level.


It's not the class, it's YOU.


That guy is my hero! Not because of his E-Peen, because what he say is 100% RIGHT. People complaining about Arena are probly just bad PVPER, never had the chance to get 2 good teamates, or never invested time to practiced in it.


But when you had the last 2 with you.


Arena was a blast. The best thing Wow ever made. And I wouldn't have kept playing WOW at all past vanilla if it wasn't for arena, same thing applies to most of my friends too.



So people that trash about arena. Don't you see it was a huge part of WoW too? PVP in that game was part of it's huge success. I would even dare say even more than PVE. Because well implented PVP keep your hardcore fan subbed, while when you farm PVE and have all the gear. That's it. There's no improving, it's over. You have to wait another 6 months for a new raid. While there's always something to improved in PVP, a new comp to try, etc, etc.


If they bring Arena to SWTOR I would sub back instantly!

Edited by Sexualchin
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Would prefer to avoid crap like that in SWTOR, thanks.


Do you know why beast cleave became popular?


Because the hunters had 2 cooldown that they could stack. The first cooldown be$tial wrath increased your pets damage by 50% and made it immune to CC there was also another talent called the beast within that increased the hunters damage by 10% and increased it a further 10% when his pet was under be$tial wrath.


So the pet was doing 50% more damage the hunter was doing 20% more damage and both where immune to CC for 10 seconds.


Then they had another cooldown called Readiness that reset all their other cooldowns.


So a hunter could use be$tial Wrath be immune to CC and do extra damage for 10 seconds use readiness and then use best ial wrath again.


If you don't see this as completely imbalanced and as an actual good nerf then I think you're to far gone.



ps apparently be$tial gets censored.

Edited by Maleficium
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Arena or similar small-scale organised rated PvP system needs to come, otherwise most of PvP community will vanish and swap to another game. Me and my WoW arena partner started at game release, he seems to have quit already, and I would of quit already if it wasn't for few of my RL mates still having some fun. Also add that I was stupid enough to buy 3 months of game time upon receiving the game.


Mind you, this is coming from a highly experienced and veteran WoW player. I know how mentioning "WoW" sounds around here on these forums, and a lot of people seem to jump on WoW ( player ) hating bandwagon, but seeing this game is practically a copy of WoW ( with some new added elements and loads of potential IF BIOWARE ACTS QUICKLY ), I feel like I have a say in here.



There's a total of ONE raid that I am aware of, and there's no incentive to continue PvPing after equipping yourself in full Battlemaster, as there's no world PvP to look forward to, there's no dueling place ( dueling deck in imperial fleet yesplz kk thanks bye ), no "arena", and honestly, at this point, healers are way too overpowered in skilled player's hands.



That's just a opinion though, coming from a relatively well-known player from WoW arena community.



Although, no one can really complain on current flashpoints, they are insanely well done, and honestly are on par with raiding content quality in some other games. It's up to Bioware to keep that quality in raids/PvP content now, and they have dug themselves a hole if they can't deliver.

Edited by Kennobai
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Well this looks like a troll post if I ever saw one. OP stop posting, lol I'd post my opinion but I don't think it really matters (what's up with the time stamp? It's 12:21 am here) Edited by Duran-
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If you have heard of my name before you will understand I was one of the most famous WoW players in the world.


Google "Megatf WoW Hunter".


I did not play an OP comp, or an FOTM comp. I played the highest skill cap class in the game (Because it was so awful) and played it at a level nobody else could. In S3 my class had a 2% representation above a 2200 rating and I .5% of that representation was me, as well as being the highest rated player in the world in 2v2, 3v3, and 5v5. I didn't get famous because I played an OP class, or composition. People knew who I was (And still message me randomly to this day in every MMO I play), and still do because I'm that good of a player.


Arena is not all FOTM and OP class combos. Arena is about communication, teamwork, and individual skill. If you and your teammates have all of those things down pat you can run ANY composition in WoW to a Gladiator level.


It's not the class, it's YOU.



Goku from the server Ravencrest Eu was the best hunter at his time...He could destroy anyone. His teams were always top 5 in the cyclone battlegroup which was known as the most skilled battlegroup. He also played with a mage in 2v2. And his teams were never fotm, just a group of friends. Whom kicked the but out from fotm setups cuz they had the skill.


Im sure if u had been in the cyclone battlegroup u would have gotten destroyed by the teams there. heck you wouldnt even have gotten over 2200rating there. What i think.

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Goku from the server Ravencrest Eu was the best hunter at his time...He could destroy anyone. His teams were always top 5 in the cyclone battlegroup which was known as the most skilled battlegroup. He also played with a mage in 2v2. And his teams were never fotm, just a group of friends. Whom kicked the but out from fotm setups cuz they had the skill.


Im sure if u had been in the cyclone battlegroup u would have gotten destroyed by the teams there. heck you wouldnt even have gotten over 2200rating there. What i think.


can't find this Goku you speak of on the armory or on AJ. He's a nobody what I think.

Edited by Maleficium
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Nobody is asking for the current implementation of Arenas with the broken MMR system.


We are asking for a simple 3v3/4v4 rated deathmatch with pillars.




Anyone feel free to message me on AJ and I'll link this post right back at you.


People are getting carried to 2700+ because of the MMR system which has broken Arena since it's implementation. People who get carried to 2700+ do it because people are PLAYING their accounts, they aren't playing their own accounts.


I just want to create a team, start at 1500, fight other 1500 players until I move to 1600, then fight 1600 players, etc. etc.


Megatf....people have no idea what they are talking about on these forums. They whine worse then any community of gamers I have ever seen. There are more whining on these forums then when Deathknights could revive after being killed and kill you to win their match.



I played a warlock Cdubb during my wow life. I was gladiator every season I actively played...starting from S2. I got glad as every single spec. Player skill is the biggest factor in arena...not class compositions. I ran rogue/meta lock/ret paladin to 2600 in s7 out of bordom. I ran destro/rogue 2v2 until I was number one in the world (after fear/blind nerf). You can pull anything off if you have good teammates and communication.


Before anyone says anything to Megatfx referring "arena" play...get your facts right. He pretty much carried the hunter class for years, thus proving it isn't the class, its the player.

Edited by Cwild
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At this time the best and most popular MMO of all time (WoW) says their biggest mistake was adding arena to WoW.




NOW why would another MMO take another MMO's failure? Something people complain about needs to be fixed constantly? Something that is nearly IMPOSSBILY to balance between GROUP PvP, PvE and also itself arena?


I know most of you out there think you are a MMO Mastermind and know how to fix all problems but honestly all arena was, was finding the OP classes and combination running with it to gladiator. Arena is a terrible idea. Even the people who even developed it says it is!!!!


I just want to point out that the people who implemented arena were terrible at arena.

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Megatf....people have no idea what they are talking about on these forums. They whine worse then any community of gamers I have ever seen. There are more whining on these forums then when Deathknights could revive after being killed and kill you to win their match.



I played a warlock Cdubb during my wow life. I was gladiator every season I actively played...starting from S2. I got glad as every single spec. Player skill is the biggest factor in arena...not class compositions. I ran rogue/meta lock/ret paladin to 2600 in s7 out of bordom. I ran destro/rogue 2v2 until I was number one in the world (after fear/blind nerf). You can pull anything off if you have good teammates and communication.


Before anyone says anything to Megatfx referring "arena" play...get your facts right. He pretty much carried the hunter class for years, thus proving it isn't the class, its the player.




I was never a gladiator and only broke 2400 one time, but it wasn't because the teams above me had OP comps/gear, it was because they were a better team with a better strategy and more experience. Does comp and gear play a factor, absolutely, but the good teams find a way while the bad teams complain.

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Arena or similar small-scale organised rated PvP system needs to come, otherwise most of PvP community will vanish and swap to another game. Me and my WoW arena partner started at game release, he seems to have quit already, and I would of quit already if it wasn't for few of my RL mates still having some fun. Also add that I was stupid enough to buy 3 months of game time upon receiving the game.


Mind you, this is coming from a highly experienced and veteran WoW player. I know how mentioning "WoW" sounds around here on these forums, and a lot of people seem to jump on WoW ( player ) hating bandwagon, but seeing this game is practically a copy of WoW ( with some new added elements and loads of potential IF BIOWARE ACTS QUICKLY ), I feel like I have a say in here.



There's a total of ONE raid that I am aware of, and there's no incentive to continue PvPing after equipping yourself in full Battlemaster, as there's no world PvP to look forward to, there's no dueling place ( dueling deck in imperial fleet yesplz kk thanks bye ), no "arena", and honestly, at this point, healers are way too overpowered in skilled player's hands.



That's just a opinion though, coming from a relatively well-known player from WoW arena community.



Although, no one can really complain on current flashpoints, they are insanely well done, and honestly are on par with raiding content quality in some other games. It's up to Bioware to keep that quality in raids/PvP content now, and they have dug themselves a hole if they can't deliver.


Yup. No arena= no dice. You pve'ers talk like you know whats up but you dont. If the pvp community abandons ship all your going to be left with is another fail bot game like Rift. Rift didnt put in arenas and how did that work out for them. Same with Aion. Great games per se but pretty shinys are not enough to engage the pvp community. Both those games were BOOMING til the pvp community left. We want to compete. What, if any, reason is there to get Battlemaster and all the gear? Then what? Shadowbane emulator is almost finished and if SWtoR does not get it together me as well as all my pvp friends will move on. Wont miss me? Thats what they said in Rift and Aion.

And for the record-any wow gladiator who was not carried will pone you so fast you will not even realized what happened. They are the ones who put the rick in the roll.

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Yup. No arena= no dice. You pve'ers talk like you know whats up but you dont. If the pvp community abandons ship all your going to be left with is another fail bot game like Rift. Rift didnt put in arenas and how did that work out for them. Same with Aion. Great games per se but pretty shinys are not enough to engage the pvp community. Both those games were BOOMING til the pvp community left. We want to compete. What, if any, reason is there to get Battlemaster and all the gear? Then what? Shadowbane emulator is almost finished and if SWtoR does not get it together me as well as all my pvp friends will move on. Wont miss me? Thats what they said in Rift and Aion.

And for the record-any wow gladiator who was not carried will pone you so fast you will not even realized what happened. They are the ones who put the rick in the roll.


Be nice when the pvp locust move on to the next great thing. The money is in casual players and pve as evidenced by wow. Aion, warhammer and other "pvp" games have all been huge flops.

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Be nice when the pvp locust move on to the next great thing. The money is in casual players and pve as evidenced by wow. Aion, warhammer and other "pvp" games have all been huge flops.


Warhammer was a flop because they had nothing to do at end game. So once you hit max level you could do all the end game content within less then a month. Just like this game.


Aion was also had no pvp.


Try again.

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If you want to do arena, go back to WoW?


No really hear me out. Arena is about coordination, skill, experience, etc. Essentially the competition. Why would you switch from a game with a seemless combat system and established fan base and e-sports community to this game that can't even get the camera right or combat to be smooth?


The setting doesn't matter. You are still setting up cc/kills and forcing cooldowns etc. That is offered in the other game. Why bring it here?


Rated PvP sure. Arena? Nah.

Edited by Edryk
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