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Everything posted by Sexualchin

  1. The game can be still be successfull. the future of the game is in the hand of it's developper. But I hope they work fast, because so far with the state of the game, it's not quite good enough to be the next big thing. (sorry dual post) wanted to edit but I quoted myself T.T
  2. Wow hardcore PVP is actually quite quite quite Hard. Have you ever tried to do arena 3v3 past 2.2k +? The level of skills, coordination required is higher than any other PVP MMORPG to date. Bringing 40 people to a PVP lake then zerging the other one. Or any form of Battleground with 8+ people isn't capable of bringing to level of competition and skills involved in small team battle. Because when you have more than 3-5 people, someone can makes up from your mistakes. While in 3v3 if you make 1 mistake, it's probly over. And don't talk too fast about wow. Blizzard know how to make real competitive game. Just look at sc1-2. If you never played those game to the full extent of them in term competition you really don't know what you are talking about.
  3. Shooter never beats Arena from WoW. I'm sorry but you're wrong and i'm 150% right! Duh it's like if I say starcraft 2 has better PVP than any MMORPG..... (no not protoss vs protoss )
  4. That guy is my hero! Not because of his E-Peen, because what he say is 100% RIGHT. People complaining about Arena are probly just bad PVPER, never had the chance to get 2 good teamates, or never invested time to practiced in it. But when you had the last 2 with you. Arena was a blast. The best thing Wow ever made. And I wouldn't have kept playing WOW at all past vanilla if it wasn't for arena, same thing applies to most of my friends too. So people that trash about arena. Don't you see it was a huge part of WoW too? PVP in that game was part of it's huge success. I would even dare say even more than PVE. Because well implented PVP keep your hardcore fan subbed, while when you farm PVE and have all the gear. That's it. There's no improving, it's over. You have to wait another 6 months for a new raid. While there's always something to improved in PVP, a new comp to try, etc, etc. If they bring Arena to SWTOR I would sub back instantly!
  5. I 95% agree with you. -On the Mythic part, they made the best PVP game around. DAOC. But I doubt those working at bioware are the same. But having played war. I can tell you that they had some brilliant PVP ideas, but poorly executed. For exemple: T1-T2 was a blast. No knockback to the lava, no firewiz imbalance. Open pvp was AWESOME. Then it felt down along T3+, imbalanced came, knockback where everywhere. It was not a match of who is the most skilled. It was a mini-game of who knockback the other first into the giant pit using the narrow labyrinthe. Another great idea from mythic was guard/taunt. Wich makes tanks very viable. That was the only good idea that came from mythic to SWTOR. So for the rest of your thread I 100% Agree. And for Illum I play Empire and it's *********** boring has hell. I don't care about boosting my rank. I want to fight enemies, and it never happens. When it happens we destroy them in 15 secs when we zerg them. There's absolutly 0 FUN in that. I want a 50vs50 Something FAIR, something that's challenging. I was a huge fan of this game from 1-49. Then when I hit 50 about 2 weeks ago, the more I played, the more I become more frustrated with just stuff that I shouldn't be. And yeah I unsub too 4 hours ago. Did it pleased me to do it? Absolutly not. I wanted very much to like this game. The story, leveling was so fun. Maybe that's why it become so sour for me at 50. That HUGE fun was gone. When I finally wanted to dedicated myself to PVP, I fail to see why I should. Everything was made so fast, without thoughs. It feels just like they spent 95% of the their budget for leveling while giving 9.9% for PVE and 0.1% for PVP. People eventually don't care about leveling. What they want is a finished producted. A finished producted is TONS of stuff to do at 50, and not TONS of stuff to do before 50. I want real open PVP like warhammer lakes in t1-t2. Or RVR like DAOC. I want real competition PVP. Arena/rWZ I want a game that is above all skills before gear in PVP, and I fail to see that. It could have gone right. It still can. I'm a huge fan of the potential of bioware. I just want to see if they can bring that potential out of just writing storyline and can bring a MMORPG. But with the state of the game right now, there's no reason why I should keep my sub. If they bring a greater PVP, with better ideas and less bugs. Then I will be back. I don't want to sour but, when you guys will reach battlemaster with all your gear, what will keep your from doing the same routine of dailies? What will be the incentive to keep going? WZ? don't tell me you can just do that for the next year it would be a lie. People that care about this game need to speak. People need to stop trolling. We want a better a game, and if bioware listen we will have it!
  6. Sexualchin

    It's Amazing

    Actually the OP is quite right. I'm an hardcore PVP player and TOR PVP is really a joke. Everything is based on pure luck. 1.with who you are matched with 2.how you get geared 3. if you face pre-made or not pre-made 4. getting gear And the cherry on top of the cake is: Illum is broken, boring, stupid. yes I just noticed all this today. I was a die-hard fan of this game, even more of bioware ( BG and ME series were my favorites game of all times ). But right now It's like I woke up with a bad taste in my mouth. It pains my me to do it, but I unsubbed 4 hours ago. If you defend this game PVP maybe you are just blind has I was. But anyone saying that this PVP is healthy,balanced, good, incensitive, addicting, fun shows that you really didn't see anything else on the market. War became a fail, but t1-t2 pvp was a *********** blast. I wished they made the game exactly like War at those brackets. And with Mythic onboard I though they could. The only thing mythic brought up was guard/taunt. That's it. The rest was handled poorly, fast, without thoughs. Best exemple, the bag system..... ***? seriously. I fail to see one people claiming that it was a good idea. Anyway I certainly gave more than I should have. To resume with the thread, your wrong the OP is totally right at 150%
  7. 1. Wow Arena and vanilla world pvp. 2. EQ2 PVP on Nagaden ( incredible world pvp where death mean something ) 3. War t1-t2 Was a blast. Then T3 + became a bump into the lava fest with Wizard one shotting people. Oh and the t1 pvp lakes were AWESOME. T2 was cool when it had stuff to do. 4.Wish i played DAOC 123 413. I don't want to offend but SWTOR pvp is a joke. Illum = boring has hell. Nothing ever happen. When it happens it last 15 secs then you have to wait 20-25 mins for any republic group to come out. PVP bag is the worst idea I ever saw in any MMO to date. Concept of Huttball is fun. But facing 5+ sage or sorcerer against you makes this game boring. + everything is so repetitive with no incentitive at all.
  8. There's is no true best comp actually. Have you watched blizzcon tournaments ? none would have predicted hunter/dk/pal could beat a lock/mage/priest. On paper the winners are way weaker than the other one. Arena team with a healthy balanced game is really dependant on skills more than comp. A lot of player think otherwise, but it's the real truth, there's always a way to kill the ''best comp'' For exemple, we played mage/ele shaman/priest ( we were the 1st with a healer priest on our battlegroup) BUT it was a very unusual comp not played by anyone. Well guess what? we went to 2.2k with me in valor gear, not even arena gear and that 3/4 of the season done. We faced people in full arena gear with t2 weapon, managed to wins against those ''perfect'' comp. So when I say arena is not purely comp based you got the best exemple here. for a 3rd exemple, there was a Hunter/hunter/shaman team in 3v3 last season at 2.8k rating. And hunter was considered the weakest ranged of the game. It would be the same in SWTOR. Arena would be skills and teamplay b4 comp anyday.
  9. Arena in wow was not that unbalanced. Yes they was some RNG. But I always surprised to be killed by a weird comp in 2K+ and it happened from time to time. Yes they were better match up than other. But there was too a good variety of it. For exemple, last season : All the melee cleaves, KFC, Shadowcleave, Shattercleave, RMP, tons of 3 dps match up 2.5K+, RLD, RLS, Shadowplay, ele/mage/priest(my comp 2.2k+) ele/lock/Healer, etc. There was more than 20 comps ez. The problem with arena was some classed never received attention. For exemple, boomkin, enhancement shaman ( was ok from time to time ). If you were smart there was always a way to beat an RNG comp. People that judge arenas the way it was harshly are probly people that never stood up with a team longuer than 1-2 months and practiced a lot. People with lack of experiences, and probly never passed 1700+. Arena was the perfect pvp micro environnement that combine a lot of great factor for pvp coordination/teamplay/ and adrenaline rush. The problem in WZ and BGs in general, most people don't care about it that much. So if YOU do, then you are forced to play with people that just afk/ doesn't care about performing, wich lead to frustration because everything is so random. That's why that I wanted to implement Rating in random WZ. So when you fight, your win/gear matter to your overall match making. A system similar to WoW. That way if you do well, you are matched against player that do well, and with people that like to perform like you do. this can only lead to a healthier PVP, with more competition, better incesitives overall, and bring a care factor. Because let's face it. A lot of people don't care about win/loss and just want to grind their dailies out. If you bring a competitive layer to ALL pvp format, then the grinding feeling won't be there anymore for most of all.
  10. Point me the fact in my thread that I don't reward team play? I want it to become objective based instead of zerg fest in illums. all my change support this. and Arena play bring the comperative PVP to a new level. And pug Match making system, the more success you get, the higher rated you will be. So winning match = doing objective. If you win more matchs, you play with better people that care more about playing cooperativly. And another good point the higher you get, you won't see AFKERS/BOTS.
  11. I don't want to put oil on the flame with the whine on the forums. I like this game and just want to improved it. I have 7 + years PVP experience in MMORPG. I played War, Wow (2.2k+ arena exp, 2K+ RBG exp) Played all season. I do not want WOW #2. I want a competitive PVP game that is unique. Change #1 The current system is too much focused on luck/daily. There's is no real incensitive to grind except to try to and grind valor up. My suggestion is too boost winning loosing WZ currency by at least X3 or remove the luck factor from the bag. There was another thread that showed you need to play 68 hours of PVP just to get the centurion weapon wich is the lower tier. Combined with the luck factor of gear, it makes the experience frustating for nothing. Working hard and grinding PVP need to be rewarding and fun. Remove all the frustration level in it. I don't say make it too much easy. But right now the system is badly designed. Change #2 Bring competitive pvp REALLY soon. There's no more incensitive to do pvp than to be able to bring your A++ game in every matchs because every win/loss count. There's 3 suggestions: #1 bring 2v2/3v3/4v4/5v5/6v6 arenas. Some people hate it. But a lot of competitive pvp gamers like it. There's a reason why it became an E-sports for so many years. Few style of gameplay can say they could bring that. #2: Rated WZ need to be out really soon. Bring cross server WZs combined with match making value based on either kills, or a type of scoring you get. The higher score you get, in pug WZ the more commendation you receive. If doing competitive PVP become easier and accessible to everyone then even pugs will want to be better. What's more frustating than facing a 4 battlemaster premade when all your team is fresh 50? with that system, you will be matched with player of yours skills/gear even with PUG. #3 ILLUM: The states of illum is not fun it lag/ has a huge advantage over the team that has the better pop ratio. -It need a cap of pop. -The battle need to be changed to be objective basic. Not a farming fest. -Make it a 1-2 hours cooldown. 50vs50/75vs75. Make it an instanced PVP match. 30 mins duration. You need to control all objective to wins. The team with more objective at the end of 30 Mins wins. Recently capped received 5-10 minutes immunity(or permantly). So you will not be forced to constatly watch your back against 1-2 players that just go recap. But in a way you will forced to eventually go defend your cap has you progress. And capping will count. -When illum battle isn't on. The area is open to do dailies with PVP kill/armaments. Add another daily that reward winning the battle. BUT if you complete one the other become innaccessible. This way you can please both croud. Those who enjoy the current system, and those who do not. -Bring stronghold conquest PVP. GvG or the same way illum is. A cooldown instanced battle. that's it. I'm french sorry for my english. Plz leave constructive feedback. Flamming/trolling doesn't help the game!
  12. You know your FOTM comps will play against other FOTM comps, and a winner will be needed. So yes arena was very competitive. I've been playing from season 1 in arena and in WoW and I never had such a blast at PVP. To those who said arena is **** they probly just sucked at it. There's a reason it became en e-sport. Few games can brag that title.
  13. Sexualchin

    Another non win

    You think they must answer to that kind of harassement ? If anybody in real life talked to me like that he just deserved to eat my fist. Locking the thread was the right answer.
  14. i'm a lvl35 shieldtech. and yeah it's a breeze so far, bring Galt with you, what you lack in dmg , he will bring it. I've seen him hit 1.2k+ really often. + I can solo any elite encounter really easily just with him alone! I never tried pyrotech but the good from that tech tree come too late imo.
  15. This game rocks! Issue are minor, MMO- POP server part are all fine for me. PVP is great, game is challenging, Story mode is the best thing done in a MMO. Leveling finally don't feel like a grind! Minors issue: some pet bug with instances doors, or elevator. People talked about the 0.5 lag, wich I don't experience at all. If I used my timing on getting on mount and walking forward with mounting on wow, on TOR I simply unmount because lag is non existant! Game rock giving it a 9.5/10 Totally expected what I wanted from it!
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