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SWTOR has "Failed" ~ Just looking for evidence.


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The game isn't failing.. but the republic is, the faction player ratio seems very one sided. Improve the republic story's give them more intressting companions. Give republic players 20% bonus xp gain.


Oh come on - it's not the storylines...


I've played both sides and the storylines are very similar.


The real issue is that every other kid wants to be a Darth Maul or Jango Fett. Hardly BW's fault.

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Evidence? Its everywhere? Play the game. Half the time I see people **** talkin the game in general chat. And a lot of servers already feel dead. Half the threads on this site are compliants. Can't tell you how many times I've read that people are unsubscribing. Feedback is all the proof needed, and there's wayyy more negative then postive hands down. Agree?


Do you think that people who enjoy the game and will continue to subscribe are going to go on the forums and say how awesome it is? NO, no they will not. You cant not get an actual comparison of subscribers to cancelers by looking at forums.

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It was. It had much better memory management and was without the kids colors on buttons and icons. Was not until MS stopped supporting Windows 2000 around the time service pack 2 was released. Before that Windows 2000 was like Windows 7 against Windows XP that was like Windows Vista.


the architecture is the same for windows vista and 7, xp and vista are not.


Windows 2000 had good memory management but half the capabilities of XP and far less compatibility.

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XP was supported long after even Vista stop being supported.


Yes, because it was very popular. I still run it on some of my older systems. I was referring to support for Win 2000 though, sorry for the confusion.

Edited by KippTabor
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Yes, because it was very popular. I still run it on some of my older systems. I was referring to support for Win 2000 though, sorry for the confusion.


Yeah I work in a computer shop, and still nearly half of PC's out there use XP.


Really encourage moving to 7 though, with 3 major releases since XP, the security measures alone help a lot with windows 7; That and the 64 bit capability.

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You're looking at European servers. Now look at American servers and the majority shows standard, at least. Then wait a few more hours to ensure people are off work and try again.


Not to join in on the SWTOR has failed crowd but I have seen ONE NORTH AMERICAN SERVER hit heavy load in the past 3 weeks and I play every day for 6-12 hours a day.


It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out there has a been a dramatic drop off in people playing the game.


Does that mean they cancelled?


No it doesnt


But its far less of a leap to assume someone not playing much will eventually cancel then it does to assume Bioware secretly raised their server load limits as some of these blind fanbois suggesting in this thread.


TOR has had a big drop off, you dont need numbers to see that much.


I think upto 50% drop off was expected tho as all games go through that after a big opening release.


The problem I see happening is how many people who have maxed out that are quiting because the games not even 2 months old.


NO well made MMORPG should be having "Im maxed and bored" comments in under the 3-6 month range.


But for evvery hater on this forum there is an equally wrong and annoying fanboi defender.


Bioware doesnt want subscription based forums though so you get what you get!


There is a solution to all the drama, its been done by many before to great success. But for what ever reason Bioware will not make all the forums subscription based to post in.

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Ilum because everyone has problems with that zone. Good graphical settings because running this game on low is something everyone can. But it would feel like playing Starfox on the super nintendo.


I have searched youtube and I did not find anyone playing with high settings on Ilum. The max settings and smooth gameplay is only while questing and similar. And not even then are they playing with high resolution or similar. And the reason is....


The game does not run that good for anyone



So we are back on square one. Nobody is running this game flawlessly or even good. You can get it playable but it will never be good.


Ok, you're just rambling on about what is considered "good" to you. It's an arbitrary concept that you can't even define. I asked you what specifics you want to be used as defining good and you haven't answered.


Because based on my definition of "good", I would say it runs good for a lot of people. It may not run "GREAT", perse. See, I can be arbitrary too.


And as far as I can tell, those youtube examples run their settings at least medium to high. The ones that claim Max settings are not running them in Low. Perhaps you're mixing up youtube resolution with in game resolution.


And just because Ilum is giving some people issues, it does not define the state of the game. That is not the only place people go to. The comparison should be reviewed as a whole within the game, which includes quests. Ilum's design is questionable at the moment and is likely still due for more patches. It is a relatively unstable area to base the entire game's performance on, relative to each person's system.

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Not to join in on the SWTOR has failed crowd but I have seen ONE NORTH AMERICAN SERVER hit heavy load in the past 3 weeks and I play every day for 6-12 hours a day.


It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out there has a been a dramatic drop off in people playing the game.


Does that mean they cancelled?


No it doesnt


But its far less of a leap to assume someone not playing much will eventually cancel then it does to assume Bioware secretly raised their server load limits as some of these blind fanbois suggesting in this thread.


TOR has had a big drop off, you dont need numbers to see that much.


I think upto 50% drop off was expected tho as all games go through that after a big opening release.


The problem I see happening is how many people who have maxed out that are quiting because the games not even 2 months old.


NO well made MMORPG should be having "Im maxed and bored" comments in under the 3-6 month range.


But for evvery hater on this forum there is an equally wrong and annoying fanboi defender.


Bioware doesnt want subscription based forums though so you get what you get!


There is a solution to all the drama, its been done by many before to great success. But for what ever reason Bioware will not make all the forums subscription based to post in.


Very sensible reply except I thought they were active subscriptions only to be able to post on forums. Other than that it's read only access. When did that change? Or did it never work properly?

Edited by Xerda
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Not to join in on the SWTOR has failed crowd but I have seen ONE NORTH AMERICAN SERVER hit heavy load in the past 3 weeks and I play every day for 6-12 hours a day.


It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out there has a been a dramatic drop off in people playing the game.


Expanded server capacity is one reason. BW should have made less servers in NA and just raised the capacity first.


I played alts just on my EU server. 78-81 people on Tython, 77-85 on Republic Fleet, 62 on Korriban.


Earlier today up to 40 people on Alderaan, yesterday 46.

Edited by Rouge
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Population shrinking since launch is a good indicator.


Funny as I see the same pops of Freedom (EU) that I saw in the early days. Still get the odd queue as well.


If people want to delude themselves that this game is "gonna fail", "gonna go F2P", "is loosing subs by the 100,000's" then that is their business, but they are living in a fairy tale land.


Sure, people have left, but new people are replacing them and joining in greater numbers than those that are leaving.

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Not to join in on the SWTOR has failed crowd but I have seen ONE NORTH AMERICAN SERVER hit heavy load in the past 3 weeks and I play every day for 6-12 hours a day.



Stopped there since last night there were multiple servers that were heavy and only 5 that were light.

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Evidence? Its everywhere? Play the game. Half the time I see people **** talkin the game in general chat. And a lot of servers already feel dead. Half the threads on this site are compliants. Can't tell you how many times I've read that people are unsubscribing. Feedback is all the proof needed, and there's wayyy more negative then postive hands down. Agree?


You started characters on half of the available servers? How do you know they "feel dead"?


I rarely see anything negative in general chat in-game.


Also most people who use the forums either :

1.)Have something to complain about

2.)Are bored at work

3.)Are looking for advice


A majority of players that are happy will never log into the forums. So you see an over abundance of people ************ and complaining, because that is what the forums are for.


You also have a lot of people try and persuade others to feel like they do with pointless, unfounded "facts". Like "half the servers feel dead".


Even if this "was" based on reality, there are too many variables to take your statement as true. You play every server all the time? You play on peak and off-peak hours? In atleast half the servers?


There is NOTHING to suggest that the game is failing, will fail etc. Hell if SWG lasted as long as it did, I have no doubt SWTOR will as well, and SWG was a MESS when it launched. For example, look how much that game added/changed over the years.

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*looks at server list*
















Yeah i don't see fail anywhere.


at 5:16 pm on a tuesday afternoon (on a patch day) 32 out of 111 us servers are light the rest are standard or above. thats 28.8 percent


Id say thats pretty damn good.

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Not to join in on the SWTOR has failed crowd but I have seen ONE NORTH AMERICAN SERVER hit heavy load in the past 3 weeks and I play every day for 6-12 hours a day.


It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out there has a been a dramatic drop off in people playing the game.


Does that mean they cancelled?


No it doesnt


But its far less of a leap to assume someone not playing much will eventually cancel then it does to assume Bioware secretly raised their server load limits as some of these blind fanbois suggesting in this thread.


TOR has had a big drop off, you dont need numbers to see that much.


I think upto 50% drop off was expected tho as all games go through that after a big opening release.


The problem I see happening is how many people who have maxed out that are quiting because the games not even 2 months old.


NO well made MMORPG should be having "Im maxed and bored" comments in under the 3-6 month range.


But for evvery hater on this forum there is an equally wrong and annoying fanboi defender.


Bioware doesnt want subscription based forums though so you get what you get!


There is a solution to all the drama, its been done by many before to great success. But for what ever reason Bioware will not make all the forums subscription based to post in.


real quick you haven't been looking. This weekend around 30 us servers where heavy or above with about 5 or 6 with wait times.


last night about 20 where heavy or above.



Server population did drop off a bit however it's been steady for a while now. I am sure it will take another dip before 1.2 but 1.2 and the Oceanic Launch will bring some new life into the game.



Also this dip in players is no where even close to what AoC, WAR, RIFT, and DCUO experienced.

Edited by jarjarloves
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Every freaking time I start this application it fails. Within an hour of game play, maybe two the game has to be exited because it becomes unstable and slow. Wonder why I as a paying customer have nerdrage? Well, of the more than 100 applications installed on my computer outside of Windows 7 Ultimate, this is the only damn one that crashes like this.


Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: BEX

Application Name: launcher.exe_SWTOR Launcher

Application Version:

Application Timestamp: 4eebd6bc

Fault Module Name: SWTORLaunch.dll_unloaded

Fault Module Version:

Fault Module Timestamp: 4f0f81ad

Exception Offset: 100b742c

Exception Code: c0000005

Exception Data: 00000008

OS Version: 6.1.7601.

Locale ID: 1033

Additional Information 1: 0a9e

Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

Additional Information 3: 0a9e

Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789


Read our privacy statement online:



If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:



Sounds like a user error. I run win 7 ult 64 bit and I have no problem. I can not see how thing would make the game a failing product. I can see how this makes you a failure though.

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That game is not failing, the people who think it is are just mad because it does not work for them. They are idiots for thinking so, Im pretty sure the fastest growing mmo ever is far from failing. I personly know 3 people who have bought computers just to play this game and 4 more who are in the process of buying computers to play that game, that doesnt mean the game is sucsessfull just means people are playing and wanting to play.
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Sounds like a user error. I run win 7 ult 64 bit and I have no problem. I can not see how thing would make the game a failing product. I can see how this makes you a failure though.


That's just rude.


And the poster to whom Noczod was responding: Try the repair option in the launcher and if that doesn't help, contact customer service.

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Your logic is flawed. Its 2012, not 2004. BW had access to advanced technology Blizzard did not.
Ya . . . too bad they didn't have access to Blizzard's source code or everything might have been in already. What you propose only works in open source environments where the playing field is level. Other than the engine and it's additions, MMO code isn't open source nor is it available as resold kits that a developer can just go shop for and plug in. It gets created from scratch. The good ones make it look easy which for some strange reason convinces some that it just magically happens. Good grief.


[edit] Oops, they use differents engines. Well that complicates things. :rolleyes:

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Yeah I work in a computer shop, and still nearly half of PC's out there use XP.


Really encourage moving to 7 though, with 3 major releases since XP, the security measures alone help a lot with windows 7; That and the 64 bit capability.


I have 64 bit win 7 running on all my newer (home) systems. Without revealing too much personal info, I do IT work for an authorized MS reseller and we sell new and refurbed server solutions, though we had to downsize and merge with another company recently - not a good sign. You're right, of course about the security issues, but getting my bosses to move on it is like herding cats, which is part-and-parcel of our company's struggles. Time to update the resume.

Edited by KippTabor
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Ya . . . too bad they didn't have access to Blizzard's source code or everything might have been in already. What you propose only works in open source environments where the playing field is level. MMO code blocks aren't open source nor are they resold kits that a developer can just go shop for and plug in. It gets created from scratch. The good ones make it look easy which for some strange reason convinces some that it just magically happens. Good grief.


just wanted to let you know i saw your post and will acknowledge it is right because no one else here will

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Expanded server capacity is one reason. BW should have made less servers in NA and just raised the capacity first.


Actually, no they shouldn't have.

What they did was gently encouraging players to look for another server without forcing them to do so by making the server unplayably overloaded and the login queue hours long (well not quite succeeded on that last one at times).


Had they only added new servers once the existing ones were packed to the seams then the experience of the majority of the players the first two weeks would have been very bad and there would have been a huge negative backlash on the internet.


can't agree with the doomsaying crowd either. We're seeing a natural transition of the majority of players throughout the planets. First week after release most players were busy with the starter planets, Coruscant and Dromund Kaas, plus the early flashpoints. By now most players have progressed into the high twenties and thirties and naturally population on the early planets takes a hit as those later in the progression swell in numbers. This is a logical consequence of how all MMOs have their zones organised and has no bearing at all on if the game is failing or even if a server is empty.

I'm playing on a server that usually reports standard or the occasional light, and I can't say it feels empty to me. Just 40 to 50 players in Ord Mantel or Tython, as opposed to the 200+ of the first week. Planets beyond Nar Shaddaa show 100 to 200 players now at peak times.

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Ya . . . too bad they didn't have access to Blizzard's source code or everything might have been in already. What you propose only works in open source environments where the playing field is level. Other than the engine and it's additions, MMO code isn't open source nor is it available as resold kits that a developer can just go shop for and plug in. It gets created from scratch. The good ones make it look easy which for some strange reason convinces some that it just magically happens. Good grief.


[edit] Oops, they use differents engines. Well that complicates things. :rolleyes:


QFT! great post.

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