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Artifice - Rare Crystal locations and Guides


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Found here: http://www.swtor.com/blog/economic-changes-patch-1.1.5


"In related news, a very limited number of pure white color crystals have been recovered by a Hutt-sponsored expedition into uncharted space. As of today, small stocks of these extremely rare and expensive crystals have started to appear in Vendor stocks at the primary Imperial and Republic transportation hubs. With no new shipments expected for several months, those wealthy enough to afford these crystals may find themselves in possession of a highly sought-after collectable."

Edited by Derlantie
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Just got my magenta- one of the like 5 people on serve with it. Had to go through a lot of begging and bartering for the guy to craft it for me.


Keep me in touch about white- and thanks for telling me about black-green!

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Why is it white arrives when I lost interest...

I guess that's because every single guy who reached lvl 50 while ago will have it.


2.5M isn't much and I bet whites will be much more common than Magentas are right now.


Schematics for the Magentas, crystals for all the other colors. So yes, all the World Boss farming for Magenta schems will be worth exactly 250K credits per schem you want come 1.1.5.

Yea... BioWare just said everyone farming World Bosses were greatest idiots so far in this game. Pity that it ends in such a pathetic way.


Is this 1.1.5 vendor selling the SCHEMATICS or the crystals? The patch notes say it's the crystals which I am fine with.... but if it's the schematics that would make me pretty pissed at all the world boss kills I've been doing.

Remark: NEVER thrust patch notes. Always look for things yourself. Almost every single patch so far got undocumented changes / nerfs / balancing / additions.

Currently on public test server version 1.1.5 has a vendor selling schematics for 250k CR. (along with, for example, a social speeder without social requirement anymore - so.. yea, this part of "uniqueness" was taken away too).

Edited by Sky_walkerPL
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I guess that's because every single guy who reached lvl 50 while ago will have it.


2.5M isn't much and I bet whites will be much more common than Magentas are right now.



You would win that bet any day. Alot people prefer white over magenta. On my server magenta crystals are selling 240-300k and there are many on GTN but no one wants them despite the price is roughly same that will be for purple soon.


So 2.5M for white IS alot comparing with magenta price now and purple/cyan soon.

Edited by Divona
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Well, what can I say, if you complaim abaout the NPC change, you are a nerd with no life and need a game to feel special.+

Its a shame the White crystal gets such low treatment.


EDIT: atleast he doesnt get sold or is craftable in 1.2


and on a different note


You're not understanding it right, no.


See http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=335166 for which crystals are sold - magenta isn't on there.


That quest is still there and, in fact, in 1.2, the journey is quite a bit more involved if you want the very top endgame magenta crystal


The new hunt will begin!

Edited by Leadros
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Perfectly happy with the implementation, coming from someone who sells multiple crystals a day across all rarities. Cyan and Purple can be used cross faction now which it should have been in the first place. Magenta Crystals can now be crafted by anyone with the credits for the Schematic and the willingness to farm the mats. That's a great thing for customization and doesn't harm anyone except the people that currently have a relative lock on the Magenta market.


The White Crystals? I'd rather they have been implemented similar to Magenta personally, but I'm not worried about it. Schems available somewhere (or purchasable) then a mini-quest to get the actual mats. That being said, the credit cost of these crystals make them a great credit sink. I think people are overestimating the number of people that are going to drop 2.5M for a White Crystal in the couple of weeks between 1.1.5 and 1.2. I'm sure some people will, but I have a feeling there will still be a crafter's market for them come 1.2 when (presumably) we get access to them anyway.


Only purple and cyan will be available to craft post 1.2. White will be gone indefinitely, per the "Economic Changes" post.

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The crystals currently on the vendor (that is due to be removed 1.2)

They will be going to Artifice as recipes. Is the White Crystal confirmed as being moved to Artifice Recipe? Or is it going with the vendor? permanently removed from game?

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Is the White Crystal confirmed as being moved to Artifice Recipe? Or is it going with the vendor? permanently removed from game?


Considering the much higher price I wouldn't be surprised if it's either still purchasable post 1.2 or removed without going to be craftable.

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The crystals currently on the vendor (that is due to be removed 1.2)

They will be going to Artifice as recipes. Is the White Crystal confirmed as being moved to Artifice Recipe? Or is it going with the vendor? permanently removed from game?

Considering the much higher price I wouldn't be surprised if it's either still purchasable post 1.2 or removed without going to be craftable.


Dev Post stating the White will NOT be craftable in 1.2.x


Edited by Sameria
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will purple crystals be crafted by artificers after 1.2?


I have not seen information about craftable crystals in 1.2 either way as of now, other than the white crystal information posted by Georg. I would imagine they are going to keep tight lipped on what crafting changes are exactly going to happen, until 1.2 hits PTS. The purchased crystals are obviously a credit sink and any announcement could ruin BW's opportunity to pull credits out of the game.

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So you can now buy the white Lightsaber Crystal for 1 million credits / 2.5 million credits each at your space station from the Geologist located in Galactic Trade Market aswell as purple and other crystals
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would love the purple, hate the yellow one i have, reds boring as everyone has it, blue is ok but most have that too and green is just ugh....too mundane.... black looks stoopid.


I want a Pink crystal!! :)

Edited by Ri_Aminus
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