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Please, Don't Roll on Items for Another Class in Your Team


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No I don't, I check the appearance of the item, if it doesn't look better than the orange gear I have, I roll greed...regardless of the stats. Because i know that within 1 or 2 levels I will be replacing all those mods anyway, with a much more significant increase than 2 or 3 points.


How do you know that Jugg wasn't looking for that particular orange piece for his appearance? Mods are ridiculously easy to come by..so much so that it makes little sense to be a d!ck over an item that you can't wear at all when someone in your group can..and most likely went to that FP for the armor itself and not so much the mods.


And I haven't had to lay ground rules for loot before hand. Most people that I have grouped with, even in PUGs still use the common courtesy method of loot...least the ones I've been in have.

The really hilarious thing is many of the people in this thread so far have expressed that stats are all that matters, and would call you a ninja for daring to roll for something based on appearance rather than stats.


Which really is my core point - everyone has different priorities, and different things they want. Nobody's is any more important or valid than anyone else's. You want it because it looks good? Great! Roll away. Stats an improvement for you, or even your companion? Go for it, and I wish you luck on the roll even if I want it. And if I don't want it, if I don't like the look or it doesn't improve my stats, I won't roll on it.


That doesn't jive with the people screaming at us for stealing everything and ninja'ing everything, but that's the way I feel about it.

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Not every server is the same, some would probably have more lax rules than others. Plus it's a bit too early to compile a good enough list at the moment. Sure, there could be people who are complete turds and people generally stay away from them, but I'm willing to bet it's not like that on every server right now, there's still plenty of time to change your name for the better if you even were such a turd.


My opinion on the subject doesn't matter, not every server or tightly knit group of people will share anybody's given opinion.


Generally though, people would have no problem if an actual player couldn't use the gear. If you wanted a piece for cosmetics only and couldn't care less what's inside the gear, go over it with the group, just don't be surprised if people frown upon you rolling need when it's an obvious upgrade for another one of your group members. And, as I mentioned above in my other post, if your server frowns upon that, and you keep doing it, be prepared for the consequences.

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Not every server is the same, some would probably have more lax rules than others. Plus it's a bit too early to compile a good enough list at the moment. Sure, there could be people who are complete turds and people generally stay away from them, but I'm willing to bet it's not like that on every server right now, there's still plenty of time to change your name for the better if you even were such a turd.


My opinion on the subject doesn't matter, not every server or tightly knit group of people will share anybody's given opinion.


Generally though, people would have no problem if an actual player couldn't use the gear. If you wanted a piece for cosmetics only and couldn't care less what's inside the gear, go over it with the group, just don't be surprised if people frown upon you rolling need when it's an obvious upgrade for another one of your group members. And, as I mentioned above in my other post, if your server frowns upon that, and you keep doing it, be prepared for the consequences.


And this is the biggest point i've railed against in all the threads so far. Who should be the one normally speaking up. You feel the person who goes against the "accepted" or "server" rules should speak up, known or not. Accepted or not.


I see it this way. The system is as it is, and is impartial with who gets to roll, ie all who participated regardless of why they want the item. Many don't like that, and many more even think just SAYING that means i'm advocating rolling need on every single item cause you can. And i'm not. If your view is different from the system as it is, you should speak up. Your view is different than what the game provides.


It's like 4 people come to some contest or even to anything really. They are all given a sheet with the rules for fair competition or whatever. The rules are agnostic to any one persons views, impartial. Now one person has an issue with the rules and disagrees. Should the three who don't, speak up?

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Not every server is the same, some would probably have more lax rules than others. Plus it's a bit too early to compile a good enough list at the moment. Sure, there could be people who are complete turds and people generally stay away from them, but I'm willing to bet it's not like that on every server right now, there's still plenty of time to change your name for the better if you even were such a turd.


My opinion on the subject doesn't matter, not every server or tightly knit group of people will share anybody's given opinion.


Generally though, people would have no problem if an actual player couldn't use the gear. If you wanted a piece for cosmetics only and couldn't care less what's inside the gear, go over it with the group, just don't be surprised if people frown upon you rolling need when it's an obvious upgrade for another one of your group members. And, as I mentioned above in my other post, if your server frowns upon that, and you keep doing it, be prepared for the consequences.


People can "frown" all they like. If you have a player in a group who prioritizes appearance, their priority is just as valid as the player in the group who prioritizes stats. So an orange item drops they can both equip; it has mods in it that favor the person who likes stats, the item itself has a look the appearance person likes, they should both roll Need. Neither person has a right to be upset if the other wins; they had an equal chance to get it.


That's what's being advocated: the ability for players to choose their own priorities and not have them contravened by a group. No one outside the person who pays for the account and is playing it has the right to determine for someone else what their priorities should be for loot. The issue is we have people in this thread (and the one it was continued from, and the one that one was continued from, and more in threads like this) who think it's fine to determine for someone else what should or shouldn't be a priority for them. They make absolute statements like "Players should always come before companions" and "Stats should always come before looks", as though they were an authority in the game and everyone who heard them (or read them) should just accept what they say as absolute fact.


They then grow upset when someone stands up and says, "Well, wait a minute. That's a great upgrade for my companion" or "Wait, I like the way that orange item looks, so I'm going to roll Need then plug in class-appropriate mods on my own." Further upset that they can't stop people from actually staking a legitimate claim to something they helped earn, these people then decide to try to smear those folks' names via cries of "Ninja!" in the General channel, via guild blacklisting, and on these forums, via moralist arguments that have nothing to do with the actual issue, and everything to do with someone expecting someone else to behave the way they want them to.


Need Before Greed is suboptimal in this particular game because of companions and upgradeable gear. Unlike World of Warcraft, you don't have gear that's only useful for a particular class; that class has an antecedent in someone's companion who could likely use the upgrade as well. Unlike World of Warcraft, we have orange items whose sole purpose is to provide an aesthetic look; the mods only matter if they're statted appropriate for the owner's class. If they aren't, the owner of that shiny new orange item is going to strip those mods out and place them in orange gear for the appropriate companion, or they'll just replace 'em with mods appropriate for their class and go on their merry way. That's perfectly acceptable as far as I'm concerned: they helped defeat the boss, they had as much right as anyone else in their group to stake a claim to the item.


The only items someone can't equip on a companion are items with class requirements. If I'm a Sith Marauder, it's pointless for me to roll on an item that requires an Imperial Agent. I can't put it on any of my companions, I can't wear it, if it's BoP I can't even send it to a guildmate or hold on to it if I ever make an Imperial Agent, and the few credits I'd get for selling it would likely be made up (and then some) just by finishing the Flashpoint that it dropped in. If it dropped off the last boss, I'll get more credits from turning in the quest for that Flashpoint than I'd get for vendoring such an item. As a result, I don't roll on it.


But if an item has no class requirement, and it's a valid upgrade for myself or one of my companions, or it's an orange item with mods (that I may want for the item, or may want for the mods), then I'm justified in rolling on it. I don't require the approval of others to gear up my character and companions. They don't require my approval; if they're going to get upset enough over possibly losing a roll to me or someone else, the least they can do is choose Need as well so they have the best chance (equal to mine) of getting the item. Then, it just comes down to having lost a roll, and if they're going to get that upset about that, so upset that they have to launch a server smear campaign and a guild blacklist protest, I have to question their emotional maturity in the first place, and question whether they might not have more fun in a single player game where they get all the loot. Like BioWare games? Like science fiction with cool powers? Mass Effect 3 is coming in a little over a month, and everything in that game is 100% yours, with no competition from others.


Here, there's a winner and a loser (repeatedly) when it comes to rewards for killing something. The ability to accept that is a good indicator of whether you have a good mindset for playing MMOs to begin with.

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As stated in the last iteration:


Orange equipment is BW's version of an Appearance tab. It is perfectly acceptable for people to need for style (since unless it's a Raid piece, everything is removable). Non-raid Orange gear comes with mods, but if you're doing content for your level, you can buy the same ones (or better) from Commendation vendors.



It's up to the group to establish loot rules. If nothing is stated, then there is no expectation of entitlement.

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He can do whatever he wants. If I'm the Marauder, I'd pass if the Jugg Needs it. But again, that's just me.


But, if you are that Marauder, be prepared to get flamed by the Jugg. You may not like it, because you personally think the Marauder has equal claim. But, just like some of you believe the game gives you a need button so that you can need anything that you feel is beneficial, regardless of the group, some people believe that the person getting the most use out of the item should be the only one that rolls (EVERYONE I've grouped with has felt this way without ever having to say it. They just always roll this way in my play experience)



So, if the Marauder wins it and the Jugg complains, the Jugg's philosophy makes it to were he has that right. Just like you think the Marauder has the right to roll on heavy gear for the mods. In other words, if it's going to work, it has to work both ways. Play the way you want. I personally have to fight the urge to need on items for companions/mods/appearance and you have to get into arguments with your group mates on who should have gotten what. Those are both sacrifices we have to be willing to make to play our chosen ways.


I will say this though, playing my way, I bet I'm never kicked from a group. I can't say the same for your way. :)


Gal, I'm just going to say... it has happened to me before.


Let me say this I play an operative, which means that usually I'm the only agent type in a FP when it happens. I've gotten *****ed at for rolling need only on agent gear before.


I generally roll the same way you do in this case we got to the last boss and killed it two pieces of agent gear dropped. I rolled need on both and got called a loot whore by some idiot sorcerer. At the time I told him it was for my class and then promptly ignored him. It was not my fault that two pieces of agent gear dropped and I was the only non-sith in the party.


The point of this? People are dumb and greedy and will lash out for no good reason. I continue to roll the way I want with little issue but it does happen.


As for the need for companion people.. I can understand the argument. I usually make all my parties. I also will tell people what my loot rules are for my parties when they join.

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People can "frown" all they like. If you have a player in a group who prioritizes appearance, their priority is just as valid as the player in the group who prioritizes stats. So an orange item drops they can both equip; it has mods in it that favor the person who likes stats, the item itself has a look the appearance person likes, they should both roll Need. Neither person has a right to be upset if the other wins; they had an equal chance to get it.


That's what's being advocated: the ability for players to choose their own priorities and not have them contravened by a group. No one outside the person who pays for the account and is playing it has the right to determine for someone else what their priorities should be for loot. The issue is we have people in this thread (and the one it was continued from, and the one that one was continued from, and more in threads like this) who think it's fine to determine for someone else what should or shouldn't be a priority for them. They make absolute statements like "Players should always come before companions" and "Stats should always come before looks", as though they were an authority in the game and everyone who heard them (or read them) should just accept what they say as absolute fact.


They then grow upset when someone stands up and says, "Well, wait a minute. That's a great upgrade for my companion" or "Wait, I like the way that orange item looks, so I'm going to roll Need then plug in class-appropriate mods on my own." Further upset that they can't stop people from actually staking a legitimate claim to something they helped earn, these people then decide to try to smear those folks' names via cries of "Ninja!" in the General channel, via guild blacklisting, and on these forums, via moralist arguments that have nothing to do with the actual issue, and everything to do with someone expecting someone else to behave the way they want them to.


Need Before Greed is suboptimal in this particular game because of companions and upgradeable gear. Unlike World of Warcraft, you don't have gear that's only useful for a particular class; that class has an antecedent in someone's companion who could likely use the upgrade as well. Unlike World of Warcraft, we have orange items whose sole purpose is to provide an aesthetic look; the mods only matter if they're statted appropriate for the owner's class. If they aren't, the owner of that shiny new orange item is going to strip those mods out and place them in orange gear for the appropriate companion, or they'll just replace 'em with mods appropriate for their class and go on their merry way. That's perfectly acceptable as far as I'm concerned: they helped defeat the boss, they had as much right as anyone else in their group to stake a claim to the item.


The only items someone can't equip on a companion are items with class requirements. If I'm a Sith Marauder, it's pointless for me to roll on an item that requires an Imperial Agent. I can't put it on any of my companions, I can't wear it, if it's BoP I can't even send it to a guildmate or hold on to it if I ever make an Imperial Agent, and the few credits I'd get for selling it would likely be made up (and then some) just by finishing the Flashpoint that it dropped in. If it dropped off the last boss, I'll get more credits from turning in the quest for that Flashpoint than I'd get for vendoring such an item. As a result, I don't roll on it.


But if an item has no class requirement, and it's a valid upgrade for myself or one of my companions, or it's an orange item with mods (that I may want for the item, or may want for the mods), then I'm justified in rolling on it. I don't require the approval of others to gear up my character and companions. They don't require my approval; if they're going to get upset enough over possibly losing a roll to me or someone else, the least they can do is choose Need as well so they have the best chance (equal to mine) of getting the item. Then, it just comes down to having lost a roll, and if they're going to get that upset about that, so upset that they have to launch a server smear campaign and a guild blacklist protest, I have to question their emotional maturity in the first place, and question whether they might not have more fun in a single player game where they get all the loot. Like BioWare games? Like science fiction with cool powers? Mass Effect 3 is coming in a little over a month, and everything in that game is 100% yours, with no competition from others.


Here, there's a winner and a loser (repeatedly) when it comes to rewards for killing something. The ability to accept that is a good indicator of whether you have a good mindset for playing MMOs to begin with.


It doesn't matter what your opinion on the subject is, it doesn't matter if you think you're morally in the right, and I'm not here to stir the pot, I haven't even given an opinion on the subject.


If you play on a server that doesn't like people rolling on certain items, meaning as a general consensus that server sees people that roll without regard for the rest of the group on items the server deems unfit, and you keep doing it, you could very well end up with limited end game, and you can shout your view from the mountaintops for all they cared, you're still on most of the server's /ignore list and they won't even hear you.


As I stated previously, some servers are more lax on those rules, some more strict. It's probably too early for any server to have an established set of rules, but of course I can't speak for every particular server. As time goes on, it becomes more and more apparent what's being set rule wise, and after that the server usually has a general idea of what they like and don't like. Of course all of this is moot if you have a talk with your group and ask them if it's OK to roll on something, usually par for the course, if a player can't use it, they don't seem to mind. But like I've also previously said, if your group doesn't like you rolling on an item that's obviously an upgrade for one of your group members, and your particular server doesn't like things like that being done, again, be prepared for the consequences. How you view the subject doesn't matter.

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Need on something you can't use = Kick and added to ignore list

You need something for pet, just ask if you can need that item.


What is the problem?


There shouldnt be one.

But sadly there is some people think that rolling for companion gear that they only use in soloing is viable.


For example



A group consist of a Commando and a Vanguard and 2 others doing group content to be able to advance further into group content.


Commando is healer and vanguard tank.


Now we have some people saying this


Scenario 1,


You get some tank gear dropping for the vanguard exceptional stats suddenly the healer rolls need over the vanguard because a companion for soloing can use it.


Scenario 2 ,


Ask in group and the vanguard do you need it and if he answer yes the commando greeds it and enjoys the advancement in group content.


Basicly just because you can roll need doesnt mean you should

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There shouldnt be one.

But sadly there is some people think that rolling for companion gear that they only use in soloing is viable.


For example



A group consist of a Commando and a Vanguard and 2 others doing group content to be able to advance further into group content.


Commando is healer and vanguard tank.


Now we have some people saying this


Scenario 1,


You get some tank gear dropping for the vanguard exceptional stats suddenly the healer rolls need over the vanguard because a companion for soloing can use it.


Scenario 2 ,


Ask in group and the vanguard do you need it and if he answer yes the commando greeds it and enjoys the advancement in group content.


Basicly just because you can roll need doesnt mean you should


If you are not going to allow the healer who needs gear for their companions to join the group, then you don't have any loot issues to begin with, but if you allow the healer to join the group and the only reason the want to join the group is to be able to roll Need on gear they need for their companions, do you really think the healer would stay in the group if you told them they can not roll Need on the gear they need for their companions? They would choose to leave the group because the only reason they even want to run the FP with the group is to be able to roll Need for gear they need for their companions, and you are telling them they would have to heal the group and pass on any loot they may need for their companions if other players in the group want it for themselves. There would be no reason for them to heal for your group.

Edited by crica
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If the healer has all the gear they need and only joined the group to gear up their companions, of course you would let the healer roll Need for their companions gear, otherwise why would the healer even join the group and heal the tank?


Maybe for the badges/Daily?


And i do not have problem with it if the player state it from the start and let the rest of the group choose if they agree or disagree with it.


But the baseline should always be Player / companion / greed in that order and if people want other it should be stated from the start.


But i do think that people advocating need for companions over real players do not want that cause basicly they will have problems getting groups if they state theire intentions early on and let the rest of the group choose if they want that player in that group :p

Edited by Varghjerta
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Need on something you can't use = Kick and added to ignore list

You need something for pet, just ask if you can need that item.


What is the problem?


Why do I "need" your permission to have a chance to get a drop I helped fight for?


This is the fallacy in this entire argument, that one person, simply because of their choice of class, has a higher right to some random drop and that I must beg permission.


It's completele and utter hogwash.


It would be nice to get a Bioware game designer perspective on this topic. They designed the game, they implemented the Need/Greed system, they should tell us what was intended.

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Why do I "need" your permission to have a chance to get a drop I helped fight for?


This is the fallacy in this entire argument, that one person, simply because of their choice of class, has a higher right to some random drop and that I must beg permission.


It's completele and utter hogwash.


It would be nice to get a Bioware game designer perspective on this topic. They designed the game, they implemented the Need/Greed system, they should tell us what was intended.


You would be on most ignore list, mine included for this approach. There is absolutely no need to ninja in this game.


Our guild and friends method is to generally greed on the random trash blues and greens. For purple drops we use - Need for self, Greed for companions/greed if it's your class item- but you have it, but want to strip mods, pass if for neither. If we find that everybody passed we simply decides who wants an item for the mods, and they will loot it.


You need to work on server social rules, yes there will always be ninjas who will need because they can, these soon get on 90% of peoples ignore list and complain it takes 4 hours to never get a group.

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I'll be honest. In my 8+ years of playing MMOs i've seen this threat leveled at some people, but i've never actually seen it cause them any issues.


Same :/


Most people really just dont care. If someone in my group ninjas we boot him, ignore him, and make sure to tell everyone their names. If someone else wants to group with them then fine no skin off my back and people can play however they wish to, as long as its not with me.

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You would be on most ignore list, mine included for this approach. There is absolutely no need to ninja in this game.


Our guild and friends method is to generally greed on the random trash blues and greens. For purple drops we use - Need for self, Greed for companions/greed if it's your class item- but you have it, but want to strip mods, pass if for neither. If we find that everybody passed we simply decides who wants an item for the mods, and they will loot it.


You need to work on server social rules, yes there will always be ninjas who will need because they can, these soon get on 90% of peoples ignore list and complain it takes 4 hours to never get a group.


As usual we have a person who's misusing the term "ninja" as it relates to a loot ninja. You're ninjaing something if you're taking it by waiting for everyone else to roll Greed, then rolling Need, winning the item, and leaving the group. You're not ninjaing the item if you helped down the boss, and are rolling Need to get an item that meets your personal goals, whatever they may be. Those goals don't require the group's approval. Each person who chose a particular priority of roll chose that for a personal reason. I wish people would stop thinking they required others' permission to acquire loot they've a right to stake a claim to.


If you want to put people on your ignore list, and your guild's, for rolling on something they've a right to roll on, that's your choice. I don't think the threat carries enough bite on a larger scale to worry those inclined to actual misbehavior (however it's defined), but there are other issues at hand entirely if you think it would be appropriate to do this solely because someone chose a loot priority for themselves that you personally didn't want them to have. You aren't an authority on others' characters or their players' priorities for loot.

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The really hilarious thing is many of the people in this thread so far have expressed that stats are all that matters, and would call you a ninja for daring to roll for something based on appearance rather than stats.


Which really is my core point - everyone has different priorities, and different things they want. Nobody's is any more important or valid than anyone else's. You want it because it looks good? Great! Roll away. Stats an improvement for you, or even your companion? Go for it, and I wish you luck on the roll even if I want it. And if I don't want it, if I don't like the look or it doesn't improve my stats, I won't roll on it.


That doesn't jive with the people screaming at us for stealing everything and ninja'ing everything, but that's the way I feel about it.

The funniest part is when they'd put me on an ignorelist because I needed on some gear that I intend to remod for myself: they wouldn't get the mods I'd send after them, since I personally won't need the stats they crave so badly, either. The stats are the EASIEST TO OBTAIN components of orange gear. And they go in a nerdrage all over them.

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Thanks but i will roll need on whatever i feel i need. If whatever i feel i need doesn't fit well with others opinion on the matter that is not my problem.


This is a cruder way of stating it, Crueak, but it's functionally what's being said. I don't think anyone, myself included, is advocating wantonly rolling on anything and everything (though it would definitely level the playing field), but I personally am definitely advocating rolling on something if you feel you really need it, whether that's for aesthetics, stats, companions, etc. I suppose technically a logical extension of this would be to roll Need even if you require credits, but I personally figure that the measly amount you're going to get (unless it's a BOE you're selling on the GTN) from a vendor is likely very small compared to what you'll get just off mobs in the instance or the reward for finishing the instance (if it's your first time and you're on a quest to be in there). This said, if someone really feels they need the credits, it isn't my place to tell them they can't roll Need for that reason.

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It simply doesn't matter what you want to roll need on, if your server frowns upon rolling need for companion gear, or rolling need just to strip out the mods, you will soon find yourself on many /ignore lists. Keep doing it and you find yourself with very limited options as to who you group with, entire guilds will have you on ignore, your end game will by then be almost essentially gone.


With no way to transfer out, or a way to get a name change, you either abide by the rules set by your server, whether you like them or not, or suffer the consequences.


Hrmmm ... no server forums? Check.

Nobody saying anything about loot rules when group forms? Check.


I guess you play on the server, Telepathy, where everybody knows what everyone else is thinking eh?


It's simple really. Group forms, ASK the simple question. Everyone's on the same page from there.


If you assume everyone plays by your definition of fair, regardless of the side of the debate you're on, you get exactly what you deserve when things don't go your way or as planned.

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But i do think that people advocating need for companions over real players

We're not advocating companions over real players. We're advocating real players as equal to real players.


Guess what? My companion is controlled by me - a real player. It affects my gameplay - as a real player. Vette doesn't care what she's carrying or wearing. She doesn't care how much DPS she does, and Kaliyo doesn't really care if her armor is so bad she dies every fight. But I certainly do.


When you tell people they can't roll to upgrade their companions, you're not affecting the companion - you're affecting the player. A REAL player, just like you. You can make all the excuses you want about it - the companion wasn't in the group, you aren't allowed to take the gear you get in a group and use it to solo, whatever - but you're affecting a real player, and it would be nice if people would stop pretending otherwise.

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You would be on most ignore list, mine included for this approach.


So you you are saying you have some input into how I roll?


There is absolutely no need to ninja in this game.


There is nothing here in any way related to ninja.


Our guild and friends method is to generally greed on the random trash blues and greens. For purple drops we use - Need for self, Greed for companions/greed if it's your class item- but you have it, but want to strip mods, pass if for neither. If we find that everybody passed we simply decides who wants an item for the mods, and they will loot it.


That's your guild, your friends. That does not apply to me or the greater populace. Don't force it on them.


You need to work on server social rules, yes there will always be ninjas who will need because they can, these soon get on 90% of peoples ignore list and complain it takes 4 hours to never get a group.


You need to work on what is your choice, and what is not your choice. And again, nothing here to do with ninja'ing. The threat of being on your ignore list is, just old and indeed laughable.

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You would be on most ignore list, mine included for this approach. There is absolutely no need to ninja in this game.


Our guild and friends method is to generally greed on the random trash blues and greens. For purple drops we use - Need for self, Greed for companions/greed if it's your class item- but you have it, but want to strip mods, pass if for neither. If we find that everybody passed we simply decides who wants an item for the mods, and they will loot it.


You need to work on server social rules, yes there will always be ninjas who will need because they can, these soon get on 90% of peoples ignore list and complain it takes 4 hours to never get a group.


What "approach"? A ninja takes something he has no right to. If we both fight a mob, don't we both have an equal right to whatever drops?


As usual, no mention of why you have a greater right to a dropped piece of gear than I do, simply a repeat of the same tired old rules.

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We're not advocating companions over real players. We're advocating real players as equal to real players.


Guess what? My companion is controlled by me - a real player. It affects my gameplay - as a real player. Vette doesn't care what she's carrying or wearing. She doesn't care how much DPS she does, and Kaliyo doesn't really care if her armor is so bad she dies every fight. But I certainly do.


When you tell people they can't roll to upgrade their companions, you're not affecting the companion - you're affecting the player. A REAL player, just like you. You can make all the excuses you want about it - the companion wasn't in the group, you aren't allowed to take the gear you get in a group and use it to solo, whatever - but you're affecting a real player, and it would be nice if people would stop pretending otherwise.


But you seem to be ignoring the fact that there are other ways to obtain gear for companions outside of FP that don't cost credits either. Mission rewards and commendations can easily outfit companions and bypasses the need to go into a Flashpoint and potentially cause loot drama over them. Once you hit Tat, you can even get an orange piece for 12 comms for them. My companions never need FP gear to get me by. They don't need to be as well geared as I am.


I tend to be okay with using the entire piece of gear or just a few of the mods, but needing for companions is pointless. It's not the fact that they are not in the group, it's the fact that there are other avenues to get gear for them, that will make them viable in combat no less, that cost only the relatively easy to obtain commendations. Run a flashpoint, get geared up for your level, and you won't need any of the mission rewards for yourself. Choose the commendations as a reward and see how fast they add up.

Edited by Hatslinger
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But you seem to be ignoring the fact that there are other ways to obtain gear for companions outside of FP that don't cost credits either. Mission rewards and commendations can easily outfit companions and bypasses the need to go into a Flashpoint and potentially cause loot drama over them. Once you hit Tat, you can even get an orange piece for 12 comms for them. My companions never need FP gear to get me by. They don't need to be as well geared as I am.


I tend to be okay with using the entire piece of gear or just a few of the mods, but needing for companions is pointless. It's not the fact that they are not in the group, it's the fact that there are other avenues to get gear for them, that will make them viable in combat no less, that cost only the relatively easy to obtain commendations. Run a flashpoint, get geared up for your level, and you won't need any of the mission rewards for yourself. Choose the commendations as a reward and see how fast they add up.


There are, many ways to get gear for companions. One of them is via loot drops. Why should I buy or use some other method, when the loot for my companion is available to me if I win the dice roll?

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We're not advocating companions over real players. We're advocating real players as equal to real players.


Guess what? My companion is controlled by me - a real player. It affects my gameplay - as a real player. Vette doesn't care what she's carrying or wearing. She doesn't care how much DPS she does, and Kaliyo doesn't really care if her armor is so bad she dies every fight. But I certainly do.


When you tell people they can't roll to upgrade their companions, you're not affecting the companion - you're affecting the player. A REAL player, just like you. You can make all the excuses you want about it - the companion wasn't in the group, you aren't allowed to take the gear you get in a group and use it to solo, whatever - but you're affecting a real player, and it would be nice if people would stop pretending otherwise.


Actually if you dont do that.


Then please explain then why you do say you will take gear from another player in/from group content because you can use it in Solo mode when using companions.

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