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No BANKING allowed, huh?


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So since the Galactic Walmart or whatever is so terrible to navigate, I buckled down and set up a level 1 bank named Starmart.




Not allowed to fly to the Republic Fleet. Just BLOCKED. Blocked. You can play Imp or Rep both on a single server. There is NO REASON we shouldn't be allowed to have a level 1 bank character...



ESPECIALLY when limited to 50 slots on the market.


What gives, Bioware?????

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So since the Galactic Walmart or whatever is so terrible to navigate, I buckled down and set up a level 1 bank named Starmart.




Not allowed to fly to the Republic Fleet. Just BLOCKED. Blocked. You can play Imp or Rep both on a single server. There is NO REASON we shouldn't be allowed to have a level 1 bank character...



ESPECIALLY when limited to 50 slots on the market.


What gives, Bioware?????


Are you trying to bank across factions?

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not sure i understand ?


but sounds to me that yuo cant put up more then 50 items in tgn per server ?


if that is the case then i think its awsome


it regulates my income at a slower pace and at the rate i gather and find good loot im not finished on recieving mail hahahaha

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I don't understand. Your complaining because your level 1 can't go to the opposite factions city and use the market?





He's complaining about having to level a toon to 7 so he can use him as a pack/GTN mule at the fleet.

Edited by GellonSW
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I don't understand. Your complaining because your level 1 can't go to the opposite factions city and use the market?




I think what he's complaining about is he can't roll an alt say a jedi that starts on tython and immediatly take it to the fleet to use as a mule.


personally I'd like to see a bank added to the starter areas.

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I'm a one-character guy, never did alts. I can see playing through this game with different characters, of course, but it is the FIRST time where I see it as a meaningful experience.


Still, one endgame character. That's just me.


Farmers will always find a way. I'm not a farmer. Don't penalize me. I don't like running back into town to sort through my stuff, taking TWO HOURS because of the terrible market interface.


I didn't buy the game for the market interface. Don't flame me for telling the truth. What in the hell is wrong with having a bank character and having some autonomy when selling crafting materials?


It is asinine.

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It takes all of 2 hours max to get a char leveled up enough to get to the fleet. God MMOs were better when every little brat didnt have access to his Mommy's CC.

you know, I played EQ back in the day.


if I wanted to take my erudite enchanter to kelethin I could. I could even run all the way there at level 1, though that was a bad idea, or get a wizard to teleport me.


so your "MMO's were better back in the day" argument doesn't seem to apply here.

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I'm a one-character guy, never did alts.


I'm not sure how any of what you said has any impact on this.


It takes like 2-3 hours tops to get a character to the Fleet. If you want one there that badly then do that.


There's lots of reasons to block lvl 1 characters from going to the fleet, and IMO those reasons trump the inconvenience of the 2-3 hours it would take for you to get a mule to the fleet.

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I'm not sure how any of what you said has any impact on this.


It takes like 2-3 hours tops to get a character to the Fleet. If you want one there that badly then do that.


There's lots of reasons to block lvl 1 characters from going to the fleet, and IMO those reasons trump the inconvenience of the 2-3 hours it would take for you to get a mule to the fleet.


Yep, and maybe a few hours more to get the assumed bank alt's ship for extra space. I don't think it's as big a deal as our good OP feels (no offense to him of course)

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Then give me a bank.


It's not about cargo hold. I am a supplier (3 gathering skills). I don't want a collection of materials somewhere. At the end of the night, I want my inventory completely clean.


Level 1s in Fleet don't do anything. How silly. If that's what they're trying to stop, then give each planet a kiosk.


There are always gonna be farmers and they always get the drop on you. Don't penalize me, bro!!!

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